def cleanup(objects,fail = False) : """ Method to close up the logs and clean up temporary files objetcs - objects listing fail - whether the data reduction failed or not """ if(globals.isSci2) :"rm -rf *.log junk antpos.list bw.sel rms.* flux.log.* fit.log* *.map",[],logit=True) else :"rm -rf *.log junk antpos.list bw.sel rms.* flux.log.* fit.log* *.beam *.clean *.map *.bm",[],logit=True) # move the data files to directories based on purpose"mkdir -p fits",[],logit=False)"\mv *.fits fits/.",[],logit=False) for obj in objects._sources : transferFile("sources",obj._file) for obj in objects._fluxcals : transferFile("fluxcals",obj._file) for obj in objects._passcals : transferFile("passcals",obj._file) for obj in objects._gaincals : transferFile("gaincals",obj._file) # close everything up del objects log.writeLog("Data reduction by CARMA pipeline version %s completed at %s" % (version.VERSION,time.ctime())) log.closeLog() prepend(log.closeScript()) if(not fail) : print "\nData reduction complete" else : print "\nData reduction failed"
def calSort(objects) : """ Function to sort calibrators and flag any overlapping data input : objetcs - a list of the objects returns : none """ # check for full overlap first done = [] for gcal in objects._gaincals : for gcal2 in objects._gaincals : if(gcal._name != gcal2._name and not(gcal._name in done)) : if(gcal._start[0] >= gcal2._start[0] and gcal._end[-1] <= gcal2._end[-1]) : done.append(gcal._name) objects.convertGainToSource(gcal) # check for partial overlap done = [] for gcal in objects._gaincals : for gcal2 in objects._gaincals : if(gcal._name != gcal2._name and not(gcal2._name in done)) : if(gcal._end[-1] > gcal2._start[0] and gcal._start[0] < gcal2._start[0]) : # we have an overlap that needs to be taken care of # flag the overlaping data in the later data set log.writeComment("Flag the overlaping data in the later data set") args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",gcal2._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","time'('%s,%s')'" % (calculations.unconvertTime(gcal2._start[0] - 0.0083),calculations.unconvertTime(gcal._end[-1] + 0.00833)))) args.append(globals.Variable("flagval","flag")) sys ="uvflag",args) if(sys == 0) : log.writeLog("Flagged %s from %s to %s to avoid primary calibrator overlap" % (gcal2._file,calculations.unconvertTime(gcal2._start[0] - 0.0083),calculations.unconvertTime(gcal._end[-1] + 0.00833))) done.append(gcal)
async def udpclientsend(udpclient,mqttclient): while True: if not msgque.empty(): msg = msgque.get() # msg = input(">> ").strip() ip_port = (sensorgateway.ip, udpobj.port) try: udpclient.sendto(msg.encode('utf-8'),ip_port) except Exception as e: logger.writeLog(gendate() + ' 发送UDP请求指令失败->'+ msg + '\nReson->'+ str(e),'udpmain.log') print(gendate() + ' 等待接收信息--->') for i in range(0,3): await asyncio.sleep(1) try: data,server_addr = udpclient.recvfrom(1024) except Exception: pass else: print(data, server_addr) res = json.loads(data) if res['model'] == 'weather': if res['cmd'] == 'read_rsp': mqttinfo = sensorweather.genMQTTinfo(sensorgateway.location, res['params'][1]['temperature'], res['params'][2]['humidity'], res['params'][3]['pressure'], res['params'][0]['battery_voltage']) mqttclient.publish(sensorgateway.weatherpubtopic,json.dumps(mqttinfo)) break i = i + 1 await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): ''' 命令报文格式 { "gatewaysid":"aaaaaaa", "sensorsid":"dfdfdfd", "sensortype":"weather", # weather plug leak "cmd":"read", # read on off } ''' msgstr = str(msg.payload, 'utf-8') # print(gendate() + " " + msg.topic+"--->"+ msgstr) if len(str.strip(msgstr)) > 1: #判断报文是否为空 try: msgobj = json.loads(msgstr) findobj = False #存放找到的设备信息 #1.判断报文中携带的 网关SID是否存在 for siditem in sensorgateway.sidlist: if siditem['sid'] == msgobj['gatewaysid']: findobj = siditem break if findobj != False: if findobj['token'] != 0: if msgobj['sensortype'] == "plug" and ( msgobj['cmd'] == 'on' or msgobj['cmd'] == 'off'): insstr = sensorplug.writeStatus( msgobj['sensorsid'], findobj['key'], msgobj['cmd'], findobj["token"]) tempobj = { "gatewaysid": findobj['sid'], "gatewayip": findobj['ip'], "insstr": insstr } msgque.put(tempobj) print(gendate() + ' 生成控制开关指令--->' + str(tempobj)) elif findobj['sensortype'] == "weather" and findobj[ 'cmd'] == 'weather': # insstr = sensorweather.readDevStatus() # msgque.put(insstr) # print(gendate() + ' 生成查询温湿度大气压指令--->' + insstr) pass else: # print(gendate() + ' 此指令无法识别--->' + msgstr) pass else: print(gendate() + ' 无法获取正确的网关心跳Token,指令生成失败, 稍后请重试: ' + msgstr) else: # logger.writeLog(gendate() + ' 未找到要执行操作的设备->'+ msg + '\nReson->'+ msgstr,'mqtt.log') print(gendate() + ' 未找到要执行操作的设备->' + msg + '\nReson->' + msgstr) except Exception as e: logger.writeLog( gendate() + ' MQTT指令格式错误->' + msg + '\nReson->' + str(e), 'mqtt.log') else: logger.writeLog(gendate() + ' MQTT指令格式错误->' + '\nReson->' + msgstr, 'mqtt.log')
def __init__(self): ''' 初始化,从配置文件读取相关加密参数 ''' try: # 读取配置文件 f = open("config.yaml", "r+", encoding="utf-8") fstream = configobj = yaml.safe_load(fstream) # self.secretKey = configobj['gateway']['key'].encode('utf-8') self.iv = a2b_hex(configobj['gateway']['iv']) except Exception as e: logger.writeLog("AES加密组件初始化失败" + str(e), 'encrypt.log')
