Esempio n. 1
 def init_g2c_stats(self):
     if self._stats:
     curves = g2c_db_curves()
     counts = self._counts
     total = counts["ncurves"]
     stats = {}
     dists = []
     # TODO use aggregate $group to speed this up and/or just store these counts in the database
     for attr in stats_attribute_list:
         counts = attribute_value_counts(curves, attr['name'])
         vcounts = []
         rows = []
         avg = 0
         for value,n in counts:
             prop = format_percentage(n,total)
             if 'avg' in attr and attr['avg']:
                 avg += n*value
             value_string = attr['format'](value) if 'format' in attr else value
             vcounts.append({'value': value_string, 'curves': n, 'query':url_for(".index_Q")+'?'+attr['name']+'='+str(value),'proportion': prop})
             if len(vcounts) == 10:
                 vcounts = []
         if len(vcounts):
         if 'avg' in attr and attr['avg']:
             vcounts.append({'value':'\(\\mathrm{avg}\\ %.2f\)'%(float(avg)/total), 'curves':total, 'query':url_for(".index_Q") +'?'+attr['name'],'proportion':format_percentage(1,1)})
     stats["distributions"] = dists
     self._stats = stats
Esempio n. 2
def download_search(info):
    lang = info.get('language','text').strip()
    filename = 'genus2_curves' + download_file_suffix[lang]
    mydate = time.strftime("%d %B %Y")
    # reissue query here
        res = g2c_db_curves().find(literal_eval(info.get('query','{}')),{'_id':False,'eqn':True})
    except Exception as err:
        return "Unable to parse query: %s"%err
    c = download_comment_prefix[lang]
    s =  '\n'
    s += c + ' Genus 2 curves downloaded from the LMFDB downloaded on %s.\n'% mydate
    s += c + ' Query "%s" returned %d curves.\n\n' %(str(info.get('query')), res.count())
    s += c + ' Below is a list called data. Each entry has the form:\n'
    s += c + '   [[f coeffs],[h coeffs]]\n'
    s += c + ' defining the hyperelliptic curve y^2+h(x)y=f(x)\n'
    s += c + '\n'
    s += c + ' ' + download_make_data_comment[lang] + '\n'
    s += '\n'
    s += download_assignment_start[lang] + '\\\n'
    s += str(',\n'.join([str(r['eqn']) for r in res])) # list of curve equations
    s += download_assignment_end[lang]
    s += '\n\n'
    s += download_make_data[lang]
    strIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True, add_etags=False)
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: bhutz/lmfdb
def by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant(cond, alpha, disc):
    data = to_dict(request.args)
    clabel = str(cond) + "." + alpha
    # if the isogeny class is not present in the database, return a 404 (otherwise title and bread crumbs refer to a non-existent isogeny class)
    if not g2c_db_curves().find_one({'class': clabel}, {'_id': True}):
        return abort(
            404, 'Genus 2 isogeny class %s not found in database.' % clabel)
    data['title'] = 'Genus 2 curves in isogeny class %s of discriminant %s' % (
        clabel, disc)
    data['bread'] = [('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")),
                     ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")),
                     ('%s' % cond, url_for(".by_conductor", cond=cond)),
                     ('%s' % alpha,
                     ('%s' % disc,
    if len(request.args) > 0:
        # if conductor or discriminant changed, fall back to a general search
        if ('cond' in request.args and request.args['cond'] != str(cond)) or \
           ('abs_disc' in request.args and request.args['abs_disc'] != str(disc)):
            return redirect(url_for(".index", **request.args), 307)
        data['title'] += ' search results'
        data['bread'].append(('search results', ''))
