def get_cllr_df(df_lrs): cllrs = [] all_lrs_per_year = defaultdict(list) for rater in df_lrs.columns: if rater not in ['Groundtruth', 'pictures', 'pair_id', 'res_pair_id']: df_lr_y = df_lrs[False == pd.isna(df_lrs[rater])][[ rater, 'Groundtruth' ]] if len(df_lr_y) > 0: X1, X2 = Xy_to_Xn(10**df_lr_y[rater], df_lr_y['Groundtruth']) if rater[:4] in ['2011', '2012', '2013', '2017']: group = rater[:4] all_lrs_per_year[group] += zip(X1, X2) else: group = rater cllr_results = calculate_cllr(list(X1), list(X2)) cllrs.append([ rater, group, round(cllr_results.cllr, 4), round(cllr_results.cllr_min, 4) ]) for group, values in all_lrs_per_year.items(): lrs1, lrs2 = zip(*values) cllr_results = calculate_cllr(list(lrs1), list(lrs2)) cllrs.append([ group, group + '-all', round(cllr_results.cllr, 4), round(cllr_results.cllr_min, 4) ]) return pd.DataFrame(cllrs, columns=['rater', 'group', 'cllr', 'cllr_min'])
def plot_score_distribution_and_calibrator_fit(calibrator, scores, y, savefig=None, show=None): """ plots the distributions of scores calculated by the (fitted) lr_system, as well as the fitted score distributions/ score-to-posterior map (Note - for ELUBbounder calibrator is the firststepcalibrator) """ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) x = np.arange(0, 1, .01) calibrator.transform(x) if len(set(y)) == 2: points0, points1 = Xy_to_Xn(scores, y) plt.hist(points0, bins=20, alpha=.25, density=True, label='class 0') plt.hist(points1, bins=20, alpha=.25, density=True, label='class 1') plt.plot(x, calibrator.p1, label='fit class 1') plt.plot(x, calibrator.p0, label='fit class 0') else: plt.hist(scores, bins=20, alpha=.25, density=True, label='class x') plt.plot(x, calibrator.p1, label='fit class 1') plt.plot(x, calibrator.p0, label='fit class 0') if savefig is not None: plt.savefig(savefig) plt.close() if show or savefig is None:
def calculate_metrics_dict(scores, y, lr_predicted, label): """ Calculates metrics for an lr system given the predicted LRs. """ X1, X2 = Xy_to_Xn(lr_predicted, y) return { 'cllr' + label: round(calculate_cllr(X1, X2).cllr, 4), 'auc' + label: roc_auc_score(y, scores), 'accuracy' + label: accuracy_score(y, scores > .5) }
def plot_lr_distributions(predicted_log_lrs, y, savefig=None, show=None): """ Plots the 10log LRs generated for the two hypotheses by the fitted system. """ plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) points0, points1 = Xy_to_Xn(predicted_log_lrs, y) plt.hist(points0, bins=20, alpha=.25, density=True) plt.hist(points1, bins=20, alpha=.25, density=True) plt.xlabel('10log LR') if savefig is not None: plt.savefig(savefig) plt.close() if show or savefig is None:
def calculate_metrics_dict(number_of_scores, scores, y, lr_predicted, cal_fraction_valid, label): """ Calculates metrics for an lr system given the predicted LRs. """ X1, X2 = Xy_to_Xn(lr_predicted, y) results = { 'cllr' + label: round(calculate_cllr(X1, X2).cllr, 4), 'auc' + label: roc_auc_score(y, scores), 'accuracy' + label: accuracy_score(y, scores > .5), 'cal_fraction_valid' + label: np.mean(list(cal_fraction_valid.values())), 'test_fraction_valid' + label: len(scores) / number_of_scores } for key, value in cal_fraction_valid.items(): results[f'cal_fraction_{key}'] = value return results
def plot_tippett(predicted_log_lrs, y, savefig=None, show=None): """ Plots the 10log LRs in a Tippett plot. """ xplot = np.linspace(start=np.min(predicted_log_lrs), stop=np.max(predicted_log_lrs), num=100) lr_0, lr_1 = Xy_to_Xn(predicted_log_lrs, y) perc0 = (sum(i > xplot for i in lr_0) / len(lr_0)) * 100 perc1 = (sum(i > xplot for i in lr_1) / len(lr_1)) * 100 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) plt.plot(xplot, perc1, color='b', label=r'LRs given $\mathregular{H_1}$') plt.plot(xplot, perc0, color='r', label=r'LRs given $\mathregular{H_2}$') plt.axvline(x=0, color='k', linestyle='--') plt.xlabel('Log likelihood ratio') plt.ylabel('Cumulative proportion') plt.title('Tippett plot') plt.legend() if savefig is not None: plt.savefig(savefig) plt.close() if show or savefig is None: