def SetTextureHandler(config, logger, uriHandler=None): """ Fetches a TextureManager for specific mode and channel. @param config: The Retrospect Config object @param logger: An Logger @param uriHandler: The UriHandler @return: A TextureHandler object for the requested mode """ mode = config.TextureMode.lower() if logger is not None: logger.Trace("Creating '%s' Texture Mananger", mode) if mode == Local: import local TextureHandler.__TextureHandler = local.Local(logger) elif mode == Remote: import remote TextureHandler.__TextureHandler = remote.Remote( config.TextureUrl, logger) elif mode == Cached: import cached TextureHandler.__TextureHandler = cached.Cached( config.TextureUrl, config.profileDir, logger, uriHandler) else: raise Exception("Invalide mode: %s" % (mode, )) return TextureHandler.__TextureHandler
def leeYSepara(self, cad): """ Función separa las cadenas de etiquetas y las transforma en la información pertinente para trabajar con ellas en modo local y de Dropbox. Parámetros: cad -- cadena de Dropbox. """ x = local.Local() y = x.leerFicheroL("/notas.txt") for n in y: t = infoEt.InfoEtiquetas(n) self.__listaL.append(t) print(t.getHijo()) print(t.getPadre()) z = cad print(cad) y = cad.split("\n") if (len(y) > 0): print(y) for z in y: t = infoEt.InfoEtiquetas(z) self.__listaD.append(t) print(t.getHijo()) print(t.getPadre())
def __init__(self, dx): #Iniciar el objeto QMainWindow QMainWindow.__init__(self) #Cargar la configuración del archivo .ui en el objeto self.ruta = os.getcwd() + "/icons/" uic.loadUi("mainwindow2.ui", self) self.carpetaActual = "" self.drop = dx self.tlocal = local.Local() self.setWindowTitle("Droppy") self.localM = False iconCar = QIcon(self.ruta + 'New-Folder-icon.png') iconFil = QIcon(self.ruta + 'nfile.png') iconBor = QIcon(self.ruta + 'papelera.png') self.iconDrop = QIcon(self.ruta + 'apps.png') iconApp = QIcon("app.png") self.control = controlInfo.ControlInfo() self.directorioP = [] #########################Barra de menú########################## self.systray = QSystemTrayIcon(iconApp, self) show_action = QAction("Show", self) quit_action = QAction("Exit", self) hide_action = QAction("Hide", self) show_action.triggered.connect( hide_action.triggered.connect(self.hide) quit_action.triggered.connect(qApp.quit) tray_menu = QMenu() tray_menu.addAction(show_action) tray_menu.addAction(hide_action) tray_menu.addAction(quit_action) self.systray.setContextMenu(tray_menu) ######################Icono visible dock######################## self.setWindowIcon(iconApp) ################################################################ self.bCarpeta.setIcon(iconCar) self.bFichero.setIcon(iconFil) self.bDropb.setIcon(self.iconDrop) self.bBorrar.setIcon(iconBor) self.carpetas.itemClicked.connect(self.hijos) self.ficheros.itemClicked.connect(self.borrarfich) self.ficheros.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.abrir) self.prim = 0 self.forma() #self.formaLocal() self.boCarpeta = "" self.boFichero = "" self.drop.buscar() #Asociar botones a funciones self.bCarpeta.clicked.connect(self.crearCarpeta) self.bDropb.clicked.connect(self.cambio) self.bFichero.clicked.connect(self.crearFich) self.bBorrar.clicked.connect(self.borrar) self.lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.filtrar) lectura = str(self.drop.abrirFichero("etiquetas.txt"), 'cp1252') self.control.leeYSepara(lectura)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( 'seq_a', help='Path to first FASTA file (e.g. fastas/HomoSapiens-SHH.fasta)') parser.add_argument('seq_b', help='Path to second FASTA file') parser.add_argument('--align_type', help='Alignment type (e.g. local)', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--score', help='Score matrix in.tsv format (default is score_matrix.tsv) ', default='score_matrix.tsv') command_args = parser.parse_args() parsed_a = fastaread(command_args.seq_a).__next__() a_name, a_seq = parsed_a[NAME], parsed_a[SEQ] parsed_b = fastaread(command_args.seq_b).__next__() b_name, b_seq = parsed_b[NAME], parsed_b[SEQ] score_matrix = np.genfromtxt(fname=command_args.score, delimiter="\t", skip_header=1, filling_values=1)[:, 1:] score = 0 alignment = [] if command_args.align_type == 'global': final_align = align_global.GlobalAlign(score_matrix, a_seq, b_seq) alignment = final_align.get_alignment() score = final_align.get_align_score() elif command_args.align_type == 'local': final_align = local.Local(score_matrix, a_seq, b_seq) alignment = final_align.get_alignment() score = final_align.get_align_score() elif command_args.align_type == 'overlap': final_align = overlap.Overlap(score_matrix, a_seq, b_seq) alignment = final_align.get_alignment() score = final_align.get_align_score() # print the best alignment and score split_size = 50 length = len(alignment[TOP]) top = [ alignment[TOP][i:i + split_size] for i in range(0, length, split_size) ] bottom = [ alignment[BOTTOM][i:i + split_size] for i in range(0, length, split_size) ] for i in range(len(top)): print(top[i] + "\n" + bottom[i] + "\n") print(command_args.align_type + ": " + str(score))
