Esempio n. 1
 def test_basics(self):
     BFO = CurieNamespace('bfo', "")
     self.assertEqual("", BFO)
     self.assertEqual("bfo:test", BFO.curie('test'))
     self.assertEqual("bfo:", BFO.curie())
Esempio n. 2
    def parse_identifier(cls, identifier: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:

        # trivial case of a null identifier?
        if not identifier:
            return CurieNamespace("", ""), ""

        # check if this is a candidate URI...
        if identifier.lower().startswith("http"):
            # guess that perhaps it is, so try to parse it
            return cls.parse_uri(identifier)

        else:  # attempt to parse as a CURIE
            return cls.parse_curie(identifier)
Esempio n. 3
 def parse_curie(cls, curie: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:
     Parse a candidate CURIE
     :param curie: candidate curie string
     :return: CURIE namespace and object_id
     found = CurieNamespace(
         ""), curie  # default value if not a CURIE or unknown XMLNS prefix
     if ':' in curie:
         part = curie.split(":")
         # Normalize retrieval with upper case of prefix for lookup
         prefix = part[0].upper()
         if prefix in cls._get_prefix_map():
             found = cls._prefix_map[prefix], part[1]
     return found
Esempio n. 4
    def parse_uri(cls, uri: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:
        Parse a candidate URI
        :param uri: candidate URI string
        :return: namespace and object_id
        found = CurieNamespace(
            "", ""), uri  # default value returned if unknown URI namespace

        # TODO: is there a more efficient lookup scheme here than a linear search of namespaces?
        for ns in cls._namespaces:
            base_uri = str(ns)
            if uri.startswith(base_uri):
                # simple minded deletion of base_uri to give the object_id
                object_id = uri.replace(base_uri, "")
                found = ns, object_id
        return found
Esempio n. 5
from linkml.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
EX = CurieNamespace('ex', '')
FOAF = CurieNamespace('foaf', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
SDO = CurieNamespace('sdo', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = EX.String

Esempio n. 6
from linkml.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
EX = CurieNamespace('ex', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    """ A character string """
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = EX.String

# Class references
class BaseId(extended_str):
Esempio n. 7
if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 6):
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_375 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from includes.types import String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
CLUE = CurieNamespace('CLUE', '')
CS = CurieNamespace('CS', '')
BIOLINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
EVIDENCE = CurieNamespace('evidence', '')

# Types

# Class references
class AllEnumsEntryName(extended_str):

class AllEnums(YAMLRoot):
Esempio n. 8
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URI

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = LINKML.String

class Uri(URI):
    """ a complete URI """
    type_class_uri = XSD.anyURI
Esempio n. 9
from dataclasses import dataclass
from linkml_model.meta import EnumDefinition, PermissibleValue, PvFormulaOptions

from linkml.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types

# Class references

# Enumerations

# Slots
class slots:
Esempio n. 10
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import Bool

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
FOAF = CurieNamespace('foaf', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
PERS = CurieNamespace('pers', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = PERS.String

class Int(int):
Esempio n. 11
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', 'https://microbiomedata/schema/mixs/')

# Types

# Class references

class ParentClass(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef("https://microbiomedata/schema/mixs/ParentClass")
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = None
    class_name: ClassVar[str] = "parent_class"
    class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef("https://microbiomedata/schema/mixs/ParentClass")
Esempio n. 12
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import ElementIdentifier
from linkml_model.types import Double, Float, String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
UO = CurieNamespace('UO', '')
DCTERMS = CurieNamespace('dcterms', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
NMDC = CurieNamespace('nmdc', 'https://microbiomedata/meta/')
QUD = CurieNamespace('qud', '')
RDF = CurieNamespace('rdf', '')
RDFS = CurieNamespace('rdfs', '')
SKOS = CurieNamespace('skos', '')
WGS = CurieNamespace('wgs', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class IdentifierType(ElementIdentifier):
    """ A string that is intended to uniquely identify a thing May be URI in full or compact (CURIE) form """
Esempio n. 13
class BiolinkNameSpace:
    Map of BioLink Model registered URI Namespaces

