Esempio n. 1
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel,
                 max_steer_angle, brake_deadband, accel_limit, decel_limit,
                 vehicle_mass, wheel_radius, fuel_capacity, sample_freq):

        self.dt = 1.0 / sample_freq
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)
        self.accel_controller = PID(kp=0.45,
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp=1.0,
        self.lowpass_filter = LowPassFilter(0.15, self.dt)

    def control(self, dbw_enabled, target_linear_velocity,
                target_angular_velocity, current_velocity):

        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        vel_error = target_linear_velocity - current_velocity
        raw_accel = self.accel_controller.step(vel_error, self.dt)

        accel = self.lowpass_filter.get()

        brake = 0.0
        throttle = 0.0
        steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(target_linear_velocity,

        if accel > 0.0:
            throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(accel, self.dt)

        if target_linear_velocity == 0 and current_velocity < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 400

        elif throttle < .1 and accel < 0:
            throttle = 0
            accel = max(accel, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(accel) * (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity *
                                  GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius * 2

        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 2
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self,
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.YawController = YawController(

        # self.PID = PID(0.9, 0.0005, 0.075, decel_limit, accel_limit)
        # self.PID = PID(4.0, 0.001, 0.05, decel_limit, accel_limit)
        self.PID = PID(1.0, 0.0, 0.001, decel_limit, accel_limit)
        self.low_pass_filer_vel = LowPassFilter(10.0, 1.0)

        self.lastT = None
        self.last_dbw_enabled = False

    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity, dbw_enabled):
        if dbw_enabled is True and self.last_dbw_enabled is False:
    		self.lastT = None
    	self.last_dbw_enabled = dbw_enabled

        linear_velocity = self.low_pass_filer_vel.get()

    	velocity_error = linear_velocity - current_velocity
    	T = rospy.get_time()
    	dt = T - self.lastT if self.lastT else 0.05
    	self.lastT = T
    	a = self.PID.step(velocity_error,dt)
     	if a > 0.0:
    		throttle, brake = min(a, 1.0), 0.0
    		throttle, brake = 0.0, self.wheel_radius * self.vehicle_mass * math.fabs(a)

        steer = self.YawController.get_steering(linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity)

        print('--- pid: {} {} {}'.format(velocity_error, throttle, brake))

        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 3
class Controller(object):
	def __init__(self, car_params):
		self.car_params = car_params

		self.lpf_accel = LowPassFilter(tau = 0.5, ts = 0.02)

		self.accel_pid = PID(kp = 0.4, ki = 0.1, kd = 0.0, mn = 0.0, mx = 1.0)
		self.speed_pid = PID(kp = 2.0, ki = 0.0, kd = 0.0, mn = car_params.decel_limit,
							 mx = car_params.accel_limit)

		self.yaw_control = YawController(car_params.wheel_base, car_params.steer_ratio, 4. * ONE_MPH, car_params.max_lat_accel, car_params.max_steer_angle)
		self.prev_velocity = 0

	def control(self, proposed_linear_velocity, proposed_angular_velocity, current_linear_velocity, dbw_enabled, control_period):
		# TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
		accel = (current_linear_velocity - self.prev_velocity) / control_period
		self.prev_velocity = current_linear_velocity

		vel_error = proposed_linear_velocity - current_linear_velocity

		if abs(proposed_linear_velocity) < ONE_MPH:

		accel_cmd = self.speed_pid.step(vel_error, control_period)

		min_speed = ONE_MPH * 5
		if proposed_linear_velocity < 0.01:
			accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd,
							-530. / self.car_params.vehicle_mass / self.car_params.wheel_radius)
		elif proposed_linear_velocity < min_speed:
			proposed_angular_velocity *= min_speed/proposed_linear_velocity
			proposed_linear_velocity = min_speed

		throttle = brake = steer = 0
		if dbw_enabled:		
			if accel_cmd >= 0:
				throttle = self.accel_pid.step(accel_cmd - self.lpf_accel.get(),control_period)

			if (accel_cmd < -self.car_params.brake_deadband) or (proposed_linear_velocity < min_speed):
				brake = -accel_cmd * self.car_params.vehicle_mass * self.car_params.wheel_radius

			steer = self.yaw_control.get_steering(proposed_linear_velocity, proposed_angular_velocity, current_linear_velocity)
			rospy.loginfo('%s,%s,%s',throttle, brake, steer);
		else :

		# Return throttle, brake, steer
		return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 4
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle, brake_deadband,
            accel_limit, decel_limit, vehicle_mass, wheel_radius, fuel_capacity, sample_freq):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.dt = 1.0/sample_freq
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit

        #initalize the YAW controller, accel controller, throttle controller and low pass filter 
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)
        self.accel_controller = PID(kp=0.45, ki=0.02, kd=0.01, mn=decel_limit, mx=accel_limit)
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp=1.0, ki=0.001, kd=0.10,  mn=0.0, mx=0.2)
        self.lowpass_filter = LowPassFilter(0.15, self.dt)

    def control(self, dbw_enabled, target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity, current_velocity):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        #check if dbw enabled then no need to compute the brake, steering and throttle values, return 0
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        vel_error = target_linear_velocity -  current_velocity
        raw_accel = self.accel_controller.step(vel_error, self.dt)

        accel = self.lowpass_filter.get()

        brake = 0.0
        throttle = 0.0

        #Get sterring values after getting angular and current velocity
        steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity, current_velocity)

        if accel > 0.0:
            throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(accel, self.dt)

        if target_linear_velocity == 0 and current_velocity < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            # To prevent Carla from moving requires about 700 Nm of torque
            brake = 400

        elif throttle < .1 and accel < 0:
            throttle = 0
            accel = max(accel, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(accel) * (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius * 2

        return throttle, brake, steer
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel,
                 max_steer_angle, brake_deadband, accel_limit, decel_limit,
                 vehicle_mass, wheel_radius, fuel_capacity, sample_freq):

        self.dt = 1.0 / sample_freq
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)
        self.accel_controller = PID(kp=0.45,
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp=1.0,
        self.lowpass_filter = LowPassFilter(0.15, self.dt)

    def control(self, target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity,
        vel_error = target_linear_velocity - current_velocity
        raw_accel = self.accel_controller.step(vel_error, self.dt)

        accel = self.lowpass_filter.get()

        brake = 0.0
        throttle = 0.0
        steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(target_linear_velocity,

        if accel > 0.0:
            throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(accel, self.dt)

        if accel <= 0.0:

            if abs(accel) > self.brake_deadband:
                # Assumes wheel is point mass
                brake = abs(accel) * (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity *
                                      GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius

        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 6
class Controller(object):
    # constructor that takes all the car's caracteristics
    def __init__(self, wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel,
                 max_steer_angle, decel_limit, accel_limit):
        # TODO: Implement
        # use the provided YawController and initialize it
        self.YawController = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed,
                                           max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        # Setup the PID controller and the lowpass
        # kp, ki and kd were found using trial and error method from the semester project
        self.PID = PID(4.0, 0.001, 0.05, decel_limit, accel_limit)
        self.low_pass_filer_vel = LowPassFilter(10.0, 1.0)

        self.lastTime = None
        self.last_dbw_enabled = False

    #Control function
    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity,
        # take care of the dbw_enabled. n case it is turned down, reset the PID.
        if dbw_enabled is True and self.last_dbw_enabled is False:
            self.lastT = None
        self.last_dbw_enabled = dbw_enabled

        linear_velocity = self.low_pass_filer_vel.get()

        velocity_error = linear_velocity - current_velocity
        T = rospy.get_time()
        dt = T - self.lastTime if self.lastTime else 0.05
        self.lastTime = T
        a = self.PID.step(velocity_error, dt)
        if a > 0.0:
            throttle, brake = a, 0.0
            throttle, brake = 0.0, math.fabs(a)

        steer = self.YawController.get_steering(linear_velocity,

        # print('--- pid: {} {}'.format(velocity_error, a))

        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 7
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel,
                 max_steer_angle, accel_limit, decel_limit, loop_frequency,
                 vehicle_mass, wheel_radius):
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.steer_ratio = steer_ratio
        self.max_steer_angle = max_steer_angle

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.steering_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio,
                                                 min_speed, max_lat_accel,

        self.throttle_controller = PID(0.15,

        self.low_pass_filter = LowPassFilter(12.0, 1)

        self.last_timestamp = None

    def control(self, target_angular_velocity, target_linear_velocity,
                current_angular_velocity, current_linear_velocity,
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if target_linear_velocity < 0.5 or not dbw_enabled:
            self.last_timestamp =
            return 0., 35., 0.

        steer = self.steering_controller.get_steering(target_linear_velocity,
        throttle = 0.
        brake = 0.

