Esempio n. 1
    def test_verification_for_datetime(self):
        user = UserFactory.create()
        now =

        # No attempts in the query set, so should return None
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(now, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Should also return None if no deadline specified
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(None, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Make an attempt
        attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user)

        # Before the created date, should get no results
        before = attempt.created_at - timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(before, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Immediately after the created date, should get the attempt
        after_created = attempt.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(after_created, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # If no deadline specified, should return first available
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(None, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # Immediately before the expiration date, should get the attempt
        expiration = attempt.created_at + timedelta(
        before_expiration = expiration - timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(before_expiration, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # Immediately after the expiration date, should not get the attempt
        attempt.created_at = attempt.created_at - timedelta(
        after = + timedelta(days=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(after, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Create a second attempt in the same window
        second_attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(

        # Now we should get the newer attempt
        deadline = second_attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(deadline, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, second_attempt)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_verification_for_datetime(self):
        user = UserFactory.create()
        now =

        # No attempts in the query set, so should return None
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(now, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Should also return None if no deadline specified
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(None, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Make an attempt
        attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user)

        # Before the created date, should get no results
        before = attempt.created_at - timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(before, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Immediately after the created date, should get the attempt
        after_created = attempt.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(after_created, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # If no deadline specified, should return first available
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(None, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # Immediately before the expiration date, should get the attempt
        expiration = attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["DAYS_GOOD_FOR"])
        before_expiration = expiration - timedelta(seconds=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(before_expiration, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, attempt)

        # Immediately after the expiration date, should not get the attempt
        attempt.created_at = attempt.created_at - timedelta(days=settings.VERIFY_STUDENT["DAYS_GOOD_FOR"])
        after = + timedelta(days=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(after, query)
        self.assertIs(result, None)

        # Create a second attempt in the same window
        second_attempt = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.create(user=user)

        # Now we should get the newer attempt
        deadline = second_attempt.created_at + timedelta(days=1)
        query = SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification.objects.filter(user=user)
        result = verification_for_datetime(deadline, query)
        self.assertEqual(result, second_attempt)
Esempio n. 3
def check_verify_status_by_course(user, course_enrollments):
    Determine the per-course verification statuses for a given user.

    The possible statuses are:
        * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY: The student has not yet submitted photos for verification.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED: The student has submitted photos for verification,
          but has have not yet been approved.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_RESUBMITTED: The student has re-submitted photos for re-verification while
          they still have an active but expiring ID verification
        * VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED: The student has been successfully verified.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE: The student did not submit photos within the course's deadline.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY: The student has an active verification, but it is
            set to expire before the verification deadline for the course.

    It is is also possible that a course does NOT have a verification status if:
        * The user is not enrolled in a verified mode, meaning that the user didn't pay.
        * The course does not offer a verified mode.
        * The user submitted photos but an error occurred while verifying them.
        * The user submitted photos but the verification was denied.

    In the last two cases, we rely on messages in the sidebar rather than displaying
    messages for each course.

        user (User): The currently logged-in user.
        course_enrollments (list[CourseEnrollment]): The courses the user is enrolled in.

        dict: Mapping of course keys verification status dictionaries.
            If no verification status is applicable to a course, it will not
            be included in the dictionary.
            The dictionaries have these keys:
                * status (str): One of the enumerated status codes.
                * days_until_deadline (int): Number of days until the verification deadline.
                * verification_good_until (str): Date string for the verification expiration date.

    status_by_course = {}

    # Retrieve all verifications for the user, sorted in descending
    # order by submission datetime
    verifications = IDVerificationService.verifications_for_user(user)

    # Check whether the user has an active or pending verification attempt
    has_active_or_pending = IDVerificationService.user_has_valid_or_pending(user)

    # Retrieve expiration_datetime of most recent approved verification
    expiration_datetime = IDVerificationService.get_expiration_datetime(user, ['approved'])
    verification_expiring_soon = is_verification_expiring_soon(expiration_datetime)

    # Retrieve verification deadlines for the enrolled courses
    course_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_enrollments(
    recent_verification_datetime = None

    for enrollment in course_enrollments:

