Esempio n. 1
def setPolicy(policy):
    define and store a policy definition

    :param policy: dict  with the following keys:

          * name
          * action
          * scope
          * realm
          * user
          * time
          * client

    :return: dict with the results of the stored entries

    ret = {}
    _ = context['translate']

    name = policy.get('name')

    if 'active' not in policy:
        policy['active'] = "True"

    # check that the name does not contain any bad characters
    if not PolicyNameRegex.match(name):
        raise Exception(
            _("The name of the policy may only contain "
              "the characters  a-zA-Z0-9_."))

    # verify the required policy attributes
    required_attributes = ['action', 'scope', 'realm']
    for required_attribute in required_attributes:
        if (required_attribute not in policy
                or not policy[required_attribute]):
            raise PolicyWarning("Missing attribute %s in "
                                "policy %s" % (required_attribute, name))

    # before storing the policy, we have to check the impact:
    # if there is a problem, we will raise an exception with a warning


    # transpose the forwardServer policy action as it might
    # contain sensitive data
    policy["action"] = ForwardServerPolicy.prepare_forward(policy["action"])

    attributes = [
        'action', 'scope', 'realm', 'user', 'time', 'client', 'active'

    for attr in attributes:
        key = "Policy.%s.%s" % (name, attr)
        value = policy[attr]
        typ = ""
        descr = "a policy definition"
        ret[attr] = storeConfig(key, value, typ, descr)

    return ret
Esempio n. 2
def setPolicy(policy):
    define and store a policy definition

    :param policy: dict  with the following keys:

          * name
          * action
          * scope
          * realm
          * user
          * time
          * client

    :return: dict with the results of the stored entries

    ret = {}
    _ = context['translate']

    name = policy.get('name')

    if 'active' not in policy:
        policy['active'] = "True"

    # check that the name does not contain any bad characters
    if not PolicyNameRegex.match(name):
        raise Exception(_("The name of the policy may only contain "
                          "the characters  a-zA-Z0-9_."))

    # verify the required policy attributes
    required_attributes = ['action', 'scope', 'realm']
    for required_attribute in required_attributes:
        if (required_attribute not in policy or
           not policy[required_attribute]):
            raise PolicyWarning("Missing attribute %s in "
                                "policy %s" % (required_attribute, name))

    # before storing the policy, we have to check the impact:
    # if there is a problem, we will raise an exception with a warning


    # transpose the forwardServer policy action as it might
    # contain sensitive data
    policy["action"] = ForwardServerPolicy.prepare_forward(policy["action"])

    attributes = ['action', 'scope', 'realm', 'user',
                  'time', 'client', 'active']

    for attr in attributes:
        key = "Policy.%s.%s" % (name, attr)
        value = policy[attr]
        typ = ""
        descr = "a policy definition"
        ret[attr] = storeConfig(key, value, typ, descr)

    return ret
Esempio n. 3
def setPolicy(param):
    Function to set a policy. It expects a dict of with the following keys:

      * name
      * action
      * scope
      * realm
      * user
      * time
      * client
    ret = {}

    name = param.get('name')
    action = param.get('action')
    scope = param.get('scope')
    realm = param.get('realm')
    user = param.get('user')
    time = param.get('time')
    client = param.get('client')
    active = param.get('active', "True")

    # before storing the policy, we have to check the impact:
    # if there is a problem, we will raise an exception with a warning
    if context and 'Policies' in context:
        policies = context['Policies']
        policies = getPolicies()

    _check_policy_impact(policies=policies, **param)

    action = ForwardServerPolicy.prepare_forward(action)

    ret["action"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.action" % name,
                                action, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["scope"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.scope" % name,
                               scope, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["realm"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.realm" % name,
                               realm, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["user"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.user" % name,
                              user, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["time"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.time" % name,
                              time, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["client"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.client" % name,
                                client, "", "a policy definition")
    ret["active"] = storeConfig("" % name,
                                active, "", "a policy definition")

    return ret
Esempio n. 4
def setPolicy(param):
    Function to set a policy. It expects a dict of with the following keys:

      * name
      * action
      * scope
      * realm
      * user
      * time
      * client
    ret = {}

    name = param.get('name')
    action = param.get('action')
    scope = param.get('scope')
    realm = param.get('realm')
    user = param.get('user')
    time = param.get('time')
    client = param.get('client')
    active = param.get('active', "True")

