Esempio n. 1
    def test_get_backend(self):
        Verify that ``get_backend()`` returns the correct value when
        passed a valid backend.

Esempio n. 2
    def test_get_backend(self):
        Verify that ``get_backend()`` returns the correct value when
        passed a valid backend.

                ), DefaultBackend))
Esempio n. 3
def register(request, backend, success_url=None, form_class=None,
    Allow a new user to register an account.

    The actual registration of the account will be delegated to the
    backend specified by the ``backend`` keyword argument (see below);
    it will be used as follows:

    1. The backend's ``registration_allowed()`` method will be called,
       passing the ``HttpRequest``, to determine whether registration
       of an account is to be allowed; if not, a redirect is issued to
       the view corresponding to the named URL pattern
       ``registration_disallowed``. To override this, see the list of
       optional arguments for this view (below).

    2. The form to use for account registration will be obtained by
       calling the backend's ``get_form_class()`` method, passing the
       ``HttpRequest``. To override this, see the list of optional
       arguments for this view (below).

    3. If valid, the form's ``cleaned_data`` will be passed (as
       keyword arguments, and along with the ``HttpRequest``) to the
       backend's ``register()`` method, which should return the new
       ``User`` object.

    4. Upon successful registration, the backend's
       ``post_registration_redirect()`` method will be called, passing
       the ``HttpRequest`` and the new ``User``, to determine the URL
       to redirect the user to. To override this, see the list of
       optional arguments for this view (below).
    **Required arguments**
    **Optional arguments**

        The dotted Python import path to the backend class to use.

        URL to redirect to if registration is not permitted for the
        current ``HttpRequest``. Must be a value which can legally be
        passed to ``django.shortcuts.redirect``. If not supplied, this
        will be whatever URL corresponds to the named URL pattern
        The form class to use for registration. If not supplied, this
        will be retrieved from the registration backend.
        A dictionary of variables to add to the template context. Any
        callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce
        the end result which appears in the context.

        URL to redirect to after successful registration. Must be a
        value which can legally be passed to
        ``django.shortcuts.redirect``. If not supplied, this will be
        retrieved from the registration backend.
        A custom template to use. If not supplied, this will default
        to ``registration/registration_form.html``.
        The registration form.
    Any extra variables supplied in the ``extra_context`` argument
    (see above).
    registration/registration_form.html or ``template_name`` keyword
    #SV added: temporary while we're in beta:
    if settings.ONLY_SUPERUSERS_CAN_REGISTER_PEOPLE and not request.user.is_superuser:
        return redirect('/')
    backend = get_backend(backend)
    if not backend.registration_allowed(request):
        return redirect(disallowed_url)
    if form_class is None:
        form_class = backend.get_form_class(request)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            new_user = backend.register(request, **form.cleaned_data)
            if success_url is None:
                to, args, kwargs = backend.post_registration_redirect(request, new_user)
                return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
                return redirect(success_url)
        form = form_class()
    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}
    context = RequestContext(request)
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value

    return render_to_response(template_name,
                              { 'form': form },
Esempio n. 4
def activate(request, backend,
             success_url=None, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
    Activate a user's account.

    The actual activation of the account will be delegated to the
    backend specified by the ``backend`` keyword argument (see below);
    the backend's ``activate()`` method will be called, passing any
    keyword arguments captured from the URL, and will be assumed to
    return a ``User`` if activation was successful, or a value which
    evaluates to ``False`` in boolean context if not.

    Upon successful activation, the backend's
    ``post_activation_redirect()`` method will be called, passing the
    ``HttpRequest`` and the activated ``User`` to determine the URL to
    redirect the user to. To override this, pass the argument
    ``success_url`` (see below).

    On unsuccessful activation, will render the template
    ``registration/activate.html`` to display an error message; to
    override thise, pass the argument ``template_name`` (see below).


        The dotted Python import path to the backend class to
        use. Required.

        A dictionary of variables to add to the template context. Any
        callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce
        the end result which appears in the context. Optional.

        The name of a URL pattern to redirect to on successful
        acivation. This is optional; if not specified, this will be
        obtained by calling the backend's
        ``post_activation_redirect()`` method.
        A custom template to use. This is optional; if not specified,
        this will default to ``registration/activate.html``.

        Any keyword arguments captured from the URL, such as an
        activation key, which will be passed to the backend's
        ``activate()`` method.
    The context will be populated from the keyword arguments captured
    in the URL, and any extra variables supplied in the
    ``extra_context`` argument (see above).
    registration/activate.html or ``template_name`` keyword argument.
    backend = get_backend(backend)
    account = backend.activate(request, **kwargs)

    if account:
        if success_url is None:
            to, args, kwargs = backend.post_activation_redirect(request, account)
            return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
            return redirect(success_url)

    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}
    context = RequestContext(request)
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value

    return render_to_response(template_name,
Esempio n. 5
def register(request,
    Allow a new user to register an account.

