def test_url(recwarn): # The ``recwarn`` argument silences the ``RequiredAttrMissingWarning`` node = parse.tree(b"<?url root:images/gurk.gif?>", parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node()) assert node.bytes(base="root:about/us.html") == b"../images/gurk.gif" node = parse.tree(b'<img src="root:images/gurk.gif"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node()) assert node.bytes(base="root:about/us.html") == b'<img src="../images/gurk.gif" />'
def test_parsestringurl(): # Base URLs should end up in the location info of the resulting XML tree node = parse.tree(b"gurk", parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert str(node[0].startloc.url) == "STRING" node = parse.tree(parse.String(b"gurk", url="root:gurk.xmlxsc"), parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(), parse.Node()) assert str(node[0].startloc.url) == "root:gurk.xmlxsc"
def test_parsevalueattrs(recwarn): xmlns = "" # Parser should complain about attributes with illegal values, when a set of values is specified with xsc.Pool(): class Test(xsc.Element): xmlns = "" class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class withvalues(xsc.TextAttr): values = ("foo", "bar") node = parse.tree(b'<Test withvalues="bar"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(xmlns), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert str(node[0]["withvalues"]) == "bar" parse.tree(b'<Test withvalues="baz"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(xmlns), parse.Node(), validate=True) w = recwarn.pop(xsc.IllegalAttrValueWarning)
def test_parserequiredattrs(recwarn): xmlns = "" # Parser should complain about required attributes that are missing with xsc.Pool(): class Test(xsc.Element): xmlns = "" class Attrs(xsc.Element.Attrs): class required(xsc.TextAttr): required = True node = parse.tree(b'<Test required="foo"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(xmlns), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert str(node[0]["required"]) == "foo" parse.tree(b'<Test/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(xmlns), parse.Node(), validate=True) w = recwarn.pop(xsc.RequiredAttrMissingWarning) node = parse.tree(b'<Test required="foo"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(xmlns), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert node[0].__class__ is xsc.Element assert node[0].xmlname == "Test" assert node[0].xmlns == xmlns
def check(parser): for i in range(3): try: parse.tree(b"<>gurk", parser, parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) except Exception: pass for j in range(3): assert parse.tree(b"<a>gurk</a>", parser, parse.NS(html), parse.Node()).string() == "<a>gurk</a>"
def test_parseurls(): # Check proper URL handling when parsing ``URLAttr`` or ``StyleAttr`` attributes node = parse.tree(b'<a href="4.html" style="background-image: url(3.gif);"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(base="root:1/2.html"), validate=True) assert str(node[0]["style"]) == "background-image: url(root:1/3.gif)" assert node[0]["style"].urls() == [url.URL("root:1/3.gif")] assert str(node[0]["href"]) == "root:1/4.html" assert node[0]["href"].forInput(root="gurk/hurz.html") == url.URL("gurk/1/4.html")
def test_parseemptyattribute(): e = parse.tree(b"<a target=''/>", parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html)), validate=True) assert "target" in e[0].attrs
def printone(u): source = parse.URL(u) if isinstance(u, url.URL) else parse.Stream(u) node = parse.tree(source, parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(base="", pool=xsc.Pool(html, xml))) if args.compact: node = node.normalized().compacted() node = node.pretty() print((node.string(encoding=sys.stdout.encoding)))
def printone(u): source = parse.URL(u) if isinstance(u, url.URL) else parse.Stream(u) node = parse.tree(source, parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(base="", pool=xsc.Pool(html, xml))) if args.compact: node = node.normalized().compacted() node = node.pretty() print(node.string(encoding=sys.stdout.encoding))
def test_htmlparse_base(): e = parse.tree(b"<a href='gurk.gif'/>", parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(base="hurz/index.html"), validate=True) e = e.walknodes(html.a)[0] assert str(e.attrs.href) == "hurz/gurk.gif"
