def _test_result_1d(self, dtype): A = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], dtype=dtype) tensor = sops.median3x3_downsample(A) B = tensor.eval() correct = np.array([[1, 3, 5]], dtype=dtype) self.assertAllEqual(B, correct) tensor = sops.median3x3_downsample(A.transpose()) B = tensor.eval() self.assertAllEqual(B, correct.transpose())
def test_gpu_equals_cpu(self): if not tf.test.is_gpu_available(): return for dtype in TYPES: A = np.random.rand(10, 13).astype(dtype) with self.test_session(use_gpu=False, force_gpu=False): tensor_cpu = sops.median3x3_downsample(A) result_cpu = tensor_cpu.eval() with self.test_session(use_gpu=True, force_gpu=True): tensor_gpu = sops.median3x3_downsample(A) result_gpu = tensor_cpu.eval() self.assertAllEqual(result_cpu, result_gpu)
def recursive_median_downsample(inp, iterations): """Recursively downsamples the input using a 3x3 median filter""" result = [] for i in range(iterations): if not result: tmp_inp = inp else: tmp_inp = result[-1] result.append(sops.median3x3_downsample(tmp_inp)) return tuple(result)
def create_prediction_file(dataset, dataset_dir): """Creates a hdf5 file with the predictions dataset: str name of the dataset dataset_dir: str path to the directory containing the datasets Returns the path to the created file """ if tf.test.is_gpu_available(True): data_format='channels_first' else: # running on cpu requires channels_last data format data_format='channels_last' print('Using data_format "{0}"'.format(data_format)) ds = dataset # destination file prediction_file = '{0}_prediction.h5'.format(ds) # data types requested from the reader op data_tensors_keys = ('IMAGE_PAIR', 'MOTION', 'DEPTH', 'INTRINSICS') reader_params = { 'batch_size': 1, 'test_phase': True, # deactivates randomization 'builder_threads': 1, # must be 1 in test phase 'inverse_depth': True, 'motion_format': 'ANGLEAXIS6', 'norm_trans_scale_depth': True, # inpu resolution for demon 'scaled_height': 192, 'scaled_width': 256, 'scene_pool_size': 5, # no augmentation 'augment_rot180': 0, 'augment_mirror_x': 0, 'top_output': data_tensors_keys, 'source': [{'path': os.path.join(dataset_dir,'{0}_test.h5'.format(ds))}], } reader_tensors = multi_vi_h5_data_reader(len(data_tensors_keys), json.dumps(reader_params)) # create a dict to make the distinct data tensors accessible via keys data_dict = dict(zip(data_tensors_keys,reader_tensors[2])) info_tensor = reader_tensors[0] sample_ids_tensor = reader_tensors[1] image1, image2 = tf.split(data_dict['IMAGE_PAIR'],2,axis=1) # downsample second image image2_2 = sops.median3x3_downsample(sops.median3x3_downsample(image2)) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions() gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.8 # leave some memory to other processes session = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, gpu_options=gpu_options)) # init networks #bootstrap_net = BootstrapNet(session, data_format) #iterative_net = IterativeNet(session, data_format) #refine_net = RefinementNet(session, data_format) bootstrap_net = BootstrapNet(session) iterative_net = IterativeNet(session) refine_net = RefinementNet(session) # load weights saver = tf.train.Saver() #saver.restore(session,os.path.join(weights_dir,'demon_original')) saver.restore(session, args.checkpoint) fetch_dict = { 'INFO': info_tensor, 'SAMPLE_IDS': sample_ids_tensor, 'image1': image1, 'image2_2': image2_2, } fetch_dict.update(data_dict) if data_format == 'channels_last': for k in ('image1', 'image2_2', 'IMAGE_PAIR',): fetch_dict[k] = convert_NCHW_to_NHWC(fetch_dict[k]) with h5py.File(prediction_file, 'w') as f: number_of_test_iterations = 1 # will be set to the correct value in the while loop test_iteration = 0 while test_iteration < number_of_test_iterations: data = # get number of iterations from the info vector number_of_test_iterations = int(data['INFO'][0]) # create group for the current test sample and save the sample id. group = f.require_group('snapshot_1/{0}'.format(test_iteration)) sample_id = (''.join(map(chr, data['SAMPLE_IDS']))).strip() group.attrs['sample_id'] = np.string_(sample_id) # save intrinsics group['intrinsics'] = data['INTRINSICS'] # run the network and save outputs for each network iteration 'i'. # iteration 0 corresponds to the bootstrap network. # we also store the refined depth for each iteration. for i in range(4): if i == 0: result = bootstrap_net.eval(data['IMAGE_PAIR'], data['image2_2']) else: result = iterative_net.eval( data['IMAGE_PAIR'], data['image2_2'], result['predict_depth2'], result['predict_normal2'], result['predict_rotation'], result['predict_translation'] ) # write predictions if data_format == 'channels_last': group['predicted_flow/{0}'.format(i)] = result['predict_flow2'][0].transpose([2,0,1]) group['predicted_depth/{0}'.format(i)] = result['predict_depth2'][0,:,:,0] else: group['predicted_flow/{0}'.format(i)] = result['predict_flow2'][0] group['predicted_depth/{0}'.format(i)] = result['predict_depth2'][0,0] predict_motion = np.concatenate((result['predict_rotation'],result['predict_translation']),axis=1) group['predicted_motion/{0}'.format(i)] = predict_motion[0] # run refinement network result_refined = refine_net.eval(data['image1'],result['predict_depth2'], result['predict_normal2']) # write refined depth prediction if data_format == 'channels_last': group['predicted_depth/{0}_refined'.format(i)] = result_refined['predict_depth0'][0,:,:,0] else: group['predicted_depth/{0}_refined'.format(i)] = result_refined['predict_depth0'][0,0] test_iteration += 1 del session tf.reset_default_graph() return prediction_file
def _test_single_element(self, dtype): A = np.array([[1]], dtype=dtype) tensor = sops.median3x3_downsample(A) B = tensor.eval() #print(A,B) self.assertAllEqual(B, A)