Esempio n. 1
    def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file, _force_focal, _force_ccd):
        # Disable exifread log

        with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)

                if 'Image Make' in tags:
                    self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'Image Model' in tags:
                    self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode(
                if 'EXIF FocalLength' in tags:
                    self.focal_length = self.float_values(
                        tags['EXIF FocalLength'])[0]
                if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
                    self.altitude = self.float_values(
                        tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
                    if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(
                            tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1
                if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
                if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
            except IndexError as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" %
                                (_path_file, e.message))

        if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
            self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make,

        # needed to do that since sometimes metadata contains wrong data
        img = cv2.imread(_path_file)
        self.width = img.shape[1]
        self.height = img.shape[0]

        # force focal and ccd_width with user parameter
        if _force_focal:
            self.focal_length = _force_focal
        if _force_ccd:
            self.ccd_width = _force_ccd

        # find ccd_width from file if needed
        if self.ccd_width is None and self.camera_model is not None:
            # load ccd_widths from file
            ccd_widths = system.get_ccd_widths()
            # search ccd by camera model
            key = [x for x in ccd_widths.keys() if self.make_model in x]
            # convert to float if found
            if key:
                self.ccd_width = float(ccd_widths[key[0]])
                    'Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json '
                    'file to manually input ccd width')
Esempio n. 2
    def georeference_with_gcp(self,
        if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or not io.file_exists(
                output_gcp_file) or rerun:
            gcp = GCPFile(gcp_file)
            if gcp.exists():
                # Create coords file, we'll be using this later
                # during georeferencing
                with open(output_coords_file, 'w') as f:
                    coords_header = gcp.wgs84_utm_zone()
                    f.write(coords_header + "\n")
                    log.ODM_DEBUG("Generated coords file from GCP: %s" %

                # Convert GCP file to a UTM projection since the rest of the pipeline
                # does not handle other SRS well.
                rejected_entries = []
                utm_gcp = GCPFile(
                        filenames=[p.filename for p in],

                if not utm_gcp.exists():
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Could not project GCP file to UTM. Please double check your GCP file for mistakes."

                for re in rejected_entries:
                    log.ODM_WARNING("GCP line ignored (image not found): %s" %

                if utm_gcp.entries_count() > 0:
                        "%s GCP points will be used for georeferencing" %
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "A GCP file was provided, but no valid GCP entries could be used. Note that the GCP file is case sensitive (\".JPG\" is not the same as \".jpg\")."

                self.gcp = utm_gcp
                log.ODM_WARNING("GCP file does not exist: %s" % gcp_file)
            log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" %
            log.ODM_INFO("GCP file already exist: %s" % output_gcp_file)
            self.gcp = GCPFile(output_gcp_file)

        self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
        return self.georef
Esempio n. 3
    def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file):
        # Disable exifread log

        with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)

                if 'Image Make' in tags:
                    self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'Image Model' in tags:
                    self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
                    self.altitude = self.float_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
                    if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1
                if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
                if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
            except IndexError as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" % (_path_file, e.message))

        if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
            self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make, self.camera_model)

        # needed to do that since sometimes metadata contains wrong data
            self.width, self.height = get_image_size.get_image_size(_path_file)
        except get_image_size.UnknownImageFormat:
            # Fallback to slower cv2
            img = cv2.imread(_path_file)
            self.width = img.shape[1]
            self.height = img.shape[0]
Esempio n. 4
    def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file):
        # Disable exifread log

        with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)

                if 'Image Make' in tags:
                    self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'Image Model' in tags:
                    self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode(
                if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
                    self.altitude = self.float_values(
                        tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
                    if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(
                            tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1
                if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
                if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
            except IndexError as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" %
                                (_path_file, e.message))

        if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
            self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make,

        self.width, self.height = get_image_size.get_image_size(_path_file)
Esempio n. 5
    def parse_pyexiv2_values(self, _path_file, _force_focal, _force_ccd):
        # read image metadata
        metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(_path_file)
        # loop over image tags
        for key in metadata:
            # try/catch tag value due to weird bug in pyexiv2 
            # ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
            GPS = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPS'
                # parse tag names
                if key == 'Exif.Image.Make':
                    self.camera_make = metadata[key].value
                elif key == 'Exif.Image.Model':
                    self.camera_model = metadata[key].value
                elif key == 'Exif.Photo.FocalLength':
                    self.focal_length = float(metadata[key].value)
                elif key == GPS + 'Latitude':
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(*metadata[key].value +
                                                        [metadata[GPS + 'LatitudeRef'].value])
                elif key == GPS + 'Longitude':
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(*metadata[key].value +
                                                         [metadata[GPS + 'LongitudeRef'].value])
                elif key == GPS + 'Altitude':
                    self.altitude = float(metadata[key].value)
                    if metadata[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'] and int(metadata[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'].value) > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1.
            except (pyexiv2.ExifValueError, ValueError) as e:
            except KeyError as e:
                log.ODM_DEBUG('Tag not set')
            except NotImplementedError as e:

        if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
            self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make, self.camera_model)

        # needed to do that since sometimes metadata contains wrong data
        img = cv2.imread(_path_file)
        self.width = img.shape[1]
        self.height = img.shape[0]

