Esempio n. 1
class XidLruCache:
    def __init__(self, datadir, pageclass, buffsz):
        self.datadir = datadir
        ctrlfile = ControlFile(datadir)
        self.blcksz = ctrlfile.blcksz
        self.buffer = LruCache(pageclass, self.blcksz, buffsz)
    def getfilename(self, segno):
    def readfromdisk(self, pageno):
        blocksz = self.blcksz
        segno = pageno / self.PAGES_PER_SEGMENT
        filename = self.getfilename(segno)
            with open(filename) as file:
       * pageno)
                block =
            raise UPgException('error in reading xid')
        if len(block) != blocksz:
            raise UPgException('error in reading xid')
        return block

    def getlrupage(self, pageno):
        lrupage = self.buffer.get_and_visit(pageno)
        if not lrupage:
            block = self.readfromdisk(pageno)
            lrupage = self.buffer.put(pageno, block)
        return lrupage    
Esempio n. 2
class HeapBuffer:
    def __init__(self, pgdatadir, catalog_class):
        self.pgdatadir = pgdatadir
        self.catalog_class = catalog_class

        ctrlfile = ControlFile(pgdatadir)
        self.blocksz = ctrlfile.blcksz
        self.segfilesz = ctrlfile.relseg_size
        self.catalog_version_no = ctrlfile.catalog_version_no

        self.pg_majorversion = catalog_class.loadpgversion(pgdatadir)
        self.heapbuffer = LruCache(HeapBufferPage, self.blocksz,

        计算buffer tag。

    def __getbuftag(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
        return struct.pack('5I', relfilenode.space_node, relfilenode.db_node,
                           relfilenode.rel_node, forknum, blocknum)

        根据relfilenode得到文件名。根据global tablespace,default table space,还有指定了table space,文件名

    def getrelationpath(self, relfilenode, forknum):
        assert forknum == MAIN_FORKNUM or forknum == FSM_FORKNUM \
                        or forknum == VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM or forknum == INIT_FORKNUM
        pgdatadir = self.pgdatadir

        forkNames = ('', 'fsm', 'vm', 'init')
        if forknum == MAIN_FORKNUM:
            filename = relfilenode.rel_node
            filename = '%u_%s' % (relfilenode.rel_node, forkNames[forknum])

        if relfilenode.space_node == self.catalog_class.GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID:
            return '%s/global/%s' % (pgdatadir, filename)
        elif relfilenode.space_node == self.catalog_class.DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID:
            return '%s/base/%u/%s' % (pgdatadir, relfilenode.db_node, filename)
            tablespacedir = "PG_%s_%u" % (self.pg_majorversion,
            return '%s/pg_tblspc/%u/%s/%u/%s' % (
                pgdatadir, relfilenode.space_node, tablespacedir,
                relfilenode.db_node, filename)

    def __loadbuffer(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
            blocksz = self.blocksz
            segsz = self.segfilesz

            filepath = self.getrelationpath(relfilenode, forknum)
            segno = blocknum / segsz
            if segno > 0:
                filepath = '%s.%u' % (filepath, segno)

            blockoff = blocksz * (blocknum % segsz)
            with open(filepath) as file:
                block =
                if len(block) != blocksz:
                    logger.error('could not read block %u in file \"%s\": %m' %
                                 (blocknum, filepath))
                    raise UPgException('could not read block in file')
            return block
        except IOError:
            logger.error('could not read block %u in file \"%s\": %m' %
                         (blocknum, filepath))
            raise UPgException('could not read block in file')

    def readpage(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
        tag = self.__getbuftag(relfilenode, forknum, blocknum)
        buffpage = self.heapbuffer.get_and_visit(tag)
        if not buffpage:
            buffdata = self.__loadbuffer(relfilenode, forknum, blocknum)
            buffpage = self.heapbuffer.put(tag, buffdata)
        return buffpage

    def getblocknums(self, relfilenode, forknum):
        blocksz = self.blocksz
        segsz = self.segfilesz

        filepath = self.getrelationpath(relfilenode, forknum)
        segno = 0
        while True:
            if segno > 0:
                filepath = '%s.%u' % (filepath, segno)
            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                return segno * segsz
            filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) / blocksz
            if filesize > segsz:
                raise UPgException('could not read block in file')
            elif filesize < segsz:
                return segno * segsz + filesize
                segno += 1
Esempio n. 3
class HeapBuffer:
    def __init__(self, pgdatadir, catalog_class):
        self.pgdatadir = pgdatadir
        self.catalog_class = catalog_class
        ctrlfile = ControlFile(pgdatadir)
        self.blocksz = ctrlfile.blcksz
        self.segfilesz = ctrlfile.relseg_size
        self.catalog_version_no = ctrlfile.catalog_version_no
        self.pg_majorversion = catalog_class.loadpgversion(pgdatadir)
        self.heapbuffer = LruCache(HeapBufferPage, self.blocksz, HEAP_BUFFER_COUNT)
        计算buffer tag。
    def __getbuftag(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
        return struct.pack('5I', relfilenode.space_node, relfilenode.db_node, relfilenode.rel_node, forknum, blocknum)

