Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, by, max, per, where=None):
        # XX: Hack, need actual rate limit implementation.
        self._state = defaultdict(int)

        where = where or Literal.List([]) = expect(Entity, by)
        self.max = expect(Literal.Number, max).unwrap()
        self.per = expect(Interval, per).unwrap()
        self.where = expect(Literal.List.Of(BaseNode), where)
Esempio n. 2
def generatePredCompatAx(p, arity):
    Generate axioms for the form
    for f with the given arity.
    res = generateEqPremise(arity)

    negp = list([p])
    negp.extend(generateVarList("X", arity))
    res.append(Literal(negp, True))

    posp = list([p])
    posp.extend(generateVarList("Y", arity))
    res.append(Literal(posp, False))

    resclause = Clause(res)
    return resclause
Esempio n. 3
def generateEqPremise(arity):
    Generate a list of literals of the form
    res = [
        Literal(list(["=", vars[0], vars[1]]), True) for vars in zip(
            generateVarList("X", arity), generateVarList("Y", arity))
    return res
Esempio n. 4
def generateFunCompatAx(f, arity):
    Generate axioms for the form
    for f with the given arity.
    res = generateEqPremise(arity)
    lterm = list([f])
    lterm.extend(generateVarList("X", arity))
    rterm = list([f])
    rterm.extend(generateVarList("Y", arity))
    concl = Literal(["=", lterm, rterm], False)

    resclause = Clause(res)
    return resclause
Esempio n. 5
 def wrapped(seconds):
     value = expect(Literal.Number, seconds).unwrap()
     value *= magnitude
     return Interval(Literal.Number(value))
Esempio n. 6
def formulaTopSimplify(f):
    Try to apply the following simplification rules to f at the top
    level. Return (f',m), where f' is the result of simplification,
    and m indicates if f'!=f.
    if f.op == "~":
        if f.child1.isLiteral():
            # Push ~ into literals if possible. This covers the case
            # of ~~P -> P if one of the negations is in the literal.
            return Formula("", f.child1.child1.negate()), True
    elif f.op == "|":
        if f.child1.isPropConst(True):
            # T | P -> T. Note that child1 is $true or
            # equivalent. This applies to several other cases where we
            # can reuse a $true or $false child instead of creating a
            # new formula.
            return f.child1, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(True):
            # P | T -> T
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child1.isPropConst(False):
            # F | P -> P
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(False):
            # P | F -> P
            return f.child1, True
        elif f.child1.isEqual(f.child2):
            # P | P -> P
            return f.child2, True
    elif f.op == "&":
        if f.child1.isPropConst(True):
            # T & P -> P
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(True):
            # P & T -> P
            return f.child1, True
        elif f.child1.isPropConst(False):
            # F & P -> F
            return f.child1, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(False):
            # P & F -> F
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child1.isEqual(f.child2):
            # P & P -> P
            return f.child2, True
    elif f.op == "<=>":
        if f.child1.isPropConst(True):
            # T <=> P -> P
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(True):
            # P <=> T -> P
            return f.child1, True
        elif f.child1.isPropConst(False):
            # P <=> F -> ~P
            newform = Formula("~", f.child2)
            newform, m = formulaSimplify(newform)
            return newform, True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(False):
            # F <=> P -> ~P
            newform = Formula("~", f.child1)
            newform, m = formulaSimplify(newform)
            return newform, True
        elif f.child1.isEqual(f.child2):
            # P <=> P -> T
            return Formula("", Literal(["$true"])), True
    elif f.op == "=>":
        if f.child1.isPropConst(True):
            # T => P -> P
            return f.child2, True
        elif f.child1.isPropConst(False):
            # F => P -> T
            return Formula("", Literal(["$true"])), True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(True):
            # P => T -> T
            return Formula("", Literal(["$true"])), True
        elif f.child2.isPropConst(False):
            # P => F -> ~P
            newform = Formula("~", f.child1)
            newform, m = formulaSimplify(newform)
            return newform, True
        elif f.child1.isEqual(f.child2):
            # P => P -> T
            return Formula("", Literal(["$true"])), True
    elif f.op in ["!", "?"]:
        # ![X] F -> F if X is not free in F
        # ?[X] F -> F if X is not free in F
        vars = f.child2.collectFreeVars()
        if not f.child1 in vars:
            return f.child2, True
        assert f.op == "" or "Unexpected op"
    return f, False
Esempio n. 7
def has_label_removed(entity, label):
    return HasLabel(entity, label, Literal.String('REMOVED'))
Esempio n. 8
def has_label_added(entity, label):
    return HasLabel(entity, label, Literal.String('ADDED'))