Esempio n. 1
    def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord):
        # colorized logs
            func = self.__colors[record.levelname]
        except KeyError:
            func = self.__standard_print

        # remove .py extension in filename
        record.filename = record.filename[:-3]
        # add "..." on too long filenames
        if self.__limit_filename_size is not None and len(record.filename) > self.__limit_filename_size:
            record.filename = record.filename[:(self.__limit_filename_size-3)] + '...'

        result = super().format(record)
        return func(result)
Esempio n. 2
    def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
        Modify the stack info if necessary.

        :param record: log record
        :return: true if record should be logged (always)
        tags = "tango-device:" + TangoFilter.device_name
        transaction_id = TangoFilter.transaction_id.get()
        if transaction_id:
            tags += "," + transaction_id
        record.tags = tags

        level = record.levelno
        if level not in _PYTHON_TO_TANGO:
            record.levelno = to_python_level(tango.LogLevel(level))

        # If the record originates from this module, insert the
        # right frame info.
        if record.pathname == __file__:
            thread = threading.current_thread()
            # The thread should be in the dictionary, but may not be if the
            # module has been reloaded e.g. by unit test.
            if thread in TangoFilter.log_man.frames:
                frame = TangoFilter.log_man.frames[thread]
                record.funcName = frame.function
                record.filename = pathlib.Path(frame.filename).name
                record.lineno = frame.lineno
        return True
 def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
     # If the record originates from this module, insert the right frame info.
     if record.pathname == __file__:
         frame = self.log_man.frames[threading.current_thread()]
         record.funcName = frame.function
         record.filename = pathlib.Path(frame.filename).name
         record.lineno = frame.lineno
     return super().format(record)
Esempio n. 4
 def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
     # If the record originates from this module, insert the right frame info.
     if record.pathname == __file__:
         thread = threading.current_thread()
         # The thread should be in the dictionary, but may not be if the
         # module has been reloaded e.g. by unit test.
         if thread in self.log_man.frames:
             frame = self.log_man.frames[thread]
             record.funcName = frame.function
             record.filename = pathlib.Path(frame.filename).name
             record.lineno = frame.lineno
     return super().format(record)
Esempio n. 5
 def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool:
     if record.pathname == __file__:
         frames = inspect.stack()
         frame = None
         for frame in frames:
             if self.ignore(frame):
             if self.match(frame):
         record.funcName = frame.function
         record.filename = pathlib.Path(frame.filename).name
         record.lineno = frame.lineno
     return True
Esempio n. 6
 def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:
     record = copy.copy(record)
     record.levelname = getattr(
         self._scheme, record.levelname.lower()).colored(record.levelname)
     record.levelno = getattr(self._scheme,
                                      record.levelno) =
     record.process = self._scheme.process.colored(record.process)
     record.processName = self._scheme.process.colored(record.processName)
     record.thread = self._scheme.thread.colored(record.thread)
     record.threadName = self._scheme.thread.colored(record.threadName)
     record.lineno = self._scheme.lineno.colored(record.lineno)
     record.pathname = self._scheme.pathname.colored(record.pathname)
     record.funcName = self._scheme.funcname.colored(record.funcName)
     record.filename = self._scheme.filename.colored(record.filename)
     return super(ColoredFormatter, self).format(record)
Esempio n. 7
    def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str:

        :param record:
            Attribute name 	Format 	Description
            args 	You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. 	The tuple of arguments merged into msg to produce message, or a dict whose values are used for the merge (when there is only one argument, and it is a dictionary).
            asctime 	%(asctime)s 	Human-readable time when the LogRecord was created. By default this is of the form ‘2003-07-08 16:49:45,896’ (the numbers after the comma are millisecond portion of the time).
            created 	%(created)f 	Time when the LogRecord was created (as returned by time.time()).
            exc_info 	You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. 	Exception tuple (à la sys.exc_info) or, if no exception has occurred, None.
            filename 	%(filename)s 	Filename portion of pathname.
            funcName 	%(funcName)s 	Name of function containing the logging call.
            levelname 	%(levelname)s 	Text logging level for the message ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL').
            levelno 	%(levelno)s 	Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL).
            lineno 	%(lineno)d 	Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available).
            module 	%(module)s 	Module (name portion of filename).
            msecs 	%(msecs)d 	Millisecond portion of the time when the LogRecord was created.
            message 	%(message)s 	The logged message, computed as msg % args. This is set when Formatter.format() is invoked.
            msg 	You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. 	The format string passed in the original logging call. Merged with args to produce message, or an arbitrary object (see Using arbitrary objects as messages).
            name 	%(name)s 	Name of the config_logger used to log the call.
            pathname 	%(pathname)s 	Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available).
            process 	%(process)d 	Process ID (if available).
            processName 	%(processName)s 	Process name (if available).
            relativeCreated 	%(relativeCreated)d 	Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded.
            stack_info 	You shouldn’t need to format this yourself. 	Stack frame information (where available) from the bottom of the stack in the current thread, up to and including the stack frame of the logging call which resulted in the creation of this record.
            thread 	%(thread)d 	Thread ID (if available).
            threadName 	%(threadName)s 	Thread name (if available).
            [service.randomtrailers.backend:FolderMovieData:add_to_discovered_trailers  TRACE_DISCOVERY]
        # threadName Constants.CURRENT_ADDON_SHORT_NAME funcName:lineno
        # [threadName name funcName:lineno]

        text = ''
            start_file = record.__dict__.get('start_file', None)
                pathname, lineno, func = start_file
            except ValueError:
                pathname, lineno, func = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)"

            record.pathname = pathname
                record.filename = os.path.basename(pathname)
                record.module = os.path.splitext(record.filename)[0]
            except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError):
                record.filename = pathname
                record.module = "Unknown module"
            record.lineno = lineno
            record.funcName = func

            suffix = super().format(record)
            passed_traces = record.__dict__.get('trace_string', None)
            if passed_traces is None:
                if type(self).INCLUDE_THREAD_INFO:
                    prefix = '[Thread {!s} {!s}.{!s}:{!s}:{!s}]'.format(
                        record.threadName,, record.funcName,
                        record.lineno, record.levelname)
                    prefix = '[{!s}.{!s}:{!s}]'.format(,
                if type(self).INCLUDE_THREAD_INFO:
                    prefix = '[Thread {!s} {!s}.{!s}:{!s}:{!s} Trace:{!s}]'.format(
                        record.threadName,, record.funcName,
                        record.lineno, record.levelname, passed_traces)
                    prefix = '[{!s}.{!s}:{!s}:{!s} Trace:{!s}]'.format(
              , record.funcName, record.lineno,
                        record.levelname, passed_traces)
            text = '{} {}'.format(prefix, suffix)
        except Exception as e:

        return text