        current_timestamp =
        if self.last_timestamp != None:
            dt = (current_timestamp - self.last_timestamp).nsecs / 1e9
            cte = target_linear_velocity - current_linear_velocity
            acceleration = self.throttle_controller.step(cte, dt)

            filtvalue = self.low_pass_filter.filt(acceleration)
            if self.low_pass_filter.ready:
                acceleration = self.low_pass_filter.get()

            if acceleration >= 0:
                throttle = acceleration
                brake = 0.
                brake = self.vehicle_mass * abs(
                    acceleration) * self.wheel_radius
                throttle = 0.

        self.last_timestamp = current_timestamp

            'SENDING - [throttle,brake,steer]:[{:.4f},{:.4f},{:.4f}], [cA,cL]:[{:.4f},{:.4f}]m [tA, tL]:[{:.4f},{:.4f}]'
            .format(throttle, brake, steer, current_angular_velocity,
                    current_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity,

        return throttle, brake, steer

    def reset(self):
        Reset the controller's state.
        self.low_pass_filter = LowPassFilter(12.0, 1)
Esempio n. 8
class Controller(object):
    # TODO: Implement
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        # PID hyperparameters
        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0
        # Throttle values min, max
        mn = 0.
        mx = 0.2

        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        # Low pass filter
        tau = 0.5  # cutoff-frequence
        ts = 0.02  # sample time = 50 Hz
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        if IS_DEBUG:
            rospy.loginfo("Angular vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Target vel: {0}".format(linear_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Target ang vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Current vel: {0}".format(current_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Filtered vel: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,
        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel
        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time
        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 700  # Nm --> needed to hold car in place
        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)  # limit brake value
            brake = abs(decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius

        if IS_DEBUG:
            rospy.logwarn("vel error: {0}, throttle: {1}, brake: {2}".format(
                vel_error, throttle, brake))

        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 9
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()
        self.yaw_control = yaw_controller.YawController(
            kwargs['wheel_base'], kwargs['steer_ratio'], ONE_MPH,
            kwargs['max_lat_accel'], kwargs['max_steer_angle'])

        self.brake_deadband = kwargs['brake_deadband']
        self.fuel_capacity = kwargs['fuel_capacity']
        self.vehicle_mass = kwargs['vehicle_mass']
        self.decel_limit = kwargs['decel_limit']
        self.accel_limit = kwargs['accel_limit']
        self.wheel_radius = kwargs['wheel_radius']

        # Throttle PID and filter
        self.throttle_PID = pid.PID(KP_accel, KI_accel, KD_accel, 0, 1)
        self.throttle_lpf = LowPassFilter(0.02, 0.03)
        # Steering filter
        self.steer_lpf = LowPassFilter(0.015, 0.01)

    def control(self, desired_velocity_x, desired_vel_angular_z,
                current_velocity_x, dbw_enabled):

        actual_time = rospy.get_time()
        throttle = 0
        brake = 0
        steer = self.yaw_control.get_steering(desired_velocity_x,
        # Feed steering filter
        steer = self.steer_lpf.filt(steer)

        if not dbw_enabled:
            # Reset Throttle PID if dbw is not enable
            #Update timestamp
            self.last_time = actual_time
            return 0., 0., 0.

        # Calculate error to correct
        diff_velocity = desired_velocity_x - current_velocity_x
        diff_time = actual_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = actual_time

        #Limit the new acceleration value accordingly
        new_accel = min(max(self.decel_limit, diff_velocity), self.accel_limit)
        # Feed throttle filter
        throttle = self.throttle_PID.step(self.throttle_lpf.get(), diff_time)

        # If the difference is positive, them we accelerate
        if throttle > 0:
            brake = 0
        # If the difference is negative, them we deacelerate
            throttle = 0
            # Torque  = F * radius -> F = mass * acceleration. Include mass of fuel
            brake = abs(new_accel *
                        (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY +
                         DRIVER_WEIGHT) * self.wheel_radius)

        rospy.loginfo("DV: " + str(desired_velocity_x) + " DA: " +
                      str(desired_vel_angular_z) + " CV: " +
                      str(current_velocity_x) + " new_accel: " +
        rospy.loginfo("Steer: " + str(steer) + " Throttle: " + str(throttle) +
                      " Brake: " + str(brake))
        return throttle, brake, steer
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        # TODO: Implement

            "[Controller Init] vehicle_mass: {0}".format(vehicle_mass))
        rospy.logwarn("[Controller Init] decel_limit: {0}".format(decel_limit))
        rospy.logwarn("[Controller Init] accel_limit: {0}".format(accel_limit))
            "[Controller Init] wheel_radius: {0}".format(wheel_radius))

        min_speed = 0.1
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        #kp = 0.3
        #ki = 0.1
        #kd = 0.
        #mn = 0. #Minimum throttle value
        #mx = 0.2#Maximum throttle value
        #self.throttle_controller = PID(kp,ki,kd,mn,mx)

        #0530, add steering and throttle controller

        # Throttle
        #highway ok
        #testing lot ok, need use 10kms
        throttle_kp = 0.3
        throttle_ki = 0.1
        throttle_kd = 0.005

        #testing lot ok, need use 10kms
        #throttle_kp = 0.8
        #throttle_ki = 0.002
        #throttle_kd = 0.3

        #not good in testing log
        #throttle_kp = 0.8
        #throttle_ki = 0.00
        #throttle_kd = 0.06

        min_throttle = 0.0  # Minimum throttle value
        #max_throttle = 0.2 # Maximum throttle value (should be OK for simulation, not for Carla!)
        #max_throttle = 0.5*accel_limit
        max_throttle = accel_limit
        #self.throttle_controller =PID(2.0, 0.4, 0.1, min_throttle, max_throttle)
        self.throttle_controller = PID(throttle_kp, throttle_ki, throttle_kd,
                                       min_throttle, max_throttle)

        # Steering
        #highway ok
        #testing lot ok, need use 10kms
        steer_kp = 0.4
        steer_ki = 0.1
        steer_kd = 0.005

        #testing lot ok, need use 10kms
        #steer_kp = 1.15
        #steer_ki = 0.001
        #steer_kd = 0.1

        #not good in testing log
        #steer_kp = 0.5
        #steer_ki = 0.00
        #steer_kd = 0.2

        min_steer = -max_steer_angle
        max_steer = max_steer_angle
        self.steering_controller = PID(steer_kp, steer_ki, steer_kd, min_steer,

        #is for filter out the high frequency noise of volcity
        tau = 0.5  # 1/(2pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        ts = 0.02  #Sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        # catch the input
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.steer_ratio = steer_ratio
        self.max_lat_accel = max_lat_accel
        self.max_steer_angle = max_steer_angle

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()


    # this fun will be call 50Hz, from dbw_node
    def control(self, current_vel, curr_ang_vel, dbw_enabled, target_vel,
                target_ang_vel, get_first_image):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs

        if not dbw_enabled:
                "dbw_enabled: {0}, reset controller".format(dbw_enabled))

            #we also need to reset the PID controller to prevent
            #the error accumulating.
            # If we don't reset that, when we put dbw_enable back on , the PID will
            # use the wrong error to do something wrong behavior. ## because there is a integral term in PID.
            return 0., 0., 0.

        if get_first_image == False:
            rospy.logwarn("get_first_image: {0}, return 0.,750.,0.".format(
            return 0., 750., 0.

        #so, if dbw is enable

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        rospy.logwarn("Target vel: {0}".format(target_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("Target angular vel: {0}\n".format(target_ang_vel))

        rospy.logwarn("current_vel: {0}".format(current_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("current target_ang_vel: {0}".format(curr_ang_vel))

        rospy.logwarn("filtered vel: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        # time
        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        # steering
        #use Yaw controller to get the steering
        steering_base = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(
            target_vel, target_ang_vel, current_vel)
        #rospy.logwarn("steering: {0}\n".format(steering))
        target_ang_vel_error = target_ang_vel - curr_ang_vel
        steering_correction = self.steering_controller.step(
            target_ang_vel_error, sample_time)
        steering_total = steering_base + steering_correction
        steering = max(min(self.max_steer_angle, steering_total),
        # throttle
        #get the vel diff erro between the the vel we want to be (target_vel) v.s. the current_vel
        # the target_vel comes from twist_cmd, which is the waypoint_follower published, is the target vel
        # from waypoint updater
        vel_error = target_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel
        #use PID controller to get the proper throttle under the vel_error and the sample time
        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        #some constrain
        rospy.logwarn("[some constrain] target_vel: {0}".format(target_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("[some constrain] current_vel: {0}".format(current_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("[some constrain] vel_error: {0}".format(vel_error))
        rospy.logwarn("[some constrain] throttle: {0}".format(throttle))
        # if the target vel is 0, and we are very slow <0.1, set the throttle to 0 directly to stop
        if target_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
                "[twist_controller] target vel =0, and current vel is really small, directly STOP"
            throttle = 0
            brake = 750  #N*m to hold the car in place if we are stopped at a light. Acceleration 1m/s^2
            rospy.logwarn("[directly STOP] throttle: {0}".format(throttle))
            rospy.logwarn("[directly STOP] brake: {0}".format(brake))
            rospy.logwarn("[directly STOP] steering: {0}".format(steering))

