def __init__(self, skymap_object, lat, lon, utc_jd): """ Initialize the skymap at input lat,lon (decimal degrees) and time (in UTC julian day). """ self.skymap_object = skymap_object assert -90 <= lat <= 90, ValueError('lat = %g not in [-90,90]' % lat) assert -360 <= lon <= 360, ValueError('lon = %g not in [-360,360]' % lon) = lat self.lon = lon self.time = utc_jd # Compute the ra and dec locations to a altitude and azimuth. This requires a lat/lon and a time (UTC). # Alt and Az are compressed to show only the visible source. ## Extract the RA/dec values ra = self.skymap_object.ra dec = self.skymap_object.dec ## Compute the LST at the lat/lon (hours) lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(self.lon, self.time) ## RA -> HA (deg) ha = lst*15.0 - ra ## HA, dec, and lat in degrees to alt and az in radians sinAlt = sin(dec*pi/180)*sin(*pi/180) + cos(dec*pi/180)*cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(ha*pi/180) sinAlt = clip(sinAlt, -1.0, 1.0) alt = arcsin(sinAlt) cosAz = (sin(dec*pi/180)-sinAlt*sin(*pi/180))/(cos(alt)*cos(lat*pi/180)) cosAz = clip(cosAz, -1.0, 1.0) az = arccos(cosAz) swap = where(sin(ha*pi/180) > 0) az[swap] = 2*pi-az[swap] ## Convert to alt and az to degrees self.alt = alt*180/pi = az*180/pi # Compress the az/alt so that only the visible sources are available. " visibleMask = self.alt > 0.0 #Compress arrays to hide non-visible sources self.visibleAlt = compress(visibleMask, self.alt) self.visibleAz = compress(visibleMask, self.visiblePower = compress(visibleMask, self.skymap_object._power) try: pixelSolidAngle = (2.0 * pi)**2/(self.skymap_object.numPixelsX*self.skymap_object.numPixelsY) except AttributeError: pixelSolidAngle = 2.5566346e-4 fractionSolidAngle = (1.0/4.0*pi) * pixelSolidAngle # The cosine term is the projection of the receiving area onto the direction # of the source normalizedPower = self.skymap_object.normalize_power() * fractionSolidAngle self.visibleNormalizedPower = compress(visibleMask, normalizedPower) #self.visibleNormalizedPower = self.visiblePower*cos(self.visibleAlt * self.skymap_object.degToRad) self.visibleRa = compress(visibleMask, self.skymap_object.ra) self.visibleDec = compress(visibleMask, self.skymap_object.dec)
def sidereal(self, time_): """ Return the apparent sidereal time for this location. The 'time_' parameter should be set to a Time instance providing the time of interest. Returns sidereal time as a float in range [0.0, 24.0). """ if not isinstance(time_, Time): raise TypeError("time_ must be type transform.Time") return astro.get_local_sidereal_time(self._posn.lng, time_.utc_jd)
def main(args): # Beam beamFilename = args.filename beamDict = numpy.load(beamFilename) beam = beamDict['beam'] beam /= beam.max() # Station, polarization, frequency, and beam simulation resolution name = beamDict['station'].item() pol = beamDict['pol'].item() freq = beamDict['freq'].item() try: res = beamDict['res'].item() except KeyError: res = 1.0 ires = 1.0 / (min([1.0, res])) # Get the site information if name == 'lwa1': sta = stations.lwa1 elif name == 'lwasv': sta = stations.lwasv else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown site: %s" % name) # Read in the skymap (GSM or LF map @ 74 MHz) if not args.lfsm: smap = skymap.SkyMapGSM(freq_MHz=freq/1e6) if args.verbose: print("Read in GSM map at %.2f MHz of %s pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % (freq/1e6, len(smap.ra), smap._power.min(), smap._power.max())) else: smap = skymap.SkyMapLFSM(freq_MHz=freq/1e6) if args.verbose: print("Read in LFSM map at %.2f MHz of %s pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % (freq/1e6, len(smap.ra), smap._power.min(), smap._power.max())) def BeamPattern(az, alt, beam=beam, ires=ires): iAz = (numpy.round(az*ires)).astype(numpy.int32) iAlt = (numpy.round(alt*ires)).astype(numpy.int32) return beam[iAz,iAlt] if args.do_plot: az = numpy.arange(0,360*ires+1,1) / float(ires) alt = numpy.arange(0,90*ires+1,1) / float(ires) alt, az = numpy.meshgrid(alt, az) pylab.figure(1) pylab.title("Beam Response: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz" % (pol, freq/1e6)) pylab.imshow(BeamPattern(az, alt), interpolation='nearest', extent=(0,359, 