def addfavtoconf(self, actor): """ get desktop entry info """ entry = 'Desktop Entry' filelist = [] self.fileitem = self.addfavs.get_filename() filelist.append(checkconfig.checksetting(self.fileitem, entry, 'Name')) filelist.append(checkconfig.checksetting(self.fileitem, entry, 'Exec')) filelist.append(checkconfig.checksetting(self.fileitem, entry, 'Icon')) filelist.append(checkconfig.checksetting(self.fileitem, entry, 'Comment')) tmpcount = 0 for items in self.favlist: if not items[1]: logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: adding file to config ' + filelist[1] + '\n')) checkconfig.changesetting(CONFIG, 'dock', str(tmpcount) +'fav', filelist[1]) checkconfig.changesetting(CONFIG, 'dock', str(tmpcount) +'icon', filelist[2]) self.addfavs.hide() return actor tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 self.addfavs.hide() return actor
def checkconfig(inputpath): """ create a default config if not available """ conf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() if not conf.has_section('dock'): count = 0 logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CHECKCONFIG: adding dock') conffile = open(inputpath, "w") conf.add_section('dock') while count < 20: conf.set('dock', str(count) + 'fav', '') conf.set('dock', str(count) + 'icon', '') count = count + 1 conf.write(conffile) conffile.close() if not conf.has_section('options'): conffile = open(inputpath, "w") logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CHECKCONFIG: adding options') conf.add_section('options') conf.set('options', 'autostart', '') conf.set('options', 'appposition', 'centre') conf.set('options', 'showhotlabel', 'True') conf.write(conffile) conffile.close() return
def changesetting(inputpath, settingid, setting, value): """ set values for settings """ logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CHECKCONFIG: writing new value for ' + setting) conf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() conf.set(settingid, setting, value) conffile = open(inputpath, "w") conf.write(conffile) conffile.close() return
def checksetting(inputpath, settingid, setting): """ try to identify the default icon theme path """ conf = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() try: name = conf.get(settingid, setting) except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as err: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CHECKCONFIG: option not found ' + setting) logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) return None return name
def killprocess(pid): """ kill process by pid """ try: proc = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: # PID already closed proc = None if proc: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'PROCMAN: Killing ' + str( temp = ["/usr/bin/killall", "-g",] startprocess(temp) return True return False
def run(self, *args): """ configure and show the main window """ #format windows windowlist = [self.mainwindow, self.topdock, self.hotwin] # make windows undecorated and set options for windows in windowlist: windows.set_decorated(False) windows.set_decorated(False) windows.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) windows.set_skip_pager_hint(True) windows.set_keep_above(True) self.hotwin.move(0, 0) self.hotwin.set_position(Gtk.Align.START) if args: # only run autostart on initial run if args[0] == 'START': # write the start of the log logops.write(LOGFILE, ('\n================================' + '===\nSTARTUP: pirum-shell is loading' + '...\n' + time.asctime() + '\nWriting to log file: ' + LOGFILE + '\n================================' + '===\n')) # run autostart commands if self.autostart: self.autostart = self.autostart.split(" ") for items in self.autostart: # execute autorun programs as hidden shell commands tmpexec = items.split() if tmpexec: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'PIRUM: executing aut' + 'ostart\n Command: ' + items + '\n') tmppid = procman.startprocess(tmpexec) if tmppid: self.autostartpids.append(tmppid) # Check config files and load favourites. self.updatefavdock() self.updateopenwindows() # set visual options. self.initialloading() self.mainwindow.hide() self.topdock.hide() return
