def setUp(self): self.testDir = os.path.dirname(__file__) def computeLstHA(data): """Return LST, Hour Angle, computed from VisitInfoData.""" localEra = data.era + data.observatory.getLongitude() hourAngle = localEra - data.boresightRaDec[0] return localEra, hourAngle fields = [ 'exposureId', 'exposureTime', 'darkTime', 'date', 'ut1', 'era', 'boresightRaDec', 'boresightAzAlt', 'boresightAirmass', 'boresightRotAngle', 'rotType', 'observatory', 'weather' ] VisitInfoData = collections.namedtuple("VisitInfoData", fields) data1 = VisitInfoData( exposureId=10313423, exposureTime=10.01, darkTime=11.02, date=DateTime(65321.1, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.TAI), ut1=12345.1, era=45.1 * degrees, boresightRaDec=IcrsCoord(23.1 * degrees, 73.2 * degrees), boresightAzAlt=Coord(134.5 * degrees, 33.3 * degrees), boresightAirmass=1.73, boresightRotAngle=73.2 * degrees, rotType=afwImage.RotType_SKY, observatory=Observatory(11.1 * degrees, 22.2 * degrees, 0.333), weather=Weather(1.1, 2.2, 34.5), ) self.data1 = data1 self.localEra1, self.hourAngle1 = computeLstHA(data1) data2 = VisitInfoData( exposureId=1, exposureTime=15.5, darkTime=17.8, date=DateTime(55321.2, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.TAI), ut1=312345.1, era=25.1 * degrees, boresightRaDec=IcrsCoord(2.1 * degrees, 33.2 * degrees), boresightAzAlt=Coord(13.5 * degrees, 83.3 * degrees), boresightAirmass=2.05, boresightRotAngle=-53.2 * degrees, rotType=afwImage.RotType_HORIZON, observatory=Observatory(22.2 * degrees, 33.3 * degrees, 0.444), weather=Weather(2.2, 3.3, 44.4), ) self.data2 = data2 self.localEra2, self.hourAngle2 = computeLstHA(data2)
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for makeVisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["darkTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "DARKTIME") argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "AZIMUTH"), self.altitudeFromZenithDistance(self.popAngle(md, "ZENITH")), ) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "RA_DEG"), self.popAngle(md, "DEC_DEG"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["boresightRotAngle"] = 90 * degrees - self.popAngle( md, "ROTANG") argDict["rotType"] = RotType_SKY argDict["observatory"] = self.observatory argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.popFloat(md, "TEMPERA"), self.pascalFromMmHg(self.popFloat(md, "PRESS")), float("nan"), ) return makeVisitInfo(**argDict)
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["darkTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "DARKTIME") argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "AZ"), self.altitudeFromZenithDistance(self.popAngle(md, "ZD")), ) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "TELRA", units=astropy.units.h), self.popAngle(md, "TELDEC"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["observatory"] = Observatory( self.popAngle(md, "OBS-LONG"), self.popAngle(md, "OBS-LAT"), self.popFloat(md, "OBS-ELEV"), ) argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.popFloat(md, "OUTTEMP"), self.pascalFromMmHg(self.popFloat(md, "PRESSURE")), self.popFloat(md, "HUMIDITY")) longitude = argDict["observatory"].getLongitude() argDict['era'] = self.decamGetEra(md, argDict["boresightRaDec"][0], longitude)
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["darkTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "DARKTIME") argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "AZIMUTH"), self.altitudeFromZenithDistance(self.popAngle(md, "ZENITH")), ) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "RA_DEG"), self.popAngle(md, "DEC_DEG"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["boresightRotAngle"] = -self.popAngle(md, "ROTANG") argDict["rotType"] = RotType.SKY argDict["observatory"] = self.observatory argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.popFloat(md, "TEMPERA"), self.pascalFromMmHg(self.popFloat(md, "PRESS")), float("nan"), ) # phosim doesn't supply LST, HA, or UT1, and the alt/az/ra/dec/time can be inconsistent. # We will leave ERA as NaN until a better answer is available. return VisitInfo(**argDict)