0,89), origin='lower') pylab.xlabel("Azimuth [deg]") pylab.ylabel("Altitude [deg]") pylab.grid(1) pylab.draw() # Calculate times in both site LST and UTC t0 = astro.get_julian_from_sys() lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t0) / 24.0 t0 -= lst*(23.933/24.0) # Compensate for shorter sidereal days times = numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0, args.time_step/1440.0) + t0 lstList = [] powListAnt = [] for t in times: # Project skymap to site location and observation time pmap = skymap.ProjectedSkyMap(smap,*180.0/math.pi, sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t) lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t) lstList.append(lst) # Convolution of user antenna pattern with visible skymap gain = BeamPattern(pmap.visibleAz, pmap.visibleAlt) powerAnt = (pmap.visiblePower * gain).sum() / gain.sum() powListAnt.append(powerAnt) if args.verbose: lstH = int(lst) lstM = int((lst - lstH)*60.0) lstS = ((lst - lstH)*60.0 - lstM)*60.0 sys.stdout.write("LST: %02i:%02i:%04.1f, Power_ant: %.1f K \r" % (lstH, lstM, lstS, powerAnt)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") # Plot results if args.do_plot: pylab.figure(2) pylab.title("Driftcurve: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz - %s" % \ (pol, freq/1e6, name.upper())) pylab.plot(lstList, powListAnt, "ro",label="Antenna Pattern") pylab.xlabel("LST [hours]") pylab.ylabel("Temp. [K]") pylab.grid(2) pylab.draw() outputFile = "driftcurve_%s_%s_%.2f.txt" % (name, pol, freq/1e6) print("Writing driftcurve to file '%s'" % outputFile) mf = open(outputFile, "w") for lst,pow in zip(lstList, powListAnt): mf.write("%f %f\n" % (lst,pow)) mf.close()
def main(args): # Parse command line config = parseOptions(args) # Get the site information if config['site'] == 'lwa1': sta = stations.lwa1 elif config['site'] == 'lwasv': sta = stations.lwasv elif config['site'] == 'ovro': sta = stations.lwa1, sta.lon, sta.elev = ('37.2397808', '-118.2816819', 1183.4839) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown site: %s" % config['site']) # Read in the skymap (GSM or LF map @ 74 MHz) if config['GSM']: smap = skymap.SkyMapGSM(freqMHz=config['freq']/1e6) if config['verbose']: print "Read in GSM map at %.2f MHz of %s pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % (config['freq']/1e6, len(smap.ra), smap._power.min(), smap._power.max()) else: smap = skymap.SkyMapLFSM(freqMHz=config['freq']/1e6) if config['verbose']: print "Read in LFSM map at %.2f MHz of %s pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % (config['freq']/1e6, len(smap.ra), smap._power.min(), smap._power.max()) # Get the emperical model of the beam and compute it for the correct frequencies beamDict = numpy.load(os.path.join(dataPath, 'lwa1-dipole-emp.npz')) if config['pol'] == 'EW': beamCoeff = beamDict['fitX'] else: beamCoeff = beamDict['fitY'] try: beamDict.close() except AttributeError: pass alphaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0,0,:], config['freq']) betaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0,1,:], config['freq']) gammaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0,2,:], config['freq']) deltaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0,3,:], config['freq']) alphaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1,0,:], config['freq']) betaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1,1,:], config['freq']) gammaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1,2,:], config['freq']) deltaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1,3,:], config['freq']) if config['verbose']: print "Beam Coeffs. X: a=%.2f, b=%.2f, g=%.2f, d=%.2f" % (alphaH, betaH, gammaH, deltaH) print "Beam Coeffs. Y: a=%.2f, b=%.2f, g=%.2f, d=%.2f" % (alphaE, betaE, gammaE, deltaE) if config['corr']: corrDict = numpy.load(os.path.join(dataPath, 'lwa1-dipole-cor.npz')) cFreqs = corrDict['freqs'] cAlts = corrDict['alts'] if corrDict['degrees'].item(): cAlts *= numpy.pi / 180.0 cCorrs = corrDict['corrs'] corrDict.close() if config['freq']/1e6 < cFreqs.min()-11 or config['freq']/1e6 > cFreqs.max()+11: print "WARNING: Input frequency