Esempio n. 1
def mount_delete(ns, target):
    Unmount filesystem.

    :type target: string
    :param target: device path or mountpoint
    # Try to convert device name to full device path
        device_inst = common.str2device(ns, target)
        if device_inst:
            target = device_inst.Name
    except LmiFailed:
        # we did not find CIM_StorageExtent for the device, it must be non
        # device filesystem specification

    mnt = ns.LMI_MountedFileSystem.first_instance({'FileSystemSpec':target}) or \
    if mnt is None:
        raise LmiFailed('Target is not mounted: %s.' % target)

    service = ns.LMI_MountConfigurationService.first_instance()
    # TODO for now
    # Mode 32769 == only unmount (don't remove any persistent info)
    (ret, _outparams, _err) = service.SyncDeleteMount(Mount=mnt, Mode=32769)
    if ret != 0:
        raise LmiFailed('Cannot delete mount: %s.' % target)

    LOG().info('Successfully deleted mount: %s', target)
Esempio n. 2
def mount_delete(ns, target):
    Unmount filesystem.

    :type target: string
    :param target: device path or mountpoint
    # Try to convert device name to full device path
        device_inst = common.str2device(ns, target)
        if device_inst:
            target = device_inst.Name
    except LmiFailed:
        # we did not find CIM_StorageExtent for the device, it must be non
        # device filesystem specification

    mnt = ns.LMI_MountedFileSystem.first_instance({'FileSystemSpec':target}) or \
    if mnt is None:
        raise LmiFailed('Target is not mounted: %s.' % target)

    service = ns.LMI_MountConfigurationService.first_instance()
    # TODO for now
    # Mode 32769 == only unmount (don't remove any persistent info)
    (ret, _outparams, _err) = service.SyncDeleteMount(Mount=mnt, Mode=32769)
    if ret != 0:
        raise LmiFailed('Cannot delete mount: %s.' % target)

    LOG().info('Successfully deleted mount: %s', target)
Esempio n. 3
def partition_table_show(ns, disk, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the partition table on given disk.

    :type disk: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param disk: Device with partition table to show.
    disk = common.str2device(ns, disk)
    yield ("Data Type", "Partition Table")

    table = disk.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_InstalledPartitionTable")
    cls = ns.LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities
    if table.PartitionStyle == cls.PartitionStyleValues.MBR:
        yield ("Partition Table Type", "MS-DOS")
        yield ("Partition Table Type",
    yield ("Partition Table Size (in blocks)", table.PartitionTableSize)
    yield ("Largest Free Space",
           common.size2str(partition.get_largest_partition_size(ns, disk),

    parts = partition.get_disk_partitions(ns, disk)
    partnames = [part.Name for part in parts]
    yield ("Partitions", " ".join(partnames))
Esempio n. 4
def get_largest_partition_size(ns, device):
    Returns size of the largest free region (in blocks), which can accommodate
    a partition on given device.
    There must be partition table present on this device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device:  Device which should be examined.
    :rtype: int
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    # find the partition table (=LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities)
    cap = device.first_associator(
    if not cap:
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot find partition table on %s" %
    (ret, outparams, err) = cap.FindPartitionLocation(Extent=device)

    if ret == cap.FindPartitionLocation.FindPartitionLocationValues\
        return 0

    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            LOG().warning("Cannot find largest partition size: %s." % err)
            LOG().warning("Cannot find largest partition size: %d." % ret)
        return 0
    blocks = outparams['EndingAddress'] - outparams['StartingAddress']
    size = blocks * device.BlockSize
    return size
Esempio n. 5
def create_raid(ns, devices, level, name=None):
    Create new MD RAID device.

    :type devices: list of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of strings
    :param device: Devices to add to the RAID.
    :type level: int
    :param level: RAID level.
    :type name: string
    :param name: RAID name.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    devs = [common.str2device(ns, device) for device in devices]
    args = {'InExtents': devs, 'Level': level}
    if name:
        args['ElementName'] = name
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyMDRAID(**args)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the partition: %s." % err)
        values = service.CreateOrModifyMDRAID.CreateOrModifyMDRAIDValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the partition: %s." %
                        (values.value_name(ret), ))
    return outparams['TheElement']
Esempio n. 6
def partition_show(ns, part, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the partition.

