Esempio n. 1
class BookBase:
    Base routines for exercise templating. Abstract class.


    - ``filename`` -- filename where the database is stored.

    This module provides means to produce a database of exercises that can be seen as a book of some author or authors.

    Using exercices:

    - create, edit and delete exercises from a database.
    - search for an exercise or set of exercises.
    - create a random instance from a set or single exercise
    - create an instance based on specific parameters
    - create latex (and PDF) from a single or a set of exercises.

    Examples of use:

    .. test with: sage -python -m doctest

    Create or edit a database::

       >>> from all import *
       >>> meg = BookBase(r'.testoutput/megbasedb.sqlite')
       Opened BookBase(.testoutput/megbasedb.sqlite) for natural language pt_pt and markup language  text.
       Templates for 'pt_pt' language at template/pt_pt

    Save a new or changed exercise::

       ... %Summary Primitives
       ... Here one can write few words, keywords about the exercise.
       ... For example, the subject, MSC code, and so on.
       ... %Problem
       ... What is the primitive of ap x + bp@() ?
       ... %Answer
       ... The answer is prim+C, with C a real number.
       ... class E28E28_pdirect_001(Exercise):
       ...     def make_random(self):
       ...         self.ap = ZZ.random_element(-4,4)
       ...         self.bp = self.ap + QQ.random_element(1,4)
       ...     def solve(self):
       ...         x=SR.var('x')
       ...         self.prim = integrate(self.ap * x + self.bp,x)
       ... ''')
       Each problem can have a suggestive name. 
       Write in the '%problem' line a name, for ex., '%problem The Fish Problem'.
       Exercise name E28E28_pdirect_001 inserted or changed.

    Search an exercise:

      Exercise name E28E28_pdirect_001
      What is the primitive of ap x + bp@() ?

    Remove an exercise:

       >>> meg.remove('E28E28_pdirect_001',dest=r'.testoutput')
       Exercise 'E28E28_pdirect_001' stored on text file .testoutput/E28E28_pdirect_001.txt.
       >>> meg.remove('E28E28_nonexistant',dest=r'.testoutput')
       Exercise E28E28_nonexistant is not on the database.

    def __init__(self,filename=None,natlang='pt_pt',markuplang='text'): #TODO: utf-8 instead of asciitext?

        - ``filename`` -- filename where the database is stored.
        - ``natlang`` -- For example, 'pt_pt', for portuguese of Portugal.
        - ``markuplang`` -- 'latex' or 'web'. Derivative class could pass this argument.

        #Sage and sagenotebook DATA variable is only defined after 
        #worksheet is opened so it cannot be imported to here.

        #Create or open the database
            self.book_store = LocalStore(filename=filename,natlang=natlang,markuplang=markuplang)
            self.local_store_filename = self.book_store.local_store_filename #keep record.
            print "Opened " + str(self)
        except sqlite3.Error as e:
            print "BookBase couldn't be opened: " , e.args[0]

        #Templating (with Jinja2)
        if os.environ.has_key('MEGUA_TEMPLATE_PATH'):
            TEMPLATE_PATH = os.environ['MEGUA_TEMPLATE_PATH']
            from pkg_resources import resource_filename
            TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join(resource_filename(__name__,''),'template',natlang)
        print "Templates for '%s' language at %s" % (natlang,TEMPLATE_PATH)
        #print "Templates in: " + TEMPLATE_PATH
        self.env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(TEMPLATE_PATH))

        #For template. See template_create function.
        self.template_row = None

    def __str__(self):
        return "BookBase(%s) for natural language %s and markup language  %s." % \
            (self.local_store_filename, \
             self.book_store.natural_language, \

    def __repr__(self):
        return "BookBase(%s)" % (self.local_store_filename)

    def template(self, filename, **user_context):
        Returns HTML, CSS, LaTeX, etc., for a template file rendered in the given


        - ``filename`` - a string; the filename of the template relative
          to ``sagenb/data/templates``

        - ``user_context`` - a dictionary; the context in which to evaluate
          the file's template variables


        - a string - the rendered HTML, CSS, etc.