of %.3f MHz is out of range, skipping correction" corrFnc = None else: fCors = cAlts*0.0 for i in xrange(fCors.size): ffnc = interpextrap1d(cFreqs, cCorrs[:,i]) fCors[i] = ffnc(config['freq']/1e6) corrFnc = interp1d(cAlts, fCors, bounds_error=False) else: corrFnc = None def BeamPattern(az, alt, corr=corrFnc): zaR = numpy.pi/2 - alt*numpy.pi / 180.0 azR = az*numpy.pi / 180.0 c = 1.0 if corrFnc is not None: c = corrFnc(alt*numpy.pi / 180.0) c = numpy.where(numpy.isfinite(c), c, 1.0) pE = (1-(2*zaR/numpy.pi)**alphaE)*numpy.cos(zaR)**betaE + gammaE*(2*zaR/numpy.pi)*numpy.cos(zaR)**deltaE pH = (1-(2*zaR/numpy.pi)**alphaH)*numpy.cos(zaR)**betaH + gammaH*(2*zaR/numpy.pi)*numpy.cos(zaR)**deltaH return c*numpy.sqrt((pE*numpy.cos(azR))**2 + (pH*numpy.sin(azR))**2) if config['enableDisplay']: az = numpy.zeros((90,360)) alt = numpy.zeros((90,360)) for i in range(360): az[:,i] = i for i in range(90): alt[i,:] = i pylab.figure(1) pylab.title("Beam Response: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz" % (config['pol'], config['freq']/1e6)) pylab.imshow(BeamPattern(az, alt), extent=(0,359, 0,89), origin='lower') pylab.xlabel("Azimuth [deg]") pylab.ylabel("Altitude [deg]") pylab.grid(1) pylab.draw() # Calculate times in both site LST and UTC t0 = astro.get_julian_from_sys() lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t0) / 24.0 t0 -= lst*(23.933/24.0) # Compensate for shorter sidereal days times = numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0, config['tStep']/1440.0) + t0 lstList = [] powListAnt = [] for t in times: # Project skymap to site location and observation time pmap = skymap.ProjectedSkyMap(smap,*180.0/math.pi, sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t) lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long*180.0/math.pi, t) lstList.append(lst) # Convolution of user antenna pattern with visible skymap gain = BeamPattern(pmap.visibleAz, pmap.visibleAlt) powerAnt = (pmap.visiblePower * gain).sum() / gain.sum() powListAnt.append(powerAnt) if config['verbose']: lstH = int(lst) lstM = int((lst - lstH)*60.0) lstS = ((lst - lstH)*60.0 - lstM)*60.0 sys.stdout.write("LST: %02i:%02i:%04.1f, Power_ant: %.1f K\r" % (lstH, lstM, lstS, powerAnt)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") # plot results if config['enableDisplay']: pylab.figure(2) pylab.title("Driftcurve: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz - %s" % \ (config['pol'], config['freq']/1e6, config['site'].upper())) pylab.plot(lstList, powListAnt, "ro", label="Antenna Pattern") pylab.xlabel("LST [hours]") pylab.ylabel("Temp. [K]") pylab.grid(2) pylab.draw() outputFile = "driftcurve_%s_%s_%.2f.txt" % (config['site'], config['pol'], config['freq']/1e6) if config['tag'] is not None: base, ext = os.path.splitext(outputFile) outputFile = "%s_%s%s" % (base, config['tag'], ext) print "Writing driftcurve to file '%s'" % outputFile mf = file(outputFile, "w") for lst,pow in zip(lstList, powListAnt): mf.write("%f %f\n" % (lst, pow)) mf.close()
def main(args): # Parse command line config = parseOptions(args) # Get the site information for LWA-1 sta = stations.lwa1 # Read in the skymap (GSM or LF map @ 74 MHz) if config['GSM']: smap = skymap.SkyMapGSM(freqMHz=config['freq'] / 1e6) if config['verbose']: print "Read in GSM map at %.2f MHz of %s pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % ( config['freq'] / 1e6, len( smap.ra), smap._power.min(), smap._power.max()) else: smap = skymap.SkyMap(freqMHz=config['freq'] / 1e6) if config['verbose']: print "Read in LF map at %.2f MHz of %d x %d pixels; min=%f, max=%f" % ( config['freq'] / 1e6, smap.numPixelsX, smap.numPixelsY, smap._power.min(), smap._power.max()) # Get the emperical model of the beam and compute it for the correct frequencies beamDict = numpy.load(os.path.join(dataPath, 'lwa1-dipole-emp.npz')) if config['pol'] == 'EW': beamCoeff = beamDict['fitX'] else: beamCoeff = beamDict['fitY'] try: beamDict.close() except AttributeError: pass alphaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0, 0, :], config['freq']) betaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0, 1, :], config['freq']) gammaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0, 