def setUp(self): rawPath = os.path.join(testDataDirectory, "hsc", "raw") calibPath = os.path.join(testDataDirectory, "hsc", "calib") self.repoPath = createDataRepository("lsst.obs.hsc.HscMapper", rawPath) self.butler = dafPersist.Butler(root=self.repoPath, calibRoot=calibPath) # The following properties of the provided data are known a priori. self.visit = 904024 self.ccdNum = 50 self.filter = 'i' self.rawSize = (2144, 4241) self.ccdSize = (2048, 4176) self.exptime = 30.0 self.darktime = self.exptime # No explicit darktime dateBeg = DateTime(56598.26106374757, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.UTC) dateAvgNSec = dateBeg.nsecs() + int(0.5e9 * self.exptime) self.dateAvg = DateTime(dateAvgNSec, DateTime.TAI) self.boresightRaDec = IcrsCoord('21:22:59.982', '+00:30:00.07') self.boresightAzAlt = Coord(226.68922661 * degrees, 63.04359233 * degrees) self.boresightAirmass = 1.121626027604189 self.boresightRotAngle = 270.0 * degrees self.rotType = RotType.SKY self.obs_longitude = -155.476667 * degrees self.obs_latitude = 19.825556 * degrees self.obs_elevation = 4139 self.weath_airTemperature = MakeRawVisitInfo.centigradeFromKelvin( 272.35) self.weath_airPressure = MakeRawVisitInfo.pascalFromMmHg(621.7) self.weath_humidity = 33.1 # NOTE: if we deal with DM-8053 and get UT1 implemented, ERA will change slightly. lst = 340.189608333 * degrees self.era = lst - self.obs_longitude
def safeOffset(crval, direction, amount): try: offsetCoord = crval.toIcrs() offsetCoord.offset(direction, amount) return offsetCoord except Exception: return IcrsCoord(crval[0] + direction, crval - amount)
def __init__(self, result): """Set exposure information based on a query result from a db connection """ self._ind = -1 dataId = dict( run=result[self._nextInd], rerun=result[self._nextInd], camcol=result[self._nextInd], field=result[self._nextInd], filter=result[self._nextInd], ) coordList = [] for i in range(4): coordList.append( IcrsCoord( afwGeom.Angle(result[self._nextInd], afwGeom.degrees), afwGeom.Angle(result[self._nextInd], afwGeom.degrees), )) BaseExposureInfo.__init__(self, dataId, coordList) self.strip = result[self._nextInd] self.fwhm = result[self._nextInd] = result[self._nextInd] self.airmass = result[self._nextInd] self.quality = result[self._nextInd] self.isBlacklisted = result[self._nextInd] # compute RHL quality factors self.q = * (self.fwhm**2) self.qscore = None # not known yet
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for makeVisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "RA2000", units=astropy.units.h), self.popAngle(md, "DEC2000"), ) # argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( # self.popAngle(md, "AZIMUTH"), # self.popAngle(md, "ALTITUDE"), # ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["observatory"] = self.observatory argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.centigradeFromKelvin(self.popFloat(md, "OUT-TMP")), self.pascalFromMmHg(self.popFloat(md, "OUT-PRS")), self.popFloat(md, "OUT-HUM"), ) LST = self.popAngle(md, "LST-STR", units=astropy.units.h) argDict['era'] = self.eraFromLstAndLongitude( LST, self.observatory.getLongitude()) argDict['darkTime'] = argDict['exposureTime']
