def train(data_dir, atlas_file, model_dir, model, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, prior_lambda, image_sigma, mean_lambda, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file, bidir, atlas_wt, bias_mult, smooth_pen_layer, data_loss, reg_param, ncc_win, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model_dir: model folder to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param nb_epochs: number of training iterations :param prior_lambda: the prior_lambda, the scalar in front of the smoothing laplacian, in MICCAI paper :param image_sigma: the image sigma in MICCAI paper :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param bidir: logical whether to use bidirectional cost function """ # prepare data files # we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. train_vol_names = glob.glob(data_dir) train_vol_names = [f for f in train_vol_names if 'ADNI' not in f] random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list assert len(train_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" # data generator train_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen(train_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) # prepare the initial weights for the atlas "layer" if atlas_file is None or atlas_file == "": nb_atl_creation = 100 print('creating "atlas" by averaging %d subjects' % nb_atl_creation) x_avg = 0 for _ in range(nb_atl_creation): x_avg += next(train_example_gen)[0][0,...,0] x_avg /= nb_atl_creation x_avg = x_avg[np.newaxis,...,np.newaxis] atlas_vol = x_avg else: atlas_vol = np.load(atlas_file)['vol'][np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] vol_size = atlas_vol.shape[1:-1] # Diffeomorphic network architecture used in MICCAI 2018 paper nf_enc = [16,32,32,32] nf_dec = [32,32,32,32,16,3] if model == 'm1': pass elif model == 'm1double': nf_enc = [f*2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f*2 for f in nf_dec] # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) assert data_loss in ['mse', 'cc', 'ncc'], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: data_loss = losses.NCC(win=[ncc_win]*3).loss else: data_loss = lambda y_t, y_p: K.mean(K.square(y_t-y_p)) # gpu handling gpu = '/gpu:' + str(gpu_id) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # the MICCAI201 model takes in [image_1, image_2] and outputs [warped_image_1, velocity_stats] # in these experiments, we use image_2 as atlas model = networks.img_atlas_diff_model(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec, atl_mult=1, bidir=bidir, smooth_pen_layer=smooth_pen_layer) # compile mean_layer_loss = lambda _, y_pred: mean_lambda * K.mean(K.square(y_pred)) flow_vol_shape = model.outputs[-2].shape[1:-1] loss_class = losses.Miccai2018(image_sigma, prior_lambda, flow_vol_shape=flow_vol_shape) if bidir: model_losses = [data_loss, lambda _,y_p: data_loss(model.get_layer('atlas').output, y_p), mean_layer_loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss] loss_weights = [atlas_wt, 1-atlas_wt, 1, reg_param] else: model_losses = [loss_class.recon_loss, loss_class.kl_loss, mean_layer_loss] loss_weights = [1, 1, 1] model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=model_losses, loss_weights=loss_weights) # set initial weights in model model.get_layer('atlas').set_weights([atlas_vol[0,...]]) # load initial weights. # note this overloads the img_param weights if load_model_file is not None and len(load_model_file) > 0: model.load_weights(load_model_file, by_name=True) # save first iteration, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # atlas_generator specific to this model. Once we're convinced of this, move to datagenerators def atl_gen(gen): zero_flow = np.zeros([batch_size, *vol_size, len(vol_size)]) zero_flow_half = np.zeros([batch_size] + [f//2 for f in vol_size] + [len(vol_size)]) while 1: x2 = next(train_example_gen)[0] # TODO: note this is the opposite of train_miccai and it might be confusing. yield ([atlas_vol, x2], [x2, atlas_vol, zero_flow, zero_flow]) atlas_gen = atl_gen(train_example_gen) # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:02d}.h5') save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) # fit generator with tf.device(gpu): model.fit_generator(atlas_gen, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, epochs=nb_epochs, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, verbose=1)
def train(data_dir, atlas_file, model_dir, model, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, prior_lambda, image_sigma, mean_lambda, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file, bidir, atlas_wt, bias_mult, smooth_pen_layer, data_loss, reg_param, ncc_win, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model_dir: model folder to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param nb_epochs: number of training iterations :param prior_lambda: the prior_lambda, the scalar in front of the smoothing laplacian, in MICCAI paper :param image_sigma: the image sigma in MICCAI paper :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param bidir: logical whether to use bidirectional cost function """ # prepare data files # we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. train_vol_names = glob.glob(data_dir) train_vol_names = [f for f in train_vol_names if 'ADNI' not in f] random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list assert len(train_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" # prepare data generation specific to conditional templates train_vols_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vols') train_vol_basenames = [ f for f in os.listdir(train_vols_dir) if ('ADNI' in f or 'ABIDE' in f) ] train_vol_names = [ os.path.join(train_vols_dir, f) for f in train_vol_basenames ] # csv pruning # our csv is a file of the form: # file,age,sex # ADNI_ADNI-1.5T-FS-5.3-Long_63196.long.094_S_1314_base_mri_talairach_norm.npz,81.0,2 csv_file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'combined_pheno.csv') train_atr_dct = load_pheno_csv(csv_file_path) train_vol_basenames = [ f for f in train_vol_basenames if f in list(train_atr_dct.keys()) ] train_vol_names = [ os.path.join(train_vols_dir, f) for f in train_vol_basenames ] # replace keys with full path for key in list(train_atr_dct.keys()): if key in train_vol_basenames: train_atr_dct[os.path.join(data_dir, 'vols', key)] = train_atr_dct[key] train_atr_dct.pop(key, None) # prepare the initial weights for the atlas "layer" if atlas_file is None or atlas_file == "": nb_atl_creation = 100 print('creating "atlas" by averaging %d subjects' % nb_atl_creation) x_avg = 0 for _ in range(nb_atl_creation): x_avg += next(train_example_gen)[0][0, ..., 0] x_avg /= nb_atl_creation x_avg = x_avg[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] atlas_vol = x_avg else: atlas_vol = np.load(atlas_file)['vol'][np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] vol_size = atlas_vol.shape[1:-1] genobj = Generator(train_vol_names, atlas_vol, y_k=train_atr_dct) # Diffeomorphic network architecture used in MICCAI 2018 paper nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 3] if model == 'm1': pass elif model == 'm1double': nf_enc = [f * 2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f * 2 for f in nf_dec] # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'cc', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: data_loss = losses.NCC(win=[ncc_win] * 3).loss else: data_loss = lambda y_t, y_p: K.mean(K.square(y_t - y_p)) # gpu handling gpu = '/gpu:' + str(gpu_id) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # parameters for atlas construction. nb_conv_features = 4 cond_im_input_shape = [160, 192, 224, 4] # note the 8 features cond_nb_levels = 0 cond_conv_size = [3, 3, 3] extra_conv_layers = 3 pheno_input_shape = [2] bidir = True smooth_pen_layer = 'diffflow' model, mn = networks.cond_img_atlas_diff_model( vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec, atl_mult=1, bidir=bidir, smooth_pen_layer=smooth_pen_layer, nb_conv_features=nb_conv_features, cond_im_input_shape=cond_im_input_shape, cond_nb_levels=cond_nb_levels, cond_conv_size=cond_conv_size, pheno_input_shape=pheno_input_shape, extra_conv_layers=extra_conv_layers, ret_vm=True, ) outputs = [model.outputs[f] for f in [0, 2, 3, 3]] # latest model used in paper model = keras.models.Model(model.inputs, outputs) # compile mean_layer_loss = lambda _, y_pred: mean_lambda * K.mean( K.square(y_pred)) model_losses = [ data_loss, # could be mse or ncc or a combination, etc mean_layer_loss, lambda _, yp: losses.Grad('l2').loss(_, yp), lambda _, yp: K.mean(K.square(yp)) ] # parameters used in paper msmag_param = 0.01 reg_param = 1 centroid_reg = 1 loss_weights = [atlas_wt, centroid_reg, reg_param, msmag_param] model.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=lr), loss=model_losses, loss_weights=loss_weights) # load initial weights. # note this overloads the img_param weights if load_model_file is not None and len(load_model_file) > 0: model.load_weights(load_model_file, by_name=True) # save first iteration, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:02d}.h5') save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) # fit generator with tf.device(gpu): model.fit_generator(genobj.cond_mean_flow_x2(batch_size=batch_size), initial_epoch=initial_epoch, epochs=nb_epochs, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, verbose=1)
def train(data_dir, atlas_file, model, model_name, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, reg_param, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file, data_loss, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param model_dir: the model directory to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param n_iterations: number of training iterations :param reg_param: the smoothness/reconstruction tradeoff parameter (lambda in CVPR paper) :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param data_loss: data_loss: 'mse' or 'ncc """ # load atlas from provided files. The atlas we used is 160x192x224. # atlas_vol = np.load(atlas_file)['vol'][np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] atlas_vol = nib.load(atlas_file).get_data()[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] vol_size = atlas_vol.shape[1:-1] # prepare data files # for the CVPR and MICCAI papers, we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. train_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.npz')) random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list assert len(train_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" # UNET filters for voxelmorph-1 and voxelmorph-2, # these are architectures presented in CVPR 2018 nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == 'vm1': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == 'vm2': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] else: # 'vm2double': nf_enc = [f * 2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f * 2 for f in [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16]] assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'cc', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: data_loss = losses.NCC().loss model_dir = "../models/" + model_name # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) # GPU handling gpu = '/gpu:%d' % gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(gpu_id) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # prepare the model # in the CVPR layout, the model takes in [image_1, image_2] and outputs [warped_image_1, flow] # in the experiments, we use image_2 as atlas model = networks.cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) # load initial weights if load_model_file is not None and load_model_file != '': print('loading', load_model_file) model.load_weights(load_model_file) # save first iteration, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # data generator # nb_gpus = len(gpu_id.split(',')) # assert np.mod(batch_size, nb_gpus) == 0, \ # 'batch_size should be a multiple of the nr. of gpus. ' + \ # 'Got batch_size %d, %d gpus' % (batch_size, nb_gpus) nb_gpus = 1 train_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen(train_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) atlas_vol_bs = np.repeat(atlas_vol, batch_size, axis=0) cvpr2018_gen = datagenerators.cvpr2018_gen(train_example_gen, atlas_vol_bs, batch_size=batch_size) # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:02d}.h5') # fit generator with tf.device(gpu): # multi-gpu support if nb_gpus > 1: save_callback = nrn_gen.ModelCheckpointParallel(save_file_name) mg_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=nb_gpus) # single-gpu else: save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) mg_model = model # compile mg_model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=[data_loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss], loss_weights=[1.0, reg_param]) # fit mg_model.fit_generator(cvpr2018_gen, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, epochs=nb_epochs, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, verbose=1)