    :type part: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition or string
    :param part: Partition to show.
    part = common.str2device(ns, part)
    yield ("Type", "Partition")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, part, human_friendly):
        yield line

    if "PartitionType" in
        cls = ns.LMI_DiskPartition
        if part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Primary:
            ptype = "primary"
        elif part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Extended:
            ptype = "extended"
        elif part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Logical:
            ptype = "logical"
            ptype = "unknown"
        ptype = "N/A"
    yield ("Partition Type", ptype)

    basedon = part.first_reference(ResultClass="CIM_BasedOn", Role="Dependent")
    yield ("Starting sector", basedon.StartingAddress)
    yield ("Ending sector", basedon.EndingAddress)

    disk = partition.get_partition_disk(ns, part)
    yield ("Sector Size", common.size2str(disk.BlockSize, human_friendly))
    yield ("Disk", disk.Name)
    for line in device_show_data(ns, part, human_friendly):
        yield line
Esempio n. 7
def device_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param part: Device to show.
    :type human_friendly: bool
    :param human_friendly: If True, the device sizes are shown in human-friendly
        units (KB, MB, ...).
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    if device.classname == "LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent":
        for line in raid_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_LVStorageExtent":
        for line in lv_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_GenericDiskPartition":
        for line in partition_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_DiskPartition":
        for line in partition_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
        yield ("Type", "Generic block device")
        for line in device_show_device(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
        for line in device_show_data(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
Esempio n. 8
def get_largest_partition_size(ns, device):
    Returns size of the largest free region (in blocks), which can accommodate
    a partition on given device.
    There must be partition table present on this device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device:  Device which should be examined.
    :rtype: int
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    # find the partition table (=LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities)
    cap = device.first_associator(
    if not cap:
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot find partition table on %s" %
    (ret, outparams, err) = cap.FindPartitionLocation(Extent=device)

    if ret == cap.FindPartitionLocation.FindPartitionLocationValues\
        return 0

    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            LOG().warning("Cannot find largest partition size: %s." % err)
            LOG().warning("Cannot find largest partition size: %d." % ret)
        return 0
    blocks = outparams['EndingAddress'] - outparams['StartingAddress']
    size = blocks * device.BlockSize
    return size
Esempio n. 9
def partition_show(ns, part, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the partition.

    :type part: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition or string
    :param part: Partition to show.
    part = common.str2device(ns, part)
    yield ("Type", "Partition")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, part, human_friendly):
        yield line

    if "PartitionType" in
        cls = ns.LMI_DiskPartition
        if part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Primary:
            ptype = "primary"
        elif part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Extended:
            ptype = "extended"
        elif part.PartitionType == cls.PartitionTypeValues.Logical:
            ptype = "logical"
            ptype = "unknown"
        ptype = "N/A"
    yield ("Partition Type", ptype)

    basedon = part.first_reference(ResultClass="CIM_BasedOn", Role="Dependent")
    yield ("Starting sector", basedon.StartingAddress)
    yield ("Ending sector", basedon.EndingAddress)

    disk = partition.get_partition_disk(ns, part)
    yield ("Sector Size", common.size2str(disk.BlockSize, human_friendly))
    yield ("Disk", disk.Name)
    for line in device_show_data(ns, part, human_friendly):
        yield line
Esempio n. 10
def create_luks(ns, device, passphrase):
    Format given device with LUKS encryption format. All data on the device
    will be deleted! Encryption key and algorithm will be chosen automatically.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to format with LUKS data
    :type passphrase: string
    :param passphrase: Password to open the encrypted data. This is not the
            encryption key.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_EncryptionFormat
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    service = ns.LMI_ExtentEncryptionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateEncryptionFormat(
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create LUKS format: %s." % err)
        values = service.CreateEncryptionFormat.CreateEncryptionFormatValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create LUKS format: %s."
                % (values.value_name(ret),))

    LOG().info("Created LUKS on %s", device.Name)
    return outparams['Format']
Esempio n. 11
def create_raid(ns, devices, level, name=None):
    Create new MD RAID device.

