def get_public_key(partition): """ reads the password config entry 'linotp.PublicKey.Partition.<partition>', extracts and decodes the public key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config key = 'linotp.PublicKey.Partition.%d' % partition # FIXME: unencryption should not happen at this early stage public_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig(key).get_unencrypted() if not public_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError('No public key found for %d' % partition) public_key = base64.b64decode(public_key_b64) # TODO: key type checking if len(public_key) != 32: raise ValidateError('Public key has an invalid ' 'format. Key must be 32 bytes long') return public_key
def _removeConfigDB(key): log.debug('removeConfigDB %r' % key) num = 0 if (not key.startswith("linotp.")): if not key.startswith('enclinotp.'): key = u"linotp." + key confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter(Config.Key == unicode(key)) num = confEntries.count() if num == 1: theConf = confEntries[0] try: # Session.add(theConf) Session.delete(theConf) except Exception as e: log.exception('[removeConfigDB] failed') raise ConfigAdminError("remove Config failed for %r: %r" % (key, e), id=1133) return num
def get_secret_key(partition): """ reads the password config entry 'linotp.SecretKey.Partition.<partition>', extracts and decodes the secret key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config key = "linotp.SecretKey.Partition.%d" % partition # FIXME: unencryption should not happen at this early stage secret_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig(key).get_unencrypted() if not secret_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError("No secret key found for %d" % partition) secret_key = base64.b64decode(secret_key_b64) # TODO: key type checking if len(secret_key) != 64: raise ValidateError( "Secret key has an invalid format. Key must be 64 bytes long") return secret_key
def _removeConfigDB(key): """ remove entry from config table :param key: the name of the entry :return: number of deleted entries """ log.debug('removing config entry %r from database table' % key) if (not key.startswith("linotp.")): if not key.startswith('enclinotp.'): key = u"linotp." + key if isinstance(key, str): key = u'' + key confEntries = Session.query(Config).filter( Config.Key == unicode(key)).all() if not confEntries: return 0 theConf = confEntries[0] to_be_deleted = [] to_be_deleted.append(theConf) # if entry is a contious type, delete all of this kind if theConf.Type == u'C' and theConf.Description[:len('0:')] == '0:': _start, end = theConf.Description.split(':') search_key = u"%s__[%%:%s]" % (key, end) cont_entries = Session.query(Config).filter( to_be_deleted.extend(cont_entries) try: for entry in to_be_deleted: # Session.add(theConf) Session.delete(entry) except Exception as e: raise ConfigAdminError("remove Config failed for %r: %r" % (key, e), id=1133) return len(to_be_deleted)
def get_qrtoken_public_key(cert_id='system'): """ reads the config entry 'linotp.QrTokenPublicKey', extracts and decodes the public key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config public_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig('QrTokenPublicKey.' + cert_id) if not public_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError('Missing entry QrTokenPublicKey') if not public_key_b64.startswith('qrtokenpk:'): raise ValidateError('Curve 25519 / QR secret key has an invalid ' 'format. Must begin with \'qrtokenpk:\'') public_key = base64.b64decode(public_key_b64[len('qrtokenpk:'):]) if len(public_key) != 32: raise ValidateError('Curve 25519 / QR public key has an invalid ' 'format. Key must be 32 bytes long') return public_key
def get_qrtoken_secret_key(cert_id='system'): """ reads the config entry 'enclinotp.QrTokenSecretKey', extracts and decodes the secret key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config secret_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig( 'enclinotp.QrTokenSecretKey.' + cert_id) if not secret_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError('Missing entry QrTokenSecretKey') if not secret_key_b64.startswith('qrtokensk:'): raise ValidateError('QR secret key has an invalid ' 'format. Must begin with \'qrtokensk:\'') secret_key = base64.b64decode(secret_key_b64[len('qrtokensk:'):]) if len(secret_key) != 64: raise ValidateError('QR secret key has an invalid ' 'format. Key must be 64 bytes long') return secret_key
def get_public_key(partition): """ reads the config entry 'enclinotp.PublicKey.Partition.<partition>', extracts and decodes the public key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config public_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig( 'enclinotp.PublicKey.Partition.%d' % partition) if not public_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError('No public key found for %d' % partition) public_key = base64.b64decode(public_key_b64) # TODO: key type checking if len(public_key) != 32: raise ValidateError('Public key has an invalid ' 'format. Key must be 32 bytes long') return public_key
def get_secret_key(partition): """ reads the config entry 'enclinotp.SecretKey.Partition.<partition>', extracts and decodes the secret key and returns it as a 32 bytes. """ import linotp.lib.config secret_key_b64 = linotp.lib.config.getFromConfig( 'enclinotp.SecretKey.Partition.%d' % partition) if not secret_key_b64: raise ConfigAdminError('No secret key found for %d' % partition) secret_key = base64.b64decode(secret_key_b64) # TODO: key type checking if len(secret_key) != 64: raise ValidateError('Secret key has an invalid ' 'format. Key must be 64 bytes long') return secret_key