Esempio n. 1
def evaluate(game: Game_IJK, player) -> (int, int):
    up, low = 0, 0
    gamestate = game.state()
    if (gamestate == 'C'):
        up = float("inf")
        low = float("-inf")
        return float("inf")
    elif (gamestate == 'c'):
        return float("-inf")
    elif (gamestate == 'Tie'):
        return 0
    adjscore = 0
    board = game.getGame()
    for row in board:
        for e in row:
            if (e != ' '):
                if (e >= 'a'):
                    low += (2**(ord(e) - ord('a') + 1) - 1)
                    up += (2**(ord(e) - ord('A') + 1) - 1)
    for i in range(6):
        for j in range(6):
            if (j + 1 < 6
                    and abs(ord(board[i][j + 1]) - ord(board[i][j])) == 32):
                adjscore += (2**(ord(board[i][j + 1]) - ord('a') + 2) - 1)
            elif (i + 1 < 6
                  and abs(ord(board[i + 1][j]) - ord(board[i][j])) == 32):
                adjscore += (2**(ord(board[i + 1][j]) - ord('a') + 2) - 1)
    return up - low + (adjscore
                       if game.getCurrentPlayer() == player else -adjscore)
Esempio n. 2
def MIN_Value(game: Game_IJK, alpha: int, beta: int, depth: int,
              player: str) -> int:
    curbeta = beta
    if (depth == 0):
        upscore = evaluate(game, player)
        return upscore if player == '+' else -upscore
    gamestate = game.state()
    if (gamestate == 'C'):
        return float("inf") if player == '+' else float("-inf")
    elif (gamestate == 'c'):
        return float("-inf") if player == '+' else float("inf")
    elif (gamestate == 'Tie'):
        return 0
    w = copy.deepcopy(game)
    w = w.makeMove('U')
    s = copy.deepcopy(game)
    s = w.makeMove('D')
    a = copy.deepcopy(game)
    a = w.makeMove('L')
    d = copy.deepcopy(game)
    d = w.makeMove('R')
    for g in [w, s, a, d]:
        curbeta = min(curbeta, MAX_Value(g, alpha, curbeta, depth - 1, player))
        if (alpha >= curbeta):
            return curbeta
    return curbeta
Esempio n. 3
def max_utility(game: Game_IJK, d, alpha, beta):
    d = d + 1
    state = game.state()
    board = game.getGame()
    if state == 'K' or state == 'k' or state == 'tie' or d == 6:
        return heuristics(board)
    moves = ['U', 'D', 'L', 'R']
    best_utility = float('-inf')
    for move in moves:
        clone = game.makeMove(move)
        utility = min_utility(clone, d, -float('inf'), float('inf'))
        if utility > best_utility:
            best_move = move
            best_utility = utility
            alpha = max(alpha, best_utility)
            if beta <= alpha:
    return best_utility