def __init__(self): cwd = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(cwd) tspath = getTopOfSuitesDir() assert (os.path.exists(tspath)) ls = os.listdir(tspath) ls = [os.path.join(tspath, f) for f in ls] dirs = [(os.path.join(cwd, d), []) for d in ls if os.path.isdir(d) and d.find('.svn') == -1] toFind = ['', 'RTTSummaryReference.xml'] for fn in toFind: print for (dir, missing) in dirs: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, fn)): missing.append(fn) fn = 'RTTSummary.xml' for (dir, missing) in dirs: if len(listFiles(dir, fn)) != 1: missing.append(fn) self.okdirs = [d for (d, missing) in dirs if len(missing) == 0] self.baddirs = [(d, missing) for (d, missing) in dirs if len(missing) != 0]
def FCSLoadG(fnameRoot, folderName="", printFileNames=True): G = correlations() files = listFiles(folderName, "csv", fnameRoot) for file in files: setattr(G, stripGfname(file, fnameRoot, printFileNames), csv2array(file, ',')) G.dwellTime = 1e6 * csv2array(file, ',')[1, 0] # in µs print('--------------------------') print(str(len(files)) + ' files found.') print('--------------------------') return G
def setUp(self): if 'dom' in self.__dict__.keys(): return infileName = listFiles('.', 'RTTSummary.xml')[0] infile = open(infileName, 'r') refFile = open('RTTSummaryReference.xml') self.dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( self.refDom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( self.logfile = open('TestCase.log', 'w')
def allBin2Pickle( directory='C:\\Users\\SPAD-FCS\\OneDrive - Fondazione Istituto Italiano Tecnologia' ): """ Convert all FCS bin files in the given directory to picle files. Files that already already have a bin file are skipped return parameter: data from the last file """ binfiles = listFiles(directory, 'bin') picklefiles = listFiles(directory, 'pickle') data = [] for file in binfiles: picklefile = file[0:-4] + '_data.pickle' if picklefile not in picklefiles: print(file) data = binFile2Data(file, storePickle=True) print('Done.') return (data)
def FCSBinToCSVAll(folderName=[], Glist=['central', 'sum3', 'sum5', 'chessboard', 'ullr'], split=10): # PARSE INPUT if folderName == []: folderName = getcwd() folderName = folderName.replace("\\", "/") folderName = Path(folderName) # CHECK BIN FILES allFiles = listFiles(folderName, 'bin') # GO THROUGH EACH FILE for file in allFiles: fileName = ntpath.basename(file) print("File found: " + fileName) [G, data] = FCSLoadAndCorrSplit(file, Glist, 50, split) corr2csv(G, file[0:-4], [0, 0], 0)
def logFileChecker(root, globpar, strings): res = 'looking for files below %s matching %s\n' % (root, globpar) logfiles = listFiles(root, globpar) res += 'Found %d log files\n' % len(logfiles) checker = Checker(strings) [checker.checkForStrings(f) for f in logfiles] res += '\nerror strings:\n' dict = checker.dict res += 'Occurences text\n' for s in dict: if dict[s] > 0: res += '%10d %s\n' % (dict[s], s) res += '\n Strings searched for:\n' for s in dict.keys(): res += s + '\n' for s in checker.fdict.keys(): if len(checker.fdict[s]): res += '\n\n"%s" was found in %d files:\n' % ( s, len(checker.fdict[s])) for f in checker.fdict[s]: res += f + '\n' else: res += '\n"%s" was found in no files\n\n' % s res += '\n\n%d files with no strings:\n\n' % ( checker.sdict.values()).count([]) for f in checker.sdict.keys(): if not checker.sdict[f]: res += f + '\n' return res
def plotPyCorrAll(folderName=[]): if folderName == []: folderName = getcwd() folderName = folderName.replace("\\", "/") folderName = Path(folderName) fileList = listFiles(folderName, 'csv') data = np.empty((0, 3), float) # go through each file for file in fileList: if "chunk" not in file and "Gn" not in file and "sum3_average_fit_results" in file and "SPAD" in ntpath.basename( file): # file found print(ntpath.basename(file) + " found.") if "fit_results" in file: # file with fit found result = plotPyCorrFit(file, savefig=0) data = np.append( data, [[result.Gfitstart, result.tauD, result.chi2]], axis=0) else: # file with experimental G found plotGcsv(file, savefig=0) return data
def doit(): cwd = os.getcwd() sdir = os.path.join(cwd, getSuiteDir()) if not os.path.exists(sdir): print 'Non -existant test suite directory ', sdir sys.exit(0) rfile = os.path.join(sdir, 'RTTSummaryReference.xml') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(sdir,rfile)): print 'No reference file ', rfile sys.exit(0) parser = xml.sax.make_parser() handler = KFHandler() parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(rfile) rkfiles = handler.kfiles lfiles = listFiles(sdir, 'RTTSummary.xml') if len(lfiles) != 1: print 'error looking for RTTSummaryFile', lfiles sys.exit(0) handler = KFHandler() parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(lfiles[0]) skfiles = handler.kfiles diff = [f for f in rkfiles if f not in skfiles] pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter() print print ' in Reference and not in Summary' pp.pprint(diff) diff = [f for f in skfiles if f not in rkfiles] print print ' in Summary and not in Reference' pp.pprint(diff)