def __init__(self, fich,pad): #Iniciar el objeto QMainWindow QMainWindow.__init__(self) #Cargar la configuración del archivo .ui en el objeto self.ruta=os.getcwd()+"/icons/" self.padre=pad uic.loadUi("mainwindow3.ui",self) self.clave=AESCipher.AESCipher() self.loc=local.Local() self.setWindowTitle(fich) self.fichero=fich self.abrir(self.fichero) iconSa=QIcon(self.ruta+'save-icon.png') iconL=QIcon(self.ruta+'lista-icon.png') iconN=QIcon(self.ruta+'bold.png') iconSub=QIcon(self.ruta+'underline.png') self.abierto=QIcon(self.ruta+'abierto.png') self.cerrado=QIcon(self.ruta+'cerrado.png') self.bbusqueda=QIcon(self.ruta+'lupa.png') self.bimpri=QIcon(self.ruta+'print1600.png') self.encrip=False self.saves.setIcon(iconSa) self.negrita.setIcon(iconN) self.listaB.setIcon(iconL) self.subButton.setIcon(iconSub) self.bEncrip.setIcon(self.abierto) self.bBuscar.setIcon(self.bbusqueda) self.bImprimir.setIcon(self.bimpri) self.saves.clicked.connect( self.negrita.clicked.connect(self.bold) self.listaB.clicked.connect(self.lista) self.etiquet.clicked.connect(self.nuevaE) self.subButton.clicked.connect(self.subra) self.bEncrip.clicked.connect(self.cambiarEncriptador) self.bImprimir.clicked.connect(self.imprimir) self.bBuscar.clicked.connect(self.busqueda) QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+B"), self, self.bold) QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+L"), self, self.lista) QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+U"), self, self.subra) QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+S"), self, QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+F"), self, self.busqueda) QShortcut(QtGui.QKeySequence("Ctrl+P"), self, self.imprimir)
def popInicial(numIndividuos): populacao = [] for i in range(numIndividuos): s = sol.Solucao() for i in range(len(capacidade[0])): # Adiciona os locais de votacao ao array locais localVotacao = local.Local(i, capacidade[0][i]) s.addLocal(localVotacao) listaSetores = random.sample(range(len(demandas[0])), len(demandas[0])) # sequencia aleatoria de setores while(len(listaSetores) > 0):# Atribui as demandas das regioes da cidade aos locais de votacao cont = random.randint(0, 165) # Verifica a capacidade maxima do local de votaçao if(s.getLocal(cont).getOcupacao() + demandas[0][listaSetores[0]] <= s.getLocal(cont).getCapacidade() and distancias[cont][listaSetores[0]] <= maxDist): s.getLocal(cont).addRegiao(listaSetores[0]) s.getLocal(cont).addOcupacao(demandas[0][listaSetores[0]]) listaSetores.pop(0) calculaFitness(s) populacao.append(s) return populacao
def generate_revision_key(self, url, ud, d): key = self._revision_key(url, ud, d) return "%s-%s" % (key,"PN", d, True) or "") import cvs import git import local import svn import wget import svk import ssh import perforce import bzr import hg import osc import repo methods.append(local.Local()) methods.append(wget.Wget()) methods.append(svn.Svn()) methods.append(git.Git()) methods.append(cvs.Cvs()) methods.append(svk.Svk()) methods.append(ssh.SSH()) methods.append(perforce.Perforce()) methods.append(bzr.Bzr()) methods.append(hg.Hg()) methods.append(osc.Osc()) methods.append(repo.Repo())
def cambio(self): print(type(self.recipiente.text())) self.drop.nuevoToken(str(self.recipiente.text())) self.ventana2 = arbol.Arbol(self.drop) self.close() #Instancia para iniciar una aplicación app = QApplication(sys.argv) #Crear un objeto de la clase if os.path.exists(".token.txt"): drop = completo.DropObj("") drop.autoiden() ventana2 = arbol.Arbol(drop) ventana2.activateWindow() else: loc = local.Local() loc.crearCarpetaInicio() if not os.path.exists(".token.txt"): loc.crearFicheroInial() _ventana = Ventana() #Mostra la ventana #Ejecutar la aplicación app.exec_()
str(k), str(time), str(result), str(rendement), str(maxQ) ]) print( "fait pour algo: {} taille {} serie {} exemple {} en {} s".format(, str(i), str(j), str(k), str(time))) if __name__ == '__main__': gloutonObj = glouton.Glouton() progdynObj = progdyn.Progdyn() localObj = local.Local() path = "/home/gregoire/Documents/INF8775/TP/tp1-H19/exemplaires" arrayObj = [localObj] with open("data.csv", mode='a') as csvfile: c = csv.writer(csvfile) c.writerow([ 'algorithme', 'taille', 'serie', 'exemplaire', 'temps d\'exécution', 'revenu', 'rendement', 'maxQ' ]) for obj in arrayObj: print( tailles = [100, 1000, 10000] series = [10, 100, 1000] exemples = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
