def iterlines(self): """Iterates standard lines.""" for subs, inst in self.subsproduct(): full_name = inst.getname() chains = tuple( s.attrs.chain for s in subs if hasattr(s.attrs, 'chain') ) chainsum = lipproc.sum_chains(chains) name = ( (lipproc.summary_str(self.hg, chainsum),) if self.hg and self.sum_only else (lipproc.full_str(self.hg, chains),) if self.hg and not self.sum_only else () ) lab = lipproc.LipidLabel( db_id = None, db = 'lipyd.lipid', names = name, formula = inst.formula, ) rec = lipproc.LipidRecord( lab = lab, hg = self.hg, chainsum = chainsum if chainsum.c else None, chains = () if self.sum_only else chains, ) yield inst.mass, rec
def _getname(parent, subs): """ Parameters ---------- parent : subs : Returns ------- """ return (lipproc.summary_str( self.hg, lipproc.sum_chains( tuple(s.attrs.chain for s in subs if hasattr(s.attrs, 'chain')))) if self.sum_only else lipproc.full_str( self.hg, tuple(s.attrs.chain for s in subs if hasattr(s.attrs, 'chain'))))
def collect_scan_lines(mzs, rts, mgfs): """ Parameters ---------- mzs : rts : mgfs : Returns ------- """ result = [] for mz, rt in zip(mzs, rts): fe = ms2.MS2Feature(mz, ionmode = 'pos', mgfs = mgfs, rt = rt) fe.build_scans() for sc, drt in zip(fe.scans, fe.deltart): ids = sc.identify() smrec = list( sc.get_ms1_records(hg = 'SM', databases = {'lipyd.lipid'}) ) chainid = set() for sm in smrec: ccomb = sc.chain_combinations(sm[0]) for cc in ccomb: chainid.add( '%s[full=%s,frags=[%s,%s],i=[%.03f,%.03f]]' % ( sm[0].summary_str(), lipproc.full_str(sm[0].hg, cc[0]), cc[1].fragtype[0], cc[1].fragtype[1], cc[1].i[0] * 100, cc[1].i[1] * 100, ) ) for ms1id, ms2ids in ids.items(): if ms2ids and ms2ids[0].hg.main == 'SM': this_line = [ '%.07f' % mz, '%.02f - %.02f' % rt, '%u' % sc.scan_id, '%.02f' % drt, sc.sample, ms1id, '%u' % ms2ids[0].score_pct, ] isph = min( sc.fragments_by_chain_type(frag_type = 'Sph-2xH2O+H'), default = None ) irel_sph = ( '%.03f' % (sc.inorm[isph] * 100) if isph is not None else '' ) this_line.append(irel_sph) for frag in sm_frags: i = sc.fragment_by_name(frag) reli = ( '%.03f' % (sc.inorm[i] * 100) if i is not None else '' ) this_line.append(reli) this_line.append(';'.join(chainid)) result.append(this_line) return result
def make_index(self): def cc2str(cc): return ('%s%s%u:%u' % (cc[0], '-' if cc[0] in {'O', 'P'} else '', cc[1], cc[2])) self.close_plainfile() self.load() self.index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.hg_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.species_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.subspec_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) self.isomer_index = collections.defaultdict(lambda: set([])) if not self.silent: self.prg = progress.Progress(self._curl.size, 'Indexing SwissLipids', 101) self._plainfilename = '%s.extracted' % with open(self._plainfilename, 'wb') as fpp: offset = self._gzfile.tell() for l in self._gzfile: if not self.silent: self.prg.step(len(l)) ll = l.decode('utf-8').split('\t') if ll[1] in self.levels: names = self.names(ll) self.index[ll[0]].add(offset) # SwissLipids ID self.index[ll[8]].add(offset) # SMILES self.index[ll[10]].add(offset) # InChI key for n in names.split('|'): self.index[n].add(offset) hg, chainsum, chains = self.nameproc.process(names) if hg: self.hg_index[hg].add(offset) if hg and chainsum: self.species_index[lipproc.summary_str( hg, chainsum)].add(offset) if hg and chains: self.subspec_index[lipproc.full_str( hg, chains)].add(offset) if hg and chains: self.isomer_index[lipproc.full_str( hg, chains, iso=True)].add(offset) offset = self._gzfile.tell() fpp.write(l) if not self.silent: self.prg.terminate() self.index = dict(self.index) self._plainfile = open(self._plainfilename, 'r')