    :type devices: list of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of strings
    :param device: Devices to add to the RAID.
    :type level: int
    :param level: RAID level.
    :type name: string
    :param name: RAID name.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    devs = [common.str2device(ns, device) for device in devices]
    args = { 'InExtents': devs,
            'Level': level}
    if name:
        args['ElementName'] = name
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyMDRAID(**args)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the partition: %s." % err)
        values = service.CreateOrModifyMDRAID.CreateOrModifyMDRAIDValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the partition: %s."
                % (values.value_name(ret),))
    return outparams['TheElement']
Esempio n. 12
def device_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param part: Device to show.
    :type human_friendly: bool
    :param human_friendly: If True, the device sizes are shown in human-friendly
        units (KB, MB, ...).
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    if device.classname == "LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent":
        for line in raid_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_LVStorageExtent":
        for line in lv_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_GenericDiskPartition":
        for line in partition_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
    elif device.classname == "LMI_DiskPartition":
        for line in partition_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
        yield ("Type", "Generic block device")
        for line in device_show_device(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
        for line in device_show_data(ns, device, human_friendly):
            yield line
Esempio n. 13
def device_show_data(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Display description of data on the device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to show.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    fmt = fs.get_format_on_device(ns, device)
    if fmt:
        if "FormatType" in
            for line in format_show(ns, fmt, human_friendly):
                yield line
        elif "FileSystemType" in
            for line in fs_show(ns, fmt, human_friendly):
                yield line
            yield ("Data Format", "Unknown")
        part_table = partition.get_disk_partition_table(ns, device)
        if part_table:
            for line in partition_table_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
                yield line
            yield ("Data Format", "Unknown")
Esempio n. 14
def create_luks(ns, device, passphrase):
    Format given device with LUKS encryption format. All data on the device
    will be deleted! Encryption key and algorithm will be chosen automatically.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to format with LUKS data
    :type passphrase: string
    :param passphrase: Password to open the encrypted data. This is not the
            encryption key.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_EncryptionFormat
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    service = ns.LMI_ExtentEncryptionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, outparams,
     err) = service.SyncCreateEncryptionFormat(InExtent=device,
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create LUKS format: %s." % err)
        values = service.CreateEncryptionFormat.CreateEncryptionFormatValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create LUKS format: %s." %
                        (values.value_name(ret), ))

    LOG().info("Created LUKS on %s", device.Name)
    return outparams['Format']
Esempio n. 15
def create_partition_table(ns, device, table_type):
    Create new partition table on a device. The device must be empty, i.e.
    must not have any partitions on it.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    :param device: Device where the partition table should be created.
    :type table_type: int
    :param table_type: Requested partition table type. See
        PARTITION_TABLE_TYPE_xxx variables.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    query = "SELECT * FROM LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities WHERE " \
            "PartitionStyle=%d" % table_type
    caps = ns.wql(query)

    if not caps:
        raise LmiFailed("Unsupported partition table type: %d" % table_type)
    cap = caps[0]
    service = ns.LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SetPartitionStyle(
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create partition table: %s." % err)
        values = service.SetPartitionStyle.SetPartitionStyleValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create partition table: %s."
                % (values.value_name(ret)))

    LOG().info("Created partition table on %s", device.Name)
Esempio n. 16
def create_partition_table(ns, device, table_type):
    Create new partition table on a device. The device must be empty, i.e.
    must not have any partitions on it.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    :param device: Device where the partition table should be created.
    :type table_type: int
    :param table_type: Requested partition table type. See
        PARTITION_TABLE_TYPE_xxx variables.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    query = "SELECT * FROM LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities WHERE " \
            "PartitionStyle=%d" % table_type
    caps = ns.wql(query)

    if not caps:
        raise LmiFailed("Unsupported partition table type: %d" % table_type)
    cap = caps[0]
    service = ns.LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SetPartitionStyle(Extent=device,
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create partition table: %s." % err)
        values = service.SetPartitionStyle.SetPartitionStyleValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot create partition table: %s." %

    LOG().info("Created partition table on %s", device.Name)
Esempio n. 17
def get_format_on_device(ns, device, format_type=FORMAT_ALL):
    Return filesystem or data format, which is on given device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to to examine.
    :type format_type: int
    :param format_type: Type of format to find.

        * FORMAT_ALL - return either CIM_LocalFileSystem or LMI_DataFormat.
        * FORMAT_FS - return only CIM_LocalFileSystem or None, if there is no
            filesystem on the device.
        * FORMAT_DATA - return only LMI_DataFormat or None, if there is no
            data format on the device.

    :rtype: LMIInstance/CIM_LocalFileSystem or LMIInstance/LMI_DataFormat
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    if format_type == FORMAT_ALL:
        fmt = device.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_ResidesOnExtent",
    elif format_type == FORMAT_FS:
        fmt = device.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_ResidesOnExtent",
    elif format_type == FORMAT_DATA:
        fmt = device.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_ResidesOnExtent",

    if fmt:
        return fmt
    return None
Esempio n. 18
def device_show_data(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Display description of data on the device.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to show.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    fmt = fs.get_format_on_device(ns, device)
    if fmt:
        if "FormatType" in
            for line in format_show(ns, fmt, human_friendly):
                yield line
        elif "FileSystemType" in
            for line in fs_show(ns, fmt, human_friendly):
                yield line
            yield ("Data Format", "Unknown")
        part_table = partition.get_disk_partition_table(ns, device)
        if part_table:
            for line in partition_table_show(ns, device, human_friendly):
                yield line
            yield ("Data Format", "Unknown")
Esempio n. 19
def create_vg(ns, devices, name, extent_size=None):
    Create new Volume Group from given devices.