class Adb(connection.Connection): """ Singleton object to facilitate adb connection with the device Only one device per object serial -- device serial port -- the port for adb server running on the host verbose -- if True print some extra messages to STDOUT """ __metaclass__ = base_utils.SingletonType serial = None port = None adb = "adb" cmd_prefix = [] verbose = False local_conn = local.Local() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Adb, self).__init__() if kwargs.has_key('port'): self.port = kwargs['port'] if self.port: self.adb = "{0} -P {1}".format(self.adb, self.port) os.environ['ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT'] = self.port if kwargs.has_key('serial'): self.serial = kwargs['serial'] if kwargs.has_key('verbose'): self.verbose = kwargs['verbose'] self.cmd_prefix = self.adb.split() self.cmd_prefix.extend(["-s", self.serial]) def run_cmd(self, command, mode="sync", soutfile=None, dont_split=False, timeout=10, env={}, liveprint=True, ignore_error=False, cmd_type=None): """run adb shell command""" cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) if cmd_type != "reboot": cmd.append('shell') if dont_split: cmd.append(command) else: cmd.extend(command.split()) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, mode=mode, soutfile=soutfile, timeout=timeout, env=env, liveprint=liveprint, ignore_error=ignore_error) def run_cmd_linux(self, command, mode="sync", soutfile=None, timeout=10, env={}, liveprint=True, ignore_error=False, with_accept=False): """run linux bash command using Popen""" if self.verbose: print "Executing {0}".format(" ".join(command)) __env = os.environ __env.update(env) p = None __err = 'Timeout {0} second(s) reached while executing "{1}"'.format( timeout, " ".join(command)) if soutfile == None: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, \ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, env = __env) else: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = open(soutfile, "wr"), \ stderr = subprocess.PIPE, env = __env) if mode.lower() == "sync": def handler(signum, frame): raise base_utils.TimeoutError(__err) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout) while True: if self.verbose and soutfile == None and liveprint: print "STDOUT", print "STDERR", if p.poll() != None: if not ignore_error: __error = if __error != '' and "Warning" not in __error: signal.alarm(0) raise AssertionError( "Error encountered:\n{0}".format(__error)) signal.alarm(0) return p elif mode.lower() == "async": # Add below lines to fail in case run_cmd returns with failure # while starting to execute the command time.sleep(0.5) if p.poll() not in [None, 0]: if not ignore_error: __error = # print __error if __error != '' and "Warning" not in __error: raise AssertionError( "Error encountered:\n{0}".format(__error)) return p else: raise AdbError("Mode '{0}' not supported. \ Use only 'sync' or 'async'.".format(mode)) def open_connection(self): """connect to device if not already connected""" if not self.check_connected(): cmd_string = "{0} connect {1}".format(self.adb, self.serial) self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=10) time.sleep(1) return self.check_connected() def adb_root(self): """get adb root session""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} root".format(self.adb, self.serial) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=5) if "adbd is already running as root" not in time.sleep(5) return self.open_connection() def adb_remount(self): """remount /system and /vendor""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} remount".format(self.adb, self.serial) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=10) def adb_disable_verity(self): """Disable verity in order to write in /system partition""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} disable-verity".format(self.adb, self.serial) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=20) def kill_server(self): """kill adb server""" cmd_string = "{0} kill-server".format(self.adb) self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split()) time.sleep(1) def reboot_device(self, reboot_params="", ip_enabled=False, reboot_timeout=60): """reboot the device and check it is connected again""" if self.verbose: print "Rebooting .." ip = self.serial.split(":")[0] cmd = "reboot {0}".format(reboot_params) reboot_proc = self.run_cmd(cmd, mode="sync", cmd_type="reboot") if reboot_proc.poll() == 0: if ip_enabled: try: self.local_conn.wait_for_no_ping(ip, timeout=reboot_timeout / 2) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return False self.kill_server() time.sleep(1) try: self.local_conn.wait_for_ping(ip, timeout=reboot_timeout) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return False if reboot_params == "": self.open_connection() return True else: waiting = 0 while waiting < reboot_timeout: time.sleep(2) check = self.check_connected(device_state=reboot_params) if check == None: # timeout return False if check: break waiting += 2 return waiting < reboot_timeout else: return False def check_connected(self, device_state=None): """check adb connection with the device""" if device_state == "recovery": return self.local_conn.check_adb(serial=self.serial, device_state=device_state) if device_state == "fastboot" or device_state == "bootloader": return self.local_conn.check_fastboot(serial=self.serial) try: self.run_cmd("ls sdcard", timeout=20) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return None except Exception, e: return False return True
class Adb(connection.Connection): """ Singleton object to facilitate adb connection with the device Only one device per object serial -- device serial port -- the port for adb server running on the host verbose -- if True print some extra messages to STDOUT """ __metaclass__ = base_utils.SingletonType serial = None port = None adb = "adb" cmd_prefix = [] verbose = False local_conn = local.Local() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Adb, self).__init__() if "port" in kwargs: self.port = kwargs['port'] if self.port: self.adb = "{0} -P {1}".format(self.adb, self.port) os.environ['ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT'] = self.port if "serial" in kwargs: self.serial = kwargs['serial'] if "verbose" in kwargs: self.verbose = kwargs['verbose'] self.cmd_prefix = self.adb.split() self.cmd_prefix.extend(["-s", self.serial]) def run_cmd(self, command, mode="sync", soutfile=None, dont_split=False, timeout=10, env={}, liveprint=True, ignore_error=False, cmd_type=None): """run adb shell command""" cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) if cmd_type != "reboot": cmd.append('shell') if dont_split: cmd.append(command) else: cmd.extend(command.split()) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, mode=mode, soutfile=soutfile, timeout=timeout, env=env, liveprint=liveprint, ignore_error=ignore_error) def run_cmd_linux(self, command, mode="sync", soutfile=None, timeout=10, env={}, liveprint=True, ignore_error=False): """run linux bash command using Popen""" if self.verbose: print "Executing {0}".format(" ".join(command)) __env = os.environ __env.update(env) p = None __err = 'Timeout {0} second(s) reached while executing "{1}"'.format( timeout, " ".join(command)) if soutfile is None: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=__env) else: p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=open(soutfile, "wr"), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=__env) if mode.lower() == "sync": def handler(signum, frame): raise base_utils.TimeoutError(__err) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.alarm(timeout) while True: if self.verbose and soutfile is None and liveprint: print "STDOUT", print "STDERR", if p.poll() is not None: if not ignore_error: __error = if __error != '' and "Warning" not in __error: signal.alarm(0) raise AssertionError( "Error encountered:\n{0}".format(__error)) signal.alarm(0) return p elif mode.lower() == "async": # Add below lines to fail in case run_cmd returns with failure # while starting to execute the command time.sleep(0.5) if p.poll() not in [None, 0]: if not ignore_error: __error = # print __error if __error != '' and "Warning" not in __error: raise AssertionError( "Error encountered:\n{0}".format(__error)) return p else: raise AdbError("Mode '{0}' not supported. \ Use only 'sync' or 'async'.".format(mode)) def open_connection(self): """connect to device if not already connected""" if not self.check_connected(): cmd_string = "{0} connect {1}".format(self.adb, self.serial) self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=10) time.sleep(1) return self.check_connected() def adb_root(self): """get adb root session""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} root".format(self.adb, self.serial) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=5) if "adbd is already running as root" not in time.sleep(5) return self.open_connection() def adb_remount(self): """remount /system and /vendor""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} remount".format(self.adb, self.serial) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=10) def adb_disable_verity(self): """Disable verity in order to write in /system partition""" cmd_string = "{0} -s {1} disable-verity".format(self.adb, self.serial) return self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=20) def kill_server(self): """kill adb