    # before storing the policy, we have to check the impact:
    # if there is a problem, we will raise an exception with a warning
    if context and 'Policies' in context:
        policies = context['Policies']
        policies = getPolicies()

    _check_policy_impact(policies=policies, **param)

    action = ForwardServerPolicy.prepare_forward(action)

    ret["action"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.action" % name, action, "",
                                "a policy definition")
    ret["scope"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.scope" % name, scope, "",
                               "a policy definition")
    ret["realm"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.realm" % name, realm, "",
                               "a policy definition")
    ret["user"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.user" % name, user, "",
                              "a policy definition")
    ret["time"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.time" % name, time, "",
                              "a policy definition")
    ret["client"] = storeConfig("Policy.%s.client" % name, client, "",
                                "a policy definition")
    ret["active"] = storeConfig("" % name, active, "",
                                "a policy definition")

    return ret
Esempio n. 5
    def checkUserPass(self, user, passw, options=None):
        :param user: the to be identified user
        :param passw: the identification pass
        :param options: optional parameters, which are provided
                    to the token checkOTP / checkPass

        :return: tuple of True/False and optional information

        # the upper layer will catch / at least should ;-)

        opt = None
        serial = None
        resolverClass = None
        uid = None
        user_exists = False

        if user is not None and not user.is_empty:
            # the upper layer will catch / at least should
                (uid, _resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(
                                                    user, check_existance=True)
                user_exists = True
            except Exception as _exx:
                pass_on = context.get('Config').get(
                    'linotp.PassOnUserNotFound', False)
                if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                    g.audit['action_detail'] = (
                        'authenticated by PassOnUserNotFound')
                    return (True, opt)
                    g.audit['action_detail'] = 'User not found'
                    return (False, opt)

        # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
        if user_exists and get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user) is False:
            servers = get_auth_forward(user)
            if servers:
                res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(servers, env,
                                                          user, passw, options)
                return res, opt

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        th = TokenHandler()

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # auto asignement with otp only if user has no active token

        auto_assign_otp_return = th.auto_assign_otp_only(

        if auto_assign_otp_return is True:
            return (True, None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        token_type = None
        if options:
            token_type = options.get('token_type', None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # if there is a serial provided in the parameters, it overwrites the
        # token selection by user

        query_user = user
        if options and 'serial' in  options and options['serial']:
            serial = options['serial']
            query_user = None

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        tokenList = getTokens4UserOrSerial(

        if len(tokenList) == 0:
            g.audit['action_detail'] = 'User has no tokens assigned'

            # here we check if we should to autoassign and try to do it
            auto_assign_return = th.auto_assignToken(passw, user)
            if auto_assign_return is True:
                # We can not check the token, as the OTP value is already used!
                # but we will auth the user....
                return (True, opt)

            auto_enroll_return, opt = th.auto_enrollToken(passw, user,
            if auto_enroll_return is True:
                # we always have to return a false, as
                # we have a challenge tiggered
                return (False, opt)

            pass_on = context.get('Config').get('linotp.PassOnUserNoToken',
            if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                g.audit['action_detail'] = 'authenticated by PassOnUserNoToken'
                return (True, opt)

            # Check if there is an authentication policy passthru

            if get_auth_passthru(user):
                log.debug('user %r has no token. Checking for '
                          'passthru in realm %r' % (user.login, user.realm))
                y = getResolverObject(resolverClass)
                g.audit['action_detail'] = 'Authenticated against Resolver'
                if y.checkPass(uid, passw):
                    return (True, opt)

            # Check alternatively if there is an authentication
            # policy passOnNoToken
            elif get_auth_passOnNoToken(user):
      'user %r has not token. PassOnNoToken'
                         ' set - authenticated!')
                g.audit['action_detail'] = (
                    'Authenticated by passOnNoToken policy')
                return (True, opt)

            # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
            elif get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user) is True:
                servers = get_auth_forward(user)
                if servers:
                    res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(
                                            servers, env, user, passw, options)
                    return res, opt

            return False, opt

        if passw is None:
            raise ParameterError("Missing parameter:pass", id=905)

        (res, opt) = self.checkTokenList(
            tokenList, passw, user, options=options)

        return (res, opt)
Esempio n. 6
    def checkUserPass(self, user, passw, options=None):
        :param user: the to be identified user
        :param passw: the identification pass
        :param options: optional parameters, which are provided
                    to the token checkOTP / checkPass

