def query_lsd(querystr, db=None, bounds=None, **kw):
    if db is None:
        db = os.environ['LSD_DB']
    if not isinstance(db, DB):
        dbob = DB(db)
        dbob = db
    if bounds is not None:
        bounds = lsd.bounds.make_canonical(bounds)
    query = dbob.query(querystr, **kw)
    return query.fetch(bounds=bounds)
Esempio n. 2
#!/usr/bin/env python

from lsd import DB

def row_counter_kernel(qresult):
    for rows in qresult:
        yield len(rows)

db = DB('db')
query = db.query("SELECT obj_id FROM ps1_obj, sdss")

total = 0
for subtotal in query.execute([row_counter_kernel]):
    total += subtotal

print "The total number of rows returned by the query '%s' is %d" % (query,
Esempio n. 3
#create the table
#create_table(where, name, obj, title, expectedrows, filters)
#"/" refers to h5file.root object
table = h5file.create_table('/', 'triand_unsorted', Star, "TriAnd region", expectedrows=40563159, filters=filters)

star = table.row

#define selection bounds
#gal long lower bound, gal lat lower bound, gal long upper bound, gal lat upper bound
bounds = lsdbounds.rectangle(95, -50, 165, -10, coordsys="gal") #(ra,dec) bottomleft; (ra,dec) topright
bounds = lsdbounds.make_canonical(bounds)

# query LSD for rows and store them into the pytable
dtype = table.colnames
for row in db.query(query).iterate(bounds=bounds):
    star['obj_id'] = (row[0]).astype('i8')
    for j in range(len(dtype)-2):
        star[dtype[j+1]] = row[j+1]
    if (row[7] > 0.3) & (row[7] < 1.0) & (row[8] > 0.3) & (row[8] < 1.0):
        star['gal'] = 1
        star['gal'] = 0


# create a full index on the obj_id column
indexrows = table.cols.obj_id.create_csindex(filters=tables.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=5))

# create a new table that is sorted by obj_id
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/env python

from lsd import DB

def row_counter_kernel(qresult):
	for rows in qresult:
		yield len(rows)

db = DB('db')
query = db.query("SELECT obj_id FROM ps1_obj, sdss")

total = 0
for subtotal in query.execute([row_counter_kernel]):
	total += subtotal

print "The total number of rows returned by the query '%s' is %d" % (query, total)
def main():
	import sys
	db = lsd.DB(os.environ['LSD_DB'])
	print 'l1 ', l1
	print 'l2 ', l2
	print 'b1 ', b1
	print 'b2 ', b2
	from lsd import bounds
	usol = ubercal_flat_bigflat_chmask.read_flat_solution('/home/bsesar/usr/python/ubercal/ucalqy_bigflat_chmask.fits', chmask=True)
#Regarding WISE, use this as your LSD_DB


	#query2 = dbob.query(
	    #'select psf_inst_mag, psf_inst_mag_sig, ps1_obj.obj_id as obj_id, '+
	    #'ps1_obj.ra as ra, ps1_obj.dec as dec, ps1_det.ra as detra, ps1_det.dec as detdec, '
	    #'filterid, '+
	    #'mjd_obs, x_psf, y_psf, '+
	    #'chip_id, ap_mag, psf_qf, psf_qf_perfect, flags, flags2, '+
	    #'w1mpro, w2mpro, w1sigmpro, w2sigmpro, allwise.ra as wisera, allwise.dec as wisedec, '+
	    #'allwise.sigra as sigrawise, allwise.sigdec as sigdecwise '+
	    #'from ps1_obj, ps1_det, ps1_exp, allwise(outer,matchedto=ps1_obj,dmax=2, nmax=1) '+
	    #'where '+
	    #'(psf_qf > 0.9) & ((flags & badflags) == 0) & '+
	    #'numpy.isfinite(ap_mag) & (ap_mag < 0) & (ap_mag > -25.) & '+
	    #'numpy.isfinite(psf_inst_mag) & (psf_inst_mag < 0) & '+
	    #'(psf_inst_mag > -25.)',locals={'badflags':badflags})

