Esempio n. 1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np

import logging_util
import transducer_blocks

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger(__name__)

class TranscriptionNetwork(transducer_blocks.Block):
    """ Transcription Network (or Audio Encoding network) of the Transformer-Transducer model.
    :param popart builder: popart builder object
    :param int in_feats: input dimension
    :param int subsampling_factor: sub-sampling factor for the initial convolutional subsampling layer
    :param int enc_n_hid: encoder hidden dimension
    :param int num_encoder_layers: the number of transformer layers for the transcription encoding network
    :param int encoder_dim: dimension of the transformer layers
    :param int num_attention_heads: number of attention heads
    :param float enc_dropout: dropout rate for encoder net
    :param int kernel_size: kernel size of the initial convolutional subsampling layer
    def __init__(self,
Esempio n. 2
    min over modeler h max over critic f of E[((y-h(w))*f(x))**2]
import argparse
import numpy as np
import time as time
import yaml
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
    from tensorflow.python import ipu
# set up logging
import logging_util
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger("AdGMoM")

tfd = tfp.distributions

# function examples
def tau_fn_2dpoly(x):
    return -1.5 * x + .9 * (x**2)

def tau_fn_3dpoly(x):
    return -1.5 * x + .9 * (x**2) + x**3

def tau_fn_abs(x):
    return np.abs(x)
Esempio n. 3
import time
import os
import sys
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import deque
import ctypes
import logging_util

from deep_voice_model import PopartDeepVoice
import deep_voice_data
import conf_utils
import text_utils

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('DEEP_VOICE')

so_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
if os.path.exists(so_path):
    logger.warn("Could not find To enable gradient-clipping, "
                "execute `make all` before running this script.")

def _get_popart_type(np_type):
    return {np.float16: 'FLOAT16', np.float32: 'FLOAT'}[np_type]

def create_inputs_for_training(builder, conf):
Esempio n. 4
import logging_util
import conf_utils
import custom_op_utils
import checkpoint_utils
import transducer_blocks
import transducer_builder
from transducer_optimizer import TransducerOptimizerFactory
import ema_utils
import device
from feat_proc_cpp_async import AsyncDataProcessor
import transducer_validation
from transducer_decoder import TransducerGreedyDecoder
import test_transducer

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('TRANSDUCER_TRAIN')

def _get_popart_type(np_type):
    return {
        np.float16: 'FLOAT16',
        np.float32: 'FLOAT',
        np.int32: 'INT32'

def create_inputs_for_training(builder, model_conf, conf):
    """ defines the input tensors for the Transformer Transducer model """

    inputs = dict()
Esempio n. 5
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
import ctypes
import time
import logging_util
from custom_op_utils import load_custom_lib

logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('feat_proc_cpp')

class FeatProc:
    """ Wrapper class for C++ feature processing functions """
    def __init__(self, conf):
        libc = load_custom_lib("feat_proc")

        c_contig_flag = "C_CONTIGUOUS"

        self.fun_featsOutSize = libc.featsOutSize
        self.fun_featsOutSize.restype = ctypes.c_uint32
        self.fun_featsOutSize.argtypes = [
            ndpointer(ctypes.c_uint32, flags=c_contig_flag),  # featsInShape
            ctypes.c_uint32,  # stacking
        ]  # maxSeqLen

        self.fun_featProcess = libc.featProcess
        self.fun_featProcess.restype = None
        self.fun_featProcess.argtypes = [
            ndpointer(ctypes.c_float, flags=c_contig_flag),  # featsIn
            ndpointer(ctypes.c_uint32, flags=c_contig_flag),  # featsInShape
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import argparse
import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import pytest

from import features
import logging_util

logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('test')

CPP = "cpp"
CPP_TEST = "cpp_test"
CPP_ASYNC = "cpp_async"

def add_conf_args():
    """ define the argument parser object """
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=4, help="Batch Size")
    parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=5, help="Number of steps")
                        choices=[CPP, CPP_TEST, CPP_ASYNC],
    return parser

def get_train_feat_proc(conf):
Esempio n. 7
import popart
import time
import os
import sys
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import deque
import ctypes
import logging_util

import conf_utils
import librispeech_data
import conformer_builder

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('CONFORMER_TRAIN')

def _get_popart_type(np_type):
    return {
        np.float16: 'FLOAT16',
        np.float32: 'FLOAT'

def load_ctc_loss_lib():
    # Change cwd to the CTC directory to allow us to resolve the codelet
    ctc_wd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    so_path = "build/"
Esempio n. 8
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.