def __init__(self): ''' 初始化,从配置文件读取MQTT参数 ''' try: # 读取配置文件 f = open("config.yaml", "r+", encoding="utf-8") fstream = configobj = yaml.safe_load(fstream) = configobj['mqtt']['host'] self.port = configobj['mqtt']['port'] self.keepalive = configobj['mqtt']['keepalive'] except Exception as e: logger.writeLog("MQTT组件初始化失败" + str(e), 'mqtt.log')
def getPrimaryFluxCal(objects) : """ Method to determine the primary flux calibrator searches the objects looking for the best one in descending order of preference input : objects - the objects object returns: the name of the primary flux calibrator """ primaryFluxcal = Fluxcal() if(fluxcal["NEPTUNE"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "NEPTUNE") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["URANUS"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "URANUS") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["MARS"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "MARS") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["MWC349"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "MWC349") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["MERCURY"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "MERCURY") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["JUPITER"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "JUPITER") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["SATURN"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "SATURN") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["VENUS"]): for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "VENUS") : primaryFluxcal = fcal elif(fluxcal["PLUTO"]) : for fcal in objects._fluxcals : if(fcal._name == "PLUTO") : primaryFluxcal = fcal else: primaryFluxcal = objects._fluxcals[0] log.writeLog("Using %s as a flux calibrator for bootflux" % (primaryFluxcal._name)) return primaryFluxcal
def calculateMosaicCleanRegion(pointing,cellsize,freq,offset) : """ Method to calculate the clean region for a multipoint mosaic input : pointing - a list of the pointing positions in offset arcseconds from the phase center cellsize - the cellsize in arcseconds freq - observing frequency in GHz offset - offset from 0,0 of the phase center in the map returns : the clean region """ polys = [] temp = "" for i in pointing : temp = temp + "%i %i\n" % (i[0],i[1]) pointing = sortPointing(pointing,offset) # create the hexagonal regions to clean for each pointing for center in range(0,len(pointing)) : polys.append(createPoly(pointing[center],cellsize,freq,offset)) # see which ones overlap and merge them one at a time # since all regions are the same size then they can only overlap if one has a point inside the other while(len(polys) > 1) : inside = [False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False,False] overlap = False for poly in range(1,len(polys)) : for coord in range(0,8) : if(pointInPoly(polys[0],polys[poly][coord][0],polys[poly][coord][1])) : inside[coord] = True overlap = True if(overlap) : inside[8] = inside[0] mergePoly(polys,0,poly,inside) break if(not overlap) : log.writeLog("regions do not overlap") # something is not right return doubles = True while(doubles) : doubles = False for i in range(0,len(polys[0]) - 1) : if(polys[0][i] == polys[0][i + 1]) : del polys[0][i] doubles = True break region = "polygon'('" for i in polys[0] : region = region + "%i,%i," % (max(1,min(i[0],(offset[0]*2.0))),max(1,min(i[1],(offset[1]*2.0)))) region = region[:-1] + "')'" return region
def __init__(self): ''' 初始化,从配置文件读取相关UDP参数 ''' try: # 读取配置文件 f = open("config.yaml", "r+", encoding="utf-8") fstream = configobj = yaml.safe_load(fstream) self.bindaddr = configobj['udp']['bindaddr'] self.desip = configobj['udp']['desip'] self.port = configobj['udp']['port'] # print(configobj) except Exception as e: logger.writeLog("UDP组件初始化失败" + str(e), 'udp.log')
def parse_http_request(pkt): if not pkt.haslayer(Raw): return # if latest ack number same as last_ack means: it's segmented nonlocal payload, last_ack if pkt[IP].ack == last_ack: payload = payload + pkt[Raw].load.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') else: payload = pkt[Raw].load.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') last_ack = pkt[IP].ack # find request url and log it if found url = find_url_from_headers(extract_headers_from_request_payload(payload)) if url: log(url) writeLog(url)
def __init__(self): ''' 初始化,从配置文件读取网关参数 ''' try: # 读取配置文件 f = open("config.yaml", "r+", encoding="utf-8") fstream = configobj = yaml.safe_load(fstream) self.sidlist = configobj['gateway']['sidlist'] self.location = configobj['gateway']['location'] self.desport = configobj['gateway']['port'] self.interval = configobj['gateway']['interval'] self.weatherpubtopic = configobj['gateway']['weatherpubtopic'] self.leakpubtopic = configobj['gateway']['leakpubtopic'] # print(configobj) except Exception as e: logger.writeLog("网关组件初始化失败" + str(e), 'dev.log')