    :type devices: list of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of strings
    :param device: Devices to add to the Volume Group.
    :type name: string
    :param name: Name of the Volume gGoup.
    :type extent_size: int
    :param extent_size: Extent size in bytes.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool
    devs = [common.str2device(ns, device) for device in devices]
    args = { 'InExtents': devs,
            'ElementName': name}
    goal = None

        if extent_size:
            # create (and use) VGStorageSetting
            caps = ns.LMI_VGStorageCapabilities.first_instance()
            (ret, outparams, err) = caps.CreateVGStorageSetting(
            if ret != 0:
                if err:
                    raise LmiFailed("Cannot create setting for the volume " \
                            "group: %s." % err)
                vals = caps.CreateVGStorageSetting.CreateVGStorageSettingValues
                raise LmiFailed("Cannot create setting for the volume group:" \
                        " %s." % (vals.value_name(ret),))
            goal = outparams['Setting']
            goal = goal.to_instance()
            goal.ExtentSize = extent_size
            (ret, outparams, err) = goal.push()
            if ret != 0:
                if err:
                    raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify setting for the volume " \
                            "group: %s." % err)
                raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify setting for the volume group:" \
                        " %d." % ret)
            args['Goal'] = goal

        service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
        (ret, outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyVG(**args)
        if ret != 0:
            if err:
                raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the volume group: %s." % err)
            values = service.CreateOrModifyVG.CreateOrModifyVGValues
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the volume group: %s."
                    % (values.value_name(ret),))
        if goal:

    pool = outparams['Pool'].to_instance()
    LOG().info("Created volume group %s", pool.Name)
    return pool
Esempio n. 20
def get_lv_vg(ns, lv):
    Return Volume Group of given Logical Volume.

    :type lv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param lv: Logical Volume to examine.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool
    lv = common.str2device(ns, lv)
    return lv.first_associator(AssocClass="LMI_LVAllocatedFromStoragePool")
Esempio n. 21
def get_lv_vg(ns, lv):
    Return Volume Group of given Logical Volume.

    :type lv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param lv: Logical Volume to examine.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool
    lv = common.str2device(ns, lv)
    return lv.first_associator(AssocClass="LMI_LVAllocatedFromStoragePool")
Esempio n. 22
def create_vg(ns, devices, name, extent_size=None):
    Create new Volume Group from given devices.

    :type devices: list of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of strings
    :param device: Devices to add to the Volume Group.
    :type name: string
    :param name: Name of the Volume gGoup.
    :type extent_size: int
    :param extent_size: Extent size in bytes.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool
    devs = [common.str2device(ns, device) for device in devices]
    args = { 'InExtents': devs,
            'ElementName': name}
    goal = None

        if extent_size:
            # create (and use) VGStorageSetting
            caps = ns.LMI_VGStorageCapabilities.first_instance()
            (ret, outparams, err) = caps.CreateVGStorageSetting(
            if ret != 0:
                if err:
                    raise LmiFailed("Cannot create setting for the volume " \
                            "group: %s." % err)
                vals = caps.CreateVGStorageSetting.CreateVGStorageSettingValues
                raise LmiFailed("Cannot create setting for the volume group:" \
                        " %s." % (vals.value_name(ret),))
            goal = outparams['Setting']
            goal = goal.to_instance()
            goal.ExtentSize = extent_size
            (ret, outparams, err) = goal.push()
            if ret != 0:
                if err:
                    raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify setting for the volume " \
                            "group: %s." % err)
                raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify setting for the volume group:" \
                        " %d." % ret)
            args['Goal'] = goal

        service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
        (ret, outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyVG(**args)
        if ret != 0:
            values = service.CreateOrModifyVG.CreateOrModifyVGValues
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the volume group: %s."
                    % (values.value_name(ret),))
        if goal:

    pool = outparams['Pool'].to_instance()
    LOG().info("Created volume group %s", pool.Name)
    return pool
Esempio n. 23
def get_raid_members(ns, raid):
    Return member devices of the RAID.

    :type raid: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    :param raid: MD RAID to examine.
    :rtype: List of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    raid = common.str2device(ns, raid)
    members = raid.associators(AssocClass="LMI_MDRAIDBasedOn", Role="Dependent")
    return members
Esempio n. 24
 def execute(self, ns, lvs=None):
     Implementation of 'lv show' command.
     if not lvs:
         lvs = lvm.get_lvs(ns)
     for lv in lvs:
         lv = str2device(ns, lv)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=lv.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.lv_show(ns, lv,
             yield line
Esempio n. 25
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'device show' command.
     if not devices:
         devices = get_devices(ns)
     for dev in devices:
         dev = str2device(ns, dev)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=dev.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.device_show(ns, dev,
             yield line
Esempio n. 26
 def execute(self, ns, lvs=None):
     Implementation of 'lv show' command.
     if not lvs:
         lvs = lvm.get_lvs(ns)
     for lv in lvs:
         lv = str2device(ns, lv)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=lv.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.lv_show(ns, lv,
             yield line
Esempio n. 27
def get_raid_members(ns, raid):
    Return member devices of the RAID.

    :type raid: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    :param raid: MD RAID to examine.
    :rtype: List of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    raid = common.str2device(ns, raid)
    members = raid.associators(AssocClass="LMI_MDRAIDBasedOn",
    return members
Esempio n. 28
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'raid show' command.
     if not devices:
         devices = raid.get_raids(ns)
     for r in devices:
         r = str2device(ns, r)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=r.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.raid_show(ns, r,
             yield line
Esempio n. 29
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'raid show' command.
     if not devices:
         devices = raid.get_raids(ns)
     for r in devices:
         r = str2device(ns, r)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=r.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.raid_show(ns, r,
             yield line
Esempio n. 30
 def execute(self, ns, device, size=None, _extended=None, _logical=None):
     Implementation of 'partition create' command.
     device = str2device(ns, device)
     if size:
         size = str2size(size)
     ptype = None
     if _extended:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_EXTENDED
     elif _logical:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_LOGICAL
     partition.create_partition(ns, device, size, ptype)
Esempio n. 31
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'device show' command.
     if not devices:
         devices = get_devices(ns)
     for dev in devices:
         dev = str2device(ns, dev)
         cmd = formatter.NewTableCommand(title=dev.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.device_show(ns, dev,
             yield line
Esempio n. 32
 def execute(self, ns, device, size=None, _extended=None, _logical=None):
     Implementation of 'partition create' command.
     device = str2device(ns, device)
     size = str2size(size)
     ptype = None
     if _extended:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_EXTENDED
     elif _logical:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_LOGICAL
     p = partition.create_partition(ns, device, size, ptype)
     print "Partition %s, with DeviceID %s created." % (p.Name, p.DeviceID)
Esempio n. 33
 def execute(self, ns, partitions=None):
     Implementation of 'partition show' command.
     if not partitions:
         partitions = partition.get_partitions(ns)
     for part in partitions:
         part = str2device(ns, part)
         cmd = formatter.NewTableCommand(title=part.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.partition_show(ns, part,
             yield line
Esempio n. 34
 def execute(self, ns, device, size=None, _extended=None, _logical=None):
     Implementation of 'partition create' command.
     device = str2device(ns, device)
     size = str2size(size)
     ptype = None
     if _extended:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_EXTENDED
     elif _logical:
         ptype = partition.PARTITION_TYPE_LOGICAL
     p = partition.create_partition(ns, device, size, ptype)
     print "Partition %s, with DeviceID %s created." % (p.Name, p.DeviceID)
Esempio n. 35
 def execute(self, ns, partitions=None):
     Implementation of 'partition show' command.
     if not partitions:
         partitions = partition.get_partitions(ns)
     for part in partitions:
         part = str2device(ns, part)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=part.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.partition_show(ns, part,
             yield line
Esempio n. 36
def modify_vg(ns, vg, add_pvs=None, remove_pvs=None):
    Modify given Volume Group.

    Add 'add_pvs' devices as Physical Volumes of the group.
    Remove 'remove_pvs' devices from the Volume Group.

    :type vg: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool or string
    :param vg: Volume Group to delete.
    :type add_pvs: List of LMIInstances/LMI_VGStoragePools or strings
    :param add_pvs: List of new devices to be added as Physical Volumes of the
    :type remove_pvs: List of LMIInstances/LMI_VGStoragePools or strings
    :param remove_pvs: List of Physical Volume to be removed from the VG.
    vg = common.str2vg(ns, vg)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()

    # get list of current PVs
    pvs = get_vg_pvs(ns, vg)

    for device in add_pvs:
        device = common.str2device(ns, device)
        if device not in pvs:

    for device in remove_pvs:
        device = common.str2device(ns, device)
        # don't report error when removing device that is not a PV
        if device in pvs:

    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyVG(Pool=vg, InExtents = list(pvs))
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify the VG: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify the VG: %s."
                % (service.CreateOrModifyVG.CreateOrModifyVG.value_name(ret),))
    LOG().info("Modified volume group %s", vg.Name)
Esempio n. 37
def get_disk_partition_table(ns, device):
    Returns LMI_DiskPartitionTableCapabilities representing partition table
    on given disk.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device which should be examined.

