Esempio n. 1
 async def status(self,ctx):
     '''Display the current lottory status'''
     lottory_id = db.get_current_lottory()
     tickets = db.get_lottory_tickets(lottory_id)
     num_tickets = len(tickets)
     progressive = db.get_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id)
     jackpot = payout_table[True][4] + progressive
     await ctx.send("Lottory {} is in progress, currently {:,} tickets sold, current jackpot is {:,}".format(lottory_id,num_tickets,jackpot))
Esempio n. 2
    async def draw(self,ctx):
        '''Start the next drawing'''

        lottory_id = db.get_current_lottory()
        progressive = db.get_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id)
        total_jackpot = progressive + payout_table[True][4]
        ticket_list = db.get_lottory_tickets(lottory_id) #List of tuples (user_id, ticket_value)

        if len(ticket_list) < 1: #Verify there is at least 1 ticket sold before allowing drawing
            await ctx.send("There are no tickets sold for this drawing yet!")

        db.add_lottory() #increment current when drawing starts
        winning_numbers = quickpick()[0] #Choose winning numbers
        balls = {0:'First', 1:'Second', 2:'Third', 3:'Fourth', 4:'MEGA'}
        embed_dict = {'colour':discord.Colour(0x006400), 'author_name':"Drawing for lottory {}! Jackpot is currently {:,}".format(lottory_id,total_jackpot),
                      'fields': {}
        lottory_message = await ctx.send(embed=build_embed(embed_dict))

        async with ctx.typing():
            winning_ticket_display = []
            for ball_number, ball_name in balls.items():
                await asyncio.sleep(3)
                embed_dict['fields'][1] = {'name': "{} Ball".format(ball_name), 'value': winning_numbers[ball_number], 'inline': True}
                winning_numbers_value = "-".join(winning_ticket_display) if len(winning_ticket_display) < 5 else Ticket(winning_numbers)
                embed_dict['fields'][2] = {'name': 'Winning Numbers' , 'value': winning_numbers_value, 'inline': True}
                await lottory_message.edit(embed=build_embed(embed_dict))

        num_tickets = len(ticket_list)
        progressive_split = []
        winner_dict = {}
        loser_dict = {}
        total_payout = 0

        async with ctx.typing():
            for ticket_tuple in ticket_list:
                ticket_value = eval(ticket_tuple[0]) #ticket value stored as a string, convert back to list
                user_id = ticket_tuple[1]
                mega, match = parse_ticket(winning_numbers, ticket_value)
                ticket_payout = determine_payout(mega, match)

                if ticket_payout != 0:
                    winner_dict = add_ticket_to_dict(winner_dict, user_id, ticket_value, ticket_payout)
                    loser_dict = add_ticket_to_dict(loser_dict, user_id, ticket_value, ticket_payout)

        results = {}
        async with ctx.typing():

            for user_id, list_of_winning_tickets in winner_dict.items():
                balance_modifier = 0

                for ticket_tuple in list_of_winning_tickets:
                    ticket_value = Ticket(ticket_tuple[0])
                    ticket_payout = ticket_tuple[1]

                    if ticket_payout == payout_table[True][4]:
                        progressive_split.append([user_id, ticket_value])
                        balance_modifier += ticket_payout

                new_user_balance = db.modify_user_balance(user_id, balance_modifier)
                results[user_id] = [balance_modifier, new_user_balance, list_of_winning_tickets]
                total_payout += balance_modifier

            jackpot_results = {}

            if len(progressive_split) > 0:
                jackpot_progressive_share = round(progressive / len(progressive_split), 2)
                jackpot_payout = round(payout_table[True][4] + jackpot_progressive_share, 2)
                for ticket_tuple in progressive_split:
                    user_id = ticket_tuple[0]
                    ticket_value = ticket_tuple[1]
                    total_payout += jackpot_payout
                    new_user_balance = db.modify_user_balance(user_id, jackpot_payout)
                    if user_id not in jackpot_results:
                        jackpot_results[user_id] = [jackpot_payout, new_user_balance, [ticket_value], jackpot_progressive_share]
                        jackpot_results[user_id][0] += jackpot_payout
                        jackpot_results[user_id][1] = new_user_balance
                        jackpot_results[user_id][3] += jackpot_progressive_share

                split_won = 'won' if len(jackpot_results) == 1 else 'split'
                await ctx.send("------------JACKPOT WINNAR!!!!!!-------------")
                for user_id, result in jackpot_results.items():
                    jackpot_payout = result[0]
                    new_user_balance = result[1]
                    ticket_values = result[2] if len(result[2]) <= 10 else len(result[2])
                    progressive_split = result[3]
                    user = await
                    await ctx.send('{} {} the Jackpot! Payout {:,}, your share of the progressive is {:,}! with {} tickets!!'.format(, split_won, round(jackpot_payout,2), round(progressive_split,2), ticket_values))
                    await user.send('You {} the Jackpot for lottory {} with ticket {}! {:,} has been deposited into your account. Your new balance is {}.'.format(split_won, lottory_id, ticket_value, round(jackpot_payout,2), new_user_balance))

            for user_id, result in results.items():
                jackpot_balance_modifier = jackpot_results[user_id][0] if user_id in jackpot_results else 0
                balance_modifier = result[0] + jackpot_balance_modifier
                new_user_balance = result[1]
                winning_tickets = result[2]
                user = await
                embed_dict['fields'][user_id] = {'name':, 'value': "Won a total of {:,} on {:,} winning tickers!".format(balance_modifier, len(winning_tickets)), 'inline': False}
                await user.send("Lottory {} Results: You won {:,}. Your new balance is {:,}.".format(lottory_id, balance_modifier, new_user_balance))
                if len(winning_tickets) < 100:
                    for n in range(0, len(winning_tickets), 50):
                        await user.send("Your winnings tickets for Lottory {}: Winning Numbers:{} Your winners: {}".format(lottory_id, winning_numbers, winning_tickets[n:n+50]))
                await lottory_message.edit(embed=build_embed(embed_dict))

        income = ticket_cost * num_tickets
        payout_ratio = 100 * (total_payout - income) / income
        db.update_lottory_stats(lottory_id, income, total_payout)
        embed_dict['author_name'] = "Lottory {} ended!".format(lottory_id)
        embed_dict['fields'][0] = {"name": "{:,} tickets were sold for {:,}".format(num_tickets, income), 'value':"{:,} was paid out for a payout ratio of {}%".format(round(total_payout, 2), round(payout_ratio, 2))}
        await lottory_message.edit(embed=build_embed(embed_dict))

        if len(progressive_split) == 0:
            lottory_id = db.get_current_lottory() #Add progressive to next lottory
            db.modify_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id, progressive)
            await ctx.send("Jackpot has been reseeded to {:,}".format(payout_table[True][4]))