    data['cond'] = cond
    data['class'] = clabel
    data['abs_disc'] = disc
    return genus2_curve_search(data)
Esempio n. 4
def download_search(info):
    lang = info.get('language','text').strip()
    filename = 'genus2_curves' + download_file_suffix[lang]
    mydate = time.strftime("%d %B %Y")
    # reissue query here
        res = g2c_db_curves().find(literal_eval(info.get('query','{}')),{'_id':False,'eqn':True})
    except Exception as err:
        return "Unable to parse query: %s"%err
    c = download_comment_prefix[lang]
    s =  '\n'
    s += c + ' Genus 2 curves downloaded from the LMFDB downloaded on %s.\n'% mydate
    s += c + ' Query "%s" returned %d curves.\n\n' %(str(info.get('query')), res.count())
    s += c + ' Below is a list called data. Each entry has the form:\n'
    s += c + '   [[f coeffs],[h coeffs]]\n'
    s += c + ' defining the hyperelliptic curve y^2+h(x)y=f(x)\n'
    s += c + '\n'
    s += c + ' ' + download_make_data_comment[lang] + '\n'
    s += '\n'
    s += download_assignment_start[lang] + '\\\n'
    s += str(',\n'.join([str(r['eqn']) for r in res])) # list of curve equations
    s += download_assignment_end[lang]
    s += '\n\n'
    s += download_make_data[lang]
    strIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True, add_etags=False)
Esempio n. 5
 def init_g2c_stats(self):
     if self._stats:
     curves = g2c_db_curves()
     counts = self._counts
     total = counts["ncurves"]
     stats = {}
     dists = []
     # TODO use aggregate $group to speed this up and/or just store these counts in the database
     for attr in stats_attribute_list:
         counts = attribute_value_counts(curves, attr['name'])
         vcounts = []
         rows = []
         avg = 0
         for value,n in counts:
             prop = format_percentage(n,total)
             if 'avg' in attr and attr['avg']:
                 avg += n*value
             value_string = attr['format'](value) if 'format' in attr else value
             vcounts.append({'value': value_string, 'curves': n, 'query':url_for(".index_Q")+'?'+attr['name']+'='+str(value),'proportion': prop})
             if len(vcounts) == 10:
                 vcounts = []
         if len(vcounts):
         if 'avg' in attr and attr['avg']:
             vcounts.append({'value':'\(\\mathrm{avg}\\ %.2f\)'%(float(avg)/total), 'curves':total, 'query':url_for(".index_Q") +'?'+attr['name'],'proportion':format_percentage(1,1)})
     stats["distributions"] = dists
     self._stats = stats
Esempio n. 6
 def init_g2c_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     curves = g2c_db_curves()
     counts = {}
     ncurves = curves.count()
     counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = g2c_db_isogeny_classes_count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     max_D = curves.find().sort('abs_disc', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['abs_disc']
     counts['max_D'] = max_D
     counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
     self._counts  = counts
Esempio n. 7
 def init_g2c_count(self):
     if self._counts:
     curves = g2c_db_curves()
     counts = {}
     ncurves = curves.count()
     counts['ncurves']  = ncurves
     counts['ncurves_c'] = comma(ncurves)
     nclasses = g2c_db_isogeny_classes_count()
     counts['nclasses'] = nclasses
     counts['nclasses_c'] = comma(nclasses)
     max_D = curves.find().sort('abs_disc', DESCENDING).limit(1)[0]['abs_disc']
     counts['max_D'] = max_D
     counts['max_D_c'] = comma(max_D)
     self._counts  = counts
Esempio n. 8
def by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant(cond, alpha, disc):
    data = to_dict(request.args)
    clabel = str(cond)+"."+alpha