    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    table = device.first_associator(AssocClass="LMI_InstalledPartitionTable")
    return table
Esempio n. 38
def modify_vg(ns, vg, add_pvs=None, remove_pvs=None):
    Modify given Volume Group.

    Add 'add_pvs' devices as Physical Volumes of the group.
    Remove 'remove_pvs' devices from the Volume Group.

    :type vg: LMIInstance/LMI_VGStoragePool or string
    :param vg: Volume Group to delete.
    :type add_pvs: List of LMIInstances/LMI_VGStoragePools or strings
    :param add_pvs: List of new devices to be added as Physical Volumes of the
    :type remove_pvs: List of LMIInstances/LMI_VGStoragePools or strings
    :param remove_pvs: List of Physical Volume to be removed from the VG.
    vg = common.str2vg(ns, vg)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()

    # get list of current PVs
    pvs = get_vg_pvs(ns, vg)

    for device in add_pvs:
        device = common.str2device(ns, device)
        if device not in pvs:

    for device in remove_pvs:
        device = common.str2device(ns, device)
        # don't report error when removing device that is not a PV
        if device in pvs:

    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncCreateOrModifyVG(Pool=vg, InExtents=list(pvs))
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify the VG: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot modify the VG: %s." % (service.CreateOrModifyVG.CreateOrModifyVG.value_name(ret),))
    LOG().info("Modified volume group %s", vg.Name)
Esempio n. 39
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'partition-table show' command.
     if not devices:
         ret = partition.get_partition_tables(ns)
         devices = [i[0] for i in ret]
     for device in devices:
         device = str2device(ns, device)
         cmd = formatter.NewTableCommand(title=device.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.partition_table_show(
                 ns, device,
             yield line
Esempio n. 40
def device_show_device(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Print basic information about storage device, common to all device types.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to show.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)

    yield ("DeviceID", device.DeviceID)
    yield ("Name", device.Name)
    yield ("ElementName", device.ElementName)
    yield ("Total Size", common.size2str(device.NumberOfBlocks * device.BlockSize, human_friendly))
    yield ("Block Size", common.size2str(device.BlockSize, human_friendly))
Esempio n. 41
def delete_raid(ns, raid):
    Destroy given RAID device

    :type raid: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    :param raid: MD RAID to destroy.
    raid = common.str2device(ns, raid)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncDeleteMDRAID(TheElement=raid)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the MD RAID: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the raid: %s." % (service.DeleteMDRAID.DeleteMDRAIDValues.value_name(ret),))
Esempio n. 42
def get_disk_partition_table(ns, device):
    Returns LMI_DiskPartitionTableCapabilities representing partition table
    on given disk.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device which should be examined.

    :rtype: LMIInstance/LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationCapabilities.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)
    table = device.first_associator(
    return table
Esempio n. 43
 def execute(self, ns, devices=None):
     Implementation of 'partition-table show' command.
     if not devices:
         ret = partition.get_partition_tables(ns)
         devices = [i[0] for i in ret]
     for device in devices:
         device = str2device(ns, device)
         cmd = fcmd.NewTableCommand(title=device.DeviceID)
         yield cmd
         for line in show.partition_table_show(
                 ns, device,
             yield line
Esempio n. 44
def mount_create(ns, device, mountpoint, fs_type=None, options=None):
    Create a mounted filesystem.

    :type device: string or LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    :param device: Device to mount or a mount specifier (like '//server/share' for CIFS).
    :type mountpoint: string
    :param mountpoint: path where device should be mounted
    :type fs_type: string
    :param fs_type: filesystem type
    :type options: string
    :param options: comma-separated string of mount options
    # Try to convert device name to full device path
        device_inst = common.str2device(ns, device)
        if device_inst:
            device = device_inst.Name
    except LmiFailed:
        # we did not find CIM_StorageExtent for the device, it must be non
        # device filesystem specification

    fs_setting = ns.LMI_FileSystemSetting.first_instance(
        {'InstanceID': 'LMI:LMI_FileSystemSetting:' + device})
    if fs_setting is None:
        raise LmiFailed('Wrong device: %s' % device)
    filesystem = fs_setting.associators()[0]
    if fs_type is None:
        fs_type = filesystem.FileSystemType
    service = ns.LMI_MountConfigurationService.first_instance()

    setting = get_setting_from_opts(ns, options)

    # TODO for now
    # Mode 32768 == only mount (don't create any persistent info)
    (ret, _outparams,
     _err) = service.SyncCreateMount(Goal=setting.path,
    msg = '%s on %s' % (device, mountpoint)
    if ret != 0:
        raise LmiFailed('Cannot create mount: %s: %s' % (msg, _err))

    LOG().info('Successfully created mount: %s', msg)
Esempio n. 45
def device_show_device(ns, device, human_friendly):
    Print basic information about storage device, common to all device types.