    _namespaces = [
        CurieNamespace('APO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('Aeolus', ''),
        CurieNamespace('BIOGRID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('BIOSAMPLE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('BSPO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CAS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CATH', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CDD', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CHADO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CHEBI', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CL', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CLINVAR', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CLO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('COAR_RESOURCE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('CTD', ''),
        CurieNamespace('DBSNP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('DGIdb', ''),
        CurieNamespace('DOID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('DRUGBANK', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ECTO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EDAM-DATA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EDAM-FORMAT', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EDAM-OPERATION', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EDAM-TOPIC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EFO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('EGGNOG', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ENSEMBL', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ExO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('FAO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('FB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('FBcv', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GAMMA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GOLD_META', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GOP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GOREL', ''),
        CurieNamespace('GSID', ''******'GTEx', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HAMAP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HANCESTRO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HCPCS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HGNC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HGNC_FAMILY', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HMDB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('HsapDv', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ICD0', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ICD10', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ICD9', ''),
        CurieNamespace('INCHI', ''),
        CurieNamespace('INCHIKEY', ''),
        CurieNamespace('INO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('INTACT', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_BRITE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_DGROUP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_DISEASE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_DRUG', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_ENVIRON', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_ENZYME', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_GENE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_GLYCAN', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_MODULE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('KEGG_RCLASS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('LOINC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MEDDRA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MESH', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MGI', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MI', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MIR', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MONDO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MSigDB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('MetaCyc', ''),
        CurieNamespace('NCBIGENE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('NCIT', ''),
        CurieNamespace('NDC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('NDDF', ''),
        CurieNamespace('OBAN', ''),
        CurieNamespace('OBOREL', ''),
        CurieNamespace('OIO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('OMIM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ORCID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ORPHA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ORPHANET', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PATO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PDQ', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PFAM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PHAROS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PIRSF', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PMID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('POMBASE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PR', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PRINTS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PRODOM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PROSITE', ''),
        CurieNamespace('PathWhiz', ''),
        CurieNamespace('REACT', ''),
        CurieNamespace('REPODB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RFAM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RGD', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RHEA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RNACENTRAL', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('RTXKG1', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ResearchID', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SEMMEDDB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SGD', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SIDER_DRUG', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SIO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SMART', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SMPDB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SNOMEDCT', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SNPEFF', ''),
        CurieNamespace('SUPFAM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('TAXRANK', ''),
        CurieNamespace('TCDB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('TIGRFAM', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UBERON', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UMLS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UNII', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UPHENO', ''),
        CurieNamespace('UniProtKB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('VMC', ''),
        CurieNamespace('WB', ''),
        CurieNamespace('WBVocab', ''),
        CurieNamespace('WIKIDATA', ''),
        CurieNamespace('WIKIPATHWAYS', ''),
        CurieNamespace('WormBase', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ZFIN', ''),
        CurieNamespace('ZP', ''),
        CurieNamespace('alliancegenome', ''),
        CurieNamespace('biolink', ''),
        CurieNamespace('chembio', ''),
        CurieNamespace('dcat', ''),
        CurieNamespace('dct', ''),
        CurieNamespace('dictyBase', ''),
        CurieNamespace('doi', ''),
        CurieNamespace('fabio', ''),
        CurieNamespace('foaf', ''),
        CurieNamespace('foodb_compound', ''),
        CurieNamespace('gtpo', ''),
        CurieNamespace('hetio', ''),
        CurieNamespace('interpro', ''),
        CurieNamespace('isni', ''),
        CurieNamespace('issn', ''),
        CurieNamespace('linkml', ''),
        CurieNamespace('medgen', ''),
        CurieNamespace('pav', ''),
        CurieNamespace('prov', ''),
        CurieNamespace('qud', ''),
        CurieNamespace('rdf', ''),
        CurieNamespace('rdfs', ''),
        CurieNamespace('schema', ''),
        CurieNamespace('skos', ''),
        CurieNamespace('wgs', ''),
        CurieNamespace('xsd', ''),