        :return: tuple of True/False and optional information

        # the upper layer will catch / at least should ;-)

        opt = None
        serial = None
        resolverClass = None
        uid = None
        user_exists = False

        if user:
            # the upper layer will catch / at least should
                (uid, _resolver,
                 resolverClass) = getUserId(user, check_existance=True)
                user_exists = True
            except Exception as _exx:
                pass_on = context.get("Config").get(
                    "linotp.PassOnUserNotFound", False)
                if pass_on and pass_on.lower() == "true":
                        "action_detail"] = "authenticated by PassOnUserNotFound"
                    return (True, opt)
                    g.audit["action_detail"] = "User not found"
                    return (False, opt)

        # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
        if user_exists and not get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user):
            servers = get_auth_forward(user)
            if servers:
      "forwarding auth request for user {} to {}".format(
                    user, servers))
                res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(
                    servers, env, user, passw, options)
      "result of auth request for user {}: ({}, {})".format(
                    user, res, opt))
                g.audit["action_detail"] = "Forwarded, result {}".format(res)
                return res, opt
                    "NOT forwarding auth request for user {} (no servers)".
                g.audit["action_detail"] = "Not forwarded (no servers)"
                "NOT forwarding auth request for user {} "
                "(get_auth_forward_on_no_token returned False)".format(user))

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        th = TokenHandler()

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # auto asignement with otp only if user has no active token

        auto_assign_otp_return = th.auto_assign_otp_only(otp=passw,

        if auto_assign_otp_return:
            return (True, None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        token_type = None
        if options:
            token_type = options.get("token_type", None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # if there is a serial provided in the parameters, it overwrites the
        # token selection by user

        query_user = user
        if options and "serial" in options and options["serial"]:
            serial = options["serial"]
            query_user = None

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        tokenList = getTokens4UserOrSerial(query_user,

        if len(tokenList) == 0:
            g.audit["action_detail"] = "User has no tokens assigned"

            # here we check if we should to autoassign and try to do it
            auto_assign_return = th.auto_assignToken(passw, user)
            if auto_assign_return:
                # We can not check the token, as the OTP value is already used!
                # but we will auth the user....
                return (True, opt)

            auto_enroll_return, opt = th.auto_enrollToken(passw,
            if auto_enroll_return:
                # we always have to return a false, as
                # we have a challenge tiggered
                return (False, opt)

            pass_on = context.get("Config").get("linotp.PassOnUserNoToken",
            if pass_on and pass_on.lower() == "true":
                g.audit["action_detail"] = "authenticated by PassOnUserNoToken"
                return (True, opt)

            # Check if there is an authentication policy passthru

            if get_auth_passthru(user):
                    "user %r has no token. Checking for passthru in realm %r",
                y = getResolverObject(resolverClass)
                g.audit["action_detail"] = "Authenticated against Resolver"
                if y.checkPass(uid, passw):
                    return (True, opt)

            # Check alternatively if there is an authentication
            # policy passOnNoToken
            elif get_auth_passOnNoToken(user):
      "user %r has not token. PassOnNoToken"
                         " set - authenticated!")
                    "action_detail"] = "Authenticated by passOnNoToken policy"
                return (True, opt)

            # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another
            # server
            elif get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user):
                servers = get_auth_forward(user)
                if servers:
                        "forwarding auth request for user {} to {}".format(
                            user, servers))
                    res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(
                        servers, env, user, passw, options)
                        "result of auth request for user {}: ({}, {})".format(
                            user, res, opt))
                    g.audit["action_detail"] = "Forwarded, result {}".format(
                    return res, opt
                        "NOT forwarding auth request for user {} (no servers)".
                    g.audit["action_detail"] = "Not forwarded (no servers)"

            return False, opt

        if passw is None:
            raise ParameterError("Missing parameter:pass", id=905)

        (res, opt) = self.checkTokenList(tokenList,

        return (res, opt)
Esempio n. 7
    def checkUserPass(self, user, passw, options=None):
        :param user: the to be identified user
        :param passw: the identifiaction pass
        :param options: optional parameters, which are provided
                    to the token checkOTP / checkPass

        :return: tuple of True/False and optional information

        log.debug('entering function checkUserPass(%r)'
                  % user.login)
        # the upper layer will catch / at least should ;-)

        opt = None
        serial = None
        resolverClass = None
        uid = None
        audit = context['audit']
        user_exists = False

        if user is not None and (user.isEmpty() is False):
            # the upper layer will catch / at least should
                (uid, _resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(user)
                user_exists = True
                pass_on = context.get('Config').get(
                    'linotp.PassOnUserNotFound', False)
                if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                    audit['action_detail'] = (
                        'authenticated by PassOnUserNotFound')
                    return (True, opt)
                    audit['action_detail'] = 'User not found'
                    return (False, opt)

        # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
        if user_exists:
            servers = get_auth_forward(user)
            if servers:
                res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(servers, env,
                                                          user, passw, options)
                return res, opt

        tokenList = linotp.lib.token.getTokens4UserOrSerial(user, serial)

        if len(tokenList) == 0:
            audit['action_detail'] = 'User has no tokens assigned'

            # here we check if we should to autoassign and try to do it
            log.debug('about to check auto_assigning')

            th = TokenHandler()
            auto_assign_return = th.auto_assignToken(passw, user)
            if auto_assign_return is True:
                # We can not check the token, as the OTP value is already used!
                # but we will auth the user....
                return (True, opt)

            auto_enroll_return, opt = th.auto_enrollToken(passw, user,
            if auto_enroll_return is True:
                # we always have to return a false, as
                # we have a challenge tiggered
                return (False, opt)

            pass_on = context.get('Config').get('linotp.PassOnUserNoToken',
            if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                audit['action_detail'] = 'authenticated by PassOnUserNoToken'
                return (True, opt)

            #  Check if there is an authentication policy passthru
            from linotp.lib.policy import get_auth_passthru
            if get_auth_passthru(user):
                log.debug('user %r has no token. Checking for '
                          'passthru in realm %r' % (user.login, user.realm))
                y = getResolverObject(resolverClass)
                audit['action_detail'] = 'Authenticated against Resolver'
                if y.checkPass(uid, passw):
                    return (True, opt)

            #  Check if there is an authentication policy passOnNoToken
            from linotp.lib.policy import get_auth_passOnNoToken
            if get_auth_passOnNoToken(user):
      'user %r has not token. PassOnNoToken'
                         ' set - authenticated!')
                audit['action_detail'] = (
                    'Authenticated by passOnNoToken policy')
                return (True, opt)

            return (False, opt)

        if passw is None:
            raise ParameterError(u"Missing parameter:pass", id=905)

        (res, opt) = self.checkTokenList(
            tokenList, passw, user, options=options)
        log.debug('return of __checkTokenList: %r ' % (res,))

        return (res, opt)
Esempio n. 8
    def checkUserPass(self, user, passw, options=None):
        :param user: the to be identified user
        :param passw: the identifiaction pass
        :param options: optional parameters, which are provided
                    to the token checkOTP / checkPass

        :return: tuple of True/False and optional information

        log.debug('entering function checkUserPass(%r)' % user.login)
        # the upper layer will catch / at least should ;-)

        opt = None
        serial = None
        resolverClass = None
        uid = None
        audit = context['audit']
        user_exists = False

        if user is not None and (user.isEmpty() is False):
            # the upper layer will catch / at least should
                (uid, _resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(user)
                user_exists = True
                pass_on = context.get('Config').get(
                    'linotp.PassOnUserNotFound', False)
                if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                    audit['action_detail'] = (
                        'authenticated by PassOnUserNotFound')
                    return (True, opt)
                    audit['action_detail'] = 'User not found'
                    return (False, opt)

        # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
        if user_exists:
            servers = get_auth_forward(user)
            if servers:
                res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(
                    servers, env, user, passw, options)
                return res, opt

        tokenList = linotp.lib.token.getTokens4UserOrSerial(user, serial)

        if len(tokenList) == 0:
            audit['action_detail'] = 'User has no tokens assigned'

            # here we check if we should to autoassign and try to do it
            log.debug('about to check auto_assigning')

            th = TokenHandler()
            auto_assign_return = th.auto_assignToken(passw, user)
            if auto_assign_return is True:
                # We can not check the token, as the OTP value is already used!
                # but we will auth the user....
                return (True, opt)

            auto_enroll_return, opt = th.auto_enrollToken(passw,
            if auto_enroll_return is True:
                # we always have to return a false, as
                # we have a challenge tiggered
                return (False, opt)

            pass_on = context.get('Config').get('linotp.PassOnUserNoToken',
            if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                audit['action_detail'] = 'authenticated by PassOnUserNoToken'
                return (True, opt)