    :type device: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or string
    :param device: Device to show.
    device = common.str2device(ns, device)

    yield("DeviceID", device.DeviceID)
    yield("Name", device.Name)
    yield("ElementName", device.ElementName)
    yield("Total Size", common.size2str(
            device.NumberOfBlocks * device.BlockSize, human_friendly))
    yield("Block Size", common.size2str(device.BlockSize, human_friendly))
Esempio n. 46
def delete_lv(ns, lv):
    Destroy given Logical Volume.

    :type lv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param lv: Logical Volume to destroy.
    lv = common.str2device(ns, lv)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncDeleteLV(TheElement=lv)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the LV: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the LV: %s." %
                        (service.DeleteLV.DeleteLVValues.value_name(ret), ))
Esempio n. 47
def delete_lv(ns, lv):
    Destroy given Logical Volume.

    :type lv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param lv: Logical Volume to destroy.
    lv = common.str2device(ns, lv)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncDeleteLV(TheElement=lv)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the LV: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the LV: %s."
                % (service.DeleteLV.DeleteLVValues.value_name(ret),))
Esempio n. 48
def mount_create(ns, device, mountpoint, fs_type=None, options=None):
    Create a mounted filesystem.

    :type device: string or LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent
    :param device: Device to mount or a mount specifier (like '//server/share' for CIFS).
    :type mountpoint: string
    :param mountpoint: path where device should be mounted
    :type fs_type: string
    :param fs_type: filesystem type
    :type options: string
    :param options: comma-separated string of mount options
    # Try to convert device name to full device path
        device_inst = common.str2device(ns, device)
        if device_inst:
            device = device_inst.Name
    except LmiFailed:
        # we did not find CIM_StorageExtent for the device, it must be non
        # device filesystem specification

    fs_setting = ns.LMI_FileSystemSetting.first_instance({'InstanceID':'LMI:LMI_FileSystemSetting:' + device})
    if fs_setting is None:
        raise LmiFailed('Wrong device: %s' % device)
    filesystem = fs_setting.associators()[0]
    if fs_type is None:
        fs_type = filesystem.FileSystemType
    service = ns.LMI_MountConfigurationService.first_instance()

    setting = get_setting_from_opts(ns, options)

    # TODO for now
    # Mode 32768 == only mount (don't create any persistent info)
    (ret, _outparams, _err) = service.SyncCreateMount(Goal=setting.path,
    msg = '%s on %s' % (device, mountpoint)
    if ret != 0:
        raise LmiFailed('Cannot create mount: %s: %s' % (
                msg, _err))

    LOG().info('Successfully created mount: %s', msg)
Esempio n. 49
def get_partition_disk(ns, partition):
    Return a device on which is located the given partition.

    :type partition: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition or string
    :param partition: Partition to examine.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent.
    partition = common.str2device(ns, partition)
    device = partition.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_BasedOn",
    if "PartitionType" in
        # we got extended partition, find the disk
        device = device.first_associator(AssocClass="CIM_BasedOn",
    return device
Esempio n. 50
def get_partition_disk(ns, partition):
    Return a device on which is located the given partition.

    :type partition: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition or string
    :param partition: Partition to examine.
    :rtype: LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent.
    partition = common.str2device(ns, partition)
    device = partition.first_associator(
            AssocClass="CIM_BasedOn", Role="Dependent")
    if "PartitionType" in
        # we got extended partition, find the disk
        device = device.first_associator(
            AssocClass="CIM_BasedOn", Role="Dependent")
    return device
Esempio n. 51
def delete_raid(ns, raid):
    Destroy given RAID device

    :type raid: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent
    :param raid: MD RAID to destroy.
    raid = common.str2device(ns, raid)
    service = ns.LMI_StorageConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncDeleteMDRAID(TheElement=raid)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot create the partition: %s." % err)
        raise LmiFailed(
            "Cannot delete the raid: %s." %
            (service.DeleteMDRAID.DeleteMDRAIDValues.value_name(ret), ))
Esempio n. 52
def delete_partition(ns, partition):
    Remove given partition

    :type partition: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition
    :param partition: Partition to delete.
    partition = common.str2device(ns, partition)
    service = ns.LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams, err) = service.SyncLMI_DeletePartition(
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the partition: %s." % err)
        values = service.LMI_DeletePartition.LMI_DeletePartitionValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the partition: %s."
                % (values.value_name(ret)))
Esempio n. 53
def delete_partition(ns, partition):
    Remove given partition

    :type partition: LMIInstance/CIM_GenericDiskPartition
    :param partition: Partition to delete.
    partition = common.str2device(ns, partition)
    service = ns.LMI_DiskPartitionConfigurationService.first_instance()
    (ret, _outparams,
     err) = service.SyncLMI_DeletePartition(Partition=partition)
    if ret != 0:
        if err:
            raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the partition: %s." % err)
        values = service.LMI_DeletePartition.LMI_DeletePartitionValues
        raise LmiFailed("Cannot delete the partition: %s." %
Esempio n. 54
def tlv_show(ns, tlv, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the Thin Logical Volume.