2, :], config['freq']) deltaE = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[0, 3, :], config['freq']) alphaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1, 0, :], config['freq']) betaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1, 1, :], config['freq']) gammaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1, 2, :], config['freq']) deltaH = numpy.polyval(beamCoeff[1, 3, :], config['freq']) if config['verbose']: print "Beam Coeffs. X: a=%.2f, b=%.2f, g=%.2f, d=%.2f" % ( alphaH, betaH, gammaH, deltaH) print "Beam Coeffs. Y: a=%.2f, b=%.2f, g=%.2f, d=%.2f" % ( alphaE, betaE, gammaE, deltaE) def BeamPattern(az, alt): zaR = numpy.pi / 2 - alt * numpy.pi / 180.0 azR = az * numpy.pi / 180.0 pE = ( 1 - (2 * zaR / numpy.pi)**alphaE) * numpy.cos(zaR)**betaE + gammaE * ( 2 * zaR / numpy.pi) * numpy.cos(zaR)**deltaE pH = ( 1 - (2 * zaR / numpy.pi)**alphaH) * numpy.cos(zaR)**betaH + gammaH * ( 2 * zaR / numpy.pi) * numpy.cos(zaR)**deltaH return numpy.sqrt((pE * numpy.cos(azR))**2 + (pH * numpy.sin(azR))**2) if config['enableDisplay']: az = numpy.zeros((90, 360)) alt = numpy.zeros((90, 360)) for i in range(360): az[:, i] = i for i in range(90): alt[i, :] = i pylab.figure(1) pylab.title("Beam Response: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz" % (config['pol'], config['freq'] / 1e6)) pylab.imshow(BeamPattern(az, alt), extent=(0, 359, 0, 89), origin='lower') pylab.xlabel("Azimuth [deg]") pylab.ylabel("Altitude [deg]") pylab.grid(1) pylab.draw() # Calculate times in both site LST and UTC t0 = astro.get_julian_from_sys() lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long * 180.0 / math.pi, t0) / 24.0 t0 -= lst * (23.933 / 24.0) # Compensate for shorter sidereal days times = numpy.arange(0.0, 1.0, config['tStep'] / 1440.0) + t0 lstList = [] powListAnt = [] for t in times: # Project skymap to site location and observation time pmap = skymap.ProjectedSkyMap(smap, * 180.0 / math.pi, sta.long * 180.0 / math.pi, t) lst = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(sta.long * 180.0 / math.pi, t) lstList.append(lst) if config['GSM']: cdec = numpy.ones_like(pmap.visibleDec) else: cdec = numpy.cos(pmap.visibleDec * smap.degToRad) # Convolution of user antenna pattern with visible skymap gain = BeamPattern(pmap.visibleAz, pmap.visibleAlt) powerAnt = (pmap.visiblePower * gain * cdec).sum() / (gain * cdec).sum() powListAnt.append(powerAnt) if config['verbose']: lstH = int(lst) lstM = int((lst - lstH) * 60.0) lstS = ((lst - lstH) * 60.0 - lstM) * 60.0 sys.stdout.write("LST: %02i:%02i:%04.1f, Power_ant: %.1f K\r" % (lstH, lstM, lstS, powerAnt)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n") # plot results if config['enableDisplay']: pylab.figure(2) pylab.title("Driftcurve: %s pol. @ %0.2f MHz - LWA-1" % \ (config['pol'], config['freq']/1e6)) pylab.plot(lstList, powListAnt, "ro", label="Antenna Pattern") pylab.xlabel("LST [hours]") pylab.ylabel("Temp. [K]") pylab.grid(2) pylab.draw() outputFile = "driftcurve_%s_%s_%.2f.txt" % ('lwa1', config['pol'], config['freq'] / 1e6) print "Writing driftcurve to file '%s'" % outputFile mf = file(outputFile, "w") for lst, pow in zip(lstList, powListAnt): mf.write("%f %f\n" % (lst, pow)) mf.close()
lwa_gm_hms = astro.deg_to_hms(-lwa_lnlat.lng) lwa_gm_off = lwa_gm_hms.to_sec() print('GM Offset: %s (%0.3f)' % (lwa_gm_hms, lwa_gm_off)) # get current UTC time from system clock utc = astro.get_julian_from_sys() utcd = astro.get_date(utc) lcld = utcd.to_zone() unixt = astro.get_timet_from_julian(utc) # caculate sidereal times gm_sid = astro.get_apparent_sidereal_time(utc) lwa_sid = astro.get_local_sidereal_time(lwa_lnlat.lng, utc) print('---------------------------------------------------------------') print('Current time') print('---------------------------------------------------------------') print('UTC time: %s (%0.3f)' % (utcd, utc)) print('%s local time: %s' % (nam, str(lcld))) print('GM sidereal time: %0.3f' % gm_sid) print('%s sidereal time: %0.3f' % (nam, lwa_sid)) print('UNIX time: %d' % unixt) # calculate nutation nut = astro.get_nutation(utc) (nut_lng, nut_obl, nut_ecl) = nut.format()