import popart
import onnx

import logging_util

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('EMA_UTILS')

network_names = [
    "transcription_network", "prediction_network", "joint_network"
EMA_PREFIX = "exp_mov_avg_"

def create_exp_mov_avg_weights(builder, model_weight_names, ema_factor):
    """ creates variable tensors for exponential moving averages of model weights """

    ema_weight_names = dict()

    for nname in network_names:
        ema_weight_names[nname] = []
        for uname, weight_tensor in model_weight_names[nname]:
            # uname is a user-given name
            # weight_tensor is the tensor name given by PopART
            # The ExpMovAvg op will create new weights tensors with ID "exp_mov_avg_" + weight_tensor
            # These new weight tensors will hold the data for exponential moving averages
            exp_avg_weight_tensor = builder.customOp(
Esempio n. 9
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
import ctypes
import time
from collections import deque
import logging_util
from custom_op_utils import load_custom_lib

logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger("feat_proc_cpp_async")

class FeatProcAsync:
    """ Wrapper class for calling C++ feature processing functions asynchronously """
    def __init__(self, conf):
        libc = load_custom_lib("feat_proc")

        c_contig_flag = "C_CONTIGUOUS"

        self.fun_featsOutSize = libc.featsOutSize
        self.fun_featsOutSize.restype = ctypes.c_uint32
        self.fun_featsOutSize.argtypes = [
            ndpointer(ctypes.c_uint32, flags=c_contig_flag),  # featsInShape
            ctypes.c_uint32,  # stacking
        ]  # maxSeqLen

        self.fun_init = libc.featProcInit
        self.fun_init.restype = None
        self.fun_init.argtypes = [
            ctypes.c_bool,  # doSpecaugm
Esempio n. 10
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.

import os
import time
import numpy as np
import popart

import ema_utils
import logging_util

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('CHECKPOINT_UTILS')

def remove_file_if_exists(path):
    if os.path.isfile(path):

def get_training_ckpt_path(checkpt_dir):
    training_ckpt_path = os.path.join(checkpt_dir,
    return training_ckpt_path

def get_validation_ckpt_path(checkpt_dir):
    validation_ckpt_path = os.path.join(checkpt_dir,
    return validation_ckpt_path

Esempio n. 11
from import features

import common.helpers as helpers
import common.metrics as metrics

import transducer_builder
import conf_utils
import logging_util

from rnnt_reference import config
from rnnt_reference.model import RNNT
from transducer_decoder import TransducerGreedyDecoder
import device as device_module

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('TRANSDUCER_VALIDATION')


def _get_popart_type(np_type):
    return {np.float16: 'FLOAT16', np.float32: 'FLOAT'}[np_type]

def create_inputs_for_inference(builder, model_conf, conf):
    """ defines the input tensors of the transcription network for inference """

    inputs = dict()

    in_feats = model_conf["rnnt"][
Esempio n. 12
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import popart
import sys
import numpy as np

import logging_util

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('TRANSDUCER_OPTIMIZER')

class TransducerOptimizerFactory:
    def __init__(self, optimizer_type, base_lr, min_lr, exp_gamma, steps_per_epoch, warmup_epochs, hold_epochs,
                 beta1=None, beta2=None, weight_decay=None, opt_eps=None, loss_scaling=None, gradient_clipping_norm=None, max_weight_norm=None):
        """ Class for creating and updating popart optimizers
            :param str optimizer_type: optimizer type - 'SGD' or 'LAMB'
            :param float base_lr: base learning rate
            :param float min_lr: minimum learning rate
            :param float exp_gamma: gamma factor for exponential lr scheduler
            :param int steps_per_epoch: training steps per one epoch
            :param int warmup_epochs: initial number of epochs of increasing learning rate
            :param int hold_epochs: number of epochs of constant learning rate after warmup
        self.optimizer_type = optimizer_type
        self.base_lr = base_lr
        self.min_lr = min_lr
        self.exp_gamma = exp_gamma
        self.steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch
        self.warmup_epochs = warmup_epochs
        self.hold_epochs = hold_epochs
        self.current_lr = None
Esempio n. 13
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import popart
import os
import torch

import logging_util
import conf_utils
import text_utils
import librispeech_data
import conformer_builder
import ctcdecode

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('CONFORMER_INFERENCE')

def _get_popart_type(np_type):
    return {np.float16: 'FLOAT16', np.float32: 'FLOAT'}[np_type]

def create_inputs_for_inference(builder, conf):
    """ defines the input tensors for the conformer model """

    inputs = dict()

    inputs["mel_spec_input"] = builder.addInputTensor(
        popart.TensorInfo(_get_popart_type(conf.precision), [
            conf.samples_per_device, conf.mel_bands,
        ]), "mel_spec_input")
Esempio n. 14
# Copyright (c) 2021 Graphcore Ltd. All rights reserved.

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

import logging_util

from rnnt_reference.model import label_collate

# set up logging
logger = logging_util.get_basic_logger('TransducerGreedyDecoder')

class TransducerGreedyDecoder:
    """A greedy transducer decoder.

        blank_idx: inded of blank symbol
        max_symbols_per_step: The maximum number of symbols that can be added
            to a sequence in a single time step; if set to None then there is
            no limit.
    def __init__(self, blank_idx, max_symbols_per_step=30, max_symbol_per_sample=None, shift_labels_by_one=True):
        self.blank_idx = blank_idx
        assert max_symbols_per_step is None or max_symbols_per_step > 0
        self.max_symbols = max_symbols_per_step
        assert max_symbol_per_sample is None or max_symbol_per_sample > 0
        self.max_symbol_per_sample = max_symbol_per_sample
        self._SOS = -1   # start of sequence
        self.shift_labels_by_one = shift_labels_by_one