Esempio n. 1
def looker_cleanup_models(client_properties, in_access_token, project_name = ""):
    Function returns
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param project_name

    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_LOOKML_MODELS")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    explore_list = []

    if resp_code == 200:
        for model in body:
            if not model["has_content"]:
                debug('Deleting model {} '.format(model["name"]), _INFO)
                r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "DELETE_LOOKML_MODEL", model["name"])
                resp_code = get_response_code(r)
                if resp_code == 204:
                    body = r.json()
                    debug("Cannot delete model {} {}".format(model["name"], body["message"]), _WARNING)
        debug("Cannot fetch models {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
        return False
Esempio n. 2
def looker_looks(client_properties, in_access_token, all_looks = False):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param space_name:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)
    namespaces = client_properties["space_remap"]

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_LOOKS")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()
    looks = []

    if resp_code == 200:
        if all_looks:
            # we just return all looks if requested w/o body
            debug("Return ALL non-deleted server looks", _INFO)
            return [el for el in body if not el["deleted"]]
        for look in body:
            if len(namespaces) == 0 or "" in namespaces.keys() or look["space"]["name"] in namespaces.keys():
                if look["deleted"]:
                    debug("Look deleted, skipping: {}: {} ".format(look["space"]["name"], look["title"]), _INFO)
                    debug("Found Look {}: {}".format(look["space"]["name"], look["title"]), _INFO)
                    look["look_json"] = looker_look(client_properties, in_access_token, look["id"])
        return looks
        debug("Cannot get Looks: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 3
def looker_run_query(client_properties, in_access_token, query, output_format, query_title=""):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param query:
    :param output_format:
    :param query_title:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)
    debug("Running Query {}:{} ({})".format(query["model"], query["view"], query_title), _INFO)
    global _GLOBAL_SUMMARY
    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "RUN_INLINE_QUERY", output_format, in_payload=query)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        log_msg = "Output {} rows".format(len(body))
        debug(log_msg, _INFO)
        if len(body) >0 and "looker_error" in body[0].keys():
            for looker_err in body:
                err = "SQL ERROR REPORTED {}".format(looker_err["looker_error"])
                _GLOBAL_SUMMARY.append("ERROR: running query: {}".format(err))
                debug(err, _WARNING)
            return False
       debug("Cannot run query {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
       return False

    return body
Esempio n. 4
def looker_get_lookml_models(client_properties, in_access_token, project_name = ""):
    Function returns
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param project_name
    :return: dictionary of models and explores

    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_LOOKML_MODELS")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    explore_list = []

    if resp_code == 200:
        for exp in body:
            if project_name == "" or exp["project_name"] == project_name:
                new_model = {
                        "project_name": exp["project_name"],
                        "name": exp["name"],
                        "explores": [nm["name"] for nm in exp["explores"] if client_properties.get("test_hidden_explores","True") == "True" or not nm["hidden"]]
                debug("Found model: {}".format(new_model), _INFO)
        debug("Cannot fetch models/explores {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
        return False

    return explore_list
Esempio n. 5
def looker_dashboards(client_properties, in_access_token, fetch_dashboards = True):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param fetch_dashboards:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)
    namespaces = client_properties["space_remap"]

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_DASHBOARDS")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()
    dashboards = []

    if resp_code == 200:
        if not fetch_dashboards:
            return body
        for dashboard in body:
            if dashboard.get("space", "") and \
                    (len(namespaces) == 0 or "" in namespaces.keys() or dashboard["space"]["name"] in namespaces.keys()):
                debug("Found Dashboard {}: {}".format(dashboard["space"]["name"], dashboard["title"]), _INFO)
                dashboard["dashboard_json"] = looker_get_dashboard(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard["id"])
        return dashboards
        debug("Cannot get Dashboards: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 6
def looker_create_query(client_properties, in_access_token, query):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param query:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)
    query_id = query["id"]
    new_query = query.copy()
    for key in _QUERY_KEYS_TO_REMOVE:
        del new_query[key]
    #print(json.dumps(new_query, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
    new_query["model"] = replace_model(client_properties, new_query["model"])

