def nestedRenameFiles(dir_path, old_filenames, new_filenames, silent_level=0): """ Rename all files in "old_filenames" under "dir_path" to "new_filenames". The first file in "old_filenames" will be renamed to the first file in "new_filenames", and similar for the rest. If "leaf_only" is specified as "True" then only files in leaf subdirectories are modified. "silent_level"=0: no output on screen; 1: short output; 2: full output """ old_filenames = listR.toList(old_filenames) new_filenames = listR.toList(new_filenames) for old_name, new_name in zip(old_filenames, new_filenames): dirL = dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, old_name) for aDir in dirL: if path.exists(path.join(aDir, new_name)): print("File "+path.join(aDir, new_name)+" already exists! skipped.") else: os.rename(path.join(aDir, old_name), path.join(aDir, new_name)) if silent_level==0: pass elif silent_level==1: print("File "+_relativePath(dir_path, full_path) +" renamed to "+_relativePath(dir_path,new_full_path)) else: print("File "+full_path+" renamed to "+new_full_path)
def combineFilesWithParas(dir_path, filename, targetDir=None, connector="="): """ Combine all files with name filename. Also, parameters will be added as seperated columns in the combined file. The order of parameters of corresponding to the inserted columns is indicated by the file name. """ filenameL = listR.toList(filename) for filename in filenameL: # do the following for each file: # get list of common parameters: allParas = [] for aDir in dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, filename): allParas.append(listR.readCSESD(path.join(aDir, filename)).keys()) allParas = listR.removeDuplicates(listR.intersect(allParas)) # generate modified file name: if targetDir == None: targetDir=getcwd() new_filename = path.join(targetDir,path.splitext(filename)[0]+"("+",".join(listR.stringizeL(allParas))+")"+path.splitext(filename)[1]) # generate the combined data file: outFile = open(new_filename, "w") for aDir in dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, filename): to_read = path.join(aDir, filename) # target file: path+name parasD = listR.readCSESD(to_read) # get a dictionary of parameter values para_str = " ".join(listR.stringizeL(listR.getValueListFromDict(allParas, parasD))) # get the associated parameter list in string format inFile = open(to_read, "r") buffer = inFile.readlines() # read target file for aLine in buffer: # concarnate target file with parameter list: outFile.write(para_str+" "+aLine) inFile.close() outFile.close()
def copyFiles(fileNames, sourceDir, targetDir, silent=True): """ Copy files whose names are given in the list filenames from sourceDir to targetDir. """ fileNames = listR.toList(fileNames) for filename in fileNames: copyFile(filename, sourceDir, targetDir, None, silent)
def preExePost(argValueList, preFncs=[], exeFile="", postFncs=[], order=[], sleepTime=0): # exeFile="" to do nothing """ Execute exeFile with a choice of arguments specified in argNameList. argValueList is a nested list, elements from each sublist consist a "choice" of arguments. order is applied before this choice of arguments is used. For each possible combination of values of arguments, preFncs are executed first, then exeFile is executed, then postFncs are executed. preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each run, it has one parameter: a list of choice of parameters. postFun is similar, only executed after each run. Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list argValueList is very free, for example, the list [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program reads argument for a loop to generate one file. """ for valueCmb in listR.outer( map(listR.toList, listR.toList(argValueList) )): # take a perticular list of possible combination of values valueCmb = list(listR.FL(valueCmb)) # execute preFnc if preFncs != []: for pre_func in listR.toList(preFncs): pre_func(valueCmb) # execute exeFile with given choice of arguments if exeFile != "": runCommand( exeFile + " " + listR.listToStr(listR.applyOrderList(order, valueCmb)), os.path.dirname(exeFile), sleepTime) # execute postFnc if postFncs != []: for post_func in listR.toList(postFncs): post_func(valueCmb)