def test_base(): e = parse.tree(parse.String( b'<a xmlns="" href="gurk.html"/>', ''), parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html)), validate=True) assert str(e[0].attrs.href) == ""
def test_parselocationsgmlop(): # sgmlop doesn't provide any location info, so check only the URL node = parse.tree(b"<z>gurk&hurz*hinz٦hunz</z>", parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(doc), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert len(node) == 1 assert len(node[0]) == 1 assert str(node[0][0].startloc.url) == "STRING" assert node[0][0].startloc.line is None assert node[0][0].startloc.col is None
def test_parselocationexpat(): # Check that expat gets the location info right node = parse.tree(b"<z>gurk&hurz*hinz٦hunz</z>", parse.Expat(), parse.NS(doc), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert len(node) == 1 assert len(node[0]) == 1 assert str(node[0][0].startloc.url) == "STRING" assert node[0][0].startloc.line == 0 assert node[0][0].startloc.col == 36 # expat reports the *end* of the text
def check(input, output): node = parse.tree(input, parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(a), parse.Node(), validate=True) node = node.walknodes(a)[0] assert str(node.attrs.title) == output
def check(input, output): node = parse.tree(f'<a title="{input}">{input}</a>'.encode("utf-8"), parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(a.xmlns), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(a, bar, foo, chars)), validate=True) node = node.walknodes(a)[0] assert str(node) == output assert str(node.attrs.title) == output
def test_plain_entity(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: node = parse.tree(b"<a xmlns='gurk'>&hurz;</a>", parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool()), validate=True)[0][0] assert node.__class__ is xsc.Entity assert node.xmlname == "hurz" assert len(ws) == 2 assert all(issubclass(w.category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning) for w in ws)
def test_expat_xmldecl(): e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?><a/>", parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) e = parse.tree(b"<a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0"' e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"' e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"'
def test_expat_doctype(): e = parse.tree( b'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><a/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) e = parse.tree( b'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == html.DocTypeXHTML11().content e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE html><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == "html" e = parse.tree( b'<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM ""><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[ 0].content == 'html SYSTEM ""' e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE a [<!ELEMENT a EMPTY><!--gurk-->]><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == 'a' # Internal subset gets dropped
def test_plain_procinst(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: node = parse.tree(b"<a xmlns='gurk'><?hurz text?></a>", parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool()), validate=True)[0][0] assert node.__class__ is xsc.ProcInst assert node.xmlname == "hurz" assert node.content == "text" assert len(ws) == 2 assert all(issubclass(w.category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning) for w in ws)
def test_expat_doctype(): e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><a/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == html.DocTypeXHTML11().content e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE html><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == "html" e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM ""><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == 'html SYSTEM ""' e = parse.tree(b'<!DOCTYPE a [<!ELEMENT a EMPTY><!--gurk-->]><a/>', parse.Expat(doctype=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xsc.DocType) assert e[0].content == 'a' # Internal subset gets dropped
