def main(): # Starting Log object to save at files/ later log = Log(PATH, 'users') try: # Starting reddit reddit = get_reddit_credentials(PATH) # Reading new messages. new = read_messages(SEND_FLAG, reddit) if not new: print("no new users")"no-users") exit(0) list_users = load_users(PATH) # get the stored users log.old = len(list_users) # if not list_users: # raise Exception('LoadingUserError') sub, unsub = new # new is a list with new users, and user unsubscribing log.actual = len(sub) = len(unsub) list_users = remove_users(list_users, unsub) # updates the list, removing for u in sub: u.send_welcome(SEND_FLAG, SIGNATURE, reddit) # send the new users a welcome list_users.append(u) save_users(list_users, PATH) # stores it again in the file. log.update_resume(new_users=len(sub), total_users=len(list_users))'success') except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred: ", e)'error') log.error(e)
def main(): # Starting Log object. Saves a log after execution in logs/ print("Starting competitions module.") log = Log(PATH, 'competition') try: # Getting new competitions from WCA's API print("Reading new competitions.") actual = get_new_competitions(LINK_API, PATH) log.actual = len(actual) print("Found %d competitions at WCA" % len(actual)) # Getting competitions from files/competitions.json print("Reading old competitions.") old = load_competitions(PATH) log.old = len(old) print("Found %d competitions at json" % len(old)) # Comparing to get which competition was just announced print("Comparing both...") new = compare_competitions(old, actual) = len(new) print("Found %d new competitions" % len(new)) if len(new) != 0: # Loading users and starting reddit, and then sending. print("Loading users.") users = load_users(PATH) print("Starting reddit.") reddit = get_reddit_credentials(PATH) print("Matching competitions...") match_competitions_users(new, users, SEND_FLAG, SIGNATURE, reddit) # updating competitions on files/competitions.json print("Saving competitions.json file.") save_competitions(actual, PATH) # saving log log.update_resume(new_competitions=len(new), total_competitions=len(actual))'success') except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred: ", e) log.error(e)'error') print("Done!") return