        根据relfilenode得到文件名。根据global tablespace,default table space,还有指定了table space,文件名
    def getrelationpath(self, relfilenode, forknum):
        assert forknum == MAIN_FORKNUM or forknum == FSM_FORKNUM \
                        or forknum == VISIBILITYMAP_FORKNUM or forknum == INIT_FORKNUM
        pgdatadir = self.pgdatadir
        forkNames = ('', 'fsm', 'vm', 'init')
        if forknum == MAIN_FORKNUM:
            filename = relfilenode.rel_node
            filename = '%u_%s'%(relfilenode.rel_node, forkNames[forknum])
        if relfilenode.space_node == self.catalog_class.GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID:
            return '%s/global/%s'%(pgdatadir, filename)
        elif relfilenode.space_node == self.catalog_class.DEFAULTTABLESPACE_OID:
            return '%s/base/%u/%s'%(pgdatadir, relfilenode.db_node, filename)
            tablespacedir =  "PG_%s_%u"%(self.pg_majorversion, self.catalog_version_no) 
            return '%s/pg_tblspc/%u/%s/%u/%s'%(pgdatadir, relfilenode.space_node, tablespacedir, relfilenode.db_node, filename)

    def __loadbuffer(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
            blocksz = self.blocksz
            segsz = self.segfilesz
            filepath = self.getrelationpath(relfilenode, forknum)
            segno = blocknum/segsz
            if segno > 0:
                filepath = '%s.%u'%(filepath, segno)
            blockoff = blocksz * (blocknum%segsz)
            with open(filepath) as file:
                block =
                if len(block) != blocksz:
                    logger.error('could not read block %u in file \"%s\": %m'%(blocknum, filepath))
                    raise UPgException('could not read block in file')
            return block
        except IOError:
            logger.error('could not read block %u in file \"%s\": %m'%(blocknum, filepath))
            raise UPgException('could not read block in file')

    def readpage(self, relfilenode, forknum, blocknum):
        tag = self.__getbuftag(relfilenode, forknum, blocknum)
        buffpage = self.heapbuffer.get_and_visit(tag)
        if not buffpage:
            buffdata = self.__loadbuffer(relfilenode, forknum, blocknum)
            buffpage = self.heapbuffer.put(tag, buffdata)
        return buffpage

    def getblocknums(self, relfilenode, forknum):
        blocksz = self.blocksz
        segsz = self.segfilesz
        filepath = self.getrelationpath(relfilenode, forknum)
        segno = 0
        while True:
            if segno > 0:
                filepath = '%s.%u' % (filepath, segno)
            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
                return segno * segsz
            filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath)/blocksz
            if filesize > segsz:
                raise UPgException('could not read block in file')
            elif filesize < segsz:
                return segno * segsz + filesize
                segno += 1
Esempio n. 4
class LruRepl(cmd.Cmd):
    """LruRepl:  The LruCache shell (Read Eval Print loop)
    intro = "Welcome to LruCache shell.\n\nType help or ? to list commands.\nCtrl-d or exit to exit.\n"
    prompt = "lrucache> "

    cache = None

    def precmd(self, line):
        """accept command as upper or lower case"""
        line = line.lower()
        return line

    def default(self, line):
        """overrides the default error message."""
        print 'ERROR'
        return False

    def command_preproc(self, line, expected_len):
        if self.cache == None:
            print "Cache not initialized.  Use SIZE command first."
            return None

        args = line.split()

        if len(args) != expected_len:
            print "Syntax Error.  Expected %d arguments, got %d" % (
                expected_len, len(args))
            return None

        return args

    def do_size(self, line):
        """size n - sets the maximum size of the cache to n objects"""
        if self.cache == None:
            args = line.split()

            if len(args) != 1:
                print "Syntax Error.  Expected 1 arguments, got %d" % len(args)
                return False

            self.cache = LruCache(int(args[0]))
            print("SIZE OK")

    def do_set(self, line):
        """set key value - puts the key/value pair into the cache if the key does not exist
    or overwrites the value of an existing pair
        args = self.command_preproc(line, 2)

        if args != None:
            self.cache.put(args[0], args[1])
            print("SET OK")

    def do_get(self, line):
        """get key -- prints the value associated the the key if found"""
        args = self.command_preproc(line, 1)

        if args != None:
            v = self.cache.fetch(args[0])
            if v == None:
                print("GOT %s" % v)

    def do_stats(self, line):
        """stats - print the cache stats"""
        if self.cache == None:
            print "Cache not initialized.  Use SIZE command first."
            return False

        print("Cache max size: %d" % self.cache.max_size)
        print("Current size: %d" % self.cache.current_size)

    def do_dump(self, line):
        """dump - dump the cache"""
        if self.cache == None:
            print "Cache not initialized.  Use SIZE command first."
            return False

    def do_eof(self, line):
        """Ctrl-D to exit"""
        print '\n'
        return True

    def do_exit(self, line):
        """exits shell"""
        print "\n"
        return True