Esempio n. 1
    def testBadImage(self):
        """Test that an entirely bad image doesn't cause an absolute failure
        initialValue = 20
        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(500, 200)
        # Check that no good values don't crash (they return NaN), and that a single good value
        # is enough to redeem the entire image
        for pix00 in [np.nan, initialValue]:
            mi.getImage()[:] = np.nan
            mi.getImage()[0, 0] = pix00

            sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
            nx, ny = 17, 17
            bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

            bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(mi, bctrl)

            # the test is that this doesn't fail if the bug (#2297) is fixed
            bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER)
            val = np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray())

            if np.isfinite(pix00):
                self.assertEqual(val, pix00)
Esempio n. 2
def complexBackground(image):
    binsize = 128
    nx = int(image.getWidth() / binsize) + 1
    ny = int(image.getHeight() / binsize) + 1

    sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
    sctrl.setAndMask(afwImage.MaskU.getPlaneBitMask(["INTRP", "EDGE"]))
    if False:

    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

    bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)

    statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()

    bkdgImages = dict(SPLINE=bkgd.getImageF(

    return bkgd
Esempio n. 3
    def testCFHT(self):
        """Test background subtraction on some real CFHT data"""

        afwdataDir = eups.productDir("afwdata")
        if not afwdataDir:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping testCFHT as afwdata is not setup"

        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(os.path.join(afwdataDir,
                                                "CFHT", "D4", "cal-53535-i-797722_1"))
        mi = mi.Factory(mi, afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(32, 2), afwGeom.Point2I(2079, 4609)), afwImage.LOCAL)

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(mi.getWidth()//128, mi.getHeight()//128)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 0)

        im = mi.getImage()
        im -= backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 1)

        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getStatsImage()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage(), frame=2)
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage().getVariance(), frame=3)
Esempio n. 4
    def testRamp(self):

        # make a ramping image (spline should be exact for linear increasing image
        nx = 512
        ny = 512
        rampimg = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny))
        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0

        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                rampimg.set(x, y, dzdx*x + dzdy*y + z0)
        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        bctrl.getStatisticsControl().setNumSigmaClip(20.0)  # something large enough to avoid clipping entirely
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(rampimg, bctrl)

        xpixels = [0, nx/2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny/2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval/rampimg.get(xpix, ypix), 1, 6)
Esempio n. 5
    def testBadRows(self):
        """Test that a bad set of rows in an image doesn't cause a failure
        initialValue = 20
        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(500, 200)
        mi.set((initialValue, 0x0, 1.0))
        im = mi.getImage()
        im[:, 0:100] = np.nan
        del im
        msk = mi.getMask()
        badBits = msk.getPlaneBitMask(['EDGE', 'DETECTED', 'DETECTED_NEGATIVE'])
        msk[0:400, :] |= badBits
        del msk

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=0)

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        nx, ny = 17, 17
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(mi, bctrl)
        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(statsImage, frame=1)

        # the test is that this doesn't fail if the bug (#2297) is fixed
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER)
        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray()), initialValue)
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=2)
Esempio n. 6
    def testParabola(self):
        # make an image which varies parabolicly (spline should be exact for 2rd order polynomial)
        nx = 512
        ny = 512

        parabimg = self.getParabolaImage(nx, ny)

        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.Interpolate.CUBIC_SPLINE)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(parabimg, bctrl)

        segmentCenter = int(0.5*nx/bctrl.getNxSample())
        xpixels = [segmentCenter, nx//2, nx - segmentCenter]
        ypixels = [segmentCenter, ny//2, ny - segmentCenter]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(bctrl.getInterpStyle(), xpix, ypix)
                realval = parabimg.get(xpix, ypix)
                # quadratic terms skew the averages of the subimages and the clipped mean for
                # a subimage != value of center pixel.  1/20 counts on a 10000 count sky
                # is a fair (if arbitrary) test.
                self.assertTrue( abs(testval - realval) < 0.5 )
Esempio n. 7
    def testXY0(self):
        """Test fitting the background to an image with nonzero xy0

        The statsImage and background image should not vary with xy0
        bgImageList = [] # list of background images, one per xy0
        statsImageList = [] # list of stats images, one per xy0
        for xy0 in (afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Point2I(-100, -999), afwGeom.Point2I(1000, 500)):
            mi = self.getCfhtImage()

            bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(mi.getWidth()//128, mi.getHeight()//128)
            backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)
            bgImage = backobj.getImageF()
            self.assertEqual(bgImage.getBBox(), mi.getBBox())

            statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getStatsImage()