def train(data_dir, atlas_file, model_dir, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, prior_lambda, image_sigma, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file, bidir, bool_cc, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model_dir: model folder to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param nb_epochs: number of training iterations :param prior_lambda: the prior_lambda, the scalar in front of the smoothing laplacian, in MICCAI paper :param image_sigma: the image sigma in MICCAI paper :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param bidir: logical whether to use bidirectional cost function :param bool_cc: Train CC or MICCAI version """ # load atlas from provided files. The atlas we used is 160x192x224. #atlas_vol = np.load(atlas_file)['vol'][np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] vm_dir = '/home/jdram/voxelmorph/' base = np.load( os.path.join(vm_dir, "data", "ts12_dan_a88_fin_o_trim_adpc_002661_256.npy")) monitor = np.load( os.path.join(vm_dir, "data", "ts12_dan_a05_fin_o_trim_adpc_002682_256.npy")) #base = np.load(os.path.join(vm_dir, "data","ts12_dan_a88_fin_o_trim_adpc_002661_abs.npy")) #monitor = np.load(os.path.join(vm_dir, "data","ts12_dan_a05_fin_o_trim_adpc_002682_abs.npy")) #vol_size = (64, 64, 64) vol_size = (64, 64, 256 - 64) #vol_size = (128, 128, 256) # prepare data files # for the CVPR and MICCAI papers, we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. #train_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.npy')) #random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list #assert len(train_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" # Diffeomorphic network architecture used in MICCAI 2018 paper nf_enc = [32, 64, 64, 64] nf_dec = [64, 64, 64, 64, 32, 3] # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) tf.reset_default_graph() if bool_cc: pre_net = "cc_" else: if bidir: pre_net = "miccai_bidir_" else: pre_net = "miccai_" # gpu handling gpu = '/device:GPU:%d' % int(gpu_id) # gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # prepare the model # in the CVPR layout, the model takes in [image_1, image_2] and outputs [warped_image_1, flow] # in the experiments, we use image_2 as atlas if bool_cc: model = networks.cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) else: model = networks.miccai2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec, bidir=bidir, vel_resize=.5) # load initial weights if load_model_file is not None and load_model_file != "": print('loading', load_model_file) model.load_weights(load_model_file) # save first iteration, f'{pre_net}{initial_epoch:02d}.h5')) model.summary() if bool_cc: model_losses = [losses.NCC().loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss] loss_weights = [1.0, 0.01] # recommend 1.0 for ncc, 0.01 for mse else: flow_vol_shape = model.outputs[-1].shape[1:-1] loss_class = losses.Miccai2018(image_sigma, prior_lambda, flow_vol_shape=flow_vol_shape) if bidir: model_losses = [ loss_class.recon_loss, loss_class.recon_loss, loss_class.kl_loss ] loss_weights = [0.5, 0.5, 1] else: model_losses = [loss_class.recon_loss, loss_class.kl_loss] loss_weights = [1, 1] segy_gen = datagenerators.segy_gen(base, monitor, batch_size=batch_size) # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, pre_net + '{epoch:02d}.h5') with tf.device(gpu): # fit generator save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name, period=5) csv_cb = CSVLogger(f'{pre_net}log.csv') nan_cb = TerminateOnNaN() rlr_cb = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='loss', verbose=1) els_cb = EarlyStopping(monitor='loss', patience=15, verbose=1, restore_best_weights=True) cbs = [save_callback, csv_cb, nan_cb, rlr_cb, els_cb] mg_model = model # compile mg_model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=model_losses, loss_weights=loss_weights) [base, monitor], [monitor, np.zeros_like(base)], initial_epoch=initial_epoch, batch_size=8, epochs=nb_epochs, callbacks=cbs, #steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, verbose=1)
def test(root_dir, fixed_dir, moving_dir, model_dir, gpu_id, img_size): # # 定义模型,加载权重 # 输入维度 #GPU handling gpu = '/gpu:%d' % 0 # gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) ndims = 2 vol_shape = (img_size, img_size) nb_enc_features = [32, 32, 32, 32] # 下采样卷积核个数 nb_dec_features = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16] # 上采样卷积核个数 # 网络定义U-net unet = networks.unet_core(vol_shape, nb_enc_features, nb_dec_features) # 输入 print('numer of inputs', len(unet.inputs)) moving_input_tensor = unet.inputs[0] fixed_input_tensor = unet.inputs[1] # 输出 print('output:', unet.output) # 转换为流场维度 disp_tensor = keras.layers.Conv2D(ndims, kernel_size=3, padding='same', name='disp')(unet.output) # 显示流场维度 print('displacement tensor:', disp_tensor) spatial_transformer = neuron.layers.SpatialTransformer( name='spatial_transformer') # 扭转图像 moved_image_tensor = spatial_transformer( [moving_input_tensor, disp_tensor]) inputs = [moving_input_tensor, fixed_input_tensor] outputs = [moved_image_tensor, disp_tensor] vxm_model = keras.models.Model(inputs, outputs) # losses. Keras recognizes the string 'mse' as mean squared error, so we don't have to code it #loss = ['mse', losses.Grad('l2').loss] loss = [losses.NCC().loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss] # 损失函数 lambda_param = 0.01 loss_weights = [1, lambda_param] #---------------加载模型权重------------------------- vxm_model.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss=loss, loss_weights=loss_weights) vxm_model.load_weights(model_dir) #--------------前向推理------------------------------------ fixed_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(fixed_dir, '*.png')) moving_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(moving_dir, '*.png')) print(fixed_vol_names, moving_vol_names) # fixed_vol_names.sort() # moving_vol_names.sort() data = datagenerators.my_data_generator(fixed_vol_names, moving_vol_names, batch_size=1, img_size=img_size) sample, _ = next(data) print('输入维度:', sample[0].shape) sample_pred = vxm_model.predict(sample) #---------------保存流场维度数据------------------------------ print('流场输出维度:', sample_pred[1].shape) #a=sample_pred[0].squeeze() slices_in = [sample_pred[1].squeeze()] + 'flow.npy', slices_in) u, v = slices_in[0][..., 0], slices_in[0][..., 1] #u, v = flow_smooth.smooth(u,v,1) # np.savetxt(root_dir+'a.csv',a,delimiter=",") np.savetxt(root_dir + 'u.csv', u, delimiter=",") np.savetxt(root_dir + 'v.csv', v, delimiter=",") # 保存偏移值 #------------输出配准点的列表-------txt--------------------------- txt = open(root_dir + 'match.txt', 'w') moving_img =[0]) # moving_pixeles=str(moving_vol_names[0]).split('_') # fixed_pixeles=str(fixed_vol_names[0]).split('_') # print(moving_pixeles) # print(fixed_pixeles) # x_moving=float(moving_pixeles[2]) # y_moving=float(moving_pixeles[3].strip('.png')) # 读取文件名中左上角初始坐标 # x_fixed=float(fixed_pixeles[2]) # y_fixed=float(fixed_pixeles[3].strip('.png')) # width,height=moving_img.size # print('待配准图片长宽:',width,height) # w_scale=width/img_size # h_scale=height/img_size # for i in range(img_size): # for j in range(img_size): # x1=str(i*w_scale+x_moving) # 坐标转换 # y1=str(j*h_scale+y_moving) # x2=str(i+u[i][j]+x_fixed) # y2=str(j-v[i][j]+y_fixed) # txt.write(x1+' '+y1+' '+x2+' '+y2) # txt.write('\n') width, height = moving_img.size print('待配准图片长宽:', width, height) w_scale = width / img_size h_scale = height / img_size for i in range(img_size): for j in range(img_size): # if u[i][j]!