	db = os.environ['LSD_DB']    
        if not isinstance(db, DB):
	  dbob = DB(db)
	  dbob = db
	query2 = dbob.query(
        'select obj_id, (psf_inst_mag-ap_mag) as sg, psf_inst_mag, psf_inst_mag_sig, '+
        'o.ra as ra, o.dec as dec, d.ra as detra, d.dec as detdec, equgal(ra, dec), SFD.EBV(l, b) as ebv, '
        'filterid, x_psf, y_psf, '+
        'chip_id, mjd_obs, airmass, pltscale, '+
        'moments_xx, moments_xy, moments_yy, moments_m3c, moments_m3s, moments_m4c, moments_m4s, moments_r1, moments_rh, '+
        'sky_sigma, (psf_chisq/psf_ndof) as psf_chi2pdf, ext_nsigma, psf_major, psf_minor, psf_theta, psf_qf, '+
        'psf_qf_perfect, psf_fwhm_maj, psf_fwhm_min, psf_core, psf_npix, flags, flags2, sky_limit_rad, sky_limit_flux, ' +
        'w1mpro, w2mpro, w1sigmpro, w2sigmpro, allwise.ra as wisera, allwise.dec as wisedec, '+
	'allwise.sigra as sigrawise, allwise.sigdec as sigdecwise '+
        'from ucal_fluxqz as s, ps1_det as d, ps1_exp as e, ps1_obj(matchedto=s, nmax=1, dmax=1.5) as o, '+
        'allwise(outer,matchedto=o,dmax=2, nmax=1) '+
        'where numpy.isfinite(ap_mag) & (ap_mag < 0) & (ap_mag > -25.) & (psf_inst_mag_sig < 0.3) & '+
        'numpy.isfinite(psf_inst_mag) & (psf_inst_mag < 0) & '+
        '(psf_inst_mag > -25.)')
	out=query2.execute([(makelc, usol, l1, l2, b1, b2)], group_by_static_cell=True,
	                   bounds=lsd.bounds.make_canonical(bounds.rectangle(l1, b1, l2, b2, coordsys='gal')))    
        out = [o for o in out]   
Esempio n. 6
import os

def mapper(qresult, bins):
    for rows in qresult:
        counts, _ = np.histogram(rows['dec'], bins)
        for (bin, count) in zip(bins, counts):
            if count != 0:
                yield (bin, count)

def reducer(kv):
    bin, counts = kv
    yield (bin, sum(counts))

db = DB(os.environ['LSD_DB'])
query = db.query("SELECT dec FROM sdss")

ddec = 10.
bins = np.arange(-90, 90.0001, ddec)

hist = {}
for (bin, count) in query.execute([(mapper, bins), reducer]):
    hist[bin + ddec / 2] = count

for binctr in sorted(hist.keys()):
    print "%+05.1f %10d" % (binctr, hist[binctr])

print "Total number of objects:", sum(hist.values())
Esempio n. 7
#!/usr/bin/env python

from lsd import DB
import numpy as np

def mapper(qresult, bins):
	for rows in qresult:
		counts, _ = np.histogram(rows['dec'], bins)
		for (bin, count) in zip(bins, counts):
			if count != 0:
				yield (bin, count)

def reducer(kv):
	bin, counts = kv
	yield (bin, sum(counts))

db = DB('db')
query = db.query("SELECT dec FROM sdss")

ddec = 10.
bins = np.arange(-90, 90.0001, ddec)

hist = {}
for (bin, count) in query.execute([(mapper, bins), reducer]):
	hist[bin + ddec/2] = count

for binctr in sorted(hist.keys()):
	print "%+05.1f %10d" % (binctr, hist[binctr])

print "Total number of objects:", sum(hist.values())