def test_plain_element(): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: node = parse.tree(b"<a xmlns='gurk'/>", parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool()), validate=True)[0] assert node.__class__ is xsc.Element assert node.xmlns == "gurk" assert node.xmlname == "a" assert len(ws) == 1 assert issubclass(ws[0].category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning)
def test_parse_tidy_attrs(): e = parse.tree( b"<a xmlns:xl='' xml:lang='de' xl:href='gurk.gif' href='gurk.gif'/>", parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, xml, xlink)), validate=True) a = e.walknodes(html.a)[0] assert str(a.attrs["href"]) == "gurk.gif" assert str(a.attrs[xml.Attrs.lang]) == "de" assert str(a.attrs[xlink.Attrs.href]) == "gurk.gif"
def check(encoding): node = xsc.Frag( html.div( php.php("echo $foo"), abbr.html(), html.div("gurk", class_="hurz"), "\u3042", ) ) s = node.bytes(encoding=encoding) node2 = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), xsc.Pool(html, php, abbr)) assert node == node2
def check(encoding): node = xsc.Frag( html.div( php.php("echo $foo"), abbr.html(), html.div("gurk", class_="hurz"), "\u3042", )) s = node.bytes(encoding=encoding) node2 = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), xsc.Pool(html, php, abbr)) assert node == node2
def test_expat_xmldecl(): e = parse.tree( b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?><a/>", parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) e = parse.tree(b"<a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0"' e = parse.tree(b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"' e = parse.tree( b"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?><a/>", parse.Expat(xmldecl=True), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], xml.XML) assert e[0].content == 'version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"'
def xsc2txt(instream, outstream, title, width): e = parse.tree(parse.Stream(instream), parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(doc), parse.Node(pool=xsc.docpool())) if title is None: title = xsc.Null else: title = doc.title(title) e = html.html(html.body(doc.section(title, e))) e = e.conv() outstream.write(html.astext(e, width=width))
def test_parseurls(): # Check proper URL handling when parsing ``URLAttr`` or ``StyleAttr`` attributes node = parse.tree( b'<a href="4.html" style="background-image: url(3.gif);"/>', parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(base="root:1/2.html"), validate=True) assert str(node[0]["style"]) == "background-image: url(root:1/3.gif)" assert node[0]["style"].urls() == [url.URL("root:1/3.gif")] assert str(node[0]["href"]) == "root:1/4.html" assert node[0]["href"].forInput( root="gurk/hurz.html") == url.URL("gurk/1/4.html")
def test_xmlns(): s = f"<z xmlns={doc.xmlns!r}><rb xmlns={ruby.xmlns!r}/><z/></z>".encode( "utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(doc, ruby)), validate=True) assert e[0].xmlns == doc.xmlns assert e[0][0].xmlns == ruby.xmlns s = f"<a xmlns={html.xmlns!r}><a xmlns={ihtml.xmlns!r}/></a>".encode( "utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, ihtml)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], html.a) assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) s = f"<a><a xmlns={ihtml.xmlns!r}/></a>".encode("utf-8") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(ihtml)), validate=True) assert e[0].__class__ is xsc.Element assert e[0].xmlname == "a" assert e[0].xmlns == html.xmlns assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) assert len(ws) == 1 assert issubclass(ws[0].category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning) e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, ihtml)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], html.a) assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) s = f"<z xmlns={doc.xmlns!r}/>".encode("utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(doc.z)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], doc.z) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool()), validate=True) assert e[0].__class__ is xsc.Element assert e[0].xmlname == "z" assert e[0].xmlns == doc.xmlns assert len(ws) == 1 assert issubclass(ws[0].category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning)