def setUp(self): datadir = self.getTestDataDir() self.repoPath = os.path.join(datadir, "DATA") self.calibPath = os.path.join(datadir, "CALIB") self.butler = dafPersist.Butler(root=self.repoPath, calibRoot=self.calibPath) self.size = (2112, 4644) self.dataId = {'visit': 1038843} self.filter = "i2" self.exposureTime = 615.037 self.darkTime = 615.0 dateObs = DateTime(54771.6066250, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.UTC) self.dateAvg = DateTime( dateObs.nsecs(DateTime.TAI) + int(0.5e9 * self.exposureTime), DateTime.TAI) self.boresightRaDec = IcrsCoord(135.409417 * degrees, -2.400000 * degrees) self.boresightAzAlt = Coord(122.34 * degrees, 52.02 * degrees) self.boresightAirmass = 1.269 self.rotType = RotType.UNKNOWN self.obs_longitude = -155.468876 * degrees self.obs_latitude = 19.825252 * degrees self.obs_elevation = 4204 self.weath_airTemperature = 0.90 self.weath_airPressure = 617.65 * 100 # 100 Pascal/millibar self.weath_humidity = 39.77 # NOTE: if we deal with DM-8053 and get UT1 implemented, ERA will change slightly. lst = 104.16591666666666 * degrees self.era = lst - self.obs_longitude
def testGetCatalog(self, logLevel=Log.TRACE): astrom = ANetBasicAstrometryTask(self.conf, andConfig=self.andConfig) astrom.log.setLevel(logLevel) ctrCoord = IcrsCoord( 215.6 * afwGeom.degrees, 53.0 * afwGeom.degrees, ) cat = astrom.refObjLoader.loadSkyCircle( ctrCoord=ctrCoord, radius=0.1 * afwGeom.degrees, filterName='z', ).refCat print('Got', len(cat), 'reference sources') ids = set(s.getId() for s in cat) print(len(ids), 'unique IDs') ids = set() for src in cat: sid = src.getId() if sid in ids: print('Source id', sid, 'is duplicated') self.assertNotIn(sid, ids) ids.add(sid)
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "RA2000", units=astropy.units.h), self.popAngle(md, "DEC2000"), ) argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "AZIMUTH"), self.popAngle(md, "ALTITUDE"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["observatory"] = self.observatory argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.centigradeFromKelvin(self.popFloat(md, "OUT-TMP")), self.pascalFromMmHg(self.popFloat(md, "OUT-PRS")), self.popFloat(md, "OUT-HUM"), ) LST = self.popAngle(md, "LST-STR", units=astropy.units.h) argDict['era'] = self.eraFromLstAndLongitude( LST, self.observatory.getLongitude()) argDict['darkTime'] = argDict['exposureTime'] # Rotation angle formula determined empirically from visual inspection # of HSC images. See DM-9111. rotAngle = (270.0 * degrees - self.popAngle(md, "INST-PA")).wrap() argDict['boresightRotAngle'] = rotAngle argDict['rotType'] = RotType.SKY
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["darkTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "DARKTIME") argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "TELAZ"), self.popAngle(md, "TELALT"), ) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle( md, "RA_DEG", ), self.popAngle(md, "DEC_DEG"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["observatory"] = Observatory( self.popAngle(md, "LONGITUD"), self.popAngle(md, "LATITUDE"), 4204, # from Wikipedia ) argDict["weather"] = Weather( self.popFloat(md, "TEMPERAT"), self.popFloat(md, "PRESSURE") * 100.0, # 100 Pascal per millibar self.popFloat(md, "RELHUMID"), ) # Using LST to compute ERA until we get UT1 (see: DM-8053) LST = self.popAngle(md, "LST-OBS", units=astropy.units.h) argDict['era'] = self.eraFromLstAndLongitude( LST, argDict["observatory"].getLongitude())
def generateTract(self, index): """Generate the TractInfo for a particular index""" center = IcrsCoord(self.config.raList[index] * afwGeom.degrees, self.config.decList[index] * afwGeom.degrees) radius = self.config.radiusList[index] wcs = self._wcsFactory.makeWcs(crPixPos=afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0), crValCoord=center) return ExplicitTractInfo(index, self.config.patchInnerDimensions, self.config.patchBorder, center, radius * afwGeom.degrees, self.config.tractOverlap * afwGeom.degrees, wcs)