        BASED ON:



            tmpl = self.env.get_template(filename)
        except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound:
            return "MegUA -- missing template %s"%filename
        r = tmpl.render(**user_context)
        return r

    def save(self,exercisestr,dest='.'):
        Save an exercise defined on a `python string`_ using a specific sintax defined here_.


        - ``exercisestr`` -- a `python string`_ text containing a summary, problem, answer and class according to meg exercise sintax.
        - ``dest`` -- directory where possible compilation will be done.


            Textual messages with errors.
            Check ``dest`` directory (default is current) for compilation results.

        .. _python string:


        #print "TYPE OF INPUT ", str(type(exercisestr))

        if type(exercisestr)==str:
            exercisestr = unicode(exercisestr,'utf-8')

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Check exercise syntax: 
        #    summary, problem, answer and class.
        # ---------------------------------------
        row = exerc_parse(exercisestr)

        if not row:
            print self.template('exercise_syntax.txt')
            print "==================================="
            print "Exercise was not saved on database."
            print "==================================="

        # (0 owner_key, 1 txt_sections, 2 txt_summary, 3 txt_problem, 4 txt_answer, 5 txt_class)
        #row = {'owner_key': p[0], 'summary_text': p[2], 'problem_text': p[3], 'answer_text': p[4], 'class_text': p[5]}

        # -------------
        # Exercise ok?
        # -------------
        if not self.is_exercise_ok(row,dest,silent=False):
            print "==================================="
            print "Exercise was not saved on database."
            print "==================================="

        # ----------------------------
        # Exercise seems ok: store it.
        # ----------------------------
        inserted_row = self.book_store.insertchange(row)
        if inserted_row: 
            print 'Exercise name %s inserted or changed.' % inserted_row['owner_key']
            print 'Problem in access to the database. Could not save the exercise on the database.'

    def is_exercise_ok(self,row,dest,silent=True):
        Check if exercise is ready for compilation and for python/sage errors.

        Developer note: derive this for other markups.
        return True 

    def exercise_pythontest(self,row,start=0,many=5, edict=None,silent=False):
        Test an exercise with random keys.


         - ``row`` -- dictionary with class textual definitions.
         - ``start`` -- the parameteres will be generated for this random seed for start.
         - ``many`` -- how many keys to generate. 
         - ``edict`` --  after random generation of parameters some of them could be replaced by the ones in this dict.


            Printed message and True/False value.

        TODO: change this function name to exercise_test.

        success = True

            #Do the test for other keys
            if not silent:
                print "Testing python/sage class '%s' with %d different keys." % (row['owner_key'],many)

            #Create a class and a first instance for ekey=start.
            ekey = start #for exceptions
            print "    Testing for ekey =",start
            ex_instance = exerciseinstance(row,ekey=start,edict=edict)

            for ekey in range(start+1,start+many):
                print "    Testing for ekey =",ekey
        except SyntaxError as se:
            print "   Exercise class '%s' contains a syntax error on line %d." % (row['owner_key'],se.lineno)
            cl = row['class_text'].split()
            if len(cl)>se.lineno:
                print "      check line: %s" % cl[se.lineno-1]
            success = False
        except Exception as ee: # Exception will be in memory.
            print "    Error on exercise '{0}' with parameters edict={1} and ekey={2}".format(row['owner_key'],edict,ekey)
            print "    error description: ", ee
            if is_notebook():
                print "    Copy exercise code, only the class part, to a new cell. Then add the following command"
                print "%s().update(ekey=%d)" % (row['owner_key'],ekey)
                print "and execute with shift+enter. This may help finding the error line."
                print "    Test the exercise code, only the class part using the following command"
                print "%s().update(ekey=%d)" % (row['owner_key'],ekey)
                print "This may help finding the error line."
            success = False
        if not silent:
            if success:
                print "    No problems found in this test."
                print "    Review exercise '%s' based on the reported cases." % row['owner_key']

        return success

    def check_all(self,dest='.'):
        Check all exercises of this book for errrors.



            Printed message and True/False value.

        all_ex = []
        for row in ExIter(self.book_store):
            if not self.is_exercise_ok(row,dest,silent=True):
                print "   Exercise '%s' have python/sage or compilation errors." % row['owner_key']
        if all_ex:
            print "Review the following exercises:"
            for r in all_ex:
                print r
            print "No problem found."

    def search(self,regex):
        Search all fields for a regular expression ``regex``.