def __init__(self, devtype="noise"): ''' 初始化,从配置文件读取相关串口Modbus参数 ''' try: self.devtype = devtype # 读取配置文件 f = open("config.yaml", "r+", encoding="utf-8") fstream = configobj = yaml.safe_load(fstream) #通用部分 self.sid = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['sid'] self.devname = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['devname'] self.unit = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['unit'] self.method = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['method'] self.port = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['port'] self.timeout = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['timeout'] self.baudrate = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['baudrate'] self.pubtopic = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['pubtopic'] self.location = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['location'] self.interval = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['interval'] self.addrcode = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['holdingreg'][ 'addrcode'] self.startaddr = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['holdingreg'][ 'startaddr'] self.datalen = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['holdingreg'][ 'datalen'] if devtype == 'pt100': self.damrange = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['damrange'] self.damexpand = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['damexpand'] self.minma = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype]['minma'] #最低电流值 self.mapercelsius = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype][ 'mapercelsius'] #对应电流 if devtype == 'pressure': self.waterpremax = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype][ 'waterpremax'] self.waterpremin = configobj['uartmodbus'][devtype][ 'waterpremin'] except Exception as e: logger.writeLog("串口uartmodbus组件初始化失败-->" + str(e), 'uartmodbus.log')
def startup(visFile,args) : """ Method that starts the common processes for all data reduction input: visFile - the name of the main visibility file """ # start logging system log.openScriptLog("reductionScript.csh") log.openMessageLog("reduction.notes") version.versionCheck()"rm -rf sources passcals gaincals fluxcals fits",[]) if(len(args) > 0) :"tar",args,logit=True,fatal=True) log.writeAll("\n") # add notes to the history file about the data reduction args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("in",visFile)) args.append(globals.Variable("comment","'Data reduction by CARMA pipeline version %s started at %s with preferences:'" % (version.VERSION,time.ctime()))) args.append(globals.Variable("file",filePath)) args.append(globals.Variable("lines","6,100"))"addhis",args,logit=False) log.writeAll("\n") log.writeLog("Data reduction by CARMA pipeline version %s started at %s\n" %(version.VERSION,time.ctime()))
def splitHybrid(passbandcal, numberOfWins) : """ Method to split hybrid data into seperate files for each bandwidth and window inputs : passbandcal - a passband calibrator object numberOfWins - the total number of windows returns : none """ log.writeComment("Splitting %s into separate hybrid components" % (passbandcal._name)) array = [] halfWin = numberOfWins/2 if(globals.isSci2) : halfWin = globals.ENDWINDOW for i in range(globals.STARTWINDOW, halfWin + 1) : array.append(0) for window in range(1, halfWin + 1) : # select out the individual windows fileEnd = str(random.randint(1,100000)) sys ="rm -rf temp.w%i.%s; sleep 3",[],fatal=True) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",passbandcal._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","win'('%i')'" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp.w%i.%s" % (window,fileEnd))) sys ="uvcat",args,fatal=True) if(sys != 0) : log.writeLog("FAILED: uvcat vis=%s select=win'('%i')' out=temp.w%i%s" % (passbandcal._file, window, window,fileEnd)) exit(0) # list all spectral data for the window args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis","temp.w%i.%s" % (window,fileEnd))) args.append(globals.Variable("options","spec")) args.append(globals.Variable("recnum","0")) args.append(globals.Variable("log","pcal.log"))"uvlist",args,fatal=True) input = open("pcal.log",'r') uvList = input.readlines() input.close() uvList.reverse() bandwidths = [] nchan = 0 # gather the different bandwidth data while(len(uvList) > 0) : line = uvList.pop() if("number of channels" in line) : splitLine = line.split() nchan = int(splitLine[4]) elif("frequency interval" in line) : splitLine = line.split() bw = sources.findBandwidth(float(splitLine[3])*1000.0*nchan) bandwidths.append(bw) passbandcal.setHybridChans(bw, nchan) first = True # for each bandwidth detected separate out the data for both USB and LSB windows for bw in bandwidths : if(bw != bandwidths[0]) : if(first) : passbandcal.setHybridConf(bandwidths[0]) first = False passbandcal.setHybridConf(bw) for config in passbandcal._hybridConf : if(passbandcal._hybridConf.get(config)) : fileEnd = str(random.randint(1,100000)) array[window - 1] = config arrayString = "%i" % (array[0]) for m in range(1, len(array)) : arrayString = arrayString + ",%i" % (array[m]) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",passbandcal._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("bw",arrayString)) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp.pbcal." + fileEnd))"bwsel",args) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis","temp.pbcal." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","win'('%i')'" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",passbandcal._file,".%i.w%i" % (config, window)))"uvcat",args) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis","temp.pbcal." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","win'('%i')'" % (window + halfWin))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",passbandcal._file,".%i.w%i" % (config, window + halfWin)))"uvcat",args) array[window - 1] = 0"rm -rf temp.*",[])