=0: x1 = str(i * w_scale) # 坐标转换 y1 = str(j * h_scale) x2 = str(i + u[i][j]) y2 = str(j - v[i][j]) txt.write(x1 + ' ' + y1 + ' ' + x2 + ' ' + y2) txt.write('\n') #---------------可视化配准图像和流场----------------------------- slices_2d = [f[0, ..., 0] for f in sample + sample_pred] # fixed=sample[1].squeeze() # moving=sample[0].squeeze() warped = sample_pred[0].squeeze() #print(warped.shape) plt.imshow(warped, cmap='Greys_r') plt.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1, hspace=0, wspace=0) plt.margins(0, 0) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(root_dir + 'warped_picture.png', transparent=True, dpi=300, pad_inches=0.0) # titles = [ 'input_moving', 'input_fixed', 'predicted_moved', 'deformation_x' ] neuron.plot.slices(slices_2d, titles=titles, cmaps=['gray'], do_colorbars=True, path=root_dir + 'predict.png') neuron.plot.flow([sample_pred[1].squeeze()], width=5, path=root_dir + 'flow.png')
def train( data_dir, val_data_dir, atlas_file, val_atlas_file, model, model_dir, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, reg_param, gama_param, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file, data_loss, seg_dir=None, # one file val_seg_dir=None, Sf_file=None, # one file val_Sf_file=None, auxi_label=None, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param model_dir: the model directory to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param n_iterations: number of training iterations :param reg_param: the smoothness/reconstruction tradeoff parameter (lambda in CVPR paper) :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param data_loss: 'mse' or 'ncc :param auxi_label: whether to use auxiliary informmation during the training """ # load atlas from provided files. The atlas we used is 160x192x224. # atlas_file = 'D:/voxel/data/t064.tif' atlas = # is a TiffImageFile _size is (628, 690) atlas_vol = np.array(atlas)[ np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] # is a ndarray, shape is (1, 690, 628, 1) # new = Image.fromarray(X) new.size is (628, 690) vol_size = atlas_vol.shape[1:-1] # (690, 628) print(vol_size) val_atlas = val_atlas_file) # is a TiffImageFile _size is (628, 690) val_atlas_vol = np.array(val_atlas)[ np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] # is a ndarray, shape is (1, 690, 628, 1) # new = Image.fromarray(X) new.size is (628, 690) val_vol_size = val_atlas_vol.shape[1:-1] # (690, 628) print(val_vol_size) Sm = # is a TiffImageFile _size is (628, 690) Sm_ = np.array(Sm)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] val_Sm = # is a TiffImageFile _size is (628, 690) val_Sm_ = np.array(val_Sm)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] # prepare data files # for the CVPR and MICCAI papers, we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. # data_dir = D:/voxel/data/01 train_vol_names = data_dir # glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.tif')) # is a list contain file path(name) # random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list tif assert len(train_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" val_vol_names = val_data_dir # glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.tif')) # is a list contain file path(name) # random.shuffle(train_vol_names) # shuffle volume list tif assert len(val_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" # UNET filters for voxelmorph-1 and voxelmorph-2, # these are architectures presented in CVPR 2018 nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == 'vm1': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == 'vm2': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] else: # 'vm2double': nf_enc = [f * 2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f * 2 for f in [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16]] assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'cc', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: data_loss = losses.NCC().loss if Sf_file is not None: Sf = Sf_ = np.array(Sf)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] if val_Sf_file is not None: val_Sf = val_Sf_ = np.array(val_Sf)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) # GPU handling gpu = '/gpu:%d' % 0 # gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) #gpu = gpu_id # data generator nb_gpus = len(gpu_id.split(',')) # 1 assert np.mod(batch_size, nb_gpus) == 0, \ 'batch_size should be a multiple of the nr. of gpus. ' + \ 'Got batch_size %d, %d gpus' % (batch_size, nb_gpus) train_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen( train_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) # it is a list contain a ndarray atlas_vol_bs = np.repeat( atlas_vol, batch_size, axis=0) # is a ndarray, if batch_size is 2, shape is (2, 690, 628, 1) cvpr2018_gen = datagenerators.cvpr2018_gen(train_example_gen, atlas_vol_bs, batch_size=batch_size) val_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen( val_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) # it is a list contain a ndarray val_atlas_vol_bs = np.repeat( val_atlas_vol, batch_size, axis=0) # is a ndarray, if batch_size is 2, shape is (2, 690, 628, 1) val_cvpr2018_gen = datagenerators.cvpr2018_gen(val_example_gen, val_atlas_vol_bs, batch_size=batch_size) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)) # prepare the model # in the CVPR layout, the model takes in [image_1, image_2] and outputs [warped_image_1, flow] # in the experiments, we use image_2 as atlas model = networks.cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) # load initial weights if load_model_file is not None: print('loading', load_model_file) model.load_weights(load_model_file) # save first iteration, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # if auxi_label is not None: # print('yes') # loss_model= [data_loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss, losses.Lseg()._lseg(Sf_) ] ########################## # loss_weight= [1.0, reg_param, gama_param] # else: loss_model = [ data_loss, losses.Grad(gama_param, Sf_, Sm_, penalty='l2').loss ] # real gama: reg_param*gama_param loss_weight = [1.0, reg_param] # reg_param_tensor = tf.constant(5, dtype=tf.float32) metrics_2 = losses.Grad(gama_param, val_Sf_, val_Sm_, penalty='l2', flag_vali=True).loss # reg_param # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:02d}.h5') # fit generator with tf.device(gpu): # multi-gpu support if nb_gpus > 1: save_callback = nrn_gen.ModelCheckpointParallel(save_file_name) mg_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=nb_gpus) # single-gpu else: save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) mg_model = model # compile mg_model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=loss_model, loss_weights=loss_weight, metrics={'flow': metrics_2}) # fit history = mg_model.fit_generator(cvpr2018_gen, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, epochs=nb_epochs, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, validation_data=val_cvpr2018_gen, validation_steps=1, verbose=2) # plot print('model', mg_model.metrics_names) print('keys()', history.history.keys()) # print( plt.plot(history.history['loss']) # plt.plot(history.history['val_spatial_transformer_1_loss']) plt.title('cvpr_auxi_loss') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.legend(['Train', 'Validation'])
def train(src_dir, tgt_dir, model_dir, model_lr_dir, lr, nb_epochs, reg_param, steps_per_epoch, batch_size, load_model_file=None, data_loss='ncc', initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param model_dir: the model directory to save to :param lr: learning rate :param n_iterations: number of training iterations :param reg_param: the smoothness/reconstruction tradeoff parameter (lambda in CVPR paper) :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param data_loss: data_loss: 'mse' or 'ncc """ # prepare data files # for the CVPR and MICCAI papers, we have data arranged in train/validate/test folders # inside each folder is a /vols/ and a /asegs/ folder with the volumes # and segmentations. All of our papers use npz formated data. src_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '*.npz')) tgt_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(tgt_dir, '*.npz')) random.shuffle(src_vol_names) # shuffle volume list random.shuffle(tgt_vol_names) # shuffle volume list assert len(src_vol_names) > 0, "Could not find any training data" assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss == 'ncc': data_loss = losses.NCC().loss # GPU handling config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True # set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) vol_size = (56, 56, 56) # prepare the model src_lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_src_lr') tgt_lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_tgt_lr') srm_lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='mask_src_lr') attn_lr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='attn_lr') src_mr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_src_mr') tgt_mr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_tgt_mr') srm_mr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='mask_src_mr') df_lr2mr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 3], name='df_lr2mr') attn_mr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='attn_mr') src_hr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_src_hr') tgt_hr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='input_tgt_hr') srm_hr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='mask_src_hr') df_mr2hr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 3], name='df_mr2hr') attn_hr = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *vol_size, 1], name='attn_hr') model_lr = networks.net_lr(src_lr, tgt_lr, srm_lr) model_mr = networks.net_mr(src_mr, tgt_mr, srm_mr, df_lr2mr) model_hr = networks.net_hr(src_hr, tgt_hr, srm_hr, df_mr2hr) # the loss functions lr_ncc = data_loss(model_lr[0].outputs, tgt_lr) #lr_grd = losses.Grad('l2').loss(model_lr[0].outputs, model_lr[2].outputs) lr_grd = losses.Anti_Folding('l2').loss(model_lr[0].outputs, model_lr[2].outputs) cost_lr = lr_ncc + reg_param * lr_grd # + lr_attn mr_ncc = data_loss(model_mr[0].outputs, tgt_mr) #mr_grd = losses.Grad('l2').loss(model_mr[0].outputs, model_mr[2].outputs) mr_grd = losses.Anti_Folding('l2').loss(model_mr[0].outputs, model_mr[2].outputs) cost_mr = mr_ncc + reg_param * mr_grd hr_ncc = data_loss(model_hr[0].outputs, tgt_hr) #hr_grd = losses.Grad('l2').loss(model_hr[0].outputs, model_hr[2].outputs) hr_grd = losses.Anti_Folding('l2').loss(model_hr[0].outputs, model_hr[2].outputs) cost_hr = hr_ncc + reg_param * hr_grd # the training operations def get_v(name): t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if name in] return d_vars #attn_vars = tl.layers.get_variables_with_name('cbam_1', True, True) attn_vars = get_v('cbam_1') for a_v in attn_vars: print(a_v) train_op_lr = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost_lr) train_op_mr = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost_mr) train_op_hr = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost_hr) # data generator src_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen(src_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) tgt_example_gen = datagenerators.example_gen(tgt_vol_names, batch_size=batch_size) data_gen = datagenerators.gen_with_mask(src_example_gen, tgt_example_gen, batch_size=batch_size) variables_to_restore = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore( exclude=['net_hr']) saver = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore) #saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=3) # fit generator with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: # load initial weights try: if load_model_file is not None: model_file = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(load_model_file) # saver.restore(sess, model_file) except: print('No files in', load_model_file), model_dir + 'dfnet', global_step=0) def resize_df(df, zoom): df1 = nd.interpolation.zoom( df[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=zoom, mode='nearest', order=3) * zoom[ 0] # Cubic: order=3; Bilinear: order=1; Nearest: order=0 df2 = nd.interpolation.zoom( df[0, :, :, :, 1], zoom=zoom, mode='nearest', order=3) * zoom[1] df3 = nd.interpolation.zoom( df[0, :, :, :, 2], zoom=zoom, mode='nearest', order=3) * zoom[2] dfs = np.stack((df1, df2, df3), axis=3) return dfs[np.newaxis, :, :, :] class logPrinter(object): def __init__(self): self.n_batch = 0 self.total_dice = [] self.cost = [] self.ncc = [] self.grd = [] def addLog(self, dice, cost, ncc, grd): self.n_batch += 1 self.dice.append(dice) self.cost.append(cost) self.ncc.append(ncc) self.grd.append(grd) def output(self): dice = np.array(self.dice).mean(axis=0).round(3).tolist() cost = np.array(self.cost).mean() ncc = np.array(self.ncc).mean() grd = np.array(self.grd).mean() return dice, cost, ncc, grd, self.n_batch def clear(self): self.n_batch = 0 self.dice = [] self.cost = [] self.ncc = [] self.grd = [] lr_log = logPrinter() mr_log = logPrinter() hr_log = logPrinter() # train low resolution # load initial weights saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) #if model_lr_dir is not None: # model_lr_dir = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_lr_dir) # # print(model_lr_dir) # saver.restore(sess, model_lr_dir) nb_epochs = 20 #20#10 steps_per_epoch = 30 * 29 for epoch in range(nb_epochs): tbar = trange(steps_per_epoch, unit='batch', ncols=100) lr_log.clear() for i in tbar: image, mask = data_gen.__next__() global_X, global_atlas = image global_X_mask, global_atlas_mask = mask global_diff = global_X[0, :, :, :, 0] - global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0] # low resolution global_X_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_A_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_XM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_AM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom( global_atlas_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_diff_16 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_diff, zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_X_64 = global_X_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_A_64 = global_A_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_XM_64 = global_XM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_AM_64 = global_AM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_diff_16 = global_diff_16[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] feed_dict = { src_lr: global_X_64, tgt_lr: global_A_64, srm_lr: global_XM_64, attn_lr: global_diff_16 } err_lr, _ =[cost_lr, train_op_lr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_lr, warp_seg, elr_ncc, elr_grad, lr_attn_map, lr_attn_feature = [ model_lr[2].outputs, model_lr[1].outputs, lr_ncc, lr_grd, model_lr[3], model_lr[4] ], feed_dict=feed_dict) # print(df_lr.shape) lr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], global_AM_64[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) lr_log.addLog(lr_dice, err_lr, elr_ncc, elr_grad) lr_out = lr_log.output() tbar.set_description('Epoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch + 1, nb_epochs, i)) tbar.set_postfix(lr_dice=lr_out[0], lr_cost=lr_out[1], lr_ncc=lr_out[2], lr_grd=lr_out[3]), model_lr_dir + 'dfnet', global_step=0) # train middle resolution nb_epochs = 1 #1 steps_per_epoch = 30 * 29 for epoch in range(nb_epochs): lr_log.clear() for lr_step in range(steps_per_epoch): image, mask = data_gen.__next__() global_X, global_atlas = image global_X_mask, global_atlas_mask = mask global_diff = global_X[0, :, :, :, 0] - global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0] # low resolution global_X_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_A_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_XM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_AM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom( global_atlas_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_diff_16 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_diff, zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_X_64 = global_X_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_A_64 = global_A_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_XM_64 = global_XM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_AM_64 = global_AM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_diff_16 = global_diff_16[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] feed_dict = { src_lr: global_X_64, tgt_lr: global_A_64, srm_lr: global_XM_64, attn_lr: global_diff_16 } err_lr, _ =[cost_lr, train_op_lr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_lr, warp_seg, elr_ncc, elr_grad, lr_attn_map, lr_attn_feature = [ model_lr[2].outputs, model_lr[1].outputs, lr_ncc, lr_grd, model_lr[3], model_lr[4] ], feed_dict=feed_dict) lr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], global_AM_64[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) lr_log.addLog(lr_dice, err_lr, elr_ncc, elr_grad) lr_out = lr_log.output() print('\nEpoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch + 1, nb_epochs, lr_out[-1])) print( '[lr] lr_dice={}, lr_cost={:.3f}, lr_ncc={:.3f}, lr_grd={:.3f}' .format(lr_out[0], lr_out[1], lr_out[2], lr_out[3])) # middle part df_lr_res2mr = resize_df(df_lr, zoom=(2, 2, 2)) select_points_lr = patch_selection_attn(lr_attn_map, zoom_scales=[8, 8, 8], kernel=7, mi=10, ma=18) print(select_points_lr) mr_log.clear() for sp in select_points_lr: mov_img_112 = global_X[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] fix_img_112 = global_atlas[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] mov_seg_112 = global_X_mask[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] fix_seg_112 = global_atlas_mask[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] dif_img_112 = global_diff[sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56] #print(mov_img_112.shape) if fix_img_112.shape != (112, 112, 112): print(mov_img_112.shape) continue fix_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(fix_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') mov_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(mov_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') fix_112_56m = nd.interpolation.zoom(fix_seg_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest', order=0) mov_112_56m = nd.interpolation.zoom(mov_seg_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest', order=0) dif_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(dif_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') mid_fix_img = fix_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_mov_img = mov_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_fix_seg = fix_112_56m[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_mov_seg = mov_112_56m[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_dif_img = dif_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] df_mr_feed = df_lr_res2mr[:, sp[0] // 2 - 28:sp[0] // 2 + 28, sp[1] // 2 - 28:sp[1] // 2 + 28, sp[2] // 2 - 28:sp[2] // 2 + 28, :] feed_dict = { src_mr: mid_mov_img, tgt_mr: mid_fix_img, srm_mr: mid_mov_seg, df_lr2mr: df_mr_feed, attn_mr: mid_dif_img } err_mr, _ =[cost_mr, train_op_mr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_mr, warp_seg, emr_ncc, emr_grad = [ model_mr[2].outputs, model_mr[1].outputs, mr_ncc, mr_grd ], feed_dict=feed_dict) mr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], mid_fix_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) mr_log.addLog(mr_dice, err_mr, emr_ncc, emr_grad) mr_out = mr_log.output() # print(' Epoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch+1, nb_epochs, mr_out[-1])) print( ' [mr] {}/{} mr_dice={}, mr_cost={:.3f}, mr_ncc={:.3f}, mr_grd={:.3f}' .format(mr_out[-1], len(select_points_lr), mr_out[0], mr_out[1], mr_out[2], mr_out[3])), model_dir + 'dfnet', global_step=0) # train high resolution nb_epochs = 1 steps_per_epoch = 300 for epoch in range(nb_epochs): lr_log.clear() for lr_step in range(steps_per_epoch): image, mask = data_gen.