        - ``regex`` -- regular expression (see regex_ module).

        .. _regex:
        exlist =
        for row in exlist:

    def _search_print_row(self,exrow):
        This is an helper function of ```` function to print the contents of a search.
        Not to be called by meg user.


        - ``exrow`` -- an sqlite row structure_ where fields are accessible by name.


        - html or text.

            unicode is in utf-8 -> string
            Sage html() requires string.
        #Modify this
        sname = 'Exercise name %s' % exrow['owner_key'].encode('utf8')
        print sname + '\n' + exrow['problem_text'].encode('utf8') + '\n'

    def remove(self,owner_keystring,dest='.'):
        Removing an exercise from the database.


        - ``owner_keystring`` -- the class name.

        #Get the exercise
        row = self.book_store.get_classrow(owner_keystring)
        if row:            
            fname = os.path.join(dest,owner_keystring+'.txt')
            #store it on a text file
            f = open(fname,'w')
            f.write(row['summary_text'].encode('utf-8')) #includes %summary line
            f.write(row['problem_text'].encode('utf-8')) #includes %problem line
            f.write(row['answer_text'].encode('utf-8')) #includes %answer line
            print "Exercise '%s' stored on text file %s." % (owner_keystring,fname)

            #remove it
            print "Exercise %s is not on the database." % owner_keystring

    def new(self,owner_keystring, ekey=None, edict=None):
        r"""Prints an exercise instance of a given type


         - ``owner_keystring`` -- the class name.
         - ``ekey`` -- the parameteres will be generated for this random seed.
         - ``edict`` --  after random generation of parameters some of them could be replaced by the ones in this dict.

            An instance of class named ``owner_keystring``.

        #Get summary, problem and answer and class_text
        row = self.book_store.get_classrow(owner_keystring)
        if not row:
            print "%s cannot be accessed on database" % owner_keystring
            return None
        #Create and print the instance
        ex_instance = exerciseinstance(row, ekey, edict)
        return ex_instance

    def print_instance(self, ex_instance):
        After producing an exercise template or requesting a new instance of some exercise
        this routine will print it on notebook notebook or command line mode. It also should
        give a file were the user can find text markup (latex or html, etc).
        #Derive this for other markups.

        summtxt =  ex_instance.summary()
        probtxt =  ex_instance.problem()
        answtxt =  ex_instance.answer()
        sname   =

        print '-'*len(sname)
        print sname 
        print '-'*len(sname)
        print summtxt.encode('utf8')
        print probtxt.encode('utf8')
        print answtxt.encode('utf8')

    def make_sws(self, dest='.'):
        sws = SWSExporter(self,dest)

    def make_index(self,where='.',debug=False):
        Produce rst code files from the database and an index reading first line of the %summary field.

        Command line use: 
            The ``where`` input argument, when specified,  will contain all details of Sphinx compilation.



        html_index = SphinxExporter(self,where,debug)
        print "Index is at: "+ html_index.htmlfile

        if is_notebook():
            if where == '.': 
                #To open a browser
                pos = html_index.htmlfile.find(".")
                html(r'<a href="%s" target=_blank>Press to open database index.</a>' % html_index.htmlfile[pos:])
            elif 'data' in where:
                #To open a browser
                pos = html_index.htmlfile.find("/home")
                pos2 = html_index.htmlfile.find("/home",pos+1)
                if pos2>=0:
                    pos = pos2
                html(r'<a href="%s" target=_blank>Press to open database index.</a>' % html_index.htmlfile[pos:])
                #print "Index is at: "+ html_index.htmlfile
                print "See index at Megua button at top."
            print "firefox -no-remote ", html_index.htmlfile
Esempio n. 2
class MegBook:
    MEGUA set of routines for exercise templating.


    - ``filename`` -- filename where the database is stored.

    This module provides a means to produce a database of exercises that can be seen as a book of some author or authors.

    Using exercices:

    - create, edit and delete exercises from a database.
    - search for an exercise or set of exercises.
    - create a random instance from a set or single exercise
    - create an instance based on specific parameters
    - create latex (and PDF) from a single or a set of exercises.

    Examples of use:

    .. test with: sage -python -m doctest

    Create or edit a database::

       >>> from all import *
       >>> meg = MegBook(r'.testoutput/megdb.sqlite',outputdir=r'.testoutput')
       MegBook opened. Execute `MegBook?` for examples of usage.
       Templates for 'pt_pt' language.

    Save a new or changed exercise::

       ... %Summary Primitives
       ... Here one can write few words, keywords about the exercise.
       ... For example, the subject, MSC code, and so on.
       ... %Problem A sum problem
       ... What is the primitive of $a x + b@()$ ?
       ... %Answer
       ... The answer is $prim+C$, for $C in \mathbb{R}$.
       ... class E28E28_pdirect_001(Exercise):
       ...     def make_random(self):
       ...         self.a = ZZ.random_element(-4,4)
       ...         self.b = self.a + QQ.random_element(1,4)
       ...     def solve(self):
       ...         x=var('x')
       ...         self.prim = integrate(self.a * x + self.b,x)
       ... ''')
       Each problem can have a suggestive name. 
       Write in the '%problem' line a name, for ex., '%problem The Fish Problem'.
       Testing python/sage class 'E28E28_pdirect_001' with 100 different keys.
           No problems found in this test.
          Compiling 'E28E28_pdirect_001' with pdflatex.
          No errors found during pdflatex compilation. Check E28E28_pdirect_001.log for details.
       Exercise name E28E28_pdirect_001 inserted or changed.

    Search an exercise:

      Exercise name E28E28_pdirect_001
      What is the primitive of $a x + b@()$ ?

    Remove an exercise:

       >>> meg.remove('E28E28_pdirect_001',dest=r'.testoutput')
       Exercise 'E28E28_pdirect_001' stored on text file .testoutput/E28E28_pdirect_001.txt.
       >>> meg.remove('E28E28_nonexistant',dest=r'.testoutput')
       Exercise E28E28_nonexistant is not on the database.

    #TODO 1: increase docstring examples.

    #TODO 2: assure that there is a natlang folder in templates (otherwise put it in english). Warn for existing languages if specifies lan does not exist.

    #TODO 3: remove html_output and latex_debug=False; create debug only.

    def __init__(self,filename,natlang='en_en',outputdir='.'):

        - ``filename`` -- filename where the database is stored.
        - ``default_natlang`` -- For example 'pt_pt' for portuguese (of portugal), 'en_us' for english from USA.

        #Variable DATA is only defined after worksheet is opened so it cannot be imported to here.

        if not filename:
            raise IOError("MegBook needs database filename to be specified.")

        self.local_store_filename  = filename

        #Create or open the database
            self.megbook_store = LocalStore(filename=self.local_store_filename,default_natlang=default_natlang)
            #TODO: fazer aparecer aqui um make_index
            print "MegBook opened. Execute `MegBook?` for examples of usage."
        except sqlite3.Error as e:
            print "MegBook couldn't be opened: ", e.args[0]

        #Templating (with Jinja2)

        #For template. See template_create function.
        self.template_row = None

    def __str__(self):
        return "MegBook(%s)" % (self.local_store_filename)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "MegBook(%s)" % (self.local_store_filename)

    #TODO: inject exercise name as a class on to global workspace
    def save(self,exercisestr):
        Save an exercise defined on a `python string`_ using a specific sintax defined here_.


        - ``exercisestr`` -- a `python string`_ text containing a summary, problem, answer and class according to meg exercise sintax.
        - ``dest`` -- directory where latex compilation will be done.


            Textual messages with errors.
            Check ``dest`` directory (default is current) for compilation results.