    The actual registration of the account will be delegated to the
    backend specified by the ``backend`` keyword argument (see below);
    it will be used as follows:

    1. The backend's ``registration_allowed()`` method will be called,
       passing the ``HttpRequest``, to determine whether registration
       of an account is to be allowed; if not, a redirect is issued to
       the view corresponding to the named URL pattern
       ``registration_disallowed``. To override this, see the list of
       optional arguments for this view (below).

    2. The form to use for account registration will be obtained by
       calling the backend's ``get_form_class()`` method, passing the
       ``HttpRequest``. To override this, see the list of optional
       arguments for this view (below).

    3. If valid, the form's ``cleaned_data`` will be passed (as
       keyword arguments, and along with the ``HttpRequest``) to the
       backend's ``register()`` method, which should return the new
       ``User`` object.

    4. Upon successful registration, the backend's
       ``post_registration_redirect()`` method will be called, passing
       the ``HttpRequest`` and the new ``User``, to determine the URL
       to redirect the user to. To override this, see the list of
       optional arguments for this view (below).
    **Required arguments**
    **Optional arguments**

        The dotted Python import path to the backend class to use.

        URL to redirect to if registration is not permitted for the
        current ``HttpRequest``. Must be a value which can legally be
        passed to ``django.shortcuts.redirect``. If not supplied, this
        will be whatever URL corresponds to the named URL pattern
        The form class to use for registration. If not supplied, this
        will be retrieved from the registration backend.
        A dictionary of variables to add to the template context. Any
        callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce
        the end result which appears in the context.

        URL to redirect to after successful registration. Must be a
        value which can legally be passed to
        ``django.shortcuts.redirect``. If not supplied, this will be
        retrieved from the registration backend.
        A custom template to use. If not supplied, this will default
        to ``registration/registration_form.html``.
        The registration form.
    Any extra variables supplied in the ``extra_context`` argument
    (see above).
    registration/registration_form.html or ``template_name`` keyword

    #SV added: temporary while we're in beta:
    if settings.ONLY_SUPERUSERS_CAN_REGISTER_PEOPLE and not request.user.is_superuser:
        return redirect('/')

    backend = get_backend(backend)
    if not backend.registration_allowed(request):
        return redirect(disallowed_url)
    if form_class is None:
        form_class = backend.get_form_class(request)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = form_class(data=request.POST, files=request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            new_user = backend.register(request, **form.cleaned_data)
            if success_url is None:
                to, args, kwargs = backend.post_registration_redirect(
                    request, new_user)
                return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
                return redirect(success_url)
        form = form_class()

    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}
    context = RequestContext(request)
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value

    return render_to_response(template_name, {'form': form},
Esempio n. 6
def activate(request,
    Activate a user's account.

    The actual activation of the account will be delegated to the
    backend specified by the ``backend`` keyword argument (see below);
    the backend's ``activate()`` method will be called, passing any
    keyword arguments captured from the URL, and will be assumed to
    return a ``User`` if activation was successful, or a value which
    evaluates to ``False`` in boolean context if not.

    Upon successful activation, the backend's
    ``post_activation_redirect()`` method will be called, passing the
    ``HttpRequest`` and the activated ``User`` to determine the URL to
    redirect the user to. To override this, pass the argument
    ``success_url`` (see below).

    On unsuccessful activation, will render the template
    ``registration/activate.html`` to display an error message; to
    override thise, pass the argument ``template_name`` (see below).


        The dotted Python import path to the backend class to
        use. Required.

        A dictionary of variables to add to the template context. Any
        callable object in this dictionary will be called to produce
        the end result which appears in the context. Optional.

        The name of a URL pattern to redirect to on successful
        acivation. This is optional; if not specified, this will be
        obtained by calling the backend's
        ``post_activation_redirect()`` method.
        A custom template to use. This is optional; if not specified,
        this will default to ``registration/activate.html``.

        Any keyword arguments captured from the URL, such as an
        activation key, which will be passed to the backend's
        ``activate()`` method.
    The context will be populated from the keyword arguments captured
    in the URL, and any extra variables supplied in the
    ``extra_context`` argument (see above).
    registration/activate.html or ``template_name`` keyword argument.
    backend = get_backend(backend)
    account = backend.activate(request, **kwargs)

    if account:
        if success_url is None:
            to, args, kwargs = backend.post_activation_redirect(
                request, account)
            return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)
            return redirect(success_url)

    if extra_context is None:
        extra_context = {}
    context = RequestContext(request)
    for key, value in extra_context.items():
        context[key] = callable(value) and value() or value

    return render_to_response(template_name, kwargs, context_instance=context)