        # force focal and ccd_width with user parameter
        if _force_focal:
            self.focal_length = _force_focal
        if _force_ccd:
            self.ccd_width = _force_ccd

        # find ccd_width from file if needed
        if self.ccd_width is None and self.camera_model is not None:
            # load ccd_widths from file
            ccd_widths = system.get_ccd_widths()
            # search ccd by camera model
            key = [x for x in ccd_widths.keys() if self.make_model in x]
            # convert to float if found
            if key:
                self.ccd_width = float(ccd_widths[key[0]])
                log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json '
                                'file to manually input ccd width')
Esempio n. 6
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm ='WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
            if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                datum = ref[0]
                utm_pole = ref[2][len(ref[2]) - 1]
                utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref[2]) - 1])

                return Proj(proj="utm", zone=utm_zone, datum=datum, no_defs=True)
            elif '+proj' in line:
                return Proj(line.strip('\''))
            elif 'epsg' in line.lower():
                return Proj(init=line)
                raise log.ODM_ERROR('Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' % line)
Esempio n. 7
    def georeference_with_gps(self, images_path, output_coords_file, rerun=False):
            if not io.file_exists(output_coords_file) or rerun:
                location.extract_utm_coords(, images_path, output_coords_file)
                log.ODM_INFO("Coordinates file already exist: %s" % output_coords_file)
            self.georef = ODM_GeoRef.FromCoordsFile(output_coords_file)
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not generate coordinates file. The orthophoto will not be georeferenced.')

        self.gcp = GCPFile(None)
        return self.georef
Esempio n. 8
File: Progetto: akornor/ODM
    def parse_coordinate_system(self, _file):
        """Write attributes to jobOptions from coord file"""
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % _file)

        with open(_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            log.ODM_DEBUG('Line: %s' % line)
            ref = line.split(' ')
            # match_wgs_utm ='WGS84 UTM (\d{1,2})(N|S)', line, re.I)
                if ref[0] == 'WGS84' and ref[1] == 'UTM':  # match_wgs_utm:
                    datum = ref[0]
                    utm_pole = (ref[2][len(ref[2]) - 1]).upper()
                    utm_zone = int(ref[2][:len(ref[2]) - 1])

                    proj_args = {
                        'proj': "utm",
                        'zone': utm_zone,
                        'datum': datum,
                        'no_defs': True
                    if utm_pole == 'S':
                        proj_args['south'] = True

                    return Proj(**proj_args)
                elif '+proj' in line:
                    return Proj(line.strip('\''))
                elif 'epsg' in line.lower():
                    return Proj(init=line)
                        'Could not parse coordinates. Bad CRS supplied: %s' %
            except RuntimeError as e:
                    'Uh oh! There seems to be a problem with your GCP file.\n\n'
                    'The line: %s\n\n'
                    'Is not valid. Projections that are valid include:\n'
                    ' - EPSG:*****\n'
                    ' - WGS84 UTM **(N|S)\n'
                    ' - Any valid proj4 string (for example, +proj=utm +zone=32 +north +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs)\n\n'
                    'Modify your GCP file and try again.' % line)
                raise RuntimeError(e)
Esempio n. 9
    def FromCoordsFile(coords_file):
        # check for coordinate file existence
        if not io.file_exists(coords_file):
            log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find file %s' % coords_file)

        srs = None

        with open(coords_file) as f:
            # extract reference system and utm zone from first line.
            # We will assume the following format:
            # 'WGS84 UTM 17N' or 'WGS84 UTM 17N \n'
            line = f.readline().rstrip()
            srs = location.parse_srs_header(line)

        return ODM_GeoRef(srs)
Esempio n. 10
    def get_xmp(self, file):
        img_str = str(
        xmp_start = img_str.find('<x:xmpmeta')
        xmp_end = img_str.find('</x:xmpmeta')

        if xmp_start < xmp_end:
            xmp_str = img_str[xmp_start:xmp_end + 12]
                xdict = x2d.parse(xmp_str)
            except ExpatError:
                from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
                xmp_str = str(BeautifulSoup(xmp_str, 'xml'))
                xdict = x2d.parse(xmp_str)
                log.ODM_WARNING("%s has malformed XMP XML (but we fixed it)" %
            xdict = xdict.get('x:xmpmeta', {})
            xdict = xdict.get('rdf:RDF', {})
            xdict = xdict.get('rdf:Description', {})
            if isinstance(xdict, list):
                return xdict
                return [xdict]
            return []
Esempio n. 11
    def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file):
        # Disable exifread log

        with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
                if 'Image Make' in tags:
                    self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'Image Model' in tags:
                    self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode(
                if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
                    self.altitude = self.float_value(tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])
                    if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_value(
                            tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef']) > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1
                if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
                if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
            except IndexError as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read basic EXIF tags for %s: %s" %
                                (_path_file, e.message))

                if 'Image Tag 0xC61A' in tags:
                    self.black_level = self.list_values(
                        tags['Image Tag 0xC61A'])
                elif 'BlackLevel' in tags:
                    self.black_level = self.list_values(tags['BlackLevel'])