    # if the isogeny class is not present in the database, return a 404 (otherwise title and bread crumbs refer to a non-existent isogeny class)
    if not g2c_db_curves().find_one({'class':clabel},{'_id':True}):
        return abort(404, 'Genus 2 isogeny class %s not found in database.'%clabel)
    data['title'] = 'Genus 2 curves in isogeny class %s of discriminant %s' % (clabel,disc)
    data['bread'] = [('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")),
        ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")),
        ('%s' % cond, url_for(".by_conductor", cond=cond)),
        ('%s' % alpha, url_for(".by_url_isogeny_class_label", cond=cond, alpha=alpha)),
        ('%s' % disc, url_for(".by_url_isogeny_class_discriminant", cond=cond, alpha=alpha, disc=disc))]
    if len(request.args) > 0:
        # if conductor or discriminant changed, fall back to a general search
        if ('cond' in request.args and request.args['cond'] != str(cond)) or \
           ('abs_disc' in request.args and request.args['abs_disc'] != str(disc)):
            return redirect (url_for(".index", **request.args), 307)
        data['title'] += ' search results'
        data['bread'].append(('search results',''))
    data['cond'] = cond
    data['class'] = clabel
    data['abs_disc'] = disc
    return genus2_curve_search(data)
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: jwj61/lmfdb
def download_search(info):
    lang = info.get('language','').strip()
    if not lang in download_languages:
        return "Please specify a language in %s"%download_languages
    filename = 'genus2_curves' + download_file_suffix[lang]
    mydate = time.strftime("%d %B %Y")
    # reissue query here
        res = g2c_db_curves().find(literal_eval(info.get('query','{}')),{'_id':int(0),'eqn':int(1)})
    except Exception as err:
        return "Unable to parse query: %s"%err
    c = download_comment_prefix[lang]
    s =  '\n'
    s += c + ' Genus 2 curves downloaded from the LMFDB downloaded on %s. Found %s curves.\n'%(mydate, res.count())
    s += c + ' Below is a list called data. Each entry has the form:\n'
    s += c + '   [[f coeffs],[h coeffs]]\n'
    s += c + ' defining the hyperelliptic curve y^2+h(x)y=f(x)\n'
    s += c + '\n'
    s += c + ' ' + download_make_data_comment[lang] + '\n'
    s += '\n'
    s += download_assignment_start[lang] + '\\\n'
    # loop through all search results and grab the curve equations
    for r in res:
        entry = str(r['eqn'])
        entry = entry.replace('u','')
        entry = entry.replace('\'','')
        entry = entry.replace('\"','')
        s += entry + ',\\\n'
    s = s[:-3]
    s += download_assignment_end[lang]
    s += '\n\n'
    s += download_make_data[lang]
    strIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    return send_file(strIO, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True)
Esempio n. 10
def genus2_curve_search(info):
    if 'jump' in info:
        jump = info["jump"].strip()
        if re.match(r'^\d+\.[a-z]+\.\d+\.\d+$', jump):
            return redirect(url_for_curve_label(jump), 301)
            if re.match(r'^\d+\.[a-z]+$', jump):
                return redirect(url_for_isogeny_class_label(jump), 301)
                # Handle direct Lhash input
                if re.match(r'^\#\d+$', jump) and ZZ(jump[1:]) < 2**61:
                    c = g2c_db_curves().find_one({'Lhash': jump[1:].strip()})
                    if c:
                        return redirect(
                            url_for_isogeny_class_label(c["class"]), 301)
                        errmsg = "hash %s not found"
                    errmsg = "%s is not a valid genus 2 curve or isogeny class label"
        flash_error(errmsg, jump)
        return redirect(url_for(".index"))