    # class level dictionaries

    _prefix_map: Dict[str, CurieNamespace] = {}

    def _get_prefix_map(cls):
        if not cls._prefix_map:
            for ns in cls._namespaces:
                # index by upper case for uniformity of search
                cls._prefix_map[ns.prefix.upper()] = ns
        return cls._prefix_map

    def parse_curie(cls, curie: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:
        Parse a candidate CURIE
        :param curie: candidate curie string
        :return: CURIE namespace and object_id
        found = CurieNamespace(
            ""), curie  # default value if not a CURIE or unknown XMLNS prefix
        if ':' in curie:
            part = curie.split(":")
            # Normalize retrieval with upper case of prefix for lookup
            prefix = part[0].upper()
            if prefix in cls._get_prefix_map():
                found = cls._prefix_map[prefix], part[1]
        return found

    def parse_uri(cls, uri: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:
        Parse a candidate URI
        :param uri: candidate URI string
        :return: namespace and object_id
        found = CurieNamespace(
            "", ""), uri  # default value returned if unknown URI namespace

        # TODO: is there a more efficient lookup scheme here than a linear search of namespaces?
        for ns in cls._namespaces:
            base_uri = str(ns)
            if uri.startswith(base_uri):
                # simple minded deletion of base_uri to give the object_id
                object_id = uri.replace(base_uri, "")
                found = ns, object_id
        return found

    def parse_identifier(cls, identifier: str) -> Tuple[CurieNamespace, str]:

        # trivial case of a null identifier?
        if not identifier:
            return CurieNamespace("", ""), ""

        # check if this is a candidate URI...
        if identifier.lower().startswith("http"):
            # guess that perhaps it is, so try to parse it
            return cls.parse_uri(identifier)

        else:  # attempt to parse as a CURIE
            return cls.parse_curie(identifier)
Esempio n. 14
if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 6):
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_375 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from includes.types import String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
BIOLINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types

# Enumerations

# Class references

class C(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef("")
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = None
Esempio n. 15
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE
from linkml_model.types import Uriorcurie

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
IAO = CurieNamespace('IAO', '')
OIO = CurieNamespace('OIO', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
RDF = CurieNamespace('rdf', '')
RDFS = CurieNamespace('rdfs', '')
SKOS = CurieNamespace('skos', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types

# Class references

Esempio n. 16
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml_model.types import String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', 'https://microbiomedata/schema/')

# Types

# Class references

class Biosample(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef(
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = None
    class_name: ClassVar[str] = "biosample"
Esempio n. 17
from linkml.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
TCCM = CurieNamespace('tccm', '')

# Types

# Class references

class IterableResolvedValueSet(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = TCCM.IterableResolvedValueSet
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = "tccm:IterableResolvedValueSet"
    class_name: ClassVar[str] = "IterableResolvedValueSet"
Esempio n. 18
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE
from linkml_model.types import String, Uriorcurie

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
SCT = CurieNamespace('sct', '')

# Types

# Class references
class ContaineeId(URIorCURIE):

class Container(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
Esempio n. 19
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml_model.types import String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', 'https://microbiomedata/schema/')

# Types

# Class references

class NamedThing(YAMLRoot):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef(
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = None
    class_name: ClassVar[str] = "named thing"
    class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef(
Esempio n. 20
from linkml.utils.slot import Slot
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    """ A character string """
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = URIRef("")

# Class references

Esempio n. 21
            if self._defn.permissible_values[self.text] != self:
                raise TypeError(f"Permissible value for code: {self.text} is already assigned")
        if self not in self._defn.permissible_values:
            if not self._defn.code_set:
                # Fixed set of values -- no terminology reference
                raise TypeError("{self}: Permissible value not in definition set")

#     code_set: Optional[Union[str, URIorCURIE]] = None
#     code_set_tag: Optional[str] = None
#     code_set_version: Optional[str] = None
#     pv_formula: Optional[Union[str, "PvFormulaOptions"]] = None