            #  Check if there is an authentication policy passthru
            from linotp.lib.policy import get_auth_passthru
            if get_auth_passthru(user):
                log.debug('user %r has no token. Checking for '
                          'passthru in realm %r' % (user.login, user.realm))
                y = getResolverObject(resolverClass)
                audit['action_detail'] = 'Authenticated against Resolver'
                if y.checkPass(uid, passw):
                    return (True, opt)

            #  Check if there is an authentication policy passOnNoToken
            from linotp.lib.policy import get_auth_passOnNoToken
            if get_auth_passOnNoToken(user):
      'user %r has not token. PassOnNoToken'
                         ' set - authenticated!')
                audit['action_detail'] = (
                    'Authenticated by passOnNoToken policy')
                return (True, opt)

            return (False, opt)

        if passw is None:
            raise ParameterError(u"Missing parameter:pass", id=905)

        (res, opt) = self.checkTokenList(tokenList,
        log.debug('return of __checkTokenList: %r ' % (res, ))

        return (res, opt)
Esempio n. 9
    def checkUserPass(self, user, passw, options=None):
        :param user: the to be identified user
        :param passw: the identification pass
        :param options: optional parameters, which are provided
                    to the token checkOTP / checkPass

        :return: tuple of True/False and optional information

        # the upper layer will catch / at least should ;-)

        opt = None
        serial = None
        resolverClass = None
        uid = None
        audit = context['audit']
        user_exists = False

        if user is not None and not user.is_empty:
            # the upper layer will catch / at least should
                (uid, _resolver, resolverClass) = getUserId(
                                                    user, check_existance=True)
                user_exists = True
            except Exception as _exx:
                pass_on = context.get('Config').get(
                    'linotp.PassOnUserNotFound', False)
                if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                    audit['action_detail'] = (
                        'authenticated by PassOnUserNotFound')
                    return (True, opt)
                    audit['action_detail'] = 'User not found'
                    return (False, opt)

        # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
        if user_exists and get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user) is False:
            servers = get_auth_forward(user)
            if servers:
                res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(servers, env,
                                                          user, passw, options)
                return res, opt

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        th = TokenHandler()

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # auto asignement with otp only if user has no active token

        auto_assign_otp_return = th.auto_assign_otp_only(

        if auto_assign_otp_return is True:
            return (True, None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        token_type = None
        if options:
            token_type = options.get('token_type', None)

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        # if there is a serial provided in the parameters, it overwrites the
        # token selection by user

        query_user = user
        if options and 'serial' in  options and options['serial']:
            serial = options['serial']
            query_user = None

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------ --

        tokenList = getTokens4UserOrSerial(

        if len(tokenList) == 0:
            audit['action_detail'] = 'User has no tokens assigned'

            # here we check if we should to autoassign and try to do it
            auto_assign_return = th.auto_assignToken(passw, user)
            if auto_assign_return is True:
                # We can not check the token, as the OTP value is already used!
                # but we will auth the user....
                return (True, opt)

            auto_enroll_return, opt = th.auto_enrollToken(passw, user,
            if auto_enroll_return is True:
                # we always have to return a false, as
                # we have a challenge tiggered
                return (False, opt)

            pass_on = context.get('Config').get('linotp.PassOnUserNoToken',
            if pass_on and 'true' == pass_on.lower():
                audit['action_detail'] = 'authenticated by PassOnUserNoToken'
                return (True, opt)

            # Check if there is an authentication policy passthru

            if get_auth_passthru(user):
                log.debug('user %r has no token. Checking for '
                          'passthru in realm %r' % (user.login, user.realm))
                y = getResolverObject(resolverClass)
                audit['action_detail'] = 'Authenticated against Resolver'
                if y.checkPass(uid, passw):
                    return (True, opt)

            # Check alternatively if there is an authentication
            # policy passOnNoToken
            elif get_auth_passOnNoToken(user):
      'user %r has not token. PassOnNoToken'
                         ' set - authenticated!')
                audit['action_detail'] = (
                    'Authenticated by passOnNoToken policy')
                return (True, opt)

            # if we have an user, check if we forward the request to another server
            elif get_auth_forward_on_no_token(user) is True:
                servers = get_auth_forward(user)
                if servers:
                    res, opt = ForwardServerPolicy.do_request(
                                            servers, env, user, passw, options)
                    return res, opt

            return False, opt

        if passw is None:
            raise ParameterError(u"Missing parameter:pass", id=905)

        (res, opt) = self.checkTokenList(
            tokenList, passw, user, options=options)

        return (res, opt)