        .. _python string:

        #print "TYPE OF INPUT ", str(type(exercisestr))

        if type(exercisestr)==str:
            exercisestr = unicode(exercisestr,'utf-8')

        #TODO: orgnizar os outputs em algo de HTML

        # ---------------------------------------
        # Check exercise syntax: 
        #    exer_parse return tuple:    
        #       summary, problem, answer and classtext.
        # ---------------------------------------
        if is_notebook():
            stdout_current = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = open('parse_exercise.log', 'w')

        row = exerc_parse(exercisestr)
        if not row:
            print self.template('exercise_syntax.txt')
            print "==================================="
            print "Exercise was not saved on database."
            print "==================================="
        if is_notebook():
            sys.stdout = stdout_current

        # (0 owner_key, 1 txt_sections, 2 txt_summary, 3 txt_problem, 4 txt_answer, 5 txt_class)
        #row = {'owner_key': p[0], 'summary_text': p[2], 'problem_text': p[3], 'answer_text': p[4], 'class_text': p[5]}

        # -------------
        # Exercise ok?
        # -------------
        if not self.is_exercise_ok(row,self.outputdir,silent=False):
            print "==================================="
            print "Exercise was not saved on database."
            print "==================================="

        # ----------------------------
        # Exercise seems ok: store it.
        # ----------------------------
        inserted_row = self.megbook_store.insertchange(row)
        if inserted_row: 
            print 'Exercise name %s inserted or changed.' % inserted_row['owner_key']
            print 'Problem in access to the database. Could not save the exercise on the database.'

    def is_exercise_ok(self,row,dest,silent=True):
        Check if exercise is ready for compilation and for python/sage errors.

        # --------------------------------
        # Testing the new python class for 
        # programming errors:
        #     syntax and few instances execution. 
        # -------------------------------
        if not self.exercise_pythontest(row,silent=silent):
            return False

        # --------------------------
        # Testing latex compilation.
        # --------------------------
        if not self.exercise_compiletest(row,dest,silent=silent):
            return False

        # Exercise Ok
        return True

    def exercise_pythontest(self,row,start=0,many=5, edict=None,silent=False):
        Test an exercise with random keys.


         - ``row`` -- dictionary with class textual definitions.
         - ``start`` -- the parameteres will be generated for this random seed for start.
         - ``many`` -- how many keys to generate. 
         - ``edict`` --  after random generation of parameters some of them could be replaced by the ones in this dict.


            Printed message and True/False value.

        TODO: change this function name to exercise_test.

        #output = cStringIO.StringIO()
        #output.write('First line.\n')
        #print >>output, 'Second line.'

        success = True

            #Do the test for other keys
            if not silent:
                print  "Testing python/sage class '%s' with %d different keys." % (row['owner_key'],many)

            #Create a class and a first instance for ekey=start.
            ekey = start #for exceptions
            print  "Testing for ekey =",start
            ex_instance = exerciseinstance(row,ekey=start,edict=edict)

            for ekey in range(start+1,start+many):
                print  "Testing for ekey =",ekey

            #return this

        except SyntaxError as se:
            print  "   Exercise class '%s' contains a syntax error on line %d." % (row['owner_key'],se.lineno)
            cl = row['class_text'].split()
            if len(cl)>se.lineno:
                print  "      check line: %s" % cl[se.lineno-1]
            success = False
        except Exception as ee: # Exception will be in memory.
            print  "Error on exercise '{0}' with parameters edict={1} and ekey={2}".format(row['owner_key'],edict,ekey)
            print  "   error description: ", ee
            if is_notebook():
                print  "   Copy exercise code, only the class part, to a new cell. Then add the following command"
                print  "%s().update(ekey=%d)" % (row['owner_key'],ekey)
                print  "and execute with shift+enter. This may help finding the error line."
                print  "   Test the exercise code, only the class part using the following command"
                print  "%s().update(ekey=%d)" % (row['owner_key'],ekey)
                print  "This may help finding the error line."
            success = False
        if not silent:
            if success:
                print  "    No problems found in this test."
                print  "Review exercise '%s' based on the reported cases." % row['owner_key']

        # Retrieve file contents -- this will be
        # 'First line.\nSecond line.\n'
        #contents = output.getvalue()

        # Close object and discard memory buffer --
        # .getvalue() will now raise an exception.

        return success

    def exercise_compiletest(self,row,dest='.',silent=False):
        pdflatex compilation test to check for error. 
        A new exercise is not entering the database if it has latex errors.

        #create an instance
        ex_instance = exerciseinstance(row)

        #Use jinja2 template to generate LaTeX.
        latex_string = self.template("print_instance_latex.tex",
            ekey = ex_instance.ekey,