    if info.get('download', '').strip() == '1':
        return download_search(info)

    info["st_group_list"] = st_group_list
    info["st_group_dict"] = st_group_dict
    info["real_geom_end_alg_list"] = real_geom_end_alg_list
    info["real_geom_end_alg_to_ST0_dict"] = real_geom_end_alg_to_ST0_dict
    info["aut_grp_list"] = aut_grp_list
    info["aut_grp_dict"] = aut_grp_dict
    info["geom_aut_grp_list"] = geom_aut_grp_list
    info["geom_aut_grp_dict"] = geom_aut_grp_dict
    bread = info.get('bread',
                     (('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")),
                      ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")), ('Search Results', '.')))

    query = {}
        parse_ints(info, query, 'abs_disc', 'absolute discriminant')
        parse_bool(info, query, 'is_gl2_type', 'is of GL2-type')
        parse_bool(info, query, 'has_square_sha', 'has square Sha')
        parse_bool(info, query, 'locally_solvable', 'is locally solvable')
        parse_bool(info, query, 'is_simple_geom', 'is geometrically simple')
        parse_ints(info, query, 'cond', 'conductor')
        parse_ints(info, query, 'num_rat_wpts', 'rational Weierstrass points')
                                'torsion structure',
        parse_ints(info, query, 'torsion_order', 'torsion order')
        if 'torsion' in query and not 'torsion_order' in query:
            query['torsion_order'] = reduce(mul,
                                            [int(n) for n in query['torsion']],
        if 'torsion' in query:
            query['torsion_subgroup'] = str(query['torsion']).replace(" ", "")
            query.pop('torsion')  # search using string key, not array of ints
        parse_ints(info, query, 'two_selmer_rank', '2-Selmer rank')
        parse_ints(info, query, 'analytic_rank', 'analytic rank')
        # G2 invariants and drop-list items don't require parsing -- they are all strings (supplied by us, not the user)
        if 'g20' in info and 'g21' in info and 'g22' in info:
            query['g2_inv'] = "['%s','%s','%s']" % (info['g20'], info['g21'],
        if 'class' in info:
            query['class'] = info['class']
        for fld in ('st_group', 'real_geom_end_alg', 'aut_grp_id',
            if info.get(fld): query[fld] = info[fld]
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return render_template("g2c_search_results.html",
                               title='Genus 2 Curves Search Input Error',
    # Database query happens here
    info["query"] = query  # save query for reuse in download_search
    cursor = g2c_db_curves().find(
        query, {
            '_id': False,
            'label': True,
            'eqn': True,
            'st_group': True,
            'is_gl2_type': True,
            'is_simple_geom': True,
            'analytic_rank': True

    count = parse_count(info, 50)
    start = parse_start(info)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if (start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if (start < 0):
        start = 0

    res = cursor.sort([("cond", ASCENDING), ("class", ASCENDING),
                       ("disc_key", ASCENDING),
                       ("label", ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    nres = res.count()

    if nres == 1:
        info["report"] = "unique match"
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (
                start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    res_clean = []

    for v in res:
        v_clean = {}
        v_clean["label"] = v["label"]
        v_clean["class"] = class_from_curve_label(v["label"])
        v_clean["is_gl2_type"] = v["is_gl2_type"]
        v_clean["is_simple_geom"] = v["is_simple_geom"]
        v_clean["equation_formatted"] = list_to_min_eqn(literal_eval(v["eqn"]))
        v_clean["st_group_link"] = st_link_by_name(1, 4, v['st_group'])
        v_clean["analytic_rank"] = v["analytic_rank"]

    info["curves"] = res_clean
    info["curve_url"] = lambda label: url_for_curve_label(label)
    info["class_url"] = lambda label: url_for_isogeny_class_label(label)
    info["start"] = start
    info["count"] = count
    info["more"] = int(start + count < nres)

    title = info.get('title', 'Genus 2 Curve search results')
    credit = credit_string

    return render_template("g2c_search_results.html",
Esempio n. 11
def random_curve():
    label = random_value_from_collection(g2c_db_curves(), 'label')
    return redirect(url_for_curve_label(label), 307)
Esempio n. 12
def genus2_curve_search(info):
    if 'jump' in info:
        jump = info["jump"].strip()
        if re.match(r'^\d+\.[a-z]+\.\d+\.\d+$',jump):
            return redirect(url_for_curve_label(jump), 301)
            if re.match(r'^\d+\.[a-z]+$', jump):
                return redirect(url_for_isogeny_class_label(jump), 301)
                # Handle direct Lhash input
                if re.match(r'^\#\d+$',jump) and ZZ(jump[1:]) < 2**61:
                    c = g2c_db_curves().find_one({'Lhash': jump[1:].strip()})
                    if c:
                        return redirect(url_for_isogeny_class_label(c["class"]), 301)
                        errmsg = "hash %s not found"
                    errmsg = "%s is not a valid genus 2 curve or isogeny class label"
        flash_error (errmsg, jump)
        return redirect(url_for(".index"))

    if info.get('download','').strip() == '1':
        return download_search(info)

    info["st_group_list"] = st_group_list
    info["st_group_dict"] = st_group_dict
    info["real_geom_end_alg_list"] = real_geom_end_alg_list
    info["real_geom_end_alg_to_ST0_dict"] = real_geom_end_alg_to_ST0_dict
    info["aut_grp_list"] = aut_grp_list
    info["aut_grp_dict"] = aut_grp_dict
    info["geom_aut_grp_list"] = geom_aut_grp_list
    info["geom_aut_grp_dict"] = geom_aut_grp_dict
    bread = info.get('bread',(('Genus 2 Curves', url_for(".index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".index_Q")), ('Search Results', '.')))

    query = {}
        parse_ints(info,query,'abs_disc','absolute discriminant')
        parse_bool(info,query,'is_gl2_type','is of GL2-type')
        parse_bool(info,query,'has_square_sha','has square Sha')
        parse_bool(info,query,'locally_solvable','is locally solvable')
        parse_bool(info,query,'is_simple_geom','is geometrically simple')
        parse_ints(info,query,'num_rat_wpts','rational Weierstrass points')
        parse_bracketed_posints(info, query, 'torsion', 'torsion structure', maxlength=4,check_divisibility="increasing")
        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion_order','torsion order')
        if 'torsion' in query and not 'torsion_order' in query:
            query['torsion_order'] = reduce(mul,[int(n) for n in query['torsion']],1)
        if 'torsion' in query:
            query['torsion_subgroup'] = str(query['torsion']).replace(" ","")
            query.pop('torsion') # search using string key, not array of ints
        parse_ints(info,query,'two_selmer_rank','2-Selmer rank')
        parse_ints(info,query,'analytic_rank','analytic rank')
        # G2 invariants and drop-list items don't require parsing -- they are all strings (supplied by us, not the user)
        if 'g20' in info and 'g21' in info and 'g22' in info:
            query['g2_inv'] = "['%s','%s','%s']"%(info['g20'], info['g21'], info['g22'])
        if 'class' in info:
            query['class'] = info['class']
        for fld in ('st_group', 'real_geom_end_alg', 'aut_grp_id', 'geom_aut_grp_id'):
            if info.get(fld): query[fld] = info[fld]
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return render_template("g2c_search_results.html", info=info, title='Genus 2 Curves Search Input Error', bread=bread, credit=credit_string)
    # Database query happens here
    info["query"] = query # save query for reuse in download_search
    cursor = g2c_db_curves().find(query, {'_id':False, 'label':True, 'eqn':True, 'st_group':True, 'is_gl2_type':True, 'is_simple_geom':True, 'analytic_rank':True})

    count = parse_count(info, 50)
    start = parse_start(info)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0

    res = cursor.sort([("cond", ASCENDING), ("class", ASCENDING),  ("disc_key", ASCENDING),  ("label", ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    nres = res.count()

    if nres == 1:
        info["report"] = "unique match"
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    res_clean = []

    for v in res:
        v_clean = {}
        v_clean["label"] = v["label"]
        v_clean["class"] = class_from_curve_label(v["label"])
        v_clean["is_gl2_type"] = v["is_gl2_type"] 
        v_clean["is_simple_geom"] = v["is_simple_geom"] 
        v_clean["equation_formatted"] = list_to_min_eqn(literal_eval(v["eqn"]))
        v_clean["st_group_link"] = st_link_by_name(1,4,v['st_group'])
        v_clean["analytic_rank"] = v["analytic_rank"]

    info["curves"] = res_clean
    info["curve_url"] = lambda label: url_for_curve_label(label)
    info["class_url"] = lambda label: url_for_isogeny_class_label(label)
    info["start"] = start
    info["count"] = count
    info["more"] = int(start+count<nres)
    title = info.get('title','Genus 2 Curve search results')
    credit = credit_string
    return render_template("g2c_search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit,learnmore=learnmore_list(), bread=bread, title=title)
Esempio n. 13
def random_curve():
    label = random_value_from_collection(g2c_db_curves(), 'label')
    return redirect(url_for_curve_label(label), 307)