Esempio n. 1
def is_pairing(DNA_1, DNA_2):
    Determine if the DNA bases are paired correctly
    :param DNA_1: dna sequence 1
    :param DNA_2: dna sequence 2
    :return: true if dna sequences are paired correctly and are same length, else false
    if DNA_1 is None and DNA_2 is None:
        return True
    if DNA_1 is None or DNA_2 is None:
        return False
    # valid base pairing are A-T and C-G
    if linked_code.value_at(
            DNA_1, 0) == 'A' and linked_code.value_at(DNA_2, 0) != 'T':
        return False
    elif linked_code.value_at(
            DNA_1, 0) == 'T' and linked_code.value_at(DNA_2, 0) != 'A':
        return False
    elif linked_code.value_at(
            DNA_1, 0) == 'C' and linked_code.value_at(DNA_2, 0) != 'G':
        return False
    elif linked_code.value_at(
            DNA_1, 0) == 'G' and linked_code.value_at(DNA_2, 0) != 'C':
        return False
        return is_pairing(,
Esempio n. 2
def is_palindrome(dna):
    Determines if dna sequence is a palindrome
    :param dna: dna sequence
    :return: true if dna sequence is a palindrome, false otherwise
    if dna is None:
        return True
    first_idx = 0
    last_idx = length_iter(dna) - 1
    while dna is not None and last_idx >= first_idx:
        # determine if opposite indices are the same
        if linked_code.value_at(dna, first_idx) == linked_code.value_at(
                dna, last_idx):
            first_idx += 1
            last_idx -= 1
            return False
    return True
Esempio n. 3
def find_values_sequence(dna_seq, segment_size):
    This is a helper function for the duplication function. It finds and
    returns the segment which will be added into the linked list.
    Pre: dna_seq must be a linked list, while segment_size must be an
    Post: a segment of length segment_size from dna_seq is returned
    :param dna_seq: a linked list
    :param segment_size: length of segment
    :return: a segment of length segment_size
    if dna_seq is None:
        return dna_seq
    if segment_size == 1:
        x = linked_code.value_at(dna_seq, 0)
        return convert_to_nodes(x)
        x = linked_code.value_at(dna_seq, 0)
        return LinkNode(x, find_values_sequence(,
                                                segment_size - 1))
Esempio n. 4
def pretty_print(lnk):
    Print the contents of a linked list in standard Python format.
    [value, value, value] (Note the spaces.)
    :param lnk: the node at the head of the provided list
    :return: None

    lst = []
    for x in range(linked_code.length_rec(lnk)):
        lst.append(linked_code.value_at(lnk, x))

Esempio n. 5
def is_palindrome(dna_seq):
This function takes the DNA sequence in the form of Node data structure and checks whether it is palindrome or not
    if (dna_seq == None):
        return True
    elif (linked_code.length_rec(dna_seq) == 1):
        return True
    elif (dna_seq.value == linked_code.value_at(
            dna_seq, (linked_code.length_tail_rec(dna_seq) - 1))):
        return is_palindrome(
                linked_code.length_rec( - 1,
        return False
Esempio n. 6
def duplication(dna_seq, idx, segment_size):
This function takes the dna_seq, index  a and the segment size that has to be copied and added after that

    if segment_size != 0:
        a = segment_size
        while (segment_size > 0):
            v = linked_code.value_at(dna_seq, idx)
            dna_seq = linked_code.insert_at(idx + a, v, dna_seq)
            idx += 1
            segment_size -= 1
        return dna_seq
        return dna_seq
Esempio n. 7
def convert_to_string(dna_seq):
    Convert a linked-node structure of DNA bases into a string
    :param dna_seq: linked-node dna sequence
    :return: string of DNA bases
    st = ''
    idx = 0
    # if link is none return empty string
    if dna_seq is None:
        return st
    # iterate through linked node and convert each value into a string and concatenate it
    while dna_seq is not None and idx <= (length_iter(dna_seq) - 1):
        value = linked_code.value_at(dna_seq, idx)
        value = str(value)
        st = st + value
        idx += 1
    return st
Esempio n. 8
def duplication(DNA, idx, size):
    Insert duplicate segment of specific size at index of idx + size
    :param DNA: dna sequence
    :param idx: index where dna sequence starts to be copied
    :param size: size of segment copied
    :return: new linked-node with duplicate segment of specific size inserted at index of idx + size
    if size == 0:
        return DNA
    elif DNA is None:
        raise IndexError("Out of Bounds")
    lnk = None
    for i in range(size):
        val = linked_code.value_at(DNA, i + idx)
        lnk = linked_code.insert_at(i, val, lnk)
    new_link = insertion(DNA, lnk, idx + size)
    return new_link