        # vel_erro < 0 means the current car vel too fast than we want, and we still put small throttle
        # we directly stop to add throttle, and get the real brake, because this time
        # the car still moving, we need the real brake result from the vel, and mass, whell radius
        #elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error <0:
        elif vel_error < 0:

            rospy.logwarn("[twist_controller] slowing down")

            throttle = 0
            #decel is our desired deacceleration
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)

            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] self.decel_limit: {0}".format(
            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] vel_error: {0}".format(vel_error))
            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] decel: {0}".format(decel))

            # vehicle_mass in kilograms, wheel_radius in meters
            # use abs is because the simluator, the de-acceleration should be negative, but
            # the simulator get the positive number as the brake value
            #brake = abs(decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius # Torque N*m
            brake = abs(decel) * (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity *
                                  GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius

            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] self.wheel_radius: {0}".format(
            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] self.vehicle_mass: {0}".format(

            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] throttle: {0}".format(throttle))
            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] brake: {0}".format(brake))
            rospy.logwarn("[slowing down] steering: {0}".format(steering))
            rospy.logwarn("[donothing] throttle: {0}".format(throttle))
            rospy.logwarn("[donothing] brake: {0}".format(brake))
            rospy.logwarn("[donothing] steering: {0}".format(steering))

        # Return throttle(min is 0.1 m/s), brake, steer

        #hard code to keep car move stright
        #throttle = 1.0
        #brake = 0
        #steering = 0

        rospy.logwarn("[output] throttle: {0}".format(throttle))
        rospy.logwarn("[output] brake: {0}".format(brake))
        rospy.logwarn("[output] steering: {0}".format(steering))

        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 11
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base,

        # Throttle PID controller parameters
        # Tuned using Ziegler-Nichols method, temporarily using mx=1.0
        # see
        # Which gives the parameters Ku=2.1, Tu=1.4s
        # Which in turn results in:
        kp = 1.26
        ki = 1.8
        kd = 0.294

        # Throttle range, 0 is minimum. 0.2 max for safety and comfort, real max is 1.0
        mn = 0.0
        mx = 0.2
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        # Lowpass filter for measured velocity, the sensor is noisy
        tau = 0.5  # 1/(2*pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        ts = 0.02  # Sample time at 50 Hz
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):

        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        if DEBUG_LOG:
            rospy.logwarn("Angular vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.logwarn("Target velocity: {0}".format(linear_vel))
            rospy.logwarn("Target angular velocity: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.logwarn("Current velocity: {0}".format(current_vel))
            rospy.logwarn("Filtered velocity: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel

        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        # If we want to stop and are not going too fast, brake with known-good torque for staying still
        if linear_vel == 0.0 and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 700  # Nm - according to Slack comments, minimum 550 Nm required, but use 700 to be safer

        # If no/low throttle was indicated and we want to slow down (decelerate), give zero throttle and brake
        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error < 0.0:
            throttle = 0.0
            decel = max(vel_error,
                        self.decel_limit)  # decel_limit is negative as well
            brake = abs(
            ) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Braking torque in Nm

        # return 1., 0., 0.  # For debugging only, full gas ahead!
        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 12
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):

        # TODO: Implement

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.
        mn = 0.
        mx = 0.2
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        tau = 0.5  # 1/(2pi*tau) = cut_off frequency
        ts = 0.02  # sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, angular_vel, linear_vel, dbw_enabled):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        debug_messages("Angular vel: ", angular_vel)
        debug_messages("Linear vel: ", linear_vel)
        debug_messages("Target Angular vel: ", angular_vel)
        debug_messages("Current vel: ", current_vel)
        debug_messages("Filtered vel: ", self.vel_lpf.get())

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,
        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel

        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 700  # torque required at standstill as per updated walkthrough
        elif throttle < .1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0.
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Torque Nm
            # rospy.logwarn("braking at {0} Nm".format(brake))

        return throttle, brake, steering
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.steer_ratio = steer_ratio

        self.last_velocity = 0.

        self.lpf_fuel = LowPassFilter(60.0, 0.1)
        self.lpf_accel = LowPassFilter(0.5, 0.02)
        #self.lpf_angv = LowPassFilter(1.0, 1)

        self.accel_pid = PID(0.4, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        self.speed_pid = PID(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, self.decel_limit, self.accel_limit)

        self.yaw_control = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 4. * ONE_MPH,
                                         max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)
        self.last_ts = None

    def set_fuel(self, level):

    def get_vehicle_mass(self):
        return self.vehicle_mass + \
               self.lpf_fuel.get() / 100.0 * self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY

    def time_elasped(self, msg=None):
        now = rospy.get_time()
        if self.last_ts is None:
            self.last_ts = now
        elasped, self.last_ts = now - self.last_ts, now
        return elasped

    def control(self, current_velocity, dbw_enabled, linear_velocity,
        #rospy.logwarn("Current Velocity = %f, Linear Velocity = %f, Angular Velocity = %f", current_velocity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)
        time_elasped = self.time_elasped()
        given_av = angular_velocity
        if time_elasped > 1. / 5 or time_elasped < 1e-4:
            self.last_velocity = current_velocity
            return 0., 0., 0.

        vehicle_mass = self.get_vehicle_mass()
        vel_error = linear_velocity - current_velocity
        #rospy.logwarn("Velocity Error : %s",vel_error)

        if abs(linear_velocity) < ONE_MPH:

        accel_cmd = self.speed_pid.step(vel_error, time_elasped)
        #rospy.logwarn("Velocity step : %s",accel_cmd)

        min_speed = ONE_MPH * 5
        if linear_velocity < 0.01:
            #rospy.logwarn("Current Velocity = %f, Linear Velocity = %f, Angular Velocity = %f", current_velocity, linear_velocity, angular_velocity)
            #rospy.logwarn("Velocity Error : %s",vel_error)
            #rospy.logwarn("Velocity step Before: %s",accel_cmd)
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd,
                            -530. / vehicle_mass / self.wheel_radius)
#rospy.logwarn("computed accel_cmd : %s",accel_cmd)
#rospy.logwarn("Velocity step After: %s",accel_cmd)
        elif linear_velocity < min_speed:
            angular_velocity *= min_speed / linear_velocity
            linear_velocity = min_speed
#rospy.logwarn("updated angular_velocity : %s", angular_velocity)
#rospy.logwarn("updated linear velocity: %s",linear_velocity)

        accel = (current_velocity - self.last_velocity) / time_elasped
        #rospy.logwarn("Current accel = %f, Last = %f, New = %f", accel, self.last_velocity, current_velocity)
        self.last_velocity = current_velocity

        throttle, brake, steering = 0., 0., 0.
        if dbw_enabled:
            if accel_cmd >= 0:
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    accel_cmd - self.lpf_accel.get(), time_elasped)
            if (accel_cmd < -self.brake_deadband) or \
               (linear_velocity < min_speed):
                brake = -accel_cmd * vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius
#angular_velocity_filt = self.lpf_angv.filt(angular_velocity)
            steering = self.yaw_control.get_steering(linear_velocity,
#rospy.logwarn("Throttle = %f, Brake = %f, Steering = %f" , throttle, brake, steering)
#rospy.logwarn("given_av = %f,  comp_av = %f, filt_av = %f, Steering = %f" , given_av, angular_velocity, angular_velocity_filt, steering)
        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 14
class DBWNode(object):
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.loginfo("initing dbw_node")

        self.vehicle_mass = rospy.get_param('~vehicle_mass', 1736.35)
        fuel_capacity = rospy.get_param('~fuel_capacity', 13.5)
        self.brake_deadband = rospy.get_param('~brake_deadband', .1)
        decel_limit = rospy.get_param('~decel_limit', -5)
        accel_limit = rospy.get_param('~accel_limit', 1.)
        self.wheel_radius = rospy.get_param('~wheel_radius', 0.2413)
        wheel_base = rospy.get_param('~wheel_base', 2.8498)
        steer_ratio = rospy.get_param('~steer_ratio', 14.8)
        max_lat_accel = rospy.get_param('~max_lat_accel', 3.)
        max_steer_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_steer_angle', 8.)

        self.steer_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/steering_cmd',
        self.throttle_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/throttle_cmd',
        self.brake_pub = rospy.Publisher('/vehicle/brake_cmd',

        # self.prev_steer_val = None
        # self.prev_steer_val_set = False
        # self.tl_distance = -1
        # self.prev_tl_distance = -1
        # self.red_tl = True
        # self.tl_count = 0