# This will be imported from the TCCM module when we get everything glued together
RDF = CurieNamespace('rdf', '')
SKOS = CurieNamespace('skos', '')
TCCM = CurieNamespace('tccm', '')

class EntityReferenceCode(extended_str):

class EntityReference(YAMLRoot):
    The URI, namespace/name (if known) and a list of code systems that make assertions about the entity.
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []
Esempio n. 22
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 6):
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_375 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace

metamodel_version = "1.4.3"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
ORGDATA = CurieNamespace('ORGDATA',
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types
class YearCount(int):
    type_class_uri =
    type_class_curie = "xsd:int"
    type_name = "yearCount"
    type_model_uri = URIRef("")

class String(str):
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
Esempio n. 23
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from .issue_260a import C260a, String
from ..issue_260.issue_260b import C260b
from .issue_260c import C260c

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types

# Class references

class C2601(C260a):
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef(
    class_class_curie: ClassVar[str] = None
    class_name: ClassVar[str] = "c2601"
    class_model_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = URIRef(
Esempio n. 24
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import Bool, Decimal, ElementIdentifier, NCName, NodeIdentifier, URI, URIorCURIE, XSDDate, XSDDateTime, XSDTime

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
BIOLINKML = CurieNamespace('biolinkml', '')
SHEX = CurieNamespace('shex', '')
TYPES = CurieNamespace('types', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class Url(String):
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "url"
    type_model_uri = TYPES.Url

class String(str):
Esempio n. 25
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE
from linkml_model.extensions import Extension
from linkml_model.types import String, Uriorcurie

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')

# Types

# Class references

class Annotatable(YAMLRoot):
    mixin for classes that support annotations
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = LINKML.Annotatable
Esempio n. 26
if sys.version_info < (3, 7, 6):
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_375 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
    from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE

metamodel_version = "1.5.3"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
TCCM = CurieNamespace('tccm', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')

# Types
class PersistentURI(URIorCURIE):
    """ A Universal Resource Identifier (URI) that persists across service instances. PersistentURIs have enduring
reference and meaning. """
    type_class_uri = XSD.anyURI
    type_class_curie = "xsd:anyURI"
    type_name = "PersistentURI"
    type_model_uri = TCCM.PersistentURI

class LocalURI(URIorCURIE):
Esempio n. 27
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import URIorCURIE
from linkml_model.types import String, Uriorcurie

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')

# Types

# Class references

class Extension(YAMLRoot):
    a tag/value pair used to add non-model information to an entry
    _inherited_slots: ClassVar[List[str]] = []

    class_class_uri: ClassVar[URIRef] = LINKML.Extension
Esempio n. 28
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import empty_list, empty_dict, bnode
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import Bool, Decimal, ElementIdentifier, NCName, NodeIdentifier, URI, URIorCURIE, XSDDate, XSDDateTime, XSDTime

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
META = CurieNamespace('meta', '')
SHEX = CurieNamespace('shex', '')
XSD = CurieNamespace('xsd', '')
DEFAULT_ = CurieNamespace('', '')

# Types
class String(str):
    """ A character string """
    type_class_uri = XSD.string
    type_class_curie = "xsd:string"
    type_name = "string"
    type_model_uri = URIRef("")

class Integer(int):
Esempio n. 29
from linkml.utils.yamlutils import YAMLRoot, extended_str, extended_float, extended_int
from linkml.utils.dataclass_extensions_376 import dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs
from linkml.utils.formatutils import camelcase, underscore, sfx
from linkml.utils.enumerations import EnumDefinitionImpl
from rdflib import Namespace, URIRef
from linkml.utils.curienamespace import CurieNamespace
from linkml.utils.metamodelcore import ElementIdentifier
from linkml_model.types import Integer, Objectidentifier, String

metamodel_version = "1.7.0"

# Overwrite dataclasses _init_fn to add **kwargs in __init__
dataclasses._init_fn = dataclasses_init_fn_with_kwargs

# Namespaces
BIOLINK = CurieNamespace('biolink', '')
EX = CurieNamespace('ex', '')
LINKML = CurieNamespace('linkml', '')
MODEL = CurieNamespace('model', '')

# Types

# Class references
class PersonId(ElementIdentifier):

class Person(YAMLRoot):
Esempio n. 30
 def test_curie_as_curie(self):
     """ "curie can't be a local name at the moment" """
     BFO = CurieNamespace('bfo', "")
     self.assertEqual("bfo:curie", BFO.curie)