def cleanWindow(source,window,csub) : """ Method to clean a spectral window input : source - the source data window - which window to clean csub - has contuinuum subtraction been done returns : none """ global rmsList lastIter = 10000.0 addon = "" fileEnd = str(random.randint(1,100000)) if(csub) : addon = ".cs" # do the initial clean"mossdi beam=%s.w%i.beam out=%s.w%i.clean niters=100 region=%s" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window,source.getCleanRegion()),[],fatal=True,logit=False) # get the beam size"mospsf beam=%s.w%i.beam""" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"imfit object=beam region=arcsec,box'('-5,-5,5,5')' > fit.log.%s" % (source._file+addon, window,fileEnd),[],fatal=True,logit=False) input = open("fit.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() majorAxis = 0.0 minorAxis = 0.0 positionAngle = 0.0 while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("Position angle" in line) : splitLine = line.split() positionAngle = float(splitLine[3]) elif("Minor axis" in line) : splitLine = line.split() minorAxis = float(splitLine[3]) elif("Major axis" in line) : splitLine = line.split() majorAxis = float(splitLine[3])"restor model=%s.w%i.clean beam=%s.w%i.beam fwhm=%f,%f pa=%f out=%s.w%i.finalmap" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, majorAxis,minorAxis,positionAngle, source._file+addon, window),[],logit=False) region = dict() region[0] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor(imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3)))) region[1] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor(3*imsize/4))) region[2] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor(3*imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3)))) region[3] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor(imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6)))) rms = 1000000.0 best = 0 # determine the rms noise for j in range(4) :"imstat in=%s.w%i.finalmap region=box'('%s')' device=/NULL > rms.log.%s""" % (source._file+addon, window, region.get(j),fileEnd),[],logit=False) input = open("rms.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() fileList.reverse() while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("Frequency" in line) : line = fileList.pop() temprms = float(line[42:51]) if(temprms < rms) : rms = temprms best = j converged = False run = 1 cutoff = 1000.0 # loop over clean and restor until the noise level settles down or until 10 iterations are complete while((not converged) and (run <= 5)) : cutoff = rms * p.preferences.get("cleanThreshold")"rm -rf %s.w%i.clean %s.w%i.finalmap; sleep 3" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"mossdi beam=%s.w%i.beam out=%s.w%i.clean niters=50000 cutoff=%f region=%s" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, cutoff,source.getCleanRegion()),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"restor model=%s.w%i.clean beam=%s.w%i.beam fwhm=%f,%f pa=%f out=%s.w%i.finalmap" % (source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, source._file+addon, window, majorAxis,minorAxis,positionAngle, source._file+addon, window),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"imstat in=%s.w%i.finalmap region=box'('%s')' device=/NULL > rms.log.%s" % (source._file+addon, window, region.get(best),fileEnd),[],logit=False) input = open("rms.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() fileList.reverse() while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("cube" in line) : line = fileList.pop() temprms = float(line[42:51]) if(abs(temprms-rms) < 0.05 * rms) : # there must be less than a 5 % change converged = True else : rms = temprms run += 1 log.writeComment("Cleaning window %i" % (window)) if(run > 5) : log.writeComment("Did not reach noise level cutoff, performed 5 iterations.") args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("map",source._file,addon + "" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",source._file,addon + ".w%i.beam" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,addon + ".w%i.clean" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("niters","50000")) args.append(globals.Variable("cutoff",str(cutoff))) args.append(globals.Variable("region",source.getCleanRegion()))"mossdi",args,execute=False) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("model",source._file,addon + ".w%i.clean" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("map",source._file,addon + "" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",source._file,addon + ".w%i.beam" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("fwhm","%f,%f" % (majorAxis,minorAxis))) args.append(globals.Variable("pa",str(positionAngle))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,addon + ".w%i.finalmap" % (window)))"restor",args,execute=False) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("in",source._file,addon + ".w%i.finalmap" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("op","xyout")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,addon + ".w%i.fits" % (window)))"fits",args,logit=False) log.writeScript("\n") log.writeLog("Data reduction of %s window %i complete. Final map(%s.w%i.finalmap) has a noise level of %f Jy/beam\n" % (source._name, window, source._file+addon, window, rms)) rmsList[window] = rms startupTeardown.endFile("%s.w%i.finalmap" % (source._file+addon,window))