def execute(self, actor, event): """ Execute commands in a subprocess """ tmppid = None if event: if Gdk.ModifierType.BUTTON1_MASK == event.get_state(): tmpcount = 0 for items in self.favlist: if actor == items[0]: # find existing process if isinstance(items[3], int): tmppid = self.activatepid(items[3]) if tmppid: logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: found running ' + 'pid\n Command: ' + str(items[1]) + '\n PID: ' + str(items[3]) + '\n')) self.hide() return True tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 tmpcount = 0 for items in self.favlist: if actor == items[0]: # Switch to active windows if self.changewindow(items[0], event): logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: activate existing window\n ' + ' ' + items[0].get_tooltip_text())) self.hide() return True tmpexec = (items[1]).split() if not tmpexec: tmpexec = [].append(items[1]) tmppid = procman.startprocess(tmpexec) if tmppid: logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: executing favourite\n' + ' CMD: ' + str(items[1]) + '\n PID: ' + str(tmppid[0]) + '\n')) self.setpid(tmppid[0], tmpcount) self.hide() return True tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 if actor == "enter" or actor == self.gobutton: logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: executing from runentry\n ' + self.runentry.get_text() + '\n')) runcmd = str.split(self.runentry.get_text()) tmppid = procman.startprocess(runcmd) self.runentry.set_text("") if tmppid: self.hide() return
def activewindows(self, search, actor): """ sort through open windows to activate """ found = False foundwin = [] tmpcount = 0 overlaycount = None self.getwindowlist() for items in if items[1] == actor: overlaycount = tmpcount window = self.openwindows[overlaycount] tmpname = window.get_name() tmppid = str(window.get_pid()) logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: activating window\n NAME: ' + tmpname + '\n PID: ' + tmppid + '\n')) window.activate(int(time.time())) return True else: tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 # identify windows by title for windows in self.windowlist: tmpxid = windows.get_xid() tmppid = windows.get_pid() currentwindow = Wnck.Window.get(tmpxid) name = currentwindow.get_name().lower() pid = currentwindow.get_pid() # Activate windows with the same name from the overlay if search == name and tmppid == pid: foundwin.append(currentwindow) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() #windows.activate(int(time.time())) found = True # search for split text in windows if not found: # if you can't find the exact window activate all matches for windows in self.windowlist: tmpxid = windows.get_xid() tmppid = windows.get_pid() currentwindow = Wnck.Window.get(tmpxid) name = currentwindow.get_name().lower() pid = currentwindow.get_pid() # Activate windows with the same name from the overlay if search == name.split()[0]: foundwin.append(currentwindow) while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() found = True if foundwin: logops.write(LOGFILE, ('PIRUM: activating window group')) for windows in foundwin: tmpname = windows.get_name() tmppid = str(windows.get_pid()) logops.write(LOGFILE, (' NAME: ' + tmpname + '\n PID: ' + tmppid + '\n')) windows.activate(int(time.time())) return True # Error, Window not activated. return False
def updateopenwindows(self): """ Update the list of open windows on the overlay """ winlist = self.getwindowlist() if not winlist: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'PIRUM: no change') return False count = 0 # blank before filling dock for items in items[0].set_tooltip_text("") items[2].set_text("") items[0].set_visible(False) items[1].set_visible(False) items[2].set_visible(False) # fill dock with open windows for windows in self.openwindows: if not count == 28: text = windows.get_name() pixbuf = windows.get_icon() if pixbuf.get_height() > 32 or pixbuf.get_width() > 32: scaled = pixbuf.scale_simple(32, 32, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.HYPER) else: scaled = pixbuf[count][0].set_from_pixbuf(scaled)[count][1].connect("button-release-event", self.changewindow)[count][1].set_tooltip_text(text)[count][2].set_line_wrap(True)[count][2].set_text(text)[count][0].set_visible(True)[count][1].set_visible(True)[count][2].set_visible(True) self.overflowlabel.set_text('') count = count + 1 if count == 28: self.overflowlabel.set_text('WARNING: Out of room to display' + ' open windows') return True
def startprocess(proclist): """ start process returning the pid """ pid = None try: pid = subprocess.Popen(proclist, preexec_fn=os.setpgrp).pid except OSError as err: #no file found logops.write(LOGFILE, 'PROCMAN: No File Found') logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) return False except TypeError as err: #malformed entry logops.write(LOGFILE, 'PROCMAN: Bad file name') logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) return False #process.wait() tmpproc = getprocesses() for proc in tmpproc: ###debug###print(str(pid) + ' - ' + str(proc)) if proc[0] == pid: return proc return False