                if 'EXIF ExposureTime' in tags:
                    self.exposure_time = self.float_value(
                        tags['EXIF ExposureTime'])

                if 'EXIF FNumber' in tags:
                    self.fnumber = self.float_value(tags['EXIF FNumber'])

                if 'EXIF ISOSpeed' in tags:
                    self.iso_speed = self.int_value(tags['EXIF ISOSpeed'])
                elif 'EXIF PhotographicSensitivity' in tags:
                    self.iso_speed = self.int_value(
                        tags['EXIF PhotographicSensitivity'])
                elif 'EXIF ISOSpeedRatings' in tags:
                    self.iso_speed = self.int_value(
                        tags['EXIF ISOSpeedRatings'])

                if 'Image BitsPerSample' in tags:
                    self.bits_per_sample = self.int_value(
                        tags['Image BitsPerSample'])
                if 'EXIF DateTimeOriginal' in tags:
                    str_time = tags['EXIF DateTimeOriginal'].values.encode(
                    utc_time = datetime.strptime(str_time, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
                    subsec = 0
                    if 'EXIF SubSecTime' in tags:
                        subsec = self.int_value(tags['EXIF SubSecTime'])
                    negative = 1.0
                    if subsec < 0:
                        negative = -1.0
                        subsec *= -1.0
                    subsec = float('0.{}'.format(int(subsec)))
                    subsec *= negative
                    ms = subsec * 1e3
                    utc_time += timedelta(milliseconds=ms)
                    timezone = pytz.timezone('UTC')
                    epoch = timezone.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
                    self.utc_time = (timezone.localize(utc_time) -
                                     epoch).total_seconds() * 1000.0
            except Exception as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read extended EXIF tags for %s: %s" %
                                (_path_file, e.message))

            # Extract XMP tags
            xmp = self.get_xmp(f)

            for tags in xmp:
                    band_name = self.get_xmp_tag(
                        tags, ['Camera:BandName', '@Camera:BandName'])
                    if band_name is not None:
                        self.band_name = band_name.replace(" ", "")

                            'DLS:SensorId',  # Micasense RedEdge
                            '@Camera:RigCameraIndex',  # Parrot Sequoia, Sentera 21244-00_3.2MP-GS-0001
                            'Camera:RigCameraIndex',  # MicaSense Altum
                        'radiometric_calibration', tags, [

                    self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('vignetting_center', tags, [

                    self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('vignetting_polynomial', tags, [

                    self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('horizontal_irradiance', tags,

                        'irradiance_scale_to_si', tags,
                        ['Camera:IrradianceScaleToSIUnits'], float)

                    self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('sun_sensor', tags, [
                    ], float)

                    self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('spectral_irradiance', tags, [
                    ], float)

                    if 'DLS:Yaw' in tags:
                        self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('dls_yaw', tags,
                                                   ['DLS:Yaw'], float)
                        self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('dls_pitch', tags,
                                                   ['DLS:Pitch'], float)
                        self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('dls_roll', tags,
                                                   ['DLS:Roll'], float)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read XMP tags for %s: %s" %
                                    (_path_file, e.message))

                # self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('center_wavelength', tags, [
                #     'Camera:CentralWavelength'
                # ], float)

                # self.set_attr_from_xmp_tag('bandwidth', tags, [
                #     'Camera:WavelengthFWHM'
                # ], float)

        self.width, self.height = get_image_size.get_image_size(_path_file)

        # Sanitize band name since we use it in folder paths
        self.band_name = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', self.band_name)
Esempio n. 12
    def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file):
        # Disable exifread log

        with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
            tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)

                if 'Image Make' in tags:
                    self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
                if 'Image Model' in tags:
                    self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode(
                if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
                    self.altitude = self.float_values(
                        tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
                    if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(
                            tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
                        self.altitude *= -1
                if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
                if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
                    self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(
                        tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
            except IndexError as e:
                log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" %
                                (_path_file, e.message))

            # Extract XMP tags
            xmp = self.get_xmp(f)

            # Find band name and camera index (if available)
            camera_index_tags = [
                'DLS:SensorId',  # Micasense RedEdge
                '@Camera:RigCameraIndex',  # Parrot Sequoia
                'Camera:RigCameraIndex',  # MicaSense Altum

            for tags in xmp:
                if 'Camera:BandName' in tags:
                    cbt = tags['Camera:BandName']
                    band_name = None

                    if isinstance(cbt, string_types):
                        band_name = str(tags['Camera:BandName'])
                    elif isinstance(cbt, dict):
                        items = cbt.get('rdf:Seq', {}).get('rdf:li', {})
                        if items:
                            band_name = " ".join(items)

                    if band_name is not None:
                        self.band_name = band_name.replace(" ", "")
                            "Camera:BandName tag found in XMP, but we couldn't parse it. Multispectral bands might be improperly classified."

                for cit in camera_index_tags:
                    if cit in tags:
                        self.band_index = int(tags[cit])

        self.width, self.height = get_image_size.get_image_size(_path_file)

        # Sanitize band name since we use it in folder paths
        self.band_name = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', self.band_name)