__next__() global_X, global_atlas = image global_X_mask, global_atlas_mask = mask global_diff = global_X[0, :, :, :, 0] - global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0] # low resolution global_X_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_A_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_atlas[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_XM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_X_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_AM_64 = nd.interpolation.zoom( global_atlas_mask[0, :, :, :, 0], zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest', order=0) global_diff_16 = nd.interpolation.zoom(global_diff, zoom=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), mode='nearest') global_X_64 = global_X_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_A_64 = global_A_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_XM_64 = global_XM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_AM_64 = global_AM_64[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] global_diff_16 = global_diff_16[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] feed_dict = { src_lr: global_X_64, tgt_lr: global_A_64, srm_lr: global_XM_64, attn_lr: global_diff_16 } err_lr, _ =[cost_lr, train_op_lr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_lr, warp_seg, elr_ncc, elr_grad, lr_attn_map, lr_attn_feature = [ model_lr[2].outputs, model_lr[1].outputs, lr_ncc, lr_grd, model_lr[3], model_lr[4] ], feed_dict=feed_dict) lr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], global_AM_64[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) lr_log.addLog(lr_dice, err_lr, elr_ncc, elr_grad) lr_out = lr_log.output() print('\nEpoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch + 1, nb_epochs, lr_out[-1])) print( '[lr] lr_dice={}, lr_cost={:.3f}, lr_ncc={:.3f}, lr_grd={:.3f}' .format(lr_out[0], lr_out[1], lr_out[2], lr_out[3])) # middle part df_lr_res2mr = resize_df(df_lr, zoom=(2, 2, 2)) select_points_lr = patch_selection_attn(lr_attn_map, zoom_scales=[8, 8, 8], kernel=7, mi=10, ma=18) print(select_points_lr) mr_log.clear() for sp in select_points_lr: mov_img_112 = global_X[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] fix_img_112 = global_atlas[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] mov_seg_112 = global_X_mask[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] fix_seg_112 = global_atlas_mask[0, sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56, 0] dif_img_112 = global_diff[sp[0] - 56:sp[0] + 56, sp[1] - 56:sp[1] + 56, sp[2] - 56:sp[2] + 56] #print(mov_img_112.shape) if fix_img_112.shape != (112, 112, 112): print(mov_img_112.shape) continue fix_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(fix_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') mov_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(mov_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') fix_112_56m = nd.interpolation.zoom(fix_seg_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest', order=0) mov_112_56m = nd.interpolation.zoom(mov_seg_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest', order=0) dif_112_56 = nd.interpolation.zoom(dif_img_112, zoom=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), mode='nearest') mid_fix_img = fix_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_mov_img = mov_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_fix_seg = fix_112_56m[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_mov_seg = mov_112_56m[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] mid_dif_img = dif_112_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] df_mr_feed = df_lr_res2mr[:, sp[0] // 2 - 28:sp[0] // 2 + 28, sp[1] // 2 - 28:sp[1] // 2 + 28, sp[2] // 2 - 28:sp[2] // 2 + 28, :] feed_dict = { src_mr: mid_mov_img, tgt_mr: mid_fix_img, srm_mr: mid_mov_seg, df_lr2mr: df_mr_feed, attn_mr: mid_dif_img } err_mr, _ =[cost_mr, train_op_mr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_mr, warp_seg, emr_ncc, emr_grad, mr_attn_map, mr_attn_feature = [ model_mr[2].outputs, model_mr[1].outputs, mr_ncc, mr_grd, model_mr[3], model_mr[4] ], feed_dict=feed_dict) mr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], mid_fix_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) mr_log.addLog(mr_dice, err_mr, emr_ncc, emr_grad) mr_out = mr_log.output() # print(' Epoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch+1, nb_epochs, mr_out[-1])) print( ' [mr] {}/{} mr_dice={}, mr_cost={:.3f}, mr_ncc={:.3f}, mr_grd={:.3f}' .format(mr_out[-1], len(select_points_lr), mr_out[0], mr_out[1], mr_out[2], mr_out[3])) # high part df_mr_res2hr = resize_df(df_mr, zoom=(2, 2, 2)) hr_log.clear() select_points_mr = patch_selection_attn( mr_attn_map, zoom_scales=[4, 4, 4], kernel=7, mi=8, ma=20) print(30 * '-') print('High Part') print(select_points_mr) for spm in select_points_mr: fix_img_56 = fix_img_112[spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28] mov_img_56 = mov_img_112[spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28] fix_seg_56 = fix_seg_112[spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28] mov_seg_56 = mov_seg_112[spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28] dif_img_56 = dif_img_112[spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28] if fix_img_56.shape != (56, 56, 56): continue hig_fix_img = fix_img_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] hig_mov_img = mov_img_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] hig_fix_seg = fix_seg_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] hig_mov_seg = mov_seg_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] hig_dif_img = dif_img_56[np.newaxis, :, :, :, np.newaxis] df_hr_feed = df_mr_res2hr[:, spm[0] - 28:spm[0] + 28, spm[1] - 28:spm[1] + 28, spm[2] - 28:spm[2] + 28, :] feed_dict = { src_hr: hig_mov_img, tgt_hr: hig_fix_img, srm_hr: hig_mov_seg, df_mr2hr: df_hr_feed, attn_hr: hig_dif_img } err_hr, _ =[cost_hr, train_op_hr], feed_dict=feed_dict) df_hr, warp_seg, ehr_ncc, ehr_grad = [ model_hr[2].outputs, model_hr[1].outputs, hr_ncc, hr_grd ], feed_dict=feed_dict) hr_dice, _ = dice(warp_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], hig_fix_seg[0, :, :, :, 0], labels=[0, 10, 150, 250], nargout=2) hr_log.addLog(hr_dice, err_hr, ehr_ncc, ehr_grad) hr_out = hr_log.output() # print(' Epoch %d/%d ### step %i' % (epoch+1, nb_epochs, mr_out[-1])) print( ' [hr] {}/{} hr_dice={}, hr_cost={:.3f}, hr_ncc={:.3f}, hr_grd={:.3f}' .format(hr_out[-1], len(select_points_mr), hr_out[0], hr_out[1], hr_out[2], hr_out[3])), model_dir + 'dfnet', global_step=lr_step)
