def int_data():
    Integrate data in given area
    bg_mod = PolynomialModel(vPolynomial.get(), prefix='bg_')   # Background
    if vDelimiter.get() == 'space':
        delimiter = None
    elif vDelimiter.get() == 'comma':
        delimiter = ','
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=vSkipRows.get(), delimiter=delimiter)
    original_data = np.vstack((data[:, vColumnX.get()-1], data[:, vColumnY.get()-1])).T
    selectionRange = (vStartLeftX.get(), vStartRightX.get(), vEndLeftX.get(), vEndRightX.get())

    x_bg, y_bg = select_bg_data(original_data, selectionRange)

    pars = bg_mod.guess(y_bg, x=x_bg)
    mod = bg_mod
    init = mod.eval(pars, x=x_bg)
    out =, pars, x=x_bg)

    x, y = data[:, vColumnX.get()-1], data[:, vColumnY.get()-1]

    comp = out.eval_components(x=x)
    out_param = out.params
    y_bg_fit = bg_mod.eval(params=out_param, x=x)
    y_bg_remove = y - y_bg_fit

    startLine, endLine = None, None
    for i in xrange(np.size(x)):
        if x[i] >= vIntLeftX.get() and startLine is None:
            startLine = i
        if startLine != None and endLine is None and x[i] >= vIntRightX.get():
            endLine = i
    x_int = x[startLine:endLine]
    y_int = y_bg_remove[startLine:endLine]
    y_bg_fit_ = y_bg_fit[startLine:endLine]
    y_orig = y[startLine:endLine]

    integration = np.trapz(y_int, x_int)

    # plot
    axe.plot(x, y, 'b.')
    axe.plot(x_bg, out.best_fit, 'r-')    # Background plotting
    # axe.xlim([x[0], x[-1]])
    axe.fill_between(x_int, y_orig, y_bg_fit_, facecolor='green')
    figWindowNew, canvasNew, toolbarNew = createFigWindow(fig)
    # canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)
    figWindowNew.wm_attributes('-topmost')  # Activate the plotting window

    # report
    reportWindow = Tk.Tk()
    report = 'Integration area = ' + repr(integration)
    reportText = Tk.Text(reportWindow)
    reportText.insert(Tk.INSERT, report)
Esempio n. 2
# exit()   # Stop here?

##### Integration #####
if BG_FITTING_MODE == 't':
    startInt = head0   # Integration range
    endInt = end0
elif BG_FITTING_MODE == 'z':
    startInt = head2
    endInt = end1

# Background subtraction
comp = out.eval_components(x=x)
out_param = out.params
y_bg_fit = bg_mod.eval(params=out_param, x=x)
y_bg_remove = y - y_bg_fit

startLine, endLine = None, None
for i in xrange(np.size(x)):
    if x[i] >= startInt and startLine is None:
        startLine = i
    if startLine != None and endLine is None and x[i] >= endInt:
        endLine = i
x_int = x_original[startLine:endLine]
y_int = y_bg_remove[startLine:endLine]
y_bg_fit_ = y_bg_fit[startLine:endLine]
y_orig = y_original[startLine:endLine]

if INT_METHOD == 't':