def copyinPreExeMkdirCopyoutPost(exeFile, toBeCopiedDir, copyToBaseDir, toBeCopiedFileNames, argNameList, argValueList, callOrderList=None, sleepTime=0, preFncs=[], postFncs=[], connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","): """ Generate data files using exeFile. argNameList is a list of variable names. argValueList is a nested list, whose sublist at position i is a list of possible values of variable given at position i in argNameList. For each possible combination of values of arguments, exeFile is executed, then toBeCopiedFileNames in toBeCopiedDir are copied to generated directory under copyToBaseDir.The structure of the directories under copyToBaseDir are like (when connectionSymbol is "="): copyToBaseDir/arg1=xx/arg2=xx/arg3=xx/... the data file corresponding to a certain combination of values of argument is copied to the bottom directory with which the name of the path indicates the choice of arguments. callOrderList specifies the order of argument when being called by exeFile. For example, if argNameList is like ["a1","a2","a3",...], callOrderList can be like ["a3","a1","a2",...] preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each run, it has two parameters: a list of choice of parameters and a path to the generated directory corresponding to this choice of paramters. Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list argValueList is very free, for example, the list [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program reads argument for a loop to generate one file. See help for preExeMkdirPost for additional information. """ def copyinHook(valueCmb): # make a list of type [arg1=xx, arg2=xx,...], join them with os.path.join copyToFullDir = _argListToDir(argNameList, valueCmb, copyToBaseDir) copyFiles(toBeCopiedFileNames, toBeCopiedDir, copyToFullDir) # add copyinHook to preFncs: preFncs = listR.toList(preFncs) preFncs.insert(0, copyinHook) preExeMkdirPost(argNameList, argValueList, copyToBaseDir, preFncs, exeFile, callOrderList, postFncs, sleepTime, connectionSymbol, seperationSymbol)
def readCSED(dir_name, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","): #CSE: Comma Seperated Equations """ Return a dic of the form {arg1:value1, ...} if with connectionSymbol="=" and seperationSymbol=",", dir_name is like arg1=value1,arg2=value2,... Values are in string form. """ if connectionSymbol not in dir_name: return {} return dict(map(lambda x:listR.split(x, connectionSymbol), listR.toList(dir_name.split(seperationSymbol))))
def nestedDeleteFiles(dir_path, filenames, silence_level=0, leaf_only=False): """ Delete all files in the list "filenames" under "dir_path". """ filenames = listR.toList(filenames) for name in filenames: dirL = dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(dir_path, name) for aDir in dirL: remove(path.join(aDir, name)) if silence_level>0: print("File "+full_path+" deleted.")
def collectFile(pathDir, filenames, targetDir=None): """ Collect files of name filenames under pathDir to the targetDir, then rename them according to the parameters. """ filenames = listR.toList(filenames) if targetDir == None: targetDir=getcwd() for aDir in dirR.listNestedDirContainsFiles(pathDir, filenames): for aFile in filenames: paraList = readCSEFullpathD(aDir).items() # read directory structure toAdd="-" + ",".join(map(lambda x:"=".join(x), paraList)) # transform the directory strunction into a string changedName = path.splitext(aFile)[0] + toAdd + path.splitext(aFile)[1] # add the string to the name of the file copyFile(aFile, aDir, targetDir, changedName) # copy file
def descendDirTree(baseDir, mustBeDefined, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","): """ Return a list of directories and a list of the corresponding var_name:var_value dictionaries under baseDir. The valuse are given using string, like "1" instead of 1. The subdirectaries are so chosen that all variables in mustBeDefined must be defined. """ mustBeDefined = listR.toList(mustBeDefined) tmp_result = dirR.listDir(baseDir) def qf(var): # used in the filter, any result that does not fulled define vars in mustBeDefined will be filterd return listR.containedIn(mustBeDefined, readCSEFullpathD(var, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=",").keys()) return filter(qf, tmp_result)