def angToCoord(thetaphi): """Convert healpy's ang to an afw Coord The ang is provided as a single object, thetaphi, so the output of healpy functions can be directed to this function without additional translation. """ return IcrsCoord(float(thetaphi[1])*afwGeom.radians, float(thetaphi[0] - 0.5*numpy.pi)*afwGeom.radians)
def makeWcs(): wcs = lsst.afw.image.makeWcs( IcrsCoord(10 * lsst.afw.geom.degrees, 45 * lsst.afw.geom.degrees), lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(5, 5), 5.1e-5, 0, 0, -5.1e-5, # CD: 11, 12, 21, 22 ) return wcs
def setUp(self): TransformTestBaseClass.setUp(self) self.crpix = Point2D(100, 100) self.crvalList = [ IcrsCoord(0 * degrees, 45 * degrees), IcrsCoord(0.00001 * degrees, 45 * degrees), IcrsCoord(359.99999 * degrees, 45 * degrees), IcrsCoord(30 * degrees, 89.99999 * degrees), IcrsCoord(30 * degrees, -89.99999 * degrees), ] self.orientationList = [ 0 * degrees, 0.00001 * degrees, -0.00001 * degrees, -45 * degrees, 90 * degrees, ] self.scale = 1.0 * arcseconds self.tinyPixels = 10 * sys.float_info.epsilon self.tinyAngle = 10 * sys.float_info.epsilon * radians
def testGetDR7(self): obsSdssDir = lsst.utils.getPackageDir('obs_sdss') butler = dafPersist.Butler( root=os.path.join(obsSdssDir, "tests", "data", "dr7", "runs")) sub = butler.subset("fpC", run=5754, camcol=3, field=280, filter="r") self.assertEqual(len(sub), 1) for ref in sub: im = ref.get("fpC") w, h = im.getWidth(), im.getHeight() self.assertEqual(im.__class__, lsst.afw.image.ImageU) self.assertEqual(w, 2048) self.assertEqual(h, 1489) im_md = ref.get("fpC_md") self.assertEqual(im_md.get("RUN"), 5754) self.assertEqual(im_md.get("FRAME"), 280) self.assertEqual(im_md.get("STRIPE"), 82) msk = ref.get("fpM") w, h = msk.getWidth(), msk.getHeight() self.assertEqual(msk.__class__, lsst.afw.image.Mask[lsst.afw.image.MaskPixel]) self.assertEqual(w, 2048) self.assertEqual(h, 1489) psf = ref.get("psField") k = psf.getKernel() w, h = k.getWidth(), k.getHeight() self.assertEqual(psf.__class__, lsst.meas.algorithms.PcaPsf) self.assertEqual(w, 31) self.assertEqual(h, 31) wcs = ref.get("asTrans") self.assertIsInstance(wcs, SkyWcs) self.assertFalse(wcs.isFlipped) # comparison is to results from lsst.afw.image.TanWcs class self.assertCoordsAlmostEqual( wcs.pixelToSky(700, 1000), IcrsCoord(343.6507738304687 * degrees, -0.3509870420713227 * degrees)) tsField = ref.get("tsField") self.assertAlmostEqual(tsField.gain, 4.72, 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(tsField.airmass, 1.2815132857671601) self.assertAlmostEqual(tsField.exptime, 53.907456) predDateStart = DateTime(53664.226070589997, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.TAI) predDateAvg = DateTime( predDateStart.nsecs(DateTime.TAI) + int(0.5e9 * tsField.exptime), DateTime.TAI) self.assertAlmostEqual(tsField.dateAvg.get(), predDateAvg.get())
def setUp(self): # Set up a Coadd with CoaddInputs tables that have blank filter columns to be filled # in by later test code. self.coadd = ExposureF(30, 90) # WCS is arbitrary, since it'll be the same for all images wcs = makeSkyWcs(crpix=Point2D(0, 0), crval=IcrsCoord(45.0 * degrees, 45.0 * degrees), cdMatrix=makeCdMatrix(scale=0.17 * degrees)) self.coadd.setWcs(wcs) schema = ExposureCatalog.Table.makeMinimalSchema() self.filterKey = schema.addField("filter", type=str, doc="", size=16) weightKey = schema.addField("weight", type=float, doc="") # First input image covers the first 2/3, second covers the last 2/3, so they # overlap in the middle 1/3. inputs = ExposureCatalog(schema) self.input1 = inputs.addNew() self.input1.setId(1) self.input1.setBBox(Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), Point2I(29, 59))) self.input1.setWcs(wcs) self.input1.set(weightKey, 2.0) self.input2 = inputs.addNew() self.input2.setId(2) self.input2.setBBox(Box2I(Point2I(0, 30), Point2I(29, 89))) self.input2.setWcs(wcs) self.input2.set(weightKey, 3.0) # Use the same catalog for visits and CCDs since the algorithm we're testing only cares # about CCDs. self.coadd.getInfo().setCoaddInputs(CoaddInputs(inputs, inputs)) # Set up a catalog with centroids and a FilterFraction plugin. # We have one record in each region (first input only, both inputs, second input only) schema = SourceCatalog.Table.makeMinimalSchema() centroidKey = Point2DKey.addFields(schema, "centroid", doc="position", unit="pixel") schema.getAliasMap().set("slot_Centroid", "centroid") self.plugin = FilterFractionPlugin( config=FilterFractionPlugin.ConfigClass(), schema=schema, name="subaru_FilterFraction", metadata=PropertyList()) catalog = SourceCatalog(schema) self.record1 = catalog.addNew() self.record1.set(centroidKey, Point2D(14.0, 14.0)) self.record12 = catalog.addNew() self.record12.set(centroidKey, Point2D(14.0, 44.0)) self.record2 = catalog.addNew() self.record2.set(centroidKey, Point2D(14.0, 74.0))
def __init__(self, result): """Set exposure information based on a query result from a db connection """ result = list(result) dataId = dict( run=result.pop(0), camcol=result.pop(0), field=result.pop(0), filter=result.pop(0), ) coordList = [IcrsCoord(afwGeom.Angle(result.pop(0), afwGeom.degrees), afwGeom.Angle(result.pop(0), afwGeom.degrees)) for i in range(4)] BaseExposureInfo.__init__(self, dataId=dataId, coordList=coordList) self.fluxMag0 = result.pop(0) self.fluxMag0Sigma = result.pop(0)
def makeVisitInfo(): return lsst.afw.image.VisitInfo( 10313423, 10.01, 11.02, DateTime(65321.1, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.TAI), 12345.1, 45.1 * lsst.afw.geom.degrees, IcrsCoord(23.1 * degrees, 73.2 * degrees), Coord(134.5 * degrees, 33.3 * degrees), 1.73, 73.2 * degrees, lsst.afw.image.RotType.SKY, lsst.afw.coord.Observatory(11.1 * degrees, 22.2 * degrees, 0.333), lsst.afw.coord.Weather(1.1, 2.2, 34.5), )
def __init__(self, result): """Set exposure information based on a query result from a db connection """ self._ind = -1 dataId = dict(raft=result[self._nextInd], visit=result[self._nextInd], sensor=result[self._nextInd], filter=result[self._nextInd]) coordList = [] for i in range(4): coordList.append( IcrsCoord( afwGeom.Angle(result[self._nextInd], afwGeom.degrees), afwGeom.Angle(result[self._nextInd], afwGeom.degrees), )) self.fwhm = result[self._nextInd] BaseExposureInfo.__init__(self, dataId, coordList)
def setUp(self): crval = IcrsCoord(afwGeom.PointD(44., 45.)) crpix = afwGeom.PointD(0, 0) arcsecPerPixel = 1 / 3600.0 CD11 = arcsecPerPixel CD12 = 0 CD21 = 0 CD22 = arcsecPerPixel self.tanWcs = makeWcs(crval, crpix, CD11, CD12, CD21, CD22) S = 300 N = 5 if self.MatchClass == afwTable.ReferenceMatch: refSchema = LoadReferenceObjectsTask.makeMinimalSchema( filterNameList=["r"], addFluxSigma=True, addIsPhotometric=True) self.refCat = afwTable.SimpleCatalog(refSchema) elif self.MatchClass == afwTable.SourceMatch: refSchema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema() self.refCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(refSchema) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported MatchClass=%r" % (self.MatchClass, )) srcSchema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema() SingleFrameMeasurementTask(schema=srcSchema) self.refCoordKey = afwTable.CoordKey(refSchema["coord"]) self.srcCoordKey = afwTable.CoordKey(srcSchema["coord"]) self.srcCentroidKey = afwTable.Point2DKey(srcSchema["slot_Centroid"]) self.sourceCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(srcSchema) self.origSourceCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog( srcSchema) # undistorted copy self.matches = [] for i in np.linspace(0., S, N): for j in np.linspace(0., S, N): src = self.sourceCat.addNew() refObj = self.refCat.addNew() src.set(self.srcCentroidKey, afwGeom.Point2D(i, j)) c = self.tanWcs.pixelToSky(afwGeom.Point2D(i, j)) refObj.setCoord(c) self.matches.append(self.MatchClass(refObj, src, 0.0))