        # TODO: Create `TwistController` object
        # self.controller = TwistController(<Arguments you wish to provide>)

        # TODO: Subscribe to all the topics you need to
        rospy.Subscriber('/twist_cmd', TwistStamped, self.twist_cmd_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber('/vehicle/dbw_enabled', Bool, self.dbw_enabled_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber('/current_velocity', TwistStamped,
        rospy.Subscriber('/tl_distance', Float32, self.tl_distance_cb)
        rospy.Subscriber('/go_to_stop_state', Bool, self.go_to_stop_cb)

        self.dbw = False
        self.angular_velocity_filter = LowPassFilter(.90, 1)
        self.velocity_filter = LowPassFilter(.9, 1)
        self.twist_yaw_filter = LowPassFilter(.2, .96)
        self.twist_velocity_filter = LowPassFilter(.96, .9)
        self.steer_filter = LowPassFilter(.2, .90)
        #self.p_v = [1.187355162, 0.044831144, 0.00295747] # v1.3
        #self.p_v = [1.325735147117472, 0.06556341512981727, 0.013549012506233077]  # v1.4
        #self.p_v = [1.9285529383307387, 0.0007904838169666957, 0.019058015342866958]
        #self.p_v = [1.181681729, 0.084559526, 0.021058816] v.1.5
        #self.p_v = [1.0671285679286078, 0.0011578159618311297, 0.011254946679196659] ## noise 0, 1.
        self.p_v = [0.9999999999, 0.0, 0.0]  ## noise 0
        #self.p_v = [0.923685948, 0.004035275, -0.000129007]  ## noise 0.05
        #self.p_v = [2.8144929000000034, 0.3190704767458041, 0.04469070609966564] # new values based on new brake system
        self.pidv = pid.PID(self.p_v[0], self.p_v[1], self.p_v[2])
        self.throttle = 0.
        min_speed = .01
        # At high speeds, a multiple of 1.2 seems to work a bit
        # better than 1.0
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, 1.2 * steer_ratio,
                                            min_speed, 8 * max_lat_accel,
        # contol if the car is going to stop
        self.go_to_stop = False


    Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped
    geometry_msgs/TwistStampedstd_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Twist twist
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z

    def go_to_stop_cb(self, msg):
        self.go_to_stop =

    def tl_distance_cb(self, msg):
        # self.tl_distance =
        # if self.prev_tl_distance == == -1:
        #     self.tl_count += 1 % 1000
        #     if self.tl_count > 10: self.red_tl = False
        # else:
        #     self.tl_count = 0
        #     self.prev_tl_distance =
        #     self.red_tl = True

    def twist_cmd_cb(self, msg):
        seq = msg.header.seq
        (x, y, yaw) = twist_to_xyy(msg)
        # rospy.loginfo("twist_cmd_cb %d", seq)
        #print("twist linear: [%f, %f, %f]" % (x, y, yaw))
        # if self.red_tl == True:
        #     vtwist = self.twist_velocity_filter.filt(0.1)
        # else:
        vtwist = self.twist_velocity_filter.filt(x)
        # calculate error between desired velocity and current velocity
        e = vtwist - self.velocity_filter.get()
        # feed pid controller with a dt of 0.033
        self.throttle = self.pidv.step(e, 0.03)
        if self.throttle < -3.0:
            rospy.logerr("Resetting PID !!!")
        self.throttle = self.pidv.step(e, 0.03)
        if msg.header.seq % 5 == 0:
            ts = msg.header.stamp.secs + 1.e-9 * msg.header.stamp.nsecs
            # rospy.loginfo("tcc %d %f %f  %f %f", seq, ts, x, yaw, self.twist_yaw_filter.get())

    Type: std_msgs/Bool

    def dbw_enabled_cb(self, msg):
        rospy.loginfo("dbw_enabled_cb %s",
        self.dbw =

    Type: geometry_msgs/TwistStamped

    def current_velocity_cb(self, msg):
        seq = msg.header.seq
        (x, y, yaw) = twist_to_xyy(msg)
        # rospy.loginfo("current_velocity_cb %i", seq)
        # factor = .90
        # if yaw != 0.:
        # self.filtered_angular_velocity = factor*self.filtered_angular_velocity + (1-factor)*yaw
        # self.filtered_velocity = factor*self.filtered_velocity + (1-factor)*x

        if msg.header.seq % 5 == 0:
            ts = msg.header.stamp.secs + 1.e-9 * msg.header.stamp.nsecs
            # ts seems to always be 0.
            yaw_per_meter = self.angular_velocity_filter.get(
            ) / self.velocity_filter.get()
            # rospy.loginfo("cv %d  %f %f  %f %f  %f", seq, self.velocity_filter.get(), x, self.angular_velocity_filter.get(), yaw, yaw_per_meter)

    def loop(self):
        # rate = rospy.Rate(50) # 50Hz
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # 10Hz
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # TODO: Get predicted throttle, brake, and steering using `twist_controller`
            # You should only publish the control commands if dbw is enabled
            # throttle, brake, steering = self.controller.control(<proposed linear velocity>,
            #                                                     <proposed angular velocity>,
            #                                                     <current linear velocity>,
            #                                                     <dbw status>,
            #                                                     <any other argument you need>)
            # if <dbw is enabled>:
            #   self.publish(throttle, brake, steer)
            if self.dbw == True:
                twist = self.twist_yaw_filter.get()
                #steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(self.twist_velocity_filter.get(), twist, self.velocity_filter.get())
                steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(
                    self.velocity_filter.get(), twist,
                steer = self.steer_filter.filt(steer)

                # define throttle command based on pid controller
                throttle = brake = 0.

                if self.go_to_stop == False:

                    if abs(self.throttle) > 1.:
                        if self.throttle > 0:
                            throttle = 1.0
                            throttle = 0.
                            #brake = 1.0 * 10
                            v = self.velocity_filter.get()
                            t = 0.03  # time to brake
                            u = 0.70  # friction coeficcient
                            g = 9.8  # gravity force
                            D = (v * t) + (v**2 / (2. * u * 9.8))
                            # calculate work needed to stop
                            w = 0.5 * self.vehicle_mass * (v**2 - (v - t)**2)
                            # caculate the force
                            F = w / D
                            brake = (2 * u * F *
                                     self.wheel_radius) + self.brake_deadband
                    elif self.throttle < 0:
                        throttle = 0
                        #brake = (abs(self.throttle) + self.brake_deadband) #* 10
                        #if brake > 1.: brake = 1. * 1000
                        v = self.velocity_filter.get()
                        t = 0.03  # time to brake
                        u = 0.70  # friction coeficcient
                        g = 9.8  # gravity force
                        D = (v * t) + (v**2 / (2. * u * 9.8))
                        # calculate work needed to stop
                        w = 0.5 * self.vehicle_mass * (v**2 - (v - t)**2)
                        # caculate the force
                        F = w / D
                        brake = (2 * u * F *
                                 self.wheel_radius) + self.brake_deadband
                        throttle = self.throttle + self.brake_deadband
                        if throttle > 1.: throttle = 1.

                    v = self.velocity_filter.get()
                    t = 4.0  # time to brake
                    u = 0.70  # friction coeficcient
                    g = 9.8  # gravity force
                    D = (v * t) + (v**2 / (2. * u * 9.8))
                    # calculate work needed to stop
                    w = 0.5 * self.vehicle_mass * v**2
                    # caculate the force
                    F = w / D
                    brake = (2 * u * F *
                             self.wheel_radius) + self.brake_deadband
                    #brake *= 10.
                        "[%f] throttle: %f brake: %f steering angle: %f " %
                        (self.throttle, throttle, brake, steer))

                # throttle is 0.35, which runs the car at about 40 mph.
                # throttle of 0.98 will run the car at about 115 mph.
                    "[%f] throttle: %f brake: %f steering angle: %f " %
                    (self.throttle, throttle, brake, steer))
                self.publish(throttle, brake, steer)


    def publish(self, throttle, brake, steer):
        tcmd = ThrottleCmd()
        tcmd.enable = True
        tcmd.pedal_cmd_type = ThrottleCmd.CMD_PERCENT
        tcmd.pedal_cmd = throttle

        scmd = SteeringCmd()
        scmd.enable = True
        scmd.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = steer

        bcmd = BrakeCmd()
        bcmd.enable = True
        bcmd.pedal_cmd_type = BrakeCmd.CMD_TORQUE
        bcmd.pedal_cmd = brake
Esempio n. 15
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.
        mn = 0.  # min throttle value
        mx = 0.2  # max throttle value
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        tau = 0.5  # 1 / (2pi * tau) = cutoff freq
        ts = 0.02  # Sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        rospy.loginfo('Angular Velocillty: {0}'.format(angular_vel))
        rospy.loginfo('Target Velocity: {0}'.format(linear_vel))
        rospy.loginfo('Target Angular Velocity: {0}'.format(angular_vel))
        rospy.loginfo('Current Velocity: {0}'.format(current_vel))
        rospy.loginfo('Filtered Velocity: {0}'.format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel

        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 400  # N * m to hold the car in place if we are stopped at a light. Acceleration ~ 1 m/s^2
        elif throttle < .1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Torque N * m

        return throttle, brake, steering
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Implement
        # pass

        tau = 0.5
        ts = .02
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.
        mn = 0.
        mx = 0.5
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        wheel_base = kwargs['wheel_base']
        steer_ratio = kwargs['steer_ratio']
        max_lat_accel = kwargs['max_lat_accel']
        max_steer_angle = kwargs['max_steer_angle']
        min_speed = 0.1
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        self.vehicle_mass = kwargs['vehicle_mass']
        self.fuel_capacity = kwargs['fuel_capacity']
        self.brake_deadband = kwargs['brake_deadband']
        self.decel_limit = kwargs['decel_limit']
        self.accel_limit = kwargs['accel_limit']
        self.wheel_radius = kwargs['wheel_radius']

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        # return 1., 0., 0.

        proposed_linear_velocity = args[0]
        proposed_angular_velocity = args[1]
        current_linear_velocity = args[2]
        dbw_status = args[3]

        if not dbw_status:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        current_linear_velocity = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_linear_velocity)

        # rospy.logwarn("Target linear velocity: {0}".format(proposed_linear_velocity))
        # rospy.logwarn("Target angular velocity: {0}".format(proposed_angular_velocity))
        # rospy.logwarn("Current linear velocity: {0}".format(current_linear_velocity))
        # rospy.logwarn("filtered linear velocity: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        steer = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(proposed_linear_velocity,

        vel_error = proposed_linear_velocity - current_linear_velocity
        now_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = now_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = now_time
        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)

            "Target_lv: {0} Target_av: {1} Current_lv: {2}  filtered_lv: {3} sample_time: {4}"
            .format(proposed_linear_velocity, proposed_angular_velocity,
                    current_linear_velocity, self.vel_lpf.get(), sample_time))

        brake = 0
        if proposed_linear_velocity == 0. and current_linear_velocity < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 400
        elif throttle < .1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  #Torque N*m

        # rospy.loginfo("throttle: {0} brake: {1} steer: {2}".format(throttle, brake, steer))
        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 17
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.vehicle_mass = kwargs['vehicle_mass']
        self.fuel_capacity = kwargs['fuel_capacity']
        self.brake_deadband = kwargs['brake_deadband']
        self.decel_limit = kwargs['decel_limit']
        self.accel_limit = kwargs['accel_limit']
        self.wheel_radius = kwargs['wheel_radius']
        self.wheel_base = kwargs['wheel_base']
        self.steer_ratio = kwargs['steer_ratio']
        self.max_lat_accel = kwargs['max_lat_accel']
        self.max_steer_angle = kwargs['max_steer_angle']

        self.brake_torque_const = (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity *
                                   GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius

        self.twist = None
        self.current_velocity = 0.0
        self.past_velocity = 0.0
        self.current_acc = 0.0

        self.lowpass_filter_acc = LowPassFilter(LPF_ACC_TAU, 1.0 / 50)
        self.pid_vel = PID(PID_P_VEL, PID_I_VEL, PID_D_VEL, self.decel_limit,
        self.pid_acc = PID(PID_P_ACC, PID_I_ACC, PID_D_ACC, 0.0, 0.75)

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(self.wheel_base, self.steer_ratio,
                                            MIN_SPEED, self.max_lat_accel,
        #rospy.logerr('twist_controller.self() done')

    def control(self):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        return 0., 0., 0.

    def control(self, required_vel_linear, required_vel_angular,
        throttle, brake, steering = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        velocity_error = required_vel_linear - current_velocity
        #get current acc using lowpass filter
        #rospy.logerr('twist_controller: velocity_error=%d',velocity_error)
        acc_temp = (self.past_velocity - current_velocity) * 50.0
        self.past_velocity = current_velocity
        self.current_acc = self.lowpass_filter_acc.get(
        )  #at first, current_acc=0
        #rospy.logerr('twist_controller: current_acc=%d',self.current_acc)

        required_acc = self.pid_vel.step(velocity_error, 1.0 / 50)
        #rospy.logerr('twist_controller: required_acc=%d',required_acc)

        if required_acc < 0:
            throttle = 0
            if -required_acc > self.brake_deadband:
                #brake, but not over the brak deadband
                brake = -self.decel_limit * self.brake_torque_const
                brake = -required_acc * self.brake_torque_const
            if required_acc > self.accel_limit:
                throttle = self.pid_acc.step(
                    self.accel_limit - self.current_acc, 1.0 / 50)
                throttle = self.pid_acc.step(required_acc - self.current_acc,
                                             1.0 / 50)
        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(required_vel_linear,

        return throttle, brake, steering

    def reset(self):
Esempio n. 18
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, speed_kp, accel_kp, accel_ki, max_lat_accel,
                 accel_tau, max_steer_angle):
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.steer_ratio = steer_ratio

        self.last_velocity = 0.

        self.lpf_fuel = LowPassFilter(60.0, 0.1)
        self.lpf_accel = LowPassFilter(accel_tau, 0.02)

        self.accel_pid = PID(accel_kp, accel_ki, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        self.speed_pid = PID(speed_kp, 0.0, 0.0, self.decel_limit,

        self.yaw_control = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 4. * ONE_MPH,
                                         max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)
        self.last_ts = None

    def set_fuel(self, level):

    def get_vehicle_mass(self):
        return self.vehicle_mass + \
               self.lpf_fuel.get() / 100.0 * self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY

    def time_elasped(self, msg=None):
        now = rospy.get_time()
        if self.last_ts is None:
            self.last_ts = now
        elasped, self.last_ts = now - self.last_ts, now
        return elasped

    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity,
        time_elasped = self.time_elasped()
        if time_elasped > 1. / 5 or time_elasped < 1e-4:
            self.last_velocity = current_velocity
            return 0., 0., 0.

        vehicle_mass = self.get_vehicle_mass()
        vel_error = linear_velocity - current_velocity

        if abs(linear_velocity) < ONE_MPH:

        accel_cmd = self.speed_pid.step(vel_error, time_elasped)

        min_speed = ONE_MPH * 5
        if linear_velocity < 0.01:
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd,
                            -530. / vehicle_mass / self.wheel_radius)
        elif linear_velocity < min_speed:
            angular_velocity *= min_speed / linear_velocity
            linear_velocity = min_speed

        accel = (current_velocity - self.last_velocity) / time_elasped
        #rospy.logwarn("Current accel = %f, Last = %f, New = %f", accel, self.last_velocity, current_velocity)
        self.last_velocity = current_velocity

        throttle, brake, steering = 0., 0., 0.
        if dbw_enbaled:
            if accel_cmd >= 0:
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    accel_cmd - self.lpf_accel.get(), time_elasped)
            if (accel_cmd < -self.brake_deadband) or \
               (linear_velocity < min_speed):
                brake = -accel_cmd * vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius

            steering = self.yaw_control.get_steering(linear_velocity,
        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 19
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):

        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.0
        mn = 0.0  # Minimum throttle value
        mx = 0.2  # Maximum throttle value
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        tau = 0.5  # 1/(2pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        ts = 0.02  # Sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs

        # check is dbw node enabled, if not, reset throttle controller
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # otherwise, get current velocity through low pass filter
        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        rospy.loginfo("Angular vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
        rospy.loginfo("Target velocity: {0}".format(linear_vel))
        rospy.loginfo("Target angular velocity: {0}\n".format(angular_vel))
        rospy.loginfo("Current velocity: {0}".format(current_vel))
        rospy.loginfo("Filtered velocity: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        # get steering from yaw_controller
        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        # get velocity error
        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel

        # get sample time from difference between rospy current time and last time
        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        # Get sample time for each step of our throttle PID controller
        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        # check if our linear velocity is 0 and we are going very slow, we should stop
        if linear_vel == 0.0 and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 700  # N*m - to hold the car in place if we are stopped at a light. accel  ~ 1m/s^2

        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Torque N*m

        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 20
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle):

        assert isinstance(vehicle, Vehicle)
        self.vehicle = vehicle

        self.accel_pid = PID(kp=.4, ki=.1, kd=0., mn=0., mx=1.)

        self.speed_pid = PID(kp=2.,

        self.last_velocity = 0.

        self.curr_fuel = LowPassFilter(tau=60.0, ts=0.1)
        self.lpf_accel = LowPassFilter(tau=.5, ts=0.02)

        self.yaw_control = YawController(
            min_speed=4. * ONE_MPH,
        self.last_ts = None

    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity):
        time_elapsed = self.time_elapsed()
        if time_elapsed > 1. / 5 or time_elapsed < 1e-4:
            self.last_velocity = current_velocity
            return 0., 0., 0.