def preExeMkdirPost(argNameList, argValueList, baseDir, preFncs=[], exeFile="", callOrderList=None, postFncs=[], sleepTime=0, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","): """ Execute exeFile with a choice of arguments specified in argNameList. argValueList is a nested list, elements from each sublist consist a "choice" of arguments. order is applied before this choice of arguments is used. For each possible combination of values of arguments, preFncs are executed first, then exeFile is executed, then postFncs are executed. Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list argValueList is very free, for example, the list [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program reads argument for a loop to generate one file. A directory tree is constructed, with type (with connectionSymbol="=") arg1=xx/arg2=xx/... If argNameList and argValueList are nested (once), such as argNameList=[[arg11,arg12],arg2,...] with argValueList as [[["a","e"],["b","f"]],["c","d"]...], then directories are like arg11=a, arg12=e/arg2=c/... argNameList and argValueList must be consistent, i.e. one name corresponds to one list of values; a group of names correspond to one list of group of values. preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each run, it has two parameters: a list of choice of parameters, and a path of the associated directory. postFun is similar, only executed after each run. callOrderList specifies the order of parameters when the external program is called. """ if len(argNameList) != len(argValueList): print("The lists argNameList and argValueList have different length!\n") return False def mkdirHook(valueCmb): # make a directory corresponding to a value combination: makeDir(_argListToDir(argNameList, valueCmb, baseDir, connectionSymbol, seperationSymbol)) # add mkdirHook to preFncs: preFncs=listR.toList(preFncs) preFncs.insert(0,mkdirHook) if callOrderList == None: callOrderList = argNameList order = listR.createOrderList(listR.FLL(callOrderList), listR.FLL(argNameList)) preExePost(argValueList, preFncs, exeFile, postFncs, order, sleepTime)
def takeRatioWithFirstLine(filename, columns=[2], newfilename=""): """ For all specified columns, convert all elements to the ratio of it over the 1st one in this column. Note that columns are indexed from 1. """ # initialize if newfilename == "": newfilename = filename; columns = listR.toList(columns); buffer = readData(filename); # read data from disk first = list(buffer[0]); # a list of first elements in each column for i in range(len(buffer)): # loop through rows for j in columns: # loop through columns buffer[i][j-1] = buffer[i][j-1] / float(first[j-1]); # take ratio writeData(newfilename, buffer); # write data back to disk
def preExePost(argValueList, preFncs=[], exeFile="", postFncs=[], order=[], sleepTime=0): # exeFile="" to do nothing """ Execute exeFile with a choice of arguments specified in argNameList. argValueList is a nested list, elements from each sublist consist a "choice" of arguments. order is applied before this choice of arguments is used. For each possible combination of values of arguments, preFncs are executed first, then exeFile is executed, then postFncs are executed. preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each run, it has one parameter: a list of choice of parameters. postFun is similar, only executed after each run. Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list argValueList is very free, for example, the list [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program reads argument for a loop to generate one file. """ for valueCmb in listR.outer(map(listR.toList, listR.toList(argValueList))): # take a perticular list of possible combination of values valueCmb = list(listR.FL(valueCmb)) # execute preFnc if preFncs!=[]: for pre_func in listR.toList(preFncs): pre_func(valueCmb) # execute exeFile with given choice of arguments if exeFile!="": runCommand(exeFile + " " + listR.listToStr(listR.applyOrderList(order,valueCmb)), path.dirname(exeFile), sleepTime) # execute postFnc if postFncs!=[]: for post_func in listR.toList(postFncs): post_func(valueCmb)
