Esempio n. 1
def _group(conv, s, monetary=False):
    thousands_sep = conv[monetary and 'mon_thousands_sep' or 'thousands_sep']
    grouping = conv[monetary and 'mon_grouping' or 'grouping']
    if not grouping:
        return (s, 0)
    if s[-1] == ' ':
        stripped = s.rstrip()
        right_spaces = s[len(stripped):]
        s = stripped
        right_spaces = ''
    left_spaces = ''
    groups = []
    for interval in locale._grouping_intervals(grouping):
        if not s or s[-1] not in "0123456789":
            # only non-digit characters remain (sign, spaces)
            left_spaces = s
            s = ''
        s = s[:-interval]
    if s:
    return (
        left_spaces + thousands_sep.join(groups) + right_spaces,
        len(thousands_sep) * (len(groups) - 1)
Esempio n. 2
def currency(val, localeconv=None, international=False):
    """Formats val according to the currency settings for current language."""
    val = Decimal(val)
    conv = localeconv_cache.getconv()
    conv.update(localeconv or settings.LOCALECONV)

    # split integer part and fraction
    parts = str(abs(val)).split('.')

    # grouping
    groups = []
    s = parts[0]
    for interval in locale._grouping_intervals(conv['mon_grouping']):
        if not s:
        s = s[:-interval]
    if s:
    s = smart_text(conv['mon_thousands_sep']).join(groups)

    # display fraction for non integer values
    if len(parts) > 1:
        s += smart_text(conv['mon_decimal_point']) + parts[1]

    # '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
    s = '<' + s + '>'

    smb = smart_text(conv[international and 'int_curr_symbol'
                          or 'currency_symbol'])
    precedes = conv[val < 0 and 'n_cs_precedes' or 'p_cs_precedes']
    separated = conv[val < 0 and 'n_sep_by_space' or 'p_sep_by_space']

    if precedes:
        s = smb + (separated and ' ' or '') + s
        s = s + (separated and ' ' or '') + smb

    sign_pos = conv[val < 0 and 'n_sign_posn' or 'p_sign_posn']
    sign = conv[val < 0 and 'negative_sign' or 'positive_sign']

    if sign_pos == 0:
        s = '(' + s + ')'
    elif sign_pos == 1:
        s = sign + s
    elif sign_pos == 2:
        s = s + sign
    elif sign_pos == 3:
        s = s.replace('<', sign)
    elif sign_pos == 4:
        s = s.replace('>', sign)
        # the default if nothing specified;
        # this should be the most fitting sign position
        s = sign + s

    return s.replace('<', '').replace('>', '')
Esempio n. 3
def currency(val, localeconv=None, international=False):
    """Formats val according to the currency settings for current language."""
    val = Decimal(val)
    conv = localeconv_cache.getconv()
    conv.update(localeconv or settings.LOCALECONV)

    # split integer part and fraction
    parts = str(abs(val)).split(".")

    # grouping
    groups = []
    s = parts[0]
    for interval in locale._grouping_intervals(conv["mon_grouping"]):
        if not s:
        s = s[:-interval]
    if s:
    s = smart_text(conv["mon_thousands_sep"]).join(groups)

    # display fraction for non integer values
    if len(parts) > 1:
        s += smart_text(conv["mon_decimal_point"]) + parts[1]

    # '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
    s = "<" + s + ">"

    smb = smart_text(conv[international and "int_curr_symbol" or "currency_symbol"])
    precedes = conv[val < 0 and "n_cs_precedes" or "p_cs_precedes"]
    separated = conv[val < 0 and "n_sep_by_space" or "p_sep_by_space"]

    if precedes:
        s = smb + (separated and " " or "") + s
        s = s + (separated and " " or "") + smb

    sign_pos = conv[val < 0 and "n_sign_posn" or "p_sign_posn"]
    sign = conv[val < 0 and "negative_sign" or "positive_sign"]

    if sign_pos == 0:
        s = "(" + s + ")"
    elif sign_pos == 1:
        s = sign + s
    elif sign_pos == 2:
        s = s + sign
    elif sign_pos == 3:
        s = s.replace("<", sign)
    elif sign_pos == 4:
        s = s.replace(">", sign)
        # the default if nothing specified;
        # this should be the most fitting sign position
        s = sign + s

    return s.replace("<", "").replace(">", "")
Esempio n. 4
def currency(val, international=False):
    """Formats val according to the currency settings for current language."""
    digits = settings.PRICE_DECIMAL_PLACES

    # grouping
    groups = []
    s = str(abs(int(val)))
    for interval in locale._grouping_intervals(localeconv['mon_grouping']):
        if not s:
        s = s[:-interval]
    if s:
    s = smart_text(localeconv['mon_thousands_sep']).join(groups)

    # display fraction for non integer values
    if digits and not isinstance(val, int):
        s += smart_text(localeconv['mon_decimal_point']) + '{{:.{}f}}'.format(digits).format(val).split('.')[1]

    # '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
    s = '<' + s + '>'

    smb = smart_text(localeconv[international and 'int_curr_symbol' or 'currency_symbol'])
    precedes = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_cs_precedes' or 'p_cs_precedes']
    separated = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_sep_by_space' or 'p_sep_by_space']

    if precedes:
        s = smb + (separated and ' ' or '') + s
        s = s + (separated and ' ' or '') + smb

    sign_pos = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_sign_posn' or 'p_sign_posn']
    sign = localeconv[val < 0 and 'negative_sign' or 'positive_sign']

    if sign_pos == 0:
        s = '(' + s + ')'
    elif sign_pos == 1:
        s = sign + s
    elif sign_pos == 2:
        s = s + sign
    elif sign_pos == 3:
        s = s.replace('<', sign)
    elif sign_pos == 4:
        s = s.replace('>', sign)
        # the default if nothing specified;
        # this should be the most fitting sign position
        s = sign + s

    return s.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace(' ', '\u00A0')
Esempio n. 5
def currency(val, international=False):
    """Formats val according to the currency settings for current language."""
    digits = settings.PRICE_DECIMAL_PLACES

    # grouping
    groups = []
    s = str(abs(int(val)))
    for interval in locale._grouping_intervals(localeconv['mon_grouping']):
        if not s:
        s = s[:-interval]
    if s:
    s = smart_text(localeconv['mon_thousands_sep']).join(groups)

    # display fraction for non integer values
    if digits and not isinstance(val, int):
        s += smart_text(localeconv['mon_decimal_point']) + '{{:.{}f}}'.format(digits).format(val).split('.')[1]

    # '<' and '>' are markers if the sign must be inserted between symbol and value
    s = '<' + s + '>'

    smb = smart_text(localeconv[international and 'int_curr_symbol' or 'currency_symbol'])
    precedes = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_cs_precedes' or 'p_cs_precedes']
    separated = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_sep_by_space' or 'p_sep_by_space']

    if precedes:
        s = smb + (separated and ' ' or '') + s
        s = s + (separated and ' ' or '') + smb

    sign_pos = localeconv[val < 0 and 'n_sign_posn' or 'p_sign_posn']
    sign = localeconv[val < 0 and 'negative_sign' or 'positive_sign']

    if sign_pos == 0:
        s = '(' + s + ')'
    elif sign_pos == 1:
        s = sign + s
    elif sign_pos == 2:
        s = s + sign
    elif sign_pos == 3:
        s = s.replace('<', sign)
    elif sign_pos == 4:
        s = s.replace('>', sign)
        # the default if nothing specified;
        # this should be the most fitting sign position
        s = sign + s

    return s.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace(' ', '\u00A0')
Esempio n. 6
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, locale._grouping_intervals(self.input(0)))