def makexnd(stream, encoding=None, shareattrs="dupes", model="simple"): # :obj:`stream` can be a stream, an :class:`URL` or ``str``/``bytes`` encoding = None if isinstance(stream, str): encoding = "utf-8" stream = stream.encode(encoding) node = parse.tree(stream, parse.Expat(encoding=encoding), parse.NS(tld), parse.Node()) # get and convert the taglib object xnd = misc.first(node.walknodes(tld.taglib)).asxnd(model=model) if shareattrs=="dupes": xnd.shareattrs(False) elif shareattrs=="all": xnd.shareattrs(True) return xnd
def xsc2txt(instream, outstream, title, width): e = parse.tree(parse.Stream(instream), parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(doc), parse.Node(pool=xsc.docpool())) if title is None: title = xsc.Null else: title = doc.title(title) e = html.html( html.body( doc.section(title, e) ) ) e = e.conv() outstream.write(html.astext(e, width=width))
def test_nsparse(): # A prepopulated prefix mapping and xmlns attributes should work together xml = b""" <x:a> <x:a xmlns:x=''> <x:a xmlns:x=''>gurk</x:a> </x:a> </x:a> """ check = doc.a(html.a(doc.a("gurk"))) node = parse.tree(xml, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(x=doc), parse.Node(), validate=True) node = node.walknodes( xsc.Element)[0].compacted() # get rid of the Frag and whitespace assert node == check
def test_nsparse(): # A prepopulated prefix mapping and xmlns attributes should work together xml = b""" <x:a> <x:a xmlns:x=''> <x:a xmlns:x=''>gurk</x:a> </x:a> </x:a> """ check = doc.a( html.a( doc.a( "gurk" ) ) ) node = parse.tree(xml, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(x=doc), parse.Node(), validate=True) node = node.walknodes(xsc.Element)[0].compacted() # get rid of the Frag and whitespace assert node == check
def test_xmlns(): s = f"<z xmlns={doc.xmlns!r}><rb xmlns={ruby.xmlns!r}/><z/></z>".encode("utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(doc, ruby)), validate=True) assert e[0].xmlns == doc.xmlns assert e[0][0].xmlns == ruby.xmlns s = f"<a xmlns={html.xmlns!r}><a xmlns={ihtml.xmlns!r}/></a>".encode("utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, ihtml)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], html.a) assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) s = f"<a><a xmlns={ihtml.xmlns!r}/></a>".encode("utf-8") with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(ihtml)), validate=True) assert e[0].__class__ is xsc.Element assert e[0].xmlname == "a" assert e[0].xmlns == html.xmlns assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) assert len(ws) == 1 assert issubclass(ws[0].category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning) e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, ihtml)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], html.a) assert isinstance(e[0][0], ihtml.a) s = f"<z xmlns={doc.xmlns!r}/>".encode("utf-8") e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(doc.z)), validate=True) assert isinstance(e[0], doc.z) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: e = parse.tree(s, parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool()), validate=True) assert e[0].__class__ is xsc.Element assert e[0].xmlname == "z" assert e[0].xmlns == doc.xmlns assert len(ws) == 1 assert issubclass(ws[0].category, xsc.UndeclaredNodeWarning)
def test_base(): e = parse.tree(parse.String(b'<a xmlns="" href="gurk.html"/>', ''), parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html)), validate=True) assert str(e[0].attrs.href) == ""
def test_parse_tidy_empty(): e = parse.tree(b"", parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(), parse.Node(), validate=True) assert not e
def test_frag(): e = parse.tree(b"das ist <b>klaus</b>. das ist <b>erich</b>", parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node()) assert "".join(map(str, e.walknodes(e // html.b))) == "klauserich"
def test_parse_tidy_attrs(): e = parse.tree(b"<a xmlns:xl='' xml:lang='de' xl:href='gurk.gif' href='gurk.gif'/>", parse.Tidy(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node(pool=xsc.Pool(html, xml, xlink)), validate=True) a = e.walknodes(html.a)[0] assert str(a.attrs["href"]) == "gurk.gif" assert str(a.attrs[xml.Attrs.lang]) == "de" assert str(a.attrs[xlink.Attrs.href]) == "gurk.gif"
