def get_inventory(room_ID_0, username) -> str:
    #items == list of tuples

    items_db = database.get_all_user_items(username)

    if items_db is None:
        return "Your Inventory is empty"

    item_str = "Your inventory contains: <br><ul>"
    #index = 0
    size = len(items_db)
    l.log_time("items_number: " + str(size))  # logging
    for i in items_db:
        item_name, room_ID_1 = i
        item_str = item_str + "<li>" + item_name + "</li>"

        # if index == 0:
        #     item_str = item_str + item_name
        # elif index < size-1:
        #     item_str = item_str + ", " + item_name
        # elif index == size-1:
        #     item_str = item_str + " and " + item_name
        # else:
        #     item_str = item_str + " ERROR!!! " + item_name

        # index += 1

    item_str = item_str + "</ul>"

    return item_str
def checkSimilarity(word1: str, word2: str) -> int:
    l.log_time('pre-checkSimilarity')  #logging
    if not word1.isalpha() or not word2.isalpha():
        raise ValueError("words should only have alpha chars")
    synsofword1 = getSynonyms(word1, getWordtype(word1))
    synsofword2 = getSynonyms(word2, getWordtype(word2))
    l.log_time('post-checkSimilarity')  #logging
    return len(set(synsofword1).intersection(synsofword2))
def classifyIntent(msg: str, choices: list) -> int:
    if not all(isinstance(choice, str) for choice in choices):
        raise TypeError("intent choices must be a list of strings")

    answer = process.extractOne(msg, choices, scorer=fuzz.partial_ratio)
    l.log_time('classify-Intent')  #logging
    try: response = m1.classifiers.classify(model_id='cl_bEWrgUGS', data=[msg]).body[0].get("classifications")[0]
    except PlanQueryLimitError as e: print(e.error_code, e.detail)
    except MonkeyLearnException: raise Exception("Something went wrong with Monkey Learn")
    answer = [response.get("tag_name"), response.get("confidence")] 
    if not isinstance(answer[0], str) or not isinstance(answer, list) or not isinstance(answer[1], float):
        raise TypeError("MonkeyLearn error created wrong types in the answer")
    return keyToNumber(answer[0], choices) if answer[1] >= 75 else keyToNumber(
        checkSynonyms(msg, choices), choices)
def checkSynonyms(msg: str, choices: list) -> str:

    if len(re.findall(r'[^\s!,.?":;0-9]+', msg)) > 10: return "i don't know"

    start = time.time()

    l.log_time('check')  #logging
    listofwords = filterMessage(msg).split()
    l.log_time('filter')  #logging
    typeofwords = list(
        map(lambda x: getWordtype(x, ' '.join(listofwords)), listofwords))
    l.log_time('typeofwords')  #logging
    wordsandtype = list(zip(listofwords, typeofwords))
    #msgwordsynonyms = list(map(lambda x: getSynonyms(x[0],x[1]) , wordsandtype)) #new
    l.log_time('wordsandtype')  #logging
    listofchoices = list(map(lambda x: filterMessage(x).split(), choices))
    l.log_time('listofchoices')  #logging
    results = []
    l.log_time('pre-loop')  #logging
    for intent in listofchoices:
        if not time.time() < start + 10: return "i don't know"
        for body in intent:
            #synsofbody = getSynonyms(body, getWordtype(body)) #new
            wordratings = [0]
            for tup in wordsandtype:
                #for tup, synsofword in zip(wordsandtype, msgwordsynonyms): #new
                if tup[1] == getWordtype(body):
                    wordratings.append(checkSimilarity(body, tup[0]))
                    results[len(results) - 1] += max(wordratings)
    l.log_time('post-loop')  #logging
    return ["i dont know",
            choices[results.index(max(results))]][max(results) > 0]
Esempio n. 5
def answerHandler(inputjson, username):

    l.log_start()  # logging
    obj = json.loads(inputjson)

    # When the mode is phone and player inputs exit phone
    if str(obj['mode']) == 'phone' and classifyMessage(
        {"exit": ["exit", "leave", "shut down", "close"]}) == "exit":
        answer = ('You stop looking at the bad quality of your phone.',
                  getRoomName(getRoomId(str(obj['room']))), 'game')

    # When the mode is phone
    elif str(obj['mode']) == 'phone':
        answer = [
            handleAnswer(str(obj['message'].lower()), username,
                         int(obj['level']), getRoomId(str(obj['room']))),
            getRoomName(getRoomId(str(obj['room']))), 'phone'

    # When the mode is gps and player inputs exit gps
    elif str(obj['mode']) == 'gps' and classifyMessage(
        {"exit": ["exit", "leave", "shut down", "close"]}) == "exit":
        answer = ('Your gps device is now turned off',
                  getRoomName(getRoomId(str(obj['room']))), 'game')

    # When the mode is gps
    elif str(obj['mode']) == 'gps':
        cur_room_id = getRoomId(str(obj['room']))
        gpsTriple = handleGPS(str(obj['message'].lower()), username,
                              int(obj['level']), getRoomId(str(obj['room'])))
        if cur_room_id == gpsTriple[1]:
            answer = [gpsTriple[0], getRoomName(gpsTriple[1]), gpsTriple[2]]
            answer = [
                gpsTriple[0] + "<br>" +
                get_gpt2_intro(getRoomIntroduction(gpsTriple[1]), username),
                getRoomName(gpsTriple[1]), gpsTriple[2]

    # When the mode is riddle
    elif str(obj['mode']) == 'riddle':
        answer = checkAnswer(str(obj['message'].lower()),
                             getRoomId(str(obj['room'])), username)
        answer[1] = getRoomName(answer[1])

    # When mode is game
        answer = findAnswer(username, str(obj['message'].lower()),

    if writeMessagetoTrainingData(str(obj['message'])):
        print("added message to training data")
        print("added nothing to training data")

    #text to spreech if it is turned on in the setting @author Max Petendra
    if json.loads(database.get_settings_by_username(username))['readMessages']:

    # json wird wieder zusammen gepackt
    l.log_time('end')  # logging
    l.log_end()  # logging

    #Check if a differnt sender is given
    if len(answer) <= 3: newSender = "bot"
    else: newSender = answer[3]

    database.update_user_room(username, getRoomId(answer[1]))

    #regular return statment
    return json.dumps({
        "level": 1,
        "sender": newSender,
        "room": answer[1],
        "items": [],
        "mode": answer[2],
        "message": answer[0]