def setArgDict(self, md, argDict): """Set an argument dict for VisitInfo and pop associated metadata @param[in,out] md metadata, as an lsst.daf.base.PropertyList or PropertySet @param[in,out] argdict a dict of arguments """ MakeRawVisitInfo.setArgDict(self, md, argDict) argDict["darkTime"] = self.popFloat(md, "DARKTIME") argDict["boresightAzAlt"] = Coord( self.popAngle(md, "AZIMUTH"), self.altitudeFromZenithDistance(self.popAngle(md, "ZENITH")), ) argDict["boresightRaDec"] = IcrsCoord( self.popAngle(md, "RA_DEG"), self.popAngle(md, "DEC_DEG"), ) argDict["boresightAirmass"] = self.popFloat(md, "AIRMASS") argDict["boresightRotAngle"] = -self.popAngle(md, "ROTANG") argDict["rotType"] = RotType.SKY argDict["observatory"] = self.observatory weather = defaultWeather(self.observatory.getElevation()) temperature = self.defaultMetadata(self.popFloat(md, "TEMPERA"), weather.getAirTemperature(), minimum=-10, maximum=40.) pressure = self.defaultMetadata(self.pascalFromMmHg( self.popFloat(md, "PRESS")), weather.getAirPressure(), minimum=50000., maximum=90000.) humidity = 40. # Not currently supplied by phosim, so set to a typical value. argDict["weather"] = Weather(temperature, pressure, humidity) longitude = argDict["observatory"].getLongitude() RA = argDict["boresightRaDec"][0] # phosim doesn't supply LST, HA, or UT1, and the alt/az/ra/dec/time can be inconsistent. # We will leave ERA as NaN until a better answer is available. try: # Other simulation tools don't have the same problem, and need hour angle if it is available. HA = self.popAngle(md, "HA", units=astropy.units.h) argDict['era'] = HA + RA - longitude except: self.log.warn("Hour angle missing from metadata, will be NAN") return VisitInfo(**argDict)
def makeExposure(self, universalId): """Make a tiny exposure with exposure info set, but no pixels In particular, exposure info is set as a record in a table, so it can be recorded in a coadd """ inputRecorder = self.coaddInputRecorder.makeCoaddTempExpRecorder( universalId, self.numExp) bbox = lsst.afw.geom.Box2I(lsst.afw.geom.Point2I(100, 100), lsst.afw.geom.Extent2I(10, 10)) detectorName = "detector {}".format(universalId) detector = lsst.afw.cameraGeom.testUtils.DetectorWrapper( name=detectorName, id=universalId).detector exp = lsst.afw.image.ExposureF(bbox) exp.setDetector(detector) expInfo = exp.getInfo() wcs = lsst.afw.image.makeWcs( IcrsCoord(10 * lsst.afw.geom.degrees, 45 * lsst.afw.geom.degrees), lsst.afw.geom.Point2D(5, 5), 5.1e-5, 0, 0, -5.1e-5, # CD: 11, 12, 21, 22 ) expInfo.setWcs(wcs) expInfo.setPsf(GaussianPsf(5, 5, 2.5)) calib = lsst.afw.image.Calib() calib.setFluxMag0(1.1e12, 2.2e10) expInfo.setCalib(calib) expInfo.setApCorrMap(self.makeApCorrMap()) expInfo.setValidPolygon(Polygon( lsst.afw.geom.Box2D(bbox).getCorners())) if self.version > 1: expInfo.setVisitInfo(self.makeVisitInfo()) inputRecorder.addCalExp(calExp=exp, ccdId=universalId, nGoodPix=100) inputRecorder.finish(coaddTempExp=exp, nGoodPix=100) return exp