m += '\n string: %s\n' % s for l in self.dict[s]: m += ' %s' % l return m def dump(self): print self config = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') lines = config.readlines() config.close() toRemove = [l for l in lines if l.startswith('#')] [lines.remove(l) for l in toRemove] lines = [stripstr(l) for l in lines] toRemove = [s for s in lines if len(s)==0] [lines.remove(l) for l in toRemove] root = lines[0] globpar = lines[1] strings = lines[2:] print 'looking for files below', root,'matching',globpar logfiles = listFiles(root, globpar) print 'Found %d files' % len(logfiles) checkers = [Checker(f, strings).dump() for f in logfiles]
def FCS2docx(folderName=[], Mtype='25ch'): """ Analyze FCS data and store results in image files and a .docx file =========================================================================== Input Meaning --------------------------------------------------------------------------- folderName Folder name with FCS data Leave blank for current folder =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Output --------------------------------------------------------------------------- images of time traces, autocorrelations and an overview .docx file =========================================================================== """ # PARSE INPUT if folderName == []: folderName = getcwd() folderName = folderName.replace("\\", "/") folderName = Path(folderName) # OPEN WORD FILE document = Document() section = document.sections[0] section.page_height = Mm(297) section.page_width = Mm(210) section.bottom_margin = Mm(25) section.top_margin = Mm(25) section.left_margin = Mm(25) section.right_margin = Mm(25) # TITLE title ="%Y-%m-%d") title = title + ' FCS analysis' document.add_heading(title, 0) # CHECK PICKLE FILES outp = listFiles(folderName, 'bin') # GO THROUGH EACH FILE for file in outp: if 'arrival_times' not in file: # file with photon arrival times found fileName = ntpath.basename(file) print('==========================================================') print('File found: ' + fileName) print('==========================================================') # ================================================================ document.add_heading('File ' + fileName, level=1) # ================================================================ # get pixel dwell time from text file (TO DO) FCSinfo = getFCSinfo(file[0:-4] + '_info.txt') #pxdwell = 1e-3 / ReadSpeed # s pxdwell = FCSinfo.dwellTime # # open file # # data = arrivalTimes2Data(file) data = file_to_count(file) data = data[0] data = addSumColumn(data) # # # bin files for plotting time trace print('Binning data for plotting time trace.') binSize = 2000000 binDuration = pxdwell * binSize Nrows = 1000000 # # ----- dataB = binData(data[0:Nrows, :], binSize) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(0, binDuration * len(dataB), binDuration), dataB[:, -1]) plt.xlabel('Time [s]') plt.ylabel('Total # of photons per ' + str(1000 * binDuration) + ' ms') plt.xlim([0, binDuration * len(dataB)]) plt.title(fileName[0:30] + '...') plt.tight_layout() picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_timetrace.png' # plt.savefig(picName) # # ================================================================ # document.add_heading('Time trace', level=2) # document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # # ================================================================ # # # plot Airy pattern # print('Calculating Airy pattern.') # airy = plotAiry(data) # picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_airy.png' # plt.savefig(picName) # # ================================================================ # document.add_heading('Airy pattern', level=2) # document.add_paragraph('Number of photons per channel over the entire measurement') # document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # # ================================================================ # # # calculate autocorrelations # # if single element is used, only calculate autocorr of this element # # else do complete calculation # print('Calculating correlations.') # ================================================================= document.add_heading('Correlations', level=2) # ================================================================= zoom = int(1e-5 / pxdwell) # if np.max(airy[0:25]) / airy[25] > 0.99: # # single element used # det = int(np.argmax(airy[0:25])) # G = FCS2Corr(data, 1e6*pxdwell, [det]) # Gsingle = getattr(G, 'det'+ str(det)) # plotFCScorrelations(G, plotList='all') # plt.xlim(left=2*pxdwell) # plt.ylim(top=np.max(Gsingle[2:,1])) # picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_G.png' # plt.savefig(picName) # # ============================================================= # document.add_heading('Autocorrelation single detector', level=3) # document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # # ============================================================= # plt.xlim(left=zoom*pxdwell) # plt.ylim(top=np.max(Gsingle[zoom:,1])) # picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_Gzoom.png' # plt.savefig(picName) # # ============================================================= # document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= if Mtype == '2MPD': G = FCS2CorrSplit(data, 1e6 * pxdwell, ['2MPD'], 50, 6) corr2csv(G, fileName[0:-4]) plotFCScorrelations(G, [ 'auto1_average', 'auto2_average', 'cross12_average', 'cross21_average', 'cross_average' ]) plt.xlim(left=2 * pxdwell) picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_crosscorr.png' plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= document.add_heading('Correlations', level=3) document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= else: plotList = ['central', 'sum3', 'sum5', 'chessboard', 'ullr'] maxG1 = np.zeros([len(plotList), 1]) maxG2 = np.zeros([len(plotList), 1]) # G = FCS2CorrSplit(data, 1e6*pxdwell, plotList, 50, 5) G = FCSLoadAndCorrSplit(file, plotList, 16, 10) corr2csv(G, fileName[0:-4]) plotList = [ 'central_average', 'sum3_average', 'sum5_average', 'chessboard_average', 'ullr_average' ] for i in range(len(plotList)): Gsingle = getattr(G, plotList[i]) maxG1[i] = np.max(Gsingle[2:, 1]) maxG2[i] = np.max(Gsingle[zoom:, 1]) plotFCScorrelations(G, plotList=[ 'central_average', 'sum3_average', 'sum5_average' ]) plt.xlim(left=2 * pxdwell) plt.ylim(top=np.max(maxG1[0:2])) picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_G135.png' plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= document.add_heading('Autocorrelations', level=3) document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= plt.xlim(left=zoom * pxdwell) plt.ylim(top=np.max(maxG2[0:2])) picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_G135_zoom.png' plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= plotFCScorrelations(G, plotList=['sum5_average']) plt.xlim(left=zoom * pxdwell) plt.ylim(top=np.max(maxG2[2])) picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_sum5_zoom.png' plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= #plotFCScorrelations(G, plotList=['sum5', 'det-15']) #plt.xlim(left=zoom*pxdwell) #plt.ylim(top=np.max(maxG2[2:4])) #picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_sum5MinusHotPixel_zoom.png' #plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= #document.add_paragraph('det-15 means the sum of all detector elements except for pixel 15 (hot pixel).') #document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================= plotFCScorrelations( G, plotList=['chessboard_average', 'ullr_average']) plt.xlim(left=pxdwell) plt.ylim(top=np.max(maxG2[4:])) picName = fileName[0:-4] + '_crosscorr_zoom.png' plt.savefig(picName) # ============================================================= document.add_heading('Cross correlations', level=3) document.add_paragraph( 'Chessboard means the cross-correlation between the even number pixels and the odd numbered pixels. ULLR means the cross-correlation between the top-left and the bottom-right triangle (UpperLeft-LowerRight).' ) document.add_picture(picName, width=Inches(4)) # ============================================================='Overview_results.docx')
def __init__(self): self.dict = {} self.sumsize = 0 self.ncalls = 0 def checkSize(self, f): self.ncalls += 1 size = int((os.stat(f)).st_size) self.dict[os.path.basename(f)] = size self.sumsize += size root = '/afs/' print 'looking for files in %s' % root logfiles = listFiles(root, '*_log') print 'Found %d log files' % len(logfiles) checker = Checker() [checker.checkSize(f) for f in logfiles] print 'Root directory = ', root print '\nlog file sizes:' for s in checker.dict.items(): print '%10s %d' % s print 'log files below:', root print 'No of files:', len(checker.dict.keys()) print 'Total size (kbytes):', checker.sumsize / 1024.