        vehicle_mass = self.vehicle.gross_mass(curr_fuel=self.curr_fuel.get(),
        vel_error = linear_velocity - current_velocity

        if abs(linear_velocity) < ONE_MPH:

        accel_cmd = self.speed_pid.step(vel_error, time_elapsed)

        min_speed = ONE_MPH * 5.
        if linear_velocity < .01:
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd,
                            -530. / vehicle_mass / self.vehicle.wheel_radius)
        elif linear_velocity < min_speed:
            angular_velocity *= min_speed / linear_velocity
            linear_velocity = min_speed

        accel = (current_velocity - self.last_velocity) / time_elapsed

        _ = self.lpf_accel.filt(accel)
        self.last_velocity = current_velocity

        throttle, brake = 0., 0.

        if accel_cmd >= 0:
            throttle = self.accel_pid.step(accel_cmd - self.lpf_accel.get(),

        if (accel_cmd < -self.vehicle.brake_deadband) or (linear_velocity <
            brake = -accel_cmd * vehicle_mass * self.vehicle.wheel_radius

        steering = self.yaw_control.get_steering(linear_velocity,

        return throttle, brake, steering

    def reset_pids(self):

    def time_elapsed(self):
        now = rospy.get_time()
        if not self.last_ts:
            self.last_ts = now

        elapsed, self.last_ts = now - self.last_ts, now

        return elapsed
Esempio n. 21
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.0  # maximum throttle angle
        mn = 0.0  # minimum throttle value
        mx = 0.3  # maximum throttle value
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        tau = 0.5  # 1/(2pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        ts = 0.02  # sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)
        rospy.logwarn("Angular vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("Target velocity: {0}".format(linear_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("Target angular velocity: {0}\n".format(angular_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("Current velocity: {0}".format(current_vel))
        rospy.logwarn("Filtered velocity: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel

        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        if linear_vel == 0.0 and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            brake = 700  # N.m - to hold the car in place
        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Torque N.m

        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 22
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity,
            brake_deadband, decel_limit, accel_limit,
            wheel_radius, wheel_base, steer_ratio,
            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle,
            min_speed, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.wheel_base = wheel_base
        self.steer_ratio = steer_ratio
        self.max_lat_accel = max_lat_accel
        self.max_steer_angle = max_steer_angle
        self.min_speed = min_speed

        self.previous_linear_velocity = None
        self.speed_controller = PID(2., 0., 0.) # values provided by DataSpeedInc for MKZ
        self.accel_controller = PID(0.4, 0.1, 0., mn=0., mx=self.accel_limit)  # values provided by DataSpeedInc for MKZ
        self.accel_lowpassfilter = LowPassFilter(0.5, 0.2)  # values provided by DataSpeedInc for MKZ

        self.steering_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, min_speed, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

    def control(self, target_linear_velocity, target_angular_velocity,
            current_linear_velocity, current_angular_velocity, control_rate,
            dbw_is_enabled, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs

        if self.previous_linear_velocity is None:
            self.previous_linear_velocity = current_linear_velocity
            raw_accel = control_rate * (current_linear_velocity.x - self.previous_linear_velocity.x) # TODO: parameterize: 50 comes from the dbw_node Rate value

        velocity_error = target_linear_velocity.x - current_linear_velocity.x
        accel = self.speed_controller.step(velocity_error, 1./ control_rate)

        steer = 0.
        throttle =0.
        brake = 0.

        if accel >= 0.:
            throttle = self.accel_controller.step(accel-self.accel_lowpassfilter.get(), 1./ control_rate)
        else: # TODO: Check if accel requested for braking is smaller than brake_deadband 
            accel = max(self.decel_limit, accel)
            brake = -accel * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius #TODO: Add passanger weights and consider GAS weight

        steer = self.steering_controller.get_steering(target_linear_velocity.x,target_angular_velocity.z,current_linear_velocity.x)
        steer = max(-self.max_steer_angle, min(self.max_steer_angle, steer))

        if not dbw_is_enabled:

        self.previous_linear_velocity = current_linear_velocity
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        return throttle, brake, steer
Esempio n. 23
class Controller(object):

    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband, decel_limit,
		accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base, steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0.
        mn = 0.  # Minimum throttle value
        mx = 0.2  # Maximum throttle value
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        tau = 0.5 # 1/(2pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        ts = .02 # Sample time
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_vel = 0
        self.last_time = rospy.get_time() 

    def control(self, linear_vel, angular_vel, current_vel, curr_ang_vel, dbw_enabled):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        	linear_vel: proposed linear velocity
        	angular_vel: proposed angular velocity
        	current_vel: current linear velocity
		curr_ang_vel: current angular velocity
        	dbw_enabled: DBW status
        if not dbw_enabled:
        	# Turn off/Reset PID controller
        	return 0., 0., 0.

    	current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

    	rospy.logwarn("Current Linear Velocity: {0}".format(current_vel))
    	rospy.logwarn("Filtered Velocity: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))
    	rospy.logwarn("Current Angular Velocity: {0}".format(curr_ang_vel))
    	rospy.logwarn("Target Linear Velocity: {0}".format(linear_vel))
    	rospy.logwarn("Target Angular Velocity {0}".format(angular_vel))

    	steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel, current_vel, curr_ang_vel)

    	vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
    	self.last_vel = current_vel

    	current_time = rospy.get_time()
    	sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
    	self.last_time = current_time

    	throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
    	brake = 0

    	if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
    		throttle = 0
    		brake = 400  # N*m - to hold the car in place if we are stopped at a light. Acceleration - 1m/s^2

	elif throttle < .1 and vel_error < 0:
		throttle = 0
		decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
		brake = abs(decel)*self.vehicle_mass*self.wheel_radius # Torque N*m

	return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 24
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self):

        self.mass = rospy.get_param('~vehicle_mass', 1736.35)
        self.fuel_capacity = rospy.get_param('~fuel_capacity', 13.5)
        self.brake_deadband = rospy.get_param('~brake_deadband', .1)
        self.decel_limit = rospy.get_param('~decel_limit', -5)
        self.accel_limit = rospy.get_param('~accel_limit', 1.)
        self.wheel_radius = rospy.get_param('~wheel_radius', 0.2413)
        self.wheel_base = rospy.get_param('~wheel_base', 2.8498)
        self.steer_ratio = rospy.get_param('~steer_ratio', 14.8)
        self.max_lat_accel = rospy.get_param('~max_lat_accel', 3.)
        self.max_steer_angle = rospy.get_param('~max_steer_angle', 8.)
        self.fuel_density = rospy.get_param('~fuel_density', 2.858)

        self.vehicle_mass = self.mass + self.fuel_capacity * self.fuel_density
        self.vehicle_mass_wheel_radius = self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius

        self.throttle_pid = PID(.4, .1, 0., 0., 1.)

        self.accel_pid = PID(2., 0., 0., self.decel_limit, self.accel_limit)

        self.accel_f = LowPassFilter(.5, 0.02)

        self.yaw_control = YawController(self.wheel_base, self.steer_ratio, 1,

        self.min_speed = 2.
        self.last_velocity = 0.0
        self.last_time = 0

    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, current_velocity):
        delta_t = self.delta_time()
        lv_delta = linear_velocity - current_velocity
        v_delta = current_velocity - self.last_velocity
        self.last_velocity = current_velocity

        if delta_t == 0:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        if abs(linear_velocity) < ONE_MPH: self.accel_pid.reset()

        accel_cmd = self.accel_pid.step(lv_delta, delta_t)

        if linear_velocity < .01:
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd,
                            -530. / self.vehicle_mass / self.wheel_radius)
        elif linear_velocity < self.min_speed:
            angular_velocity *= self.min_speed / linear_velocity
            linear_velocity = self.min_speed

        throttle = self.get_trottle(accel_cmd, v_delta, delta_t)

        brake = self.get_brake(accel_cmd, linear_velocity)

        steering = self.yaw_control.get_steering(linear_velocity,

        return throttle, brake, steering

    def delta_time(self):
        """ Calculate step time delta current time - previous time. """
        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        if self.last_time == 0: self.last_time = current_time
        delta_t = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time
        return delta_t

    def get_brake(self, accel_cmd, linear_velocity):
        if (accel_cmd < -self.brake_deadband) or (linear_velocity <
            return -accel_cmd * self.vehicle_mass_wheel_radius
        return 0.0

    def get_trottle(self, accel_cmd, v_delta, delta_t):
        accel = v_delta / delta_t
        if accel_cmd >= 0:
            return self.throttle_pid.step(accel_cmd - self.accel_f.get(),
        return 0.0

    def reset(self):
Esempio n. 25
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.vehicle_mass = args[0]
        self.fuel_capacity = args[1]
        self.brake_deadband = args[2]
        self.decel_limit = args[3]
        self.accel_limit = args[4]
        self.wheel_radius = args[5]
        self.wheel_base = args[6]
        self.steer_ratio = args[7]
        self.max_lat_accel = args[8]
        self.max_steer_angle = args[9]

        self.velocity_pid_ = PID(VELOCITY_Kp, VELOCITY_Ki, VELOCITY_Kd, -abs(self.decel_limit), abs(self.accel_limit))
        self.accel_pid_ = PID(ACCEL_Kp, ACCEL_Ki, ACCEL_Kd)
        self.steer_pid_ = PID(STEER_Kp, STEER_Ki, STEER_Ki, -abs(self.max_steer_angle), abs(self.max_steer_angle))
        self.steering_cntrl = YawController(self.wheel_base, self.steer_ratio, MIN_SPEED, self.max_lat_accel, self.max_steer_angle)

        self.accel_lpf_ = LowPassFilter(ACCEL_Tau, ACCEL_Ts)

    def control(self, *args, **kwargs):
        current_time = args[0]
        last_cmd_time = args[1]
        control_period = args[2]
        twist_cmd = args[3]
        current_velocity = args[4]
        dbw_enabled = args[5]
        brake_deadband = args[6]
        cte = args[7]

        if (current_time - last_cmd_time) > 10 * control_period:

