Esempio n. 1
    def get_url(self, util, segments=[], settings={}):
        """Get a requested URL, with any additional segments or settings.

        util : str
            Which utility to get the URL for.
        segments : list of str, optional
            Any additional segments to add to the URL.
        settings : dict, optional
            Any additional settings to add to the URL.

        full_url : str
            The requested URL, with any extra segments and settings added.

        if not util in self.utils.keys():

        url = self.urls[util]
        settings_join = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'

        full_url = url + make_segments(segments) + make_settings(
            settings, settings_join)

        return full_url
Esempio n. 2
    def build_url(self, util, segments=[], settings=[]):
        """Build the URL for a specified utility, with provided settings.

        util : str
            Which utility to build the URL for.
        segments : list of str
            Segments to add to the URL.
        settings : dict or list of str
            Settings to use to build the URL.
            If list, the settings values are taken from the objects settings attribute.


        if isinstance(settings, list):
            if not all(el in self.settings.keys() for el in settings):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Not all requested settings available - can not proceed.')
            settings = {
                ke: va
                for ke, va in self.settings.items() if ke in settings

        url = self.base + make_segments([self.utils[util]] +
                                        segments) + make_settings(settings)

        if self.authenticated:
            url = self.authenticate(url)

        self.urls[util] = url
Esempio n. 3
    def build_url(self, util, segments=None, settings=None):
        """Build the URL for a specified utility, with provided settings.

        util : str
            Which utility to build the URL for.
        segments : list of str, optional
            Segments to add to the URL.
        settings : dict or list of str, optional
            Settings to use to build the URL.
            If list, the settings values are taken from the objects settings attribute.

        Build the url for the Github API to search for a repository search:

        >>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"})
        >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc')
        >>> urls.build_url('search_repos', settings=['q', 'sort', 'order'])


        if isinstance(settings, list):
            if not all(el in self.settings.keys() for el in settings):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Not all requested settings available - can not proceed.')
            settings = {
                ke: va
                for ke, va in self.settings.items() if ke in settings

        url = self.base + make_segments([self.utils[util]] + check_none(segments, [])) + \
            make_settings(check_none(settings, {}))

        if self.authenticated:
            url = self.authenticate(url)

        self.urls[util] = url
Esempio n. 4
    def get_url(self, util, segments=None, settings=None):
        """Get a requested URL, with any additional segments or settings.

        util : str
            Which utility to get the URL for.
        segments : list of str, optional
            Any additional segments to add to the URL.
        settings : dict, optional
            Any additional settings to add to the URL.

        full_url : str
            The requested URL, with any extra segments and settings added.

        Get the url built for a Github repository search:

        >>> urls = URLs('', {'search_repos': "search/repositories"})
        >>> urls.fill_settings(q='lisc', sort='stars', order='desc')
        >>> urls.build_url('search_repos', settings=['q', 'sort', 'order'])
        >>> urls.get_url('search_repos')

        if not util in self.utils.keys():

        url = self.urls[util]
        settings_join = '?' if not '?' in url else '&'

        full_url = url + make_segments(check_none(segments, [])) + \
            make_settings(check_none(settings, {}), settings_join)

        return full_url