def getWindowInfo(visFile,object,isSource=False,isGaincal=False,isPasscal=False,isFluxcal=False) : """ Method to separate the main miriad file into smaller ones for each object input : visFile - the main MIRIAD visibility file object - the name of the object to separate source - whether the object is a source gaincal - whether the object is a gain calibrator passcal - whether the object is a passband calibrator fluxcal - whether the object is a flux calibrator """ global doDecor numberOfWins = len(object._bandwidths) # if the output file exists then we must create a copy for the current purpose log.writeComment("Separating data into individual, window based, files") if(os.path.exists(object._file) == 1) : id = "" if(isGaincal) : id = globals.GAINCALEND elif(isPasscal) : id = globals.PASSCALEND elif(isFluxcal) : id = globals.FLUXCALEND else : log.writeLog("Error: File %s exists exiting" % (object._file)) raise Exception, "Error: File %s exists exiting" % (object._file) print "SOURCE copy",object._file args = [] args.append(globals.Variable(None,object._file)) args.append(globals.Variable(None,object._file,"." + id))"cp -r",args,fatal=True) object._file = object._file +"." + id else : print "SOURCE new",object._file args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",visFile)) args.append(globals.Variable("select",object._name,"')'","-auto,source'('")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",object._file))"uvcat",args,fatal=True) if(object._name == "NOISE") : args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis","NOISE")) args.append(globals.Variable("options","noisecal")) args.append(globals.Variable("out","NOISE",".conj; sleep 3; rm -r")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"NOISE","; sleep 3; mv")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"NOISE",".conj")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"NOISE"))"uvcal",args) # correct for decorrelation if needed if(doDecor and object._name != "NOISE") : log.writeComment("Correcting for decorrelation on long baselines") fileEnd = str(random.randint(1,100000)) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",object._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("options","nocal,nopass,nopol")) args.append(globals.Variable("delaymax","8500")) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp." + fileEnd,"; sleep 3; rm -rf")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,object._file,"/*; rm -rf")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,object._file,"; sleep 3; mv temp." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable(None,object._file))"uvdecor",args,fatal=True) if(isPasscal and object.isHybrid()) : hybrid.splitHybrid(object, numberOfWins) else : # separate each window log.writeAll("\n") log.writeComment("Separating individual windows") superwin = {"LSB" : [], "USB" : []} for window in range(globals.STARTWINDOW, globals.ENDWINDOW + 1) : if(not object.isSuper(window)) : args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",object._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","window'('%i')'" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",object._file,".w%i" % (window)))"uvcat",args) else : if(window <= numberOfWins/2) : superwin["LSB"].append(window) else : superwin["USB"].append(window) # separate out the super windows lsbString = "" usbString = "" for window in superwin["LSB"] : lsbString += "%i," % (window) for window in superwin["USB"] : usbString += "%i," % (window) if(len(superwin["LSB"]) > 0) : object._lsbGood = True args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",object._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","window'('%s')'" % (lsbString[:-1]))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",object._file,".LSB"))"uvcat",args) if(len(superwin["USB"]) > 0) : object._usbGood = True args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",object._file)) args.append(globals.Variable("select","window'('%s')'" % (usbString[:-1]))) args.append(globals.Variable("out",object._file,".USB"))"uvcat",args) object.calcSuperChans() for window in range(globals.STARTWINDOW, globals.ENDWINDOW + 1) : # flag edge channels if(object._bandwidths[window - 1] == 62) : log.writeAll("\n") log.writeComment("Flagging edge channels in 62 MHz windows") args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",object._file,".w%i" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("edge","3,3")) args.append(globals.Variable("flagval","flag"))"uvflag",args)