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "CREATE_QUERY", in_payload=new_query)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        debug("Created Query (original id: {}) : {}".format(query_id, body["id"]), _INFO)
        return body["id"]
        debug("Cannot create Query {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 7
def looker_create_dashboard_filters(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id, filter_list):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param dashboard_id:
    :param filter_list:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    for dashboard_filter in filter_list:
        debug("Creating filter {}".format(dashboard_filter["name"]), _INFO)

        new_filter = dashboard_filter.copy()
        del new_filter["id"]
        new_filter["dashboard_id"] = dashboard_id
        new_filter["model"] = replace_model(client_properties, new_filter["model"])

        r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "CREATE_DASHBOARD_FILTER", in_payload=new_filter)
        resp_code = get_response_code(r)
        body = r.json()

        if resp_code == 200:
            debug("Created Dashboard Filter {} (original id: {}) : {}".format(new_filter["name"], dashboard_filter["id"], body["id"]), _INFO)
            filter_id = body["id"]
            debug("Cannot create filter {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
            return False

    return True
Esempio n. 8
def looker_who_am_I(client_properties, in_access_token):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :return user_id:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "WHO_AM_I")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()
    space_id = None
    if resp_code == 200:
        debug("You are {} {} ({}) user_id: {}".format(body["first_name"], body["last_name"], body["email"], body["id"]), _INFO)
        return body["id"]
        debug("Cannot determine current user name: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 9
def looker_spaces(client_properties, in_access_token):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param space_name:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_SPACES")
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
       return  {el["name"]:el["id"] for el in body}
        debug("Cannot get Spaces: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 10
def looker_get_dashboard(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param dashboard_id:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_DASHBOARD", dashboard_id)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        return body
        debug("Cannot get Dashboard: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 11
def looker_create_look(client_properties, in_access_token, look, space_list):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param look:
    :param space_list:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    # Fetching namespace of the original look

    namespace = look["space"]["name"]
    (namespace_id, new_namespace) = get_namespace(client_properties, namespace, space_list)
    title = "{}{}".format(client_properties.get("name_prefix", ""), look["title"])
    debug("Creating Look {}, space: {} ({}) ".format(title, new_namespace, namespace_id), _INFO)
    if not namespace_id:
        debug("Cannot find space for Look {}, space: {} skipping creation. ".format(title, namespace), _WARNING)

    query_id = looker_create_query(client_properties, in_access_token, look["query"])
    if not query_id:

    new_look = {
        "query_id": query_id,
        "space_id": namespace_id,
        "title": title

    copy_dict(["can", "description", "is_run_on_load"], look, new_look)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "CREATE_LOOK", in_payload=new_look)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        debug("Created Look (original id: {}) : {}".format(look["id"], body["id"]), _INFO)
        return body["id"]
        debug("Cannot create look {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 12
def looker_get_explore(client_properties, in_access_token, model_name, exp_name):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param model_name:
    :param exp_name:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "GET_EXPLORE", model_name, exp_name)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        debug("Fetched Explore {}".format(body["id"]), _INFO)
        return body
        debug("Cannot get explore {}:{} {}".format(model_name, exp_name, body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 13
def looker_delete_dashboard(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param dashboard_id:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    debug("Deleting incomplete dashboard {}".format(dashboard_id), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "DELETE_DASHBOARD", dashboard_id)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    if resp_code == 204:
        body = r.json()
        debug("Cannot delete dashboard {} {}".format(dashboard_id, body["message"]), _WARNING)
        return False

    return True
Esempio n. 14
def looker_delete_dashboard_layouts(client_properties, in_access_token, new_layouts):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param new_layouts:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    for dashboard_layout in new_layouts:
        debug("Deleting old layout {}".format(dashboard_layout["id"]), _INFO)