def updatefavdock(self): """ Read config and fill favourites list """ checkconfig.checkconfig(CONFIG) try: self.autostart = self.conf.get('options', 'autostart') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as err: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CONFIG: Missing autostart option') logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) self.autostart = None try: self.appposition = self.conf.get('options', 'appposition') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as err: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CONFIG: Missing appposition option') logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) self.appposition = 'Centre' try: self.showhotlabel = self.conf.get('options', 'showhotlabel') except ConfigParser.NoOptionError as err: logops.write(LOGFILE, 'CONFIG: Missing showhotlabel option') logops.write(LOGFILE, str(err)) self.showhotlabel = 'False' self.cmd0 = self.conf.get('dock', '0fav') self.cmd1 = self.conf.get('dock', '1fav') self.cmd2 = self.conf.get('dock', '2fav') self.cmd3 = self.conf.get('dock', '3fav') self.cmd4 = self.conf.get('dock', '4fav') self.cmd5 = self.conf.get('dock', '5fav') self.cmd6 = self.conf.get('dock', '6fav') self.cmd7 = self.conf.get('dock', '7fav') self.cmd8 = self.conf.get('dock', '8fav') self.cmd9 = self.conf.get('dock', '9fav') self.cmd10 = self.conf.get('dock', '10fav') self.cmd11 = self.conf.get('dock', '11fav') self.cmd12 = self.conf.get('dock', '12fav') self.cmd13 = self.conf.get('dock', '13fav') self.cmd14 = self.conf.get('dock', '14fav') self.cmd15 = self.conf.get('dock', '15fav') self.cmd16 = self.conf.get('dock', '16fav') self.cmd17 = self.conf.get('dock', '17fav') self.cmd18 = self.conf.get('dock', '18fav') self.cmd19 = self.conf.get('dock', '19fav') self.favlist = [[self.fav0, self.cmd0, self.image0, self.fpid0], [self.fav1, self.cmd1, self.image1, self.fpid1], [self.fav2, self.cmd2, self.image2, self.fpid2], [self.fav3, self.cmd3, self.image3, self.fpid3], [self.fav4, self.cmd4, self.image4, self.fpid4], [self.fav5, self.cmd5, self.image5, self.fpid5], [self.fav6, self.cmd6, self.image6, self.fpid6], [self.fav7, self.cmd7, self.image7, self.fpid7], [self.fav8, self.cmd8, self.image8, self.fpid8], [self.fav9, self.cmd9, self.image9, self.fpid9], [self.fav10, self.cmd10, self.image10, self.fpid10], [self.fav11, self.cmd11, self.image11, self.fpid11], [self.fav12, self.cmd12, self.image12, self.fpid12], [self.fav13, self.cmd13, self.image13, self.fpid13], [self.fav14, self.cmd14, self.image14, self.fpid14], [self.fav15, self.cmd15, self.image15, self.fpid15], [self.fav16, self.cmd16, self.image16, self.fpid16], [self.fav17, self.cmd17, self.image17, self.fpid17], [self.fav18, self.cmd18, self.image18, self.fpid18], [self.fav19, self.cmd19, self.image19, self.fpid19]] tmpcount = 0 for items in self.favlist: if not items[1] == "": tmpimage = Gtk.Image() tmpimage.set_from_file(self.conf.get('dock', (str(tmpcount) + 'icon'))) pixbuf = tmpimage.get_pixbuf() try: if pixbuf.get_height() > 48 or pixbuf.get_width() > 48: scaled = pixbuf.scale_simple(48, 48, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.HYPER) else: scaled = pixbuf except AttributeError: tmpimage.set_from_file('/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/' + 'status/dialog-question.png') scaled = tmpimage.get_pixbuf() items[0].set_visible(True) items[0].set_tooltip_text(items[1]) items[0].connect("button-release-event", self.execute) items[2].set_from_pixbuf(scaled) else: items[0].set_visible(False) items[0].set_tooltip_text("") tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 tmpcount = 0 self.delfavbutton.set_visible(False) for items in self.favlist: if not items[1]: tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 if items[1]: # Allow delete if there are any shortcuts self.delfavbutton.set_visible(True) # only allow add it there is room to fit it if tmpcount == 0: self.addfavbutton.set_visible(False) else: self.addfavbutton.set_visible(True) return
str(tmpcount) +'icon', filelist[2]) self.addfavs.hide() return actor tmpcount = tmpcount + 1 self.addfavs.hide() return actor def delmode(self, actor): """ allow live deleting of favourites """ return actor def choosefavs(self, actor): """ file chooser to pick favourites by *.desktop file """ if actor == self.addfavbutton: self.hide() self.addfavs.present() return def cancelchoose(self, actor): """ close the filechooser """ if actor == self.addfavcancel: self.addfavs.hide() if __name__ == "__main__": PIRUMSHELL() logops.write(LOGFILE, ('\n===================================\n' + 'SHUTTING DOWN: pirum-shell closing...\n' + time.asctime() + '\n========================' + '===========\n'))