def check(*pipeline): node = parse.tree(*pipeline, validate=True) node = node.walknodes(a)[0] assert str(node) == t assert str(node["title"]) == t
dvds = xsc.Frag(self[dvd]).sorted(key=namekey) lds = xsc.Frag(self[ld]).sorted(key=namekey) with with xsc.Frag() as e: +xml.XML() +html.DocTypeXHTML10transitional() with html.html(): with html.head(): +meta.contenttype() +html.title("Media") +meta.stylesheet(href="Media.css") with htmlspecials.plainbody(): +html.h1("Media") if lds: +html.h2(len(lds), " LDs") +html.ol(lds) if dvds: +html.h2(len(dvds), " DVDs") +html.ol(dvds) return e.convert(converter) if __name__ == "__main__": node = parse.tree(parse.File("Media.xml"), parse.Expat(ns=True), xsc.Pool(vars(), chars, xml)) node = node[media][0] node = node.conv() print(node.bytes(encoding="us-ascii"))
def getdoc(thing, format): if thing.__doc__ is None: return xsc.Null # Remove indentation lines = textwrap.dedent(thing.__doc__).split("\n") # remove empty lines while lines and not lines[0]: del lines[0] while lines and not lines[-1]: del lines[-1] text = "\n".join(lines) modulename = _getmodulename(thing) if inspect.ismethod(thing): base = f"METHOD-DOCSTRING({modulename}.{thing.__class__.__name__}.{thing.__qualname__})" elif isinstance(thing, property): base = f"PROPERTY-DOCSTRING({modulename}.{thing})" elif inspect.isfunction(thing): base = f"FUNCTION-DOCSTRING({modulename}.{thing.__qualname__})" elif inspect.isclass(thing): base = f"CLASS-DOCSTRING({modulename}.{thing.__qualname__})" elif inspect.ismodule(thing): base = f"MODULE-DOCSTRING({modulename})" else: base = "DOCSTRING" lformat = format.lower() if lformat == "plaintext": return xsc.Text(text) elif lformat == "restructuredtext": from ll.xist.ns import rest, doc return rest.fromstring(text, base=base).conv(target=doc) elif lformat == "xist": from ll.xist.ns import doc node = parse.tree(parse.String(text), parse.SGMLOP(), parse.NS(doc), parse.Node(pool=xsc.docpool(), base=base)) if not node[ p]: # optimization: one paragraph docstrings don't need a <p> element. node = p(node) if inspect.ismethod(thing): # Use the original method instead of the decorator realthing = thing while hasattr(realthing, "__wrapped__"): realthing = realthing.__wrapped__ for ref in node.walknodes(pyref): if "module" not in ref.attrs: ref["module"] = _getmodulename(realthing) if "class_" not in ref.attrs: ref["class_"] = thing.__self__.__class__.__name__ if "method" not in ref.attrs: ref["method"] = thing.__name__ elif inspect.isfunction(thing): # Use the original method instead of the decorator while hasattr(thing, "__wrapped__"): thing = thing.__wrapped__ for ref in node.walknodes(pyref): if "module" not in ref.attrs: ref["module"] = _getmodulename(thing) elif inspect.isclass(thing): for ref in node.walknodes(pyref): if "module" not in ref.attrs: ref["module"] = _getmodulename(thing) if "class_" not in ref.attrs: ref["class_"] = thing.__name__ elif inspect.ismodule(thing): for ref in node.walknodes(pyref): if "module" not in ref.attrs: ref["module"] = thing.__name__ return node else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported __docformat__ {format!r}")
return str(node[name][0].content) dvds = xsc.Frag(self[dvd]).sorted(key=namekey) lds = xsc.Frag(self[ld]).sorted(key=namekey) with with xsc.Frag() as e: +xml.XML() +html.DocTypeXHTML10transitional() with html.html(): with html.head(): +meta.contenttype() +html.title("Media") +meta.stylesheet(href="Media.css") with htmlspecials.plainbody(): +html.h1("Media") if lds: +html.h2(len(lds), " LDs") +html.ol(lds) if dvds: +html.h2(len(dvds), " DVDs") +html.ol(dvds) return e.convert(converter) if __name__ == "__main__": node = parse.tree(parse.File("Media.xml"), parse.Expat(ns=True), xsc.Pool(vars(), chars, xml)) node = node[media][0] node = node.conv() print(node.bytes(encoding="us-ascii"))
def test_comments(): d = b'<html><head><style type="text/css">/*nix*/ p{/*nix*/ color: red;}</style></head><body><p>gurk</p></body></html>' node = parse.tree(d, parse.Expat(), parse.NS(html), parse.Node()) css.applystylesheets(node) assert str(node.walknodes(html.p)[0] == "color: red;"
def convert(self, converter): e = parse.tree(parse.URL(self["src"].forInput()), parse.Expat(ns=True), parse.Node()) return e.convert(converter)