        r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "DELETE_DASHBOARD_LAYOUT", dashboard_layout["id"])
        resp_code = get_response_code(r)
        if resp_code == 204:
            body = r.json()
            debug("Cannot delete layout {} {}".format(dashboard_layout["id"], body["message"]), _WARNING)
            return False

    return True
Esempio n. 15
def looker_get_space_id(client_properties, in_access_token, space_name):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param space_name:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "FIND_SPACE", space_name)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()
    space_id = None
    if resp_code == 200:
        if body:
            space_id = body[0]["id"]
            debug("Found space: {} ({})".format(space_name, space_id), _INFO)
            debug("Space {} not found".format(space_name, space_id), _WARNING)

        return space_id
        debug("Cannot find space: {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
Esempio n. 16
def looker_create_dashboard_layouts(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id, element_list, new_layouts, layout_list):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param dashboard_id:
    :param element_list:
    :param new_layouts:
    :param layout_list:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    for dashboard_layout in layout_list:
        debug("Creating layout {}".format(dashboard_layout["id"]), _INFO)

        new_layout = dashboard_layout.copy()
        layout_component = dashboard_layout["dashboard_layout_components"]
        del new_layout["id"]
        del new_layout["dashboard_layout_components"]
        new_layout["dashboard_id"] = dashboard_id

        #print(json.dumps(new_layout, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

        r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "CREATE_DASHBOARD_LAYOUT", in_payload=new_layout)
        resp_code = get_response_code(r)
        body = r.json()

        if resp_code == 200:
            layout_id = body["id"]
            debug("Created Dashboard Layout {} (original id: {}) ".format(layout_id, dashboard_layout["id"]), _INFO)
            #print(json.dumps(body["dashboard_layout_components"], indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
            #Process components
            for component in body["dashboard_layout_components"]:

                old_element_id = element_list [component["dashboard_element_id"]]
                new_component = None
                for old_component in layout_component:
                    if old_component["dashboard_element_id"] ==  old_element_id:
                        new_component = old_component.copy()

                if not new_component:
                    debug("Cannot locate original component {}".format(old_element_id), _WARNING)
                    return False

                new_component["dashboard_layout_id"] = layout_id
                new_component["id"] = component["id"]
                new_component["dashboard_element_id"] = component["dashboard_element_id"]

                #print(json.dumps(new_component, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))

                r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "UPDATE_DASHBOARD_LAYOUT_COMPONENT",
                                       component["id"], in_payload=new_component)
                resp_code = get_response_code(r)
                body = r.json()

                if resp_code == 200:
                    debug("Updated Dashboard Layout Component {} ".format(new_component["id"]), _INFO)
                    debug("Cannot update layout component {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
                    return False

            debug("Cannot create layout {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
            return False
    # Now we delete default layouts created automatically.
    if not looker_delete_dashboard_layouts(client_properties, in_access_token, new_layouts):
        debug("Cannot delete Default Layouts", _WARNING)
        return False

    return True
Esempio n. 17
def looker_create_dashboard_elements(client_properties, in_access_token, server_looks, dashboard_id, namespace_id, element_list):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param dashboard_id:
    :param namespace_id:
    :param element_list:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    new_element_list = {}
    for dashboard_element in element_list:
        debug("Creating element {}".format(dashboard_element["id"]), _INFO)

        new_dashboard_element = dashboard_element.copy()
        if new_dashboard_element["result_maker_id"]:
            del new_dashboard_element["result_maker"]["id"]
        for el in ["id", "look", "result_maker_id"]:
            del new_dashboard_element[el]

        new_dashboard_element["dashboard_id"] = dashboard_id

        if new_dashboard_element["look_id"]:
            # We need to find LOOK_ID
            new_look_id = None
            look_name = dashboard_element["look"]["title"]
            new_look_name = title = "{}{}".format(client_properties.get("name_prefix", ""), look_name)
            # First we try to see if we have a look with remapped name in the new space
            for look in server_looks:
                if look["space_id"] == namespace_id and look["title"] == new_look_name:
                    new_look_id = look["id"]
                    debug("Found look in the new space {} ({}) namespace {}".format(new_look_name, new_look_id, namespace_id), _INFO)