        # assuming 2 pax in car plus full tank
        vehicle_mass = self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY + 2 * WEIGHT_PERSON

        velocity_error = twist_cmd.twist.linear.x - current_velocity.twist.linear.x

        if abs(twist_cmd.twist.linear.x) < 1.0 * ONE_MPH:

        accel_cmd = self.velocity_pid_.step(velocity_error, control_period)

        if twist_cmd.twist.linear.x <= 1e-2:
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd, -530 / vehicle_mass / self.wheel_radius)
        elif twist_cmd.twist.linear.x < MIN_SPEED:
            twist_cmd.twist.angular.z = twist_cmd.twist.angular.z * MIN_SPEED / twist_cmd.twist.linear.x
            twist_cmd.twist.linear.x = MIN_SPEED

        if dbw_enabled:
            if accel_cmd >= 0:
                throttle_val = self.accel_pid_.step(accel_cmd - self.accel_lpf_.get(), control_period)
                throttle_val = 0

            if accel_cmd < -brake_deadband or twist_cmd.twist.linear.x < MIN_SPEED:
                brake_val = -accel_cmd * vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius
                brake_val = 0

            steering_val = self.steering_cntrl.get_steering(twist_cmd.twist.linear.x, twist_cmd.twist.angular.z, current_velocity.twist.linear.x) \
                            + self.steer_pid_.step(cte, control_period)
            steering_val = max(-abs(self.max_steer_angle), min(abs(self.max_steer_angle), steering_val))
            return throttle_val, brake_val, steering_val
            return 0., 0., 0.

    def filter_accel_value(self, value):

    def get_filtered_accel(self):
        return self.accel_lpf_.get()
Esempio n. 26
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, sampling_rate, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity,
                 brake_deadband, decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius,
                 wheel_base, steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate

        tau = LPF_ACCEL_TAU  # 1/(2pi*tau) = cutoff frequency
        self.sampling_time = 1. / self.sampling_rate

        # rospy.logwarn('TwistController: Sampling rate = ' + str(self.sampling_rate))
        # rospy.logwarn('TwistController: Sampling time = ' + str(self.sampling_time))

        self.prev_vel = 0.0
        self.current_accel = 0.0
        self.acc_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, self.sampling_time)

        self.brake_torque_const = (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity *
                                   GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius

        # Initialise PID controller for speed control
        self.pid_spd_ctl = PID(PID_SPDCTL_P, PID_SPDCTL_I, PID_SPDCTL_D,
                               self.decel_limit, self.accel_limit)

        # second controller to get throttle signal between 0 and 1
        self.accel_pid = PID(PID_ACC_P, PID_ACC_I, PID_ACC_D, 0.0, 0.8)

        # Initialise Yaw controller for steering control
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        # self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def reset(self):

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        """Returns (throttle, brake, steer), or None"""

        throttle, brake, steering = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        if not dbw_enabled:
            return None

        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel

        # calculate current acceleration and smooth using lpf
        accel_temp = self.sampling_rate * (self.prev_vel - current_vel)
        # update
        self.prev_vel = current_vel
        self.current_accel = self.acc_lpf.get()

        # use velocity controller compute desired accelaration
        desired_accel = self.pid_spd_ctl.step(vel_error, self.sampling_time)

        if desired_accel > 0.0:
            if desired_accel < self.accel_limit:
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    desired_accel - self.current_accel, self.sampling_time)
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    self.accel_limit - self.current_accel, self.sampling_time)
            brake = 0.0
            throttle = 0.0
            # reset just to be sure
            if abs(desired_accel) > self.brake_deadband:
                # don't bother braking unless over the deadband level
                # make sure we do not brake to hard
                if abs(desired_accel) > abs(self.decel_limit):
                    brake = abs(self.decel_limit) * self.brake_torque_const
                    brake = abs(desired_accel) * self.brake_torque_const

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        # throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        # brake = 0
        # if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
        #     throttle = 0
        #     brake = 400 # N*m - to hold the car in place if we are stopped at a light. Acceleration - 1m/s^2
        # elif throttle < .1 and vel_error < 0:
        #     throttle = 0
        #     decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)
        #     brake = abs(decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius # Torque N*m

        return throttle, brake, steering
class Controller(object):
    #def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Implement
    # init in dbw:
    # self.controller = Controller(vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass,
    #                                    fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity,
    #                                    brake_deadband = brake_deadband,
    #                                    decel_limit = decel_limit,
    #                                    accel_limit = accel_limit,
    #                                    wheel_radius = wheel_radius,
    #                                    wheel_base = wheel_base,
    #                                    steer_ratio = steer_ratio,
    #                                    max_lat_accel = max_lat_accel,
    #                                    max_steer_angle = max_steer_angle)

    # usage in dbw:
    #self.throttle, self.brake, self.steering = self.controller.control(self.current_vel,
    #                                                                            self.dbw_enabled,
    #                                                                            self.linear_vel,
    #                                                                            self.angular_vel)
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        kp = 0.3
        ki = 0.1
        kd = 0
        mn = 0.  # mimnimum throttle value
        mx = 0.2  # maximum throttle value
        self.throttle_controller = PID(kp, ki, kd, mn, mx)

        # velocity is noisy, so use low-pass filter
        tau = 0.5  # 1/ (2*pi*tau) = cutoff-frequence
        ts = 0.02  # sample time = 50 Hz
        self.vel_lpf = LowPassFilter(tau, ts)

        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius
        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    #def control(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
    # Return throttle, brake, steer
    #return 1., 0., 0.

    def control(self, current_vel, dbw_enabled, linear_vel, angular_vel):
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0., 0., 0.

        # get lowpass-filtered velocity
        current_vel = self.vel_lpf.filt(current_vel)

        if IS_DEBUG:
            rospy.loginfo("Angular vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Target vel: {0}".format(linear_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Target ang vel: {0}".format(angular_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Current vel: {0}".format(current_vel))
            rospy.loginfo("Filtered vel: {0}".format(self.vel_lpf.get()))

        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_vel, angular_vel,

        vel_error = linear_vel - current_vel
        self.last_vel = current_vel

        current_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = current_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = current_time

        throttle = self.throttle_controller.step(vel_error, sample_time)
        brake = 0

        if linear_vel == 0. and current_vel < 0.1:
            throttle = 0
            # brake = 400 # Nm --> needed to hold car in place if we are at a light, resulting acceleration = -1 m/s^2
            brake = 700  # Nm --> needed to hold car in place if we are at a light, resulting acceleration = -1 m/s^2
        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_error < 0:
            throttle = 0
            decel = max(vel_error, self.decel_limit)  # limit brake value
            brake = abs(
            ) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # torque = N * m = acceleration * mass * radius

        if IS_DEBUG:
            rospy.logwarn("vel error: {0}, throttle: {1}, brake: {2}".format(
                vel_error, throttle, brake))

        # problem with this controller:
        # by the time, car is away from waypoint, waypoint_follower send new commands
        # 1. waypoint_folloer: make sure, it will update every time; if not following waypoints, do update
        # 2. change yaw-controller and add some damping terms (current_ang_vel vs target_ang_vel --> if too large...)