server""" cmd_string = "{0} kill-server".format(self.adb) self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split()) time.sleep(1) def reboot_device(self, reboot_params="", ip_enabled=False, reboot_timeout=60): """reboot the device and check it is connected again""" if self.verbose: print "Rebooting .." ip = self.serial.split(":")[0] cmd = "reboot {0}".format(reboot_params) reboot_proc = self.run_cmd(cmd, mode="sync", cmd_type="reboot") if reboot_proc.poll() == 0: if ip_enabled: try: self.local_conn.wait_for_no_ping(ip, timeout=reboot_timeout / 2) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return False self.kill_server() time.sleep(1) try: self.local_conn.wait_for_ping(ip, timeout=reboot_timeout) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return False if reboot_params == "": self.open_connection() return True else: waiting = 0 while waiting < reboot_timeout: time.sleep(2) check = self.check_connected(device_state=reboot_params) if check is None: # timeout return False if check: break waiting += 2 return waiting < reboot_timeout else: return False def check_connected(self, device_state=None): """check adb connection with the device""" if device_state == "recovery": return self.local_conn.check_adb(serial=self.serial, device_state=device_state) if device_state == "fastboot" or device_state == "bootloader": return self.local_conn.check_fastboot(serial=self.serial) try: self.run_cmd("ls sdcard", timeout=20) except base_utils.TimeoutError: return None except Exception: return False return True def close_connection(self): """discovnnect from the device""" cmd_string = "{0} disconnect {1}".format(self.adb, self.serial) self.run_cmd_linux(cmd_string.split(), timeout=1) def get_file(self, remote, local, timeout=60): """get file from the device""" cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) cmd_string = "pull {0} {1}".format(remote, local) cmd.extend(cmd_string.split()) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) err = out = assert "KB/s" in err or "100%" in out or ( not err and not out), "Could not get file\n{0}".format(err) def put_file(self, local, remote, timeout=60): """push file to device""" cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) cmd_string = "push {0} {1}".format(local, remote) cmd.extend(cmd_string.split()) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) err = out = assert "KB/s" in err or "100%" in out or ( not err and not out), "Could not push file\n{0}".format(err) def install_apk(self, apk, timeout=60): """install apk""" cmd = ["shell", "settings", "get", "secure", "install_non_market_apps"] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) (unknown_apps_state, err) = p.communicate() unknown_apps_state = unknown_apps_state.strip() cmd = ["shell", "settings", "get", "global", "package_verifier_enable"] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) (package_verifier_state, err) = p.communicate() package_verifier_state = package_verifier_state.strip() cmd = [ "shell", "settings", "put", "secure", "install_non_market_apps", "1" ] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) cmd = [ "shell", "settings", "put", "global", "package_verifier_enable", "0" ] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) cmd_string = "install {0}".format(apk) cmd.extend(cmd_string.split()) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) err = out = cmd = [ "shell", "settings", "put", "secure", "install_non_market_apps", unknown_apps_state ] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) cmd = [ "shell", "settings", "put", "global", "package_verifier_enable", package_verifier_state ] cmd = self.cmd_prefix + cmd p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) assert "Success" in out or "ALREADY_EXISTS" in out, "Could: not install apk {0}\Stdout: {1}\nStderr: {" \ "2}".format(apk, out, err) def uninstall_apk(self, package, timeout=60): """install apk""" cmd = [] cmd.extend(self.cmd_prefix) cmd_string = "uninstall {0}".format(package) cmd.extend(cmd_string.split()) p = self.run_cmd_linux(cmd, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=True, liveprint=False) err = out = assert "Success" in out, "Could: not uninstall package {0}\nStdout: {1}\nStderr: {2}\n".format( package, out, err) def kill_command(self, pid): self.run_cmd("kill {0}".format(pid)) def kill_all(self, pids): for pid in pids: self.kill_command(pid) def cd(self, path): raise NotImplementedError("Method not overwritten") def set_env(self, var_name, var_value): raise NotImplementedError("Method not overwritten") def unset_env(self, var_name): raise NotImplementedError("Method not overwritten") def load_CPU(self): """ loads CPU returns the subprocess object """ cmd = "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null & \ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null & cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null & \ cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null & cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null" return self.run_cmd(cmd, mode="async") def clear_logcat(self): """clears logcat""" self.run_cmd("logcat -c") def parse_cmd_output(self, cmd, grep_for=None, multiple_grep=None, left_separator=None, right_separator=None, strip=False, dont_split=False, timeout=60, ignore_error=False): """ By default gets the output from adb shell command Can grep for strings or cut for delimiters """ # tmp file name should be uniq to allow getting output from # multiple devices at the same time tmp_file_name = "tmp_{0}_{1}_{2}".format( "5037" if self.port is None else str(self.port), self.serial.split(":")[0], str(int(round(time.time() * 1000000)))) self.run_cmd(cmd, soutfile=tmp_file_name, timeout=timeout, dont_split=dont_split, ignore_error=ignore_error) with open(tmp_file_name, 'r') as f: string = string = base_utils.parse_string(string, grep_for=grep_for, multiple_grep=multiple_grep, left_separator=left_separator, right_separator=right_separator, strip=strip) os.remove(tmp_file_name) return string def parse_logcat(self, grep_for=None, left_separator=None, right_separator=None, strip=False): """parses logcat output""" cmd = "logcat -d" return self.parse_cmd_output(cmd, grep_for=grep_for, left_separator=left_separator, right_separator0=right_separator, strip=strip) def parse_dmesg(self, grep_for=None, left_separator=None, right_separator=None, strip=False): """parses dmesg output""" cmd = "dmesg" return self.parse_cmd_output(cmd, grep_for=grep_for, left_separator=left_separator, right_separator=right_separator, strip=strip) def parse_file(self, file_name, grep_for=None, left_separator=None, right_separator=None, strip=False): """parses the file located at file_name""" cmd = "cat {0}".format(file_name) return self.parse_cmd_output(cmd, grep_for=grep_for, left_separator=left_separator, right_separator=right_separator, strip=strip) def check_ping(self, ip): """checks ping to an ip from the device""" cmd = "ping -c1 {0}".format(ip) return "1 received" in self.parse_cmd_output(cmd) def check_interface_up(self, interface): """ checks interface status from netcfg command usage: adb_conn.check_interface_up(wlan0) """ return "UP" in self.parse_cmd_output("netcfg", grep_for=interface) def check_interface_down(self, interface): """ checks interface status from netcfg command usage: adb_conn.check_interface_up(wlan0) """ return "UP" not in self.parse_cmd_output("netcfg", grep_for=interface) def check_interface_has_ip(self, interface): """ checks if interface has an IP address assigned usage: adb_conn.check_interface_has_ip(wlan0) """ output = self.parse_cmd_output("netcfg", grep_for=interface) return output.split()[2].strip() != "" def check_interface_has_this_ip(self, interface, ip, mask="24"): """ checks if interface has the given IP address assigned and the given mask usage: adb_conn.check_interface_has_ip(wlan0) """ output = self.parse_cmd_output("netcfg", grep_for=interface) return output.split()[2] == "{0}/{1}".format(ip, mask) def clear_app_cache(self): """clears app cache""" # TODO pass def get_prop(self, prop): """get prop from the device""" cmd = "getprop {0}".format(prop) return self.parse_cmd_output(cmd, strip=True).strip() def set_prop(self, prop, value): """set prop on the device""" self.run_cmd("setprop {0} {1}".format(prop, value)) def pgrep(self, grep_for=""): """returns list of pids that match grep_for""" string = self.parse_cmd_output("ps", grep_for=grep_for) if self.verbose: print "________________________________________________" print string print "________________________________________________" line_separator = "\r\n" if line_separator not in string: line_separator = "\n" pids = [] for line in string.split(line_separator): if grep_for in line: try: pid = line.split()[1] if pid.isdigit(): pids.append(pid) except Exception: pass return pids def pgrep_common(self, args): """returns list of pids for give args. Works the same as 'pgrep' in android""" string = self.parse_cmd_output("pgrep " + args) if self.verbose: print "________________________________________________" print string print "________________________________________________" line_separator = "\r\n" if line_separator not in string: line_separator = "\n" output = [] for line in string.split(line_separator): if line != "": output.append(line) return output def get_pid(self, grep_for): """return first pid to mach process name""" pids = self.pgrep(grep_for=grep_for) return None if len(pids) == 0 else pids[0]