        # If the user hasn't enrolled as verified, then the course
        # won't display state related to its verification status.
        if enrollment.mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES:

            # Retrieve the verification deadline associated with the course.
            # This could be None if the course doesn't have a deadline.
            deadline = course_deadlines.get(enrollment.course_id)

            relevant_verification = verification_for_datetime(deadline, verifications)

            # Picking the max verification datetime on each iteration only with approved status
            if relevant_verification is not None and relevant_verification.status == "approved":
                recent_verification_datetime = max(
                    recent_verification_datetime if recent_verification_datetime is not None
                    else relevant_verification.expiration_datetime,

            # By default, don't show any status related to verification
            status = None
            should_display = True

            # Check whether the user was approved or is awaiting approval
            if relevant_verification is not None:
                should_display = relevant_verification.should_display_status_to_user()

                if relevant_verification.status == "approved":
                    if verification_expiring_soon:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED
                elif relevant_verification.status == "submitted":
                    if verification_expiring_soon:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_RESUBMITTED
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED

            # If the user didn't submit at all, then tell them they need to verify
            # If the deadline has already passed, then tell them they missed it.
            # If they submitted but something went wrong (error or denied),
            # then don't show any messaging next to the course, since we already
            # show messages related to this on the left sidebar.
            submitted = (
                relevant_verification is not None and
                relevant_verification.status not in ["created", "ready"]
            if status is None and not submitted:
                if deadline is None or deadline >
                    if IDVerificationService.user_is_verified(user) and verification_expiring_soon:
                        # The user has an active verification, but the verification
                        # is set to expire within "EXPIRING_SOON_WINDOW" days (default is 4 weeks).
                        # Tell the student to reverify.
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY
                    elif not IDVerificationService.user_is_verified(user):
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY
                    # If a user currently has an active or pending verification,
                    # then they may have submitted an additional attempt after
                    # the verification deadline passed.  This can occur,
                    # for example, when the support team asks a student
                    # to reverify after the deadline so they can receive
                    # a verified certificate.
                    # In this case, we still want to show them as "verified"
                    # on the dashboard.
                    if has_active_or_pending:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED

                    # Otherwise, the student missed the deadline, so show
                    # them as "honor" (the kind of certificate they will receive).
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE

            # Set the status for the course only if we're displaying some kind of message
            # Otherwise, leave the course out of the dictionary.
            if status is not None:
                days_until_deadline = None

                now =
                if deadline is not None and deadline > now:
                    days_until_deadline = (deadline - now).days

                status_by_course[enrollment.course_id] = {
                    'status': status,
                    'days_until_deadline': days_until_deadline,
                    'should_display': should_display,

    if recent_verification_datetime:
        for key, value in iteritems(status_by_course):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
            status_by_course[key]['verification_good_until'] = recent_verification_datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

    return status_by_course
Esempio n. 4
def check_verify_status_by_course(user, course_enrollments):
    Determine the per-course verification statuses for a given user.

    The possible statuses are:
        * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY: The student has not yet submitted photos for verification.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED: The student has submitted photos for verification,
          but has have not yet been approved.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_RESUBMITTED: The student has re-submitted photos for re-verification while
          they still have an active but expiring ID verification
        * VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED: The student has been successfully verified.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE: The student did not submit photos within the course's deadline.
        * VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY: The student has an active verification, but it is
            set to expire before the verification deadline for the course.

    It is is also possible that a course does NOT have a verification status if:
        * The user is not enrolled in a verified mode, meaning that the user didn't pay.
        * The course does not offer a verified mode.
        * The user submitted photos but an error occurred while verifying them.
        * The user submitted photos but the verification was denied.