        return throttle, brake, steering
Esempio n. 28
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Implement
        self.vehicle_mass = args[0]
        self.fuel_capacity = args[1]
        self.brake_deadband = args[2]
        self.decel_limit = args[3]
        self.accel_limit = args[4]
        self.wheel_radius = args[5]
        self.wheel_base = args[6]
        self.steer_ratio = args[7]
        self.max_lat_accel = args[8]
        self.max_steer_angle = args[9]

        self.velocity_pid = PID(VELOCITY_Kp, VELOCITY_Ki, VELOCITY_Kd,
                                -abs(self.decel_limit), abs(self.accel_limit))
        self.accel_pid = PID(ACCEL_Kp, ACCEL_Ki, ACCEL_Kd)
        self.steering_cntrl = YawController(self.wheel_base, self.steer_ratio,
                                            MIN_SPEED, self.max_lat_accel,

        self.accel_lpf = LowPassFilter(ACCEL_Tau, ACCEL_Ts)

    def control(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer
        #return 1., 0., 0.
        current_time = args[0]
        last_cmd_time = args[1]
        control_period = args[2]
        twist_cmd = args[3]
        current_velocity = args[4]
        dbw_enabled = args[5]

        if (current_time - last_cmd_time) > 10 * control_period:

        vehicle_mass = self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity * GAS_DENSITY + 2 * WEIGHT_PERSON

        velocity_error = twist_cmd.twist.linear.x - current_velocity.twist.linear.x

        if abs(twist_cmd.twist.linear.x) < (1.0 * ONE_MPH):

        accel_cmd = self.velocity_pid.step(velocity_error, control_period)

        if twist_cmd.twist.linear.x <= 1e-2:
            accel_cmd = min(accel_cmd, -530 / vehicle_mass / self.wheel_radius)
        elif twist_cmd.twist.linear.x < MIN_SPEED:
            twist_cmd.twist.angular.z = twist_cmd.twist.angular.z * MIN_SPEED / twist_cmd.twist.linear.x
            twist_cmd.twist.linear.x = MIN_SPEED

        if dbw_enabled:
            if accel_cmd >= 0:
                throttle_val = self.accel_pid.step(
                    accel_cmd - self.accel_lpf.get(), control_period)
                throttle_val = 0.0

            if accel_cmd < -self.brake_deadband or twist_cmd.twist.linear.x < MIN_SPEED:
                brake_val = -accel_cmd * vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius
                brake_val = 0.0

            steering_val = self.steering_cntrl.get_steering(
                twist_cmd.twist.linear.x, twist_cmd.twist.angular.z,
            )  #+ STEER_Kp * (twist_cmd.twist.angular.z - current_velocity.twist.angular.z)

            return throttle_val, brake_val, steering_val
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

    def filter_accel_value(self, value):

    def get_filtered_accel(self):
        return self.accel_lpf.get()
Esempio n. 29
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Start init')
        self.sampling_rate = kwargs["sampling_rate"]
        self.decel_limit = kwargs["decel_limit"]
        self.accel_limit = kwargs["accel_limit"]
        # brake_deadband is the interval in which the brake would be ignored
        # the car would just be allowed to slow by itself/coast to a slower speed
        self.brake_deadband = kwargs["brake_deadband"]
        self.vehicle_mass = kwargs["vehicle_mass"]
        self.fuel_capacity = kwargs["fuel_capacity"]
        self.wheel_radius = kwargs["wheel_radius"]
        # bunch of parameters to use for the Yaw (steering) controller
        self.wheel_base = kwargs["wheel_base"]
        self.steer_ratio = kwargs["steer_ratio"]
        self.max_lat_accel = kwargs["max_lat_accel"]
        self.max_steer_angle = kwargs["max_steer_angle"]

        self.delta_t = 1 / self.sampling_rate
        self.brake_torque_const = (self.vehicle_mass + self.fuel_capacity \
            * GAS_DENSITY) * self.wheel_radius

        self.past_vel_linear = 0.0
        self.current_accel = 0.0
        self.low_pass_filter_accel = LowPassFilter(LPF_ACCEL_TAU, self.delta_t)

        # Initialise speed PID, with tuning parameters
        # Will use this PID for the speed control
        self.pid_vel_linear = PID(PID_VEL_P, PID_VEL_I, PID_VEL_D,
                                  self.decel_limit, self.accel_limit)

        # second controller to get throttle signal between 0 and 1
        self.accel_pid = PID(PID_ACC_P, PID_ACC_I, PID_ACC_D, 0.0, 0.75)

        # Initialise Yaw controller - this gives steering values using
        # vehicle attributes/bicycle model
        # Need to have some minimum speed before steering is applied
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(

        rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Complete init')
        rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Steer ratio = ' +

    def control(self, required_vel_linear, required_vel_angular,

        throttle, brake, steering = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # uncomment for debugging pruposes otherwise we write logs at 50 Hz
        #rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Control call at ' + str(rospy.get_time()))
        #rospy.loginfo('TwistController: ' + 'Desired linear/angular = ' + str(required_vel_linear) + ","
        #              + str(required_vel_angular) + ' Current = ' + str(current_vel_linear) + ',' + str(current_vel_angular))

        # calculate the difference (error) between desired and current linear velocity
        velocity_error = required_vel_linear - current_vel_linear

        # calculate current acceleration and smooth using lpf
        accel_temp = self.sampling_rate * (self.past_vel_linear -
        # update
        self.past_vel_linear = current_vel_linear
        self.current_accel = self.low_pass_filter_accel.get()

        # use velocity controller compute desired accelaration
        desired_accel = self.pid_vel_linear.step(velocity_error, self.delta_t)

        # TODO think about emergency brake command
        if desired_accel > 0.0:
            if desired_accel < self.accel_limit:
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    desired_accel - self.current_accel, self.delta_t)
                throttle = self.accel_pid.step(
                    self.accel_limit - self.current_accel, self.delta_t)
            brake = 0.0
            throttle = 0.0
            # reset just to be sure
            if abs(desired_accel) > self.brake_deadband:
                # don't bother braking unless over the deadband level
                # make sure we do not brake to hard
                if abs(desired_accel) > abs(self.decel_limit):
                    brake = abs(self.decel_limit) * self.brake_torque_const
                    brake = abs(desired_accel) * self.brake_torque_const

        # steering - yaw controller takes desired linear, desired angular, current linear as params
        #steering = required_vel_angular * self.steer_ratio
        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(required_vel_linear,

        # uncomment for debugging
        #if throttle <> 0.0:
        #   rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Accelerating = ' + str(throttle))
        #if brake <> 0.0:
        #    rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Braking = ' + str(brake))
        if abs(steering) <> 0.0:
            #rospy.loginfo('TwistController: Steering = ' + str(steering))
            rospy.loginfo('Veer: Steering = ' + str(steering) +
                          ', required = ' + str(required_vel_angular))

        return throttle, brake, steering

    def reset(self):
Esempio n. 30
class Controller(object):
    def __init__(self, vehicle_mass, fuel_capacity, brake_deadband,
                 decel_limit, accel_limit, wheel_radius, wheel_base,
                 steer_ratio, max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle):
        # TODO: Implement
        # Yaw controller
        self.yaw_controller = YawController(wheel_base, steer_ratio, 0.1,
                                            max_lat_accel, max_steer_angle)

        # PID controller
        # mn: minimum throttle
        # mx: maximun throttle = PID(kp=0.3, ki=0.1, kd=0.0, mn=0.0, mx=0.2)

        # Low pass filter
        # tau: cut-off frequency
        # ts: sample time
        self.lowpassfilter = LowPassFilter(tau=0.5, ts=0.02)

        # Some vehicle properties
        self.vehicle_mass = vehicle_mass
        self.fuel_capacity = fuel_capacity
        self.brake_deadband = brake_deadband
        self.decel_limit = decel_limit
        self.accel_limit = accel_limit
        self.wheel_radius = wheel_radius

        self.last_vel = self.lowpassfilter.get()
        self.last_time = rospy.get_time()

    def control(self, linear_velocity, angular_velocity, curr_linear_velocity,
        # TODO: Change the arg, kwarg list to suit your needs
        # Return throttle, brake, steer

        # Reset if dbw not enabled
        if not dbw_enabled:
            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        curr_linear_velocity = self.lowpassfilter.filt(curr_linear_velocity)

        # Throttle control
        vel_err = linear_velocity - curr_linear_velocity
        self.last_vel = curr_linear_velocity

        curr_time = rospy.get_time()
        sample_time = curr_time - self.last_time
        self.last_time = curr_time

        throttle =, sample_time)

        # Brake control
        brake = 0.0

        # To hold the car from moving
        if abs(linear_velocity
               ) < sys.float_info.epsilon and curr_linear_velocity < 0.1:
            throttle = 0.0
            brake = 700.0  # Nm of torque to hold the car

        # Deceleration
        elif throttle < 0.1 and vel_err < 0.0:
            throttle = 0.0
            decel = max(vel_err, self.decel_limit)
            brake = abs(
                decel) * self.vehicle_mass * self.wheel_radius  # Torque (Nm)

        # Steering control
        steering = self.yaw_controller.get_steering(linear_velocity,

        return throttle, brake, steering