def invertContinuum(objects, obsFreq, avgBaseline, windows, individual = False) : """ Method to create continuum maps input : objects - the objects obsFreq - observing frequency in GHz avgBaseline - average baseline in lambda windows - which windows to invert individual - whther we are only inverting individual windows returns : none """ global cellsize global imsize global continDone fileEnd = str(random.randint(1,100000)) # calculate the optimal cell size, based on the median baseline in klambda, want at least 5 pixels across the beam # but only if the user did not specify it in the preferences file if(p.preferences.get("cellSize") < 0 and cellsize == None) : cellsize = calculations.calcCellSize(avgBaseline,0.0) log.writeComment("Based on average baseline of %f, using a cell size of %f arcseconds." % (avgBaseline, cellsize)) elif(cellsize == None) : cellsize = p.preferences.get("cellSize") log.writeComment("Using cellsize %f" % (cellsize)) iterate = True # calculate the optimal image size, based on the cell size and observing frequency # but only if the user did not specify an image size in the preferences file if(p.preferences.get("imageSize") < 0 and imsize == None) : imsize = calculations.calcImsize(obsFreq, cellsize) elif(imsize == None) : iterate = False imsize = p.preferences.get("imageSize") # invert each source in turn sourceList = deepcopy(objects._sources) if(not individual) : sourceList.append(deepcopy(objects._gaincals[0])) for source in sourceList : log.writeComment("Inverting continuum of %s" % (source._name)) if(isinstance(source,sources.Source)) : if(source._mosaic) : if(imsize > 1000) : imsize = int(imsize * 1.5) else : imsize = int(imsize * 2.0) continDone = True invertString = "" invertList = [] startChan = 1 numChan = source._numChans[0] # make sure we start at the correct channel number if(source.haveSuper() and not individual) : for ending in ["LSB","USB"] : if(not source._lsbGood and ending == "LSB") : continue if(not source._usbGood and ending == "USB") : continue startChan = 1 numChan = source.getSuperNumChans() invertString = invertString + ",%s.%s" % (source._file, ending) invertList.append([source._file,".%s" % (ending)]) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",source._file,".%s" % (ending))) args.append(globals.Variable("options","unflagged")) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp." + fileEnd + "; sleep 3; rm -rf ")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".%s/*; rm -rf " % (ending))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".%s; sleep 3; mv " % (ending))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"temp." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".%s" % (ending)))"uvcat",args,fatal=True) elif(len(windows) != 0) : for window in windows : if(source._bandwidths[window - 1] == 62) : startChan = 4 numChan = source._numChans[window - 1] - 6 invertString = invertString + ",%s.w%i" % (source._file, window) invertList.append([source._file,".w%i" % (window)]) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",source._file,".w%i" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("options","unflagged")) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp." + fileEnd + "; sleep 3; rm -rf ")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i/*; rm -rf " % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i; sleep 3; mv " % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"temp." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i" % (window)))"uvcat",args,fatal=True) else : for window in range(globals.STARTWINDOW, globals.ENDWINDOW + 1) : if(source._bandwidths[window - 1] == 62) : startChan = 4 numChan = source._numChans[window - 1] - 6 invertString = invertString + ",%s.w%i" % (source._file, window) invertList.append([source._file,".w%i" % (window)]) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",source._file,".w%i" % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable("options","unflagged")) args.append(globals.Variable("out","temp." + fileEnd + "; sleep 3; rm -rf ")) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i/*; rm -rf " % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i; sleep 3; mv " % (window))) args.append(globals.Variable(None,"temp." + fileEnd)) args.append(globals.Variable(None,source._file,".w%i" % (window)))"uvcat",args,fatal=True) invertString = invertString[1:] lastbad = 0 noise = 0.5 endings = [""] selects=[""] tempCell = cellsize tempImg = imsize if(globals.isSci2 and not individual) : endings.append(".short") if(globals.obsFreq() < 50.0) : selects.append(" select=uvrange'('0,2')'") selects.append(" select=uvrange'('2,2000000')'") else : selects.append(" select=uvrange'('0,6')'") selects.append(" select=uvrange'('6,6000000')'") endings.append(".long") # keep inverting until we minimize the number of rejected visibilities fileName = source._file for i in range(0,len(endings)) : if(endings[i].find(".short") >= 0) : cellsize = calculations.calcCellSize(globals.avgShortBaseline(),0.0) imsize = calculations.calcImsize(obsFreq, cellsize) elif(endings[i].find(".long") >= 0) : cellsize = calculations.calcCellSize(globals.avgLongBaseline(),0.0) imsize = calculations.calcImsize(obsFreq, cellsize) else : cellsize = tempCell imsize = tempImg fName = "" fEnd = "" ok = False end = endings[i] select = selects[i] if(individual) : fName = fileName fEnd = ".contin.w%i" % (windows[0]) fileName += ".contin.w%i" % (windows[0]) while(not ok) :"invert vis=%s beam=%s.beam imsize=%i cell=%f sup=0%s options=systemp,double,mfs,mosaic line=channel,1,%i,%i >& junk" % (invertString, fileName + end, fileName + end,imsize,cellsize,select, startChan, numChan),[],fatal=True,logit=False) input = open("junk",'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() found = False while(len(fileList) > 0 and iterate) : line = fileList.pop() if("Visibilities rejected" in line) : splitLine = line.split() if(lastbad != int(splitLine[5])) : cellsize = calculations.calcCellSize(avgBaseline,cellsize)"rm -rf %s %s; sleep 3" % (fileName + end + ".map", fileName + end + ".beam"),[],logit=False) found = True else : cellsize *= 1.1"invert vis=%s beam=%s.beam imsize=%i cell=%f sup=0%s options=systemp,double,mfs,mosaic line=channel,1,%i,%i >& junk" % (invertString, fileName + end, fileName + end, imsize,cellsize, select, startChan, numChan),[],fatal=True,logit=False) if("Theoretical rms" in line) : noise = float(line.split(":")[1]) if(not found) : ok = True log.writeLog("Using an image size of %f for %s" % (imsize, source._name)) args = [] args.append(globals.Variable("vis",invertList[0][0],invertList[0][1])) temp = invertList.pop(0) for vis in invertList : args.append(globals.Variable("ADD",vis[0],vis[1])) invertList.append(temp) if(individual) : args.append(globals.Variable("map",fName,fEnd + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",fName,fEnd + ".beam")) else : args.append(globals.Variable("map",source._file,end + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",source._file,end + ".beam")) args.append(globals.Variable("imsize",str(imsize))) args.append(globals.Variable("cell",str(cellsize))) args.append(globals.Variable("sup","0")) if(select != "") : args.append(globals.Variable(None,select)) args.append(globals.Variable("options","systemp,double,mfs,mosaic")) args.append(globals.Variable("line","channel,1,%i,%i" % (startChan, numChan)))"invert",args,execute=False) lastIter = 10000.0 # treat multipoint mosics differently"mossdi beam=%s.beam out=%s.clean niters=50000 cutoff=%f region=quarter" % (fileName + end, fileName + end, fileName + end,noise*2.5),[],fatal=True,logit=False) # calculate the correst synthesized beam"mospsf beam=%s.beam" % (fileName + end, fileName + end),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"imfit object=beam region=arcsec,box'('-5,-5,5,5')' > fit.log.%s" % (fileName + end,fileEnd),[],fatal=True,logit=False) input = open("fit.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() majorAxis = 0.0 minorAxis = 0.0 positionAngle = 0.0 # get the beam parameters while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("Position angle" in line) : splitLine = line.split() positionAngle = float(splitLine[3]) elif("Minor axis" in line) : splitLine = line.split() minorAxis = float(splitLine[3]) elif("Major axis" in line) : splitLine = line.split() majorAxis = float(splitLine[3])"restor model=%s.clean beam=%s.beam fwhm=%f,%f pa=%f out=%s.finalmap" % (fileName + end, fileName + end, fileName + end, majorAxis,minorAxis,positionAngle, fileName + end),[],logit=False) # get the initial noise level region = dict() region[0] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor(imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3)))) region[1] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor(3*imsize/4))) region[2] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor(3*imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3)))) region[3] = "%i,%i,%i,%i" % (int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6))),int(math.floor(imsize/4)),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/3))),int(math.floor((imsize/4) + (imsize/6)))) rms = 1000000.0 best = 0 for j in range(4) : #log.writeComment("Locating best region for noise calculation.")"imstat in=%s.finalmap region=box'('%s')' device=/NULL > rms.log.%s" % (fileName + end, region.get(j),fileEnd),[],logit=False) input = open("rms.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() fileList.reverse() while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("Frequency" in line) : line = fileList.pop() temprms = float(line[42:51]) if(temprms < rms) : rms = temprms best = j #log.writeComment("Found region %i is best: %s" % (best, region.get(best))) # determine the clean region either from user input, number of pointings, or automatically from the data cleanReg = "" if(isinstance(source,sources.Source)) : if(source.getContinuumCleanRegion() == None) : if(not source._mosaic) : if(p.preferences.get("doAutoCleanRegion")) : source.setContinuumCleanRegion(peakLocator.findCleanRegion("%s.finalmap" % (fileName + end),rms,"" % (fileName),source._pointingCenters)) if(source.getContinuumCleanRegion() == "quarter") : source.setCleanRegion("quarter") elif(p.preferences.get("cleanRegion") == "quarter") : source.setContinuumCleanRegion("quarter") source.setCleanRegion("quarter") else : boxsize = int(p.preferences.get("cleanRegion")) source.setContinuumCleanRegion("arcsec,box'(-%f,-%f,%f,%f)'" % (boxsize,boxsize,boxsize,boxsize)) source.setCleanRegion("arcsec,box'(-%f,-%f,%f,%f)'" % (boxsize,boxsize,boxsize,boxsize)) else : if(p.preferences.get("doAutoCleanRegion")) : print "AUTOCLEAN+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"#################POINTING CENTERS print source._pointingCenters source.setContinuumCleanRegion(peakLocator.findCleanRegion("%s.finalmap" % (fileName + end),rms,"" % (fileName + end),source._pointingCenters)) source.setCleanRegion(source.getContinuumCleanRegion()) else : offset = [int(miriadClasses.imhead("" % fileName+end+addon,"crpix1")),int(miriadClasses.imhead("" % fileName+end+addon,"crpix2"))] source.setContinuumCleanRegion(calculations.calculateMosaicCleanRegion(source._pointingCenters,cellsize,obsFreq,offset)) source.setCleanRegion(source.getContinuumCleanRegion()) log.writeLog("mosaic " + source.getCleanRegion()) cleanReg = source.getCleanRegion() else : # we are mapping a calibrator cleanReg = "quarter" converged = False log.writeComment("Cleaning image to %f times the noise level, or 100000 iterations, whichever comes first" % (p.preferences.get("cleanThreshold"))) run = 1 cutoff = 1000.0 # loop over clean and restor until the noise level settles down or until 5 iterations are done while((not converged) and (run <= 5)) : cutoff = rms * p.preferences.get("cleanThreshold")"rm -rf %s.clean %s.finalmap; sleep 3" % (fileName + end, fileName + end),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"mossdi beam=%s.beam out=%s.clean niters=50000 cutoff=%f region=%s" % (fileName + end, fileName + end, fileName + end, cutoff,cleanReg),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"restor model=%s.clean beam=%s.beam fwhm=%f,%f pa=%f out=%s.finalmap" % (fileName + end,fileName + end, fileName + end, majorAxis,minorAxis,positionAngle,fileName + end),[],fatal=True,logit=False)"imstat in=%s.finalmap region=box'('%s')' device=/NULL > rms.log.%s" % (fileName + end, region.get(best),fileEnd),[],logit=False) input = open("rms.log.%s" % (fileEnd),'r') fileList = input.readlines() input.close() fileList.reverse() while(len(fileList) > 0) : line = fileList.pop() if("Frequency" in line) : line = fileList.pop() temprms = float(line[42:51]) if(abs(temprms-rms) < 0.05 * rms) : # there must be less than a 5 % change converged = True else : rms = temprms run += 1 if(run > 5) : log.writeComment("Did not reach noise level cutoff, performed 5 iterations.") args = [] if(individual) : args.append(globals.Variable("map",fName,fEnd + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",fName,fEnd + ".beam")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",fName,fEnd + ".clean")) else : args.append(globals.Variable("map",source._file,end + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",source._file,end + ".beam")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,end + ".clean")) args.append(globals.Variable("niters","50000")) args.append(globals.Variable("cutoff",str(cutoff))) args.append(globals.Variable("region",cleanReg))"mossdi",args,execute=False) args = [] if(individual) : args.append(globals.Variable("model",fName,fEnd + ".clean")) args.append(globals.Variable("map",fName,fEnd + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",fName,fEnd + ".beam")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",fName,fEnd + ".finalmap")) else : args.append(globals.Variable("model",source._file,end + ".clean")) args.append(globals.Variable("map",source._file,end + ".map")) args.append(globals.Variable("beam",source._file,end + ".beam")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,end + ".finalmap")) args.append(globals.Variable("fwhm","%f,%f" % (majorAxis,minorAxis))) args.append(globals.Variable("pa",str(positionAngle)))"restor",args,execute=False) args = [] if(individual) : args.append(globals.Variable("in",fName,fEnd + ".finalmap")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",fName,fEnd + ".fits")) else : args.append(globals.Variable("in",source._file,end + ".finalmap")) args.append(globals.Variable("out",source._file,end + ".fits")) args.append(globals.Variable("op","xyout"))"fits",args,logit=False) log.writeComment("Data reduction of %s complete. Final map(%s.finalmap) has a noise level of %f Jy/beam" % (source._name, fileName + end, rms)) startupTeardown.endFile("%s.finalmap" % (fileName + end))
fluxTrack = False prjData = calculations.splitObsblockId(visFile) project = prjData["project"] if(project == "flux") : fluxTrack = True SPECTRAL = False CONTINUUM = True if("S" in prjData["configuration"]) : globals.isSci2 = True # initialize what needs to be initialized proj = "" startupTeardown.startup(visFile,args) log.writeLog("Pipeline is doing %s data reduction" % (type)) # run listobs listobs.runListobs(visFile, objects) # get global variables obsFreq = globals.obsFreq() obsDate = globals.obsDate() avgBaseline = globals.avgBaseline() refant = globals.refant() # determine which windows to process if(len(objects._sources) > 0) : numberOfWins = len(objects._sources[0]._bandwidths) elif(len(objects._gaincals) > 0) : numberOfWins = len(objects._gaincals[0]._bandwidths)
def cust_print(fmt, fg=None, bg=None, style=None, level="", saveLog=True): """ prints table of formatted text format options """ COLCODE = { 'k': 0, # black 'r': 1, # red 'g': 2, # green 'y': 3, # yellow 'b': 4, # blue 'm': 5, # magenta 'c': 6, # cyan 'w': 7 # white } FMTCODE = { 'b': 1, # bold 'f': 2, # faint 'i': 3, # italic 'u': 4, # underline 'x': 5, # blinking 'y': 6, # fast blinking 'r': 7, # reverse 'h': 8, # hide 's': 9, # strikethrough } # properties props = [] if isinstance(style, str): props = [FMTCODE[s] for s in style] if isinstance(fg, str): props.append(30 + COLCODE[fg]) if isinstance(bg, str): props.append(40 + COLCODE[bg]) # display props = ';'.join([str(x) for x in props]) if props: print('\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (props, fmt)) else: print(fmt) if saveLog: # LOG_LEVEL = { None: 'info', 'k': 'info', # black 'g': 'info', # green 'b': 'debug', # blue 'y': 'warning', # yellow 'r': 'error', # red 'm': 'critical', # magenta 'c': 'info', # cyan 'w': 'info' # white } # 没有指定日志级别时,以颜色进行界定日志级别 if level == "": level = LOG_LEVEL[fg] writeLog(fmt, level)