    :type tlv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param tlv: Thin Logical Volume to show.
    tlv = common.str2device(ns, tlv)
    yield ("Type", "Thin Logical Volume")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, tlv, human_friendly):
        yield line

    tp = lvm.get_lv_vg(ns, tlv)
    yield ("Thin Pool", tp.ElementName)

    vgs = lvm.get_tp_vgs(ns, tp)
    vgnames = [vg.Name for vg in vgs]
    yield ("Volume Group", " ".join(vgnames))
Esempio n. 55
def tlv_show(ns, tlv, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the Thin Logical Volume.

    :type tlv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param tlv: Thin Logical Volume to show.
    tlv = common.str2device(ns, tlv)
    yield ("Type", "Thin Logical Volume")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, tlv, human_friendly):
        yield line

    tp = lvm.get_lv_vg(ns, tlv)
    yield ("Thin Pool", tp.ElementName)

    vgs = lvm.get_tp_vgs(ns, tp)
    vgnames = [vg.Name for vg in vgs]
    yield ("Volume Group", " ".join(vgnames))
Esempio n. 56
def lv_show(ns, lv, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the Logical Volume.

    :type lv: LMIInstance/LMI_LVStorageExtent or string
    :param lv: Logical Volume to show.
    lv = common.str2device(ns, lv)
    yield ("Type", "Logical Volume")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, lv, human_friendly):
        yield line

    vg = lvm.get_lv_vg(ns, lv)
    yield ("Volume Group", vg.ElementName)
    yield ("Extent Size", common.size2str(vg.ExtentSize, human_friendly))
    yield ("Number of Occupied Extents", lv.BlockSize * lv.NumberOfBlocks / vg.ExtentSize)

    for line in device_show_data(ns, lv, human_friendly):
        yield line
Esempio n. 57
def raid_show(ns, r, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the RAID.

    :type r: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent or string
    :param r: RAID to show.
    r = common.str2device(ns, r)
    yield ("Type", "MD RAID")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, r, human_friendly):
        yield line

    yield ("RAID Level", r.Level)
    members = raid.get_raid_members(ns, r)
    mnames = [r.Name for r in members]
    yield ("RAID Members", " ".join(mnames))

    for line in device_show_data(ns, r, human_friendly):
        yield line
Esempio n. 58
def raid_show(ns, r, human_friendly):
    Print extended information about the RAID.

    :type r: LMIInstance/LMI_MDRAIDStorageExtent or string
    :param r: RAID to show.
    r = common.str2device(ns, r)
    yield ("Type", "MD RAID")
    for line in device_show_device(ns, r, human_friendly):
        yield line

    yield ("RAID Level", r.Level)
    members = raid.get_raid_members(ns, r)
    mnames = [r.Name for r in members]
    yield ("RAID Members", " ".join(mnames))

    for line in device_show_data(ns, r, human_friendly):
        yield line
Esempio n. 59
def get_partitions(ns, devices=None):
    Retrieve list of partitions on given devices.
    If no devices are given, all partitions on all devices are returned.

    :type devices: List of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of string
    :param devices: Devices to list partitions on.
    :rtype: List of LMIInstance/CIM_GenericPartition.
    if devices:
        for device in devices:
            device = common.str2device(ns, device)
            LOG().debug("Getting list of partitions on %s", device.Name)
            parts = get_disk_partitions(ns, device)
            for part in parts:
                yield part
        # No devices supplied, list all partitions.
        for part in ns.CIM_GenericDiskPartition.instances():
            yield part
Esempio n. 60
def get_partitions(ns, devices=None):
    Retrieve list of partitions on given devices.
    If no devices are given, all partitions on all devices are returned.

    :type devices: List of LMIInstance/CIM_StorageExtent or list of string
    :param devices: Devices to list partitions on.
    :rtype: List of LMIInstance/CIM_GenericPartition.
    if devices:
        for device in devices:
            device = common.str2device(ns, device)
            LOG().debug("Getting list of partitions on %s", device.Name)
            parts = get_disk_partitions(ns, device)
            for part in parts:
                yield part
        # No devices supplied, list all partitions.
        for part in ns.CIM_GenericDiskPartition.instances():
            yield part