Esempio n. 1
def main(c = "decision_tree", option = "IG", dataset = "iris", ratio = 0.8):

	classifier_types = {0: "decision_tree", 1: "naive_bayes", 2: "neural_net"}
	options = {0:["IG", "IGR"], 1:["normal"], 2:["shallow", "medium"]}

	ratio = float(ratio)

	if dataset == "monks":
		(training, test) = load_data.load_monks(ratio)
	elif dataset == "congress":
		(training, test) = load_data.load_congress_data(ratio)
	elif dataset == "iris":
		(training, test) = load_data.load_iris(ratio)
		print "Error: Cannot find dataset name."

	print "Training... Please hold."
	# classifier_types = {0: "decision_tree", 2: "neural_net"}
	# options = {0:["IG", "IGR"], 2:["shallow", "medium"]}
	# (training, test) = load_data.load_iris(0.8)
	# nn_classifier = Classifier(classifier_type="neural_net", option = "medium")
	# nn_classifier.train(training)
	# nn_classifier.test(test)

	# print test
	# (training, test) = load_data.load_congress_data(0.8)
	# print test
	# (training, test) = load_data.load_monks(1)
	# print test	

	# (training, test) = load_data.load_iris(0.8)
	# print training
	# "option = IG/IGR"
	# dt_classifier = Classifier(classifier_type="decision_tree", weights=[], option="IG")
	# dt_classifier.train(training)
	# dt_classifier.test(test)
	# for i, c in classifier_types.iteritems():
	# 	for option in options[i]:
	print "                                                                 "
	print "================================================================="
	print "Dataset    = ", dataset
	print "Classifier = ", c
	print "Option     = ", option
	classifier = Classifier(classifier_type=c, weights = [], option = option)
	print "================================================================="
	print "                                                                 "
	# option value could be either shallow(3 layers) or medium(5)
	# nn_classifier = Classifier(classifier_type="neural_net", option = "medium")
	# nn_classifier.train(training)
	# nn_classifier.test(test)
Esempio n. 2
def trainNtest(args):
    classifierType = ["decision_tree", "naive_bayes", "neural_network"]
    data_set = ["congress", "monk", "iris"]

    data = ""
    if len(args) == 4:
        if args[0][3:] == "congress":
            data = ld.load_congress_data(int(args[1][3:]) / 100.0)
            num_input = 16
            num_output = 2 
        elif args[0][3:] == "monk":
            data = ld.load_monks(int(args[1]))
            num_input = 6
            num_output = 2 
        elif args[0][3:] == "iris":
            data = ld.load_iris(int(args[1][3:]) / 100.0)
            num_input = 4
            num_output = 3
            print "INVALID DATA NAME"
        method_num = int(args[2][3])
        kwargs = {}
        if method_num == 0 or method_num == 2:
            kwargs[1] = args[2][5]
            kwargs[2] = args[2][7]
            classifier = Classifier(classifierType[int(args[2][3])], one=args[2][5], two=args[2][7], num_input=num_input, num_output=num_output)
            classifier = Classifier(classifierType[int(args[2][3])])
        print "ERROR: NEED 4 PARAMETERS"

    #nb = Naive_Bayes("naive_bayes")

    #classifier = Classifier(classifierType[1])
    #data = ld.load_congress_data(.85)

    #data = ld.load_iris(.70)



    if args[3] == "-test":
import numpy as np
import sys
import load_data
import classifier as c
This is the main python method that will be run.
You should determine what sort of command line arguments
you want to use. But in this module you will need to 
1) initialize your classifier and its params 
2) load training/test data 
3) train the algorithm
4) test it and output the desired statistics.
result = []
(training, test) = load_data.load_congress_data()
c1 = c("naive_bayes")
c2 = c("neural")
from decision_tree import Decision_Tree
from naive_bayes import Naive_Bayes
import load_data as ld
import pdb

# nb = Decision_Tree("decision_tree", pruning=False, info_gain_ratio=True)
nb = Naive_Bayes("naive_bayes")

# monks3 = ld.load_monks(1)
# monks3 = ld.load_monks(2)
# monks3 = ld.load_monks(3)
# monks3 = ld.load_iris(.75)
monks3 = ld.load_congress_data(0.75)

# nb.train(monks3[0])
"""tot, hit = 0, 0
for person in monks3[1]:
  predict = nb.predict(person)
  if predict == person[0]:
  	hit += 1
  tot += 1"""

# classify =  nb.train(monks3[0])

# nb.train(monks3[0])
# nb.train(monks3[0])
# nb.train(monks3[0])
# pdb.set_trace()
# nb.test(monks3[1])
Esempio n. 5
from nn import NN
from nb import NB
from nb import GNB
from tree import DT
import random
import math
import numpy.matlib

# number of class of each data set
ncIris = 3
ncCongress = 2
ncMonks = 2
# Dataset reading
trainSetIris = np.matrix(load_iris(0.7)[0])
testSetIris = np.matrix(load_iris(0.7)[1])
trainSetCongress = np.matrix(load_congress_data(0.7)[0])
testSetCongress = np.matrix(load_congress_data(0.7)[1])
trainM1 = np.matrix(load_monks(1)[0])
testM1 = np.matrix(load_monks(1)[1])
trainM2 = np.matrix(load_monks(2)[0])
testM2 = np.matrix(load_monks(2)[1])
trainM3 = np.matrix(load_monks(3)[0])
testM3 = np.matrix(load_monks(3)[1])

# Decision Tree on Congress using IG
print "1. DT, Congress, IG--------------------------------"
model0 = DT()
model0.train(trainSetCongress, ncCongress, 1)
model0.test(testSetCongress, ncCongress, 1)
# Prune
model0.prune(trainSetCongress, ncCongress)
Esempio n. 6
4) test it and output the desired statistics.

classifier_type = sys.argv[1]

if classifier_type == "decision_tree":
    data = sys.argv[3]
    data = sys.argv[2]

params = dict()

(train_data, test_data) = (None, None)

if data=="congress":
    (train_data, test_data) = load_data.load_congress_data(0.7)
elif data=="iris":
    (train_data, test_data) = load_data.load_iris(0.7)
elif data=="monk":
    i = 3
    if classifier_type == "decision_tree":
        i = 4
    numb = sys.argv[i]
    (train_data, test_data) = load_data.load_monks(int(numb))

params = dict()

if classifier_type == "neural_network":
    if data=="monk":
Esempio n. 7
import numpy as np

def sigmoid(x):
    return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x))

def sigmoid_derivative(x):
    return sigmoid(x)*(1.0-sigmoid(x))

class NeuralNetwork:

    def __init__(self, layers):
        self.activation = sigmoid
        self.activation_prime = sigmoid_derivative
        self.weights = []
        for i in range(1, len(layers) - 1):
            r = 2*np.random.random((layers[i-1] + 1, layers[i] + 1)) -1
        r = 2*np.random.random( (layers[i] + 1, layers[i+1])) - 1
        # print(self.weights)

    def train(self, X, learning_rate=0.2, epochs=80000):
        y = X[:,0]
        X = np.delete(X,[0],axis=1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X,Y = load_data.load_congress_data(0.7)
    (rows,cols) = X.shape
    nn = NeuralNetwork([cols-1,(cols-1),1])
from neural_network import Neural_Network
import load_data as ld
import pdb

nb = Neural_Network("neural_network",weights = [], num_input=16, num_hidden=1000, num_output=2) #neural_net = Classifier(weights = [], num_input=30, num_hidden=10, num_output=3)

data = ld.load_congress_data(.85)

#data = ld.load_iris(.75)

#data = ld.load_monks(3)

classify =  nb.train(data[0])


tot, hit = 0, 0
ones = 0
zeros = 0
twos = 0
for person in data[1]:
  predict = nb.predict(person)
  if predict == person[0]:
  	hit += 1
  tot += 1
  if predict == 1:
  	ones += 1
  elif predict == 0:
  	zeros += 1
from naive_bayes import Naive_Bayes
import load_data as ld
import pdb

nb = Naive_Bayes("naive_bayes")

congress = ld.load_congress_data(0.75)

# iris = ld.load_iris(.75)

classify = nb.train(congress[0])

# nb.train(iris[0])
# pdb.set_trace()
# nb.test(congress[1])

tot, hit = 0, 0
for person in congress[1]:
    predict = nb.predict(person)
    if predict == person[0]:
        hit += 1
    tot += 1

print hit, tot, hit / float(tot)