            if not new_look_id:
                debug("Cannot find look with the provided name {} in the namespace {}".format(new_look_name, namespace_id), _WARNING)
                return {}

            new_dashboard_element["look_id"] = new_look_id

        elif new_dashboard_element["query_id"]:
            debug("Element with query {}, creating...".format(new_dashboard_element["query_id"]), _INFO)
            new_query_id = looker_create_query(client_properties, in_access_token, new_dashboard_element["query"])
            if not new_query_id:
                debug("Cannot create query", _WARNING)
                return {}
            del new_dashboard_element["query"]
            new_dashboard_element["query_id"] = new_query_id

        r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token,
                               "CREATE_DASHBOARD_ELEMENT", in_payload=new_dashboard_element)
        resp_code = get_response_code(r)
        body = r.json()

        if resp_code == 200:
            new_element_id = body["id"]
            debug("Created Dashboard Element {} (original id: {})".format(new_element_id, dashboard_element["id"]), _INFO)
            new_element_list[new_element_id] = dashboard_element["id"]
            debug("Cannot create element {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
            return {}

    return new_element_list
Esempio n. 18
def looker_create_dashboard(client_properties, in_access_token, server_looks, dashboard, space_list):
    :param client_properties:
    :param in_access_token:
    :param server_looks:
    :param dashboard:
    :param space_list:
    debug("*** Function call - {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name), _INFO)

    # Fetching namespace of the original dashboard
    namespace = dashboard["space"]["name"]
    (namespace_id, new_namespace) = get_namespace(client_properties, namespace, space_list)
    title = "{}{}".format(client_properties.get("name_prefix", ""), dashboard["title"])
    debug("Creating Dashboard {}, space: {} ({}) ".format(title, new_namespace, namespace_id), _INFO)

    if not namespace_id:
        debug("Cannot find space for Dashboard {}, space: {} skipping creation. ".format(title, namespace), _WARNING)

    dashboard_id = None
    error_flag = False
    new_dashboard = {
        "space_id": namespace_id,
        "title": title
    attr_list_to_copy =["hidden",

    copy_dict(attr_list_to_copy, dashboard, new_dashboard)

    r = run_looker_restapi(client_properties, in_access_token, "CREATE_DASHBOARD", in_payload=new_dashboard)
    resp_code = get_response_code(r)
    body = r.json()

    if resp_code == 200:
        debug("Created Dashboard (original id: {}) : {}".format(dashboard["id"], body["id"]), _INFO)
        dashboard_id = body["id"]
        new_layouts = body["dashboard_layouts"]
        debug("Cannot create Dashboard {}".format(body["message"]), _WARNING)
        error_flag = True

    if "dashboard_filters" in dashboard and not error_flag:
        if not looker_create_dashboard_filters(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id, dashboard["dashboard_filters"]):
            debug("Cannot Create Dashboard Filters", _WARNING)
            error_flag = True

    if "dashboard_elements" in dashboard and not error_flag:
        element_list = looker_create_dashboard_elements(client_properties, in_access_token, server_looks, dashboard_id,
                                                        namespace_id, dashboard["dashboard_elements"])
        if not element_list:
            debug("Cannot Create Dashboard Elements", _WARNING)
            error_flag = True

    if "dashboard_layouts" in dashboard and not error_flag:
        if not looker_create_dashboard_layouts(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id,
                                               element_list, new_layouts, dashboard["dashboard_layouts"]):
            debug("Cannot Create Dashboard Layouts", _WARNING)
            error_flag = True

    # Check if the flow completed. If not, try to cleanup
    if error_flag and dashboard_id:
        looker_delete_dashboard(client_properties, in_access_token, dashboard_id)
        return False

    return dashboard_id