    In the last two cases, we rely on messages in the sidebar rather than displaying
    messages for each course.

        user (User): The currently logged-in user.
        course_enrollments (list[CourseEnrollment]): The courses the user is enrolled in.

        dict: Mapping of course keys verification status dictionaries.
            If no verification status is applicable to a course, it will not
            be included in the dictionary.
            The dictionaries have these keys:
                * status (str): One of the enumerated status codes.
                * days_until_deadline (int): Number of days until the verification deadline.
                * verification_good_until (str): Date string for the verification expiration date.

    status_by_course = {}

    # Retrieve all verifications for the user, sorted in descending
    # order by submission datetime
    verifications = IDVerificationService.verifications_for_user(user)

    # Check whether the user has an active or pending verification attempt
    has_active_or_pending = IDVerificationService.user_has_valid_or_pending(user)

    # Retrieve expiration_datetime of most recent approved verification
    expiration_datetime = IDVerificationService.get_expiration_datetime(user, ['approved'])
    verification_expiring_soon = is_verification_expiring_soon(expiration_datetime)

    # Retrieve verification deadlines for the enrolled courses
    enrolled_course_keys = [enrollment.course_id for enrollment in course_enrollments]
    course_deadlines = VerificationDeadline.deadlines_for_courses(enrolled_course_keys)

    recent_verification_datetime = None

    for enrollment in course_enrollments:

        # If the user hasn't enrolled as verified, then the course
        # won't display state related to its verification status.
        if enrollment.mode in CourseMode.VERIFIED_MODES:

            # Retrieve the verification deadline associated with the course.
            # This could be None if the course doesn't have a deadline.
            deadline = course_deadlines.get(enrollment.course_id)

            relevant_verification = verification_for_datetime(deadline, verifications)

            # Picking the max verification datetime on each iteration only with approved status
            if relevant_verification is not None and relevant_verification.status == "approved":
                recent_verification_datetime = max(
                    recent_verification_datetime if recent_verification_datetime is not None
                    else relevant_verification.expiration_datetime,

            # By default, don't show any status related to verification
            status = None
            should_display = True

            # Check whether the user was approved or is awaiting approval
            if relevant_verification is not None:
                should_display = relevant_verification.should_display_status_to_user()

                if relevant_verification.status == "approved":
                    if verification_expiring_soon:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED
                elif relevant_verification.status == "submitted":
                    if verification_expiring_soon:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_RESUBMITTED
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_SUBMITTED

            # If the user didn't submit at all, then tell them they need to verify
            # If the deadline has already passed, then tell them they missed it.
            # If they submitted but something went wrong (error or denied),
            # then don't show any messaging next to the course, since we already
            # show messages related to this on the left sidebar.
            submitted = (
                relevant_verification is not None and
                relevant_verification.status not in ["created", "ready"]
            if status is None and not submitted:
                if deadline is None or deadline >
                    if IDVerificationService.user_is_verified(user) and verification_expiring_soon:
                        # The user has an active verification, but the verification
                        # is set to expire within "EXPIRING_SOON_WINDOW" days (default is 4 weeks).
                        # Tell the student to reverify.
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_REVERIFY
                    elif not IDVerificationService.user_is_verified(user):
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_NEED_TO_VERIFY
                    # If a user currently has an active or pending verification,
                    # then they may have submitted an additional attempt after
                    # the verification deadline passed.  This can occur,
                    # for example, when the support team asks a student
                    # to reverify after the deadline so they can receive
                    # a verified certificate.
                    # In this case, we still want to show them as "verified"
                    # on the dashboard.
                    if has_active_or_pending:
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_APPROVED

                    # Otherwise, the student missed the deadline, so show
                    # them as "honor" (the kind of certificate they will receive).
                        status = VERIFY_STATUS_MISSED_DEADLINE

            # Set the status for the course only if we're displaying some kind of message
            # Otherwise, leave the course out of the dictionary.
            if status is not None:
                days_until_deadline = None

                now =
                if deadline is not None and deadline > now:
                    days_until_deadline = (deadline - now).days

                status_by_course[enrollment.course_id] = {
                    'status': status,
                    'days_until_deadline': days_until_deadline,
                    'should_display': should_display,

    if recent_verification_datetime:
        for key, value in iteritems(status_by_course):  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
            status_by_course[key]['verification_good_until'] = recent_verification_datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

    return status_by_course