def copyinPreExeMkdirCopyoutPost(exeFile, toBeCopiedDir, copyToBaseDir, toBeCopiedFileNames, argNameList, argValueList, callOrderList=None, sleepTime=0, preFncs=[], postFncs=[], connectionSymbol="=",seperationSymbol=","): """ Generate data files using exeFile. argNameList is a list of variable names. argValueList is a nested list, whose sublist at position i is a list of possible values of variable given at position i in argNameList. For each possible combination of values of arguments, exeFile is executed, then toBeCopiedFileNames in toBeCopiedDir are copied to generated directory under copyToBaseDir.The structure of the directories under copyToBaseDir are like (when connectionSymbol is "="): copyToBaseDir/arg1=xx/arg2=xx/arg3=xx/... the data file corresponding to a certain combination of values of argument is copied to the bottom directory with which the name of the path indicates the choice of arguments. callOrderList specifies the order of argument when being called by exeFile. For example, if argNameList is like ["a1","a2","a3",...], callOrderList can be like ["a3","a1","a2",...] preFnc is used to do some possible clean work between each run, it has two parameters: a list of choice of parameters and a path to the generated directory corresponding to this choice of paramters. Note that exeFile is a string that contains the executable file, and the string can contain other arguments, as long as these arguments are positioned in front of those automatically generated arguments list of the form argNameList. The list argValueList is very free, for example, the list [["1 2","3 4"],...] will use "1 2" or "3 4" as the first generated parameter. This is especially useful if a program reads argument for a loop to generate one file. See help for preExeMkdirPost for additional information. """ def copyinHook(valueCmb): # make a list of type [arg1=xx, arg2=xx,...], join them with path.join copyToFullDir = _argListToDir(argNameList, valueCmb, copyToBaseDir) copyFiles(toBeCopiedFileNames, toBeCopiedDir, copyToFullDir) # add copyinHook to preFncs: preFncs=listR.toList(preFncs) preFncs.insert(0,copyinHook) preExeMkdirPost(argNameList, argValueList, copyToBaseDir, preFncs, exeFile, callOrderList, postFncs, sleepTime, connectionSymbol, seperationSymbol)
def nestedRenameFilesAdd(dir_path, filenames, str_add, add_to_front=True): """ Rename all files in "filenames" under "dir_path" by adding the string "str_add" to the front. If "add_to_front" is specified as "False", changes will be made to the end of the file name, otherwise (by default) it will be add to the front of the file name. """ filenames = listR.toList(filenames) for name in filenames: if add_to_front == True: str_mode = str_add+"%s%s" else: str_mode = "%s" + str_add + "%s" new_filename = str_mode % (path.splitext(name)) nestedRenameFiles(dir_path, name, new_filename)
def _argListToDir(argNameList, valueCmb, baseDir, connectionSymbol="=", seperationSymbol=","): """ Return a associated directory (path+name) to argNameList and the corresponding valueCmb. argNameList can be one level nested, e.g: [[a,b,c],[d,e],f,...] The corresponding valueCmb is flattened: [1,2,3,4,5,6,...] And the generated dir name is (w/ default "=" & ",") a=1,b=2,c=3/d=4,e=5/f=6/... """ # make a list of type [[arg1=xx, arg2=xx],arg3=xx,...]: tmp = listR.mimic(argNameList, listR.strZip(listR.FL(argNameList), listR.FL(valueCmb), connectionSymbol)) # join sublist using seperationSymbol: tmp = map(lambda x:seperationSymbol.join(listR.toList(x)), tmp) # join them with path.join return path.join(baseDir, path.sep.join(tmp))
def addColumnsToFile(filename, columns, add_before_original=True): """ Add columns of data into a file with filename, before or after the original data in each line. The variable "columns" should be a list of strings. Each string will be inserted accordingly into the file. This list will be re-used if it is shorter than the length of the file. """ tempFile = "TEMP.tmp" outFile = open(tempFile, "w") inFile = open(filename, "r") columns = listR.toList(columns) index = 0 aLine = inFile.readline() while aLine: if add_before_original: outFile.write(columns[index] + aLine) else: outFile.write(aLine + columns[index]) index =, index) aLine = inFile.readline() inFile.close outFile.close() copy(tempFile, filename)