Esempio n. 1
    def visit(node, depth=1):
        Recursive generator function which yields CCX schedule nodes.
        We convert dates to string to get them ready for use by the js date
        widgets, which use text inputs.
        Visits students visible nodes only; nodes children of hidden ones
        are skipped as well.

        Only start date is applicable to a section. If ccx coach did not override start date then
        getting it from the master course.
        Both start and due dates are applicable to a subsection (aka sequential). If ccx coach did not override
        these dates then getting these dates from corresponding subsection in master course.
        Unit inherits start date and due date from its subsection. If ccx coach did not override these dates
        then getting them from corresponding subsection in master course.
        for child in node.get_children():
            # in case the children are visible to staff only, skip them
            if child.visible_to_staff_only:

            hidden = get_override_for_ccx(ccx, child, 'visible_to_staff_only',

            start = get_date(ccx, child, 'start')
            if depth > 1:
                # Subsection has both start and due dates and unit inherit dates from their subsections
                if depth == 2:
                    due = get_date(ccx, child, 'due')
                elif depth == 3:
                    # Get start and due date of subsection in case unit has not override dates.
                    due = get_date(ccx, child, 'due', node)
                    start = get_date(ccx, child, 'start', node)

                visited = {
                    'location': str(child.location),
                    'display_name': child.display_name,
                    'category': child.category,
                    'start': start,
                    'due': due,
                    'hidden': hidden,
                visited = {
                    'location': str(child.location),
                    'display_name': child.display_name,
                    'category': child.category,
                    'start': start,
                    'hidden': hidden,
            if depth < 3:
                children = tuple(visit(child, depth + 1))
                if children:
                    visited['children'] = children
                    yield visited
            elif return_xblocks and depth == 3:
                visited['children'] = child.children
                yield visited
                yield visited
Esempio n. 2
    def visit(node, depth=1):
        Recursive generator function which yields CCX schedule nodes.
        We convert dates to string to get them ready for use by the js date
        widgets, which use text inputs.
        Visits students visible nodes only; nodes children of hidden ones
        are skipped as well.

        Only start date is applicable to a section. If ccx coach did not override start date then
        getting it from the master course.
        Both start and due dates are applicable to a subsection (aka sequential). If ccx coach did not override
        these dates then getting these dates from corresponding subsection in master course.
        Unit inherits start date and due date from its subsection. If ccx coach did not override these dates
        then getting them from corresponding subsection in master course.
        for child in node.get_children():
            # in case the children are visible to staff only, skip them
            if child.visible_to_staff_only:

            hidden = get_override_for_ccx(
                ccx, child, 'visible_to_staff_only',

            start = get_date(ccx, child, 'start')
            if depth > 1:
                # Subsection has both start and due dates and unit inherit dates from their subsections
                if depth == 2:
                    due = get_date(ccx, child, 'due')
                elif depth == 3:
                    # Get start and due date of subsection in case unit has not override dates.
                    due = get_date(ccx, child, 'due', node)
                    start = get_date(ccx, child, 'start', node)

                visited = {
                    'location': str(child.location),
                    'display_name': child.display_name,
                    'category': child.category,
                    'start': start,
                    'due': due,
                    'hidden': hidden,
                visited = {
                    'location': str(child.location),
                    'display_name': child.display_name,
                    'category': child.category,
                    'start': start,
                    'hidden': hidden,
            if depth < 3:
                children = tuple(visit(child, depth + 1))
                if children:
                    visited['children'] = children
                    yield visited
                yield visited