def generateTract(self, index): """Generate the TractInfo for this index""" ringNum, tractNum = self.getRingIndices(index) if ringNum == -1: # South polar cap ra, dec = 0, -0.5 * math.pi elif ringNum == self.config.numRings: # North polar cap ra, dec = 0, 0.5 * math.pi else: dec = self._ringSize * (ringNum + 1) - 0.5 * math.pi ra = math.fmod( self.config.raStart + 2 * math.pi * tractNum / self._ringNums[ringNum], 2 * math.pi) center = IcrsCoord(ra * afwGeom.radians, dec * afwGeom.radians) wcs = self._wcsFactory.makeWcs(crPixPos=afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0), crValCoord=center) return ExplicitTractInfo(index, self.config.patchInnerDimensions, self.config.patchBorder, center, 0.5 * self._ringSize * afwGeom.radians, self.config.tractOverlap * afwGeom.degrees, wcs)
def setUp(self): self.butler = dafPersist.Butler( root=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data")) self.exposureTime = 15.0 self.darkTime = 15.0 dateObs = DateTime(49552.28496, DateTime.MJD, DateTime.TAI) self.dateAvg = DateTime( dateObs.nsecs(DateTime.TAI) + int(0.5e9 * self.exposureTime), DateTime.TAI) self.boresightRaDec = IcrsCoord(359.936019771151 * degrees, -2.3356222648145 * degrees) self.boresightAzAlt = Coord(127.158246182602 * degrees, (90 - 40.6736117075876) * degrees) self.boresightAirmass = 1.31849492005496 self.boresightRotAngle = (90 - 3.43228) * degrees self.rotType = RotType_SKY self.obs_longitude = -70.749417 * degrees self.obs_latitude = -30.244633 * degrees self.obs_elevation = 2663.0 self.weath_airTemperature = 5.0 self.weath_airPressure = MakeRawVisitInfo.pascalFromMmHg(520.0)
def test_getBoresightRaDec(self): coord = IcrsCoord(afwGeom.Point2D(53.0091385, -27.4389488), afwGeom.degrees) self.assertEqual(coord, self.visit_info.getBoresightRaDec())
from lsst.daf.base import DateTime import lsst.afw.image as afwImage import lsst.utils.tests from lsst.utils import getPackageDir import lsst.pex.exceptions as pexExcept import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPersist from lsst.obs.base import MakeRawVisitInfo from lsst.afw.image import RotType from lsst.afw.coord import IcrsCoord, Coord from lsst.afw.geom import degrees # Desired VisitInfo values for visit 229388, shared between and # boresightRaDec = IcrsCoord('02:51:16.790', '-00:00:05.699') # NOTE: if we deal with DM-8053 and implement UT1, ERA will not come from HA, so this will change. HA = -42.505291666666665 * degrees era = HA + boresightRaDec[0] - 70.81489000000001 * degrees visit229388_info = { "dateAvg": DateTime("2013-09-01T06:05:10.753848", DateTime.TAI), "exposureTime": 200.0, "darkTime": 201.15662, "era": era, "boresightRaDec": boresightRaDec, "boresightAzAlt": Coord(61.24 * degrees, (90 - 50.46) * degrees), "boresightAirmass": 1.57, "boresightRotAngle": float("nan") * degrees, "rotType": RotType.UNKNOWN, "obs_longitude": 70.81489000000001 * degrees, "obs_latitude": -30.16606 * degrees,
cursor.execute(queryStr, dataTuple) exposureInfoList = [ExposureInfo(result) for result in cursor] return pipeBase.Struct(exposureInfoList=exposureInfoList, ) def _runArgDictFromDataId(self, dataId): """Extract keyword arguments for run (other than coordList) from a data ID @return keyword arguments for run (other than coordList), as a dict """ return dict(filter=dataId["filter"]) if __name__ == "__main__": # example of use selectTask = SelectLsstImagesTask() minRa = afwGeom.Angle(1, afwGeom.degrees) maxRa = afwGeom.Angle(2, afwGeom.degrees) minDec = afwGeom.Angle(5, afwGeom.degrees) maxDec = afwGeom.Angle(6, afwGeom.degrees) coordList = [ IcrsCoord(minRa, minDec), IcrsCoord(maxRa, minDec), IcrsCoord(maxRa, maxDec), IcrsCoord(minRa, maxDec), ] results =, filter='r') for ccdInfo in results.exposureInfoList: print "dataId=%s, fwhm=%s" % (ccdInfo.dataId, ccdInfo.fwhm)
def setUp(self): # arbitrary values self.crpix = Point2D(100, 100) self.crval = IcrsCoord(30 * degrees, 45 * degrees) self.scale = 1.0 * arcseconds