def train(data_dir, depth_size, model, model_dir, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, reg_param, steps_per_epoch, train_mode, load_model_file, data_loss, batch_size, initial_epoch=0): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param model_dir: the model directory to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param n_iterations: number of training iterations :param reg_param: the smoothness/reconstruction tradeoff parameter (lambda in CVPR paper) :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param data_loss: data_loss: 'mse' or 'ncc' """ # load data train_x, train_y = load_data(data_dir=data_dir, depth_size=depth_size, mode='train', fixed='first') # test_x, test_y = load_data(data_dir=data_dir, depth_size=depth_size, mode='test', fixed='first') vol_size = train_x[0].shape[1:-1] # (width, height, depth) # set encoder, decoder feature number nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == 'vm1': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == 'vm2': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] else: # 'vm2double': nf_enc = [f * 2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f * 2 for f in [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16]] # set loss function # Mean Squared Error, Cross-Correlation, Negative Cross-Correlation assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'cc', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: data_loss = losses.NCC().loss # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) # GPU handling gpu = '/gpu:%d' % 0 # gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # in the CVPR layout, the model takes in [moving image, fixed image] and outputs [warped image, flow] model = networks.cvpr2018_net(tuple(vol_size), nf_enc, nf_dec) model.load_weights(load_model_file) # save first iteration, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # prepare callbacks save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:02d}.h5') # fit with tf.device(gpu): save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) mg_model = model # compile mg_model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=[data_loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss], loss_weights=[1.0, reg_param]) # fit, y=train_y, batch_size=None, epochs=nb_epochs, verbose=1, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch)
def train(data_dir, model, model_dir, gpu_id, lr, nb_epochs, reg_param, steps_per_epoch, load_model_file, data_loss, window_size, batch_size): """ model training function :param data_dir: folder with npz files for each subject. :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param model_dir: the model directory to save to :param gpu_id: integer specifying the gpu to use :param lr: learning rate :param reg_param: the smoothness/reconstruction tradeoff parameter (lambda in CVPR paper) :param steps_per_epoch: frequency with which to save models :param batch_size: Optional, default of 1. can be larger, depends on GPU memory and volume size :param load_model_file: optional h5 model file to initialize with :param data_loss: data_loss: 'mse' or 'ncc' """ vol_size = [256, 256, 144] # (width, height, depth) # set encoder, decoder feature number nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == 'vm1': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == 'vm2': nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] else: # 'vm2double': nf_enc = [f * 2 for f in nf_enc] nf_dec = [f * 2 for f in [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16]] # set loss function # Mean Squared Error, Cross-Correlation, Negative Cross-Correlation assert data_loss in [ 'mse', 'cc', 'ncc' ], 'Loss should be one of mse or cc, found %s' % data_loss if data_loss in ['ncc', 'cc']: NCC = losses.NCC(win=window_size) data_loss = NCC.loss # prepare model folder if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.mkdir(model_dir) # GPU handling gpu = '/gpu:%d' % 0 # gpu_id os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_id config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.allow_soft_placement = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # prepare the model with tf.device(gpu): # in the CVPR layout, the model takes in [moving image, fixed image] and outputs [warped image, flow] model = networks.cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) if load_model_file is not None: model.load_weights(load_model_file) # save first iteration #, '%02d.h5' % initial_epoch)) # load data # path = "../../dataset/urinary" # vol_names = [filename for filename in os.listdir(data_dir) if (int(filename.split("_")[-1].split('.')[0]) < 206) and # (int(filename.split("_")[-1].split('.')[0]) not in except_list)] vol_names = [ filename for filename in os.listdir(data_dir) if int(filename.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) in normal ] # vol_names = [filename for filename in os.listdir(data_dir) if int(filename.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) in (9, 130, 128)] vol_names.sort() uro_gen = uro_generator(vol_names, data_dir, fixed='joyoungje') # test_path = os.path.join(data_dir, 'test') # test_vol_names = [filename for filename in os.listdir(test_path) if '.npz'] # test_gen = uro_generator(test_vol_names, test_path) # fit with tf.device(gpu): mg_model = model # compile mg_model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=lr), loss=[data_loss, losses.Grad('l2').loss], loss_weights=[1.0, reg_param]) # fit save_file_name = os.path.join(model_dir, '{epoch:04d}.h5') save_callback = ModelCheckpoint(save_file_name) mg_model.fit_generator(uro_gen, epochs=nb_epochs, verbose=1, callbacks=[save_callback], steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch)