for agent in listofagents: agent.draw(screen) agent.distance_based(dt) agent.neighbors = [] # Draw the connected agents with a dashed line for edge in listofedges_and_distances: drawmisc.draw_dashed_line(screen, WHITE, (listofagents[edge[0]].pos[0], HEIGHT - listofagents[edge[0]].pos[1]), (listofagents[edge[1]].pos[0], HEIGHT - listofagents[edge[1]].pos[1])) clock.tick(fps) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: endtime = pygame.time.get_ticks() pygame.quit() runsim = False # Postprocessing fig = pl.figure(0) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) for agent in listofagents: lp.plot_position(ax, agent) ax.axis("equal")
time = 0 runsim = True while (runsim): screen.fill(BLACK) agentsi.draw(screen) agentdi.draw(screen) agentuni.draw(screen) drawmisc.draw_dashed_line(screen, WHITE, (0, screen.get_height() - 0), (100, screen.get_height() - 100)) agentsi.step_dt(np.array([30, 2]), dt) agentdi.step_dt(np.array([0, 0]), dt) agentuni.step_dt(0, 0, dt) clock.tick(fps) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: endtime = pygame.time.get_ticks() pygame.quit() runsim = False # Postprocessing fig = pl.figure(0) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) lp.plot_position(ax, agentsi) lp.plot_position(ax, agentdi) lp.plot_position(ax, agentuni) ax.axis("equal")