        # changing the bounding box should make no difference to the pixel values,
        # so compare pixels using exact equality
        for bgImage in bgImageList[1:]:
            self.assertTrue(np.all(bgImage.getArray() == bgImageList[0].getArray()))
        for statsImage in statsImageList[1:]:
            for i in range(3):
                self.assertTrue(np.all(statsImage.getArrays()[i] == statsImageList[0].getArrays()[i]))
Esempio n. 8
    def testOnlyOneGridCell(self):
        """Test how the program handles nxSample,nySample being 1x1.
        # try a ramping image ... has an easy analytic solution
        nx = 64
        ny = 64
        img = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny), 10)

        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0
        mean = z0 + dzdx*(nx - 1)/2 + dzdy*(ny - 1)/2  # the analytic solution
        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                img.set(x, y, dzdx*x + dzdy*y + z0)

        # make a background control object
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(img, bctrl)

        xpixels = [0, nx//2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny//2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(bctrl.getInterpStyle(), xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval/mean, 1)
def complexBackground(image):
    binsize   = 128
    nx = int(image.getWidth()/binsize) + 1
    ny = int(image.getHeight()/binsize) + 1

    sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
    sctrl.setAndMask(afwImage.MaskU.getPlaneBitMask(["INTRP", "EDGE"]))
    if False:

    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

    bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)

    statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()

    bkdgImages = dict(SPLINE = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE),
                      LINEAR = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.LINEAR))

    return bkgd
Esempio n. 10
    def testBackgroundTestImages(self):

        imginfolist = []
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.05551471441612] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.00295902395123] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.08468385712251] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.00305806663295] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.0035102188698] ) # cooked to known value
        imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 399.9912966583894] ) # cooked to known value
        afwdataDir = eups.productDir("afwdata")
        if not afwdataDir:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping testBackgroundTestImages as afwdata is not setup"
        for imginfo in imginfolist:

            imgfile, centerValue = imginfo

            imgPath = afwdataDir + "/Statistics/" + imgfile

            # get the image and header
            dimg = afwImage.DecoratedImageD(imgPath)
            img = dimg.getImage()
            fitsHdr = dimg.getMetadata() # the FITS header

            # get the True values of the mean and stdev
            reqMean  = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("MEANREQ")
            reqStdev = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("SIGREQ")
            naxis1 = img.getWidth()
            naxis2 = img.getHeight()
            # create a background control object
            bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE)
            # run the background constructor and call the getPixel() and getImage() functions.
            backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(img, bctrl)

            pixPerSubimage = img.getWidth()*img.getHeight()/(bctrl.getNxSample()*bctrl.getNySample())
            stdevInterp = reqStdev/math.sqrt(pixPerSubimage)
            # test getPixel()
            testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(naxis1/2, naxis2/2)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(testval/centerValue, 1, places=7)
            self.assertTrue( abs(testval - reqMean) < 2*stdevInterp )

            # test getImage() by checking the center pixel
            bimg = backobj.getImageD()
            testImgval = bimg.get(naxis1/2, naxis2/2)
            self.assertTrue( abs(testImgval - reqMean) < 2*stdevInterp )
Esempio n. 11
    def testBackgroundTestImages(self):

        imginfolist = []
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.05551471441612] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.00295902395123] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.08468385712251] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.00305806663295] ) # cooked to known value
        #imginfolist.append( ["v1_i1_g_m400_s20_f.fits", 400.0035102188698] ) # cooked to known value
                            399.9912966583894])  # cooked to known value

        for imginfo in imginfolist:

            imgfile, centerValue = imginfo

            imgPath = os.path.join(AfwdataDir, "Statistics", imgfile)

            # get the image and header
            dimg = afwImage.DecoratedImageD(imgPath)
            img = dimg.getImage()
            fitsHdr = dimg.getMetadata()  # the FITS header

            # get the True values of the mean and stdev
            reqMean = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("MEANREQ")
            reqStdev = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("SIGREQ")
            naxis1 = img.getWidth()
            naxis2 = img.getHeight()

            # create a background control object
            bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE)

            # run the background constructor and call the getPixel() and getImage() functions.
            backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(img, bctrl)

            pixPerSubimage = img.getWidth() * img.getHeight() / (
                bctrl.getNxSample() * bctrl.getNySample())
            stdevInterp = reqStdev / math.sqrt(pixPerSubimage)

            # test getPixel()
            testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(
                naxis1 // 2, naxis2 // 2)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(testval / centerValue, 1, places=7)
            self.assertTrue(abs(testval - reqMean) < 2 * stdevInterp)

            # test getImage() by checking the center pixel
            bimg = backobj.getImageD()
            testImgval = bimg.get(naxis1 // 2, naxis2 // 2)
            self.assertTrue(abs(testImgval - reqMean) < 2 * stdevInterp)
Esempio n. 12
    def testRamp(self):

        # make a ramping image (spline should be exact for linear increasing image
        nx = 512
        ny = 512
        rampimg = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny))
        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0

        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                rampimg.set(x, y, dzdx * x + dzdy * y + z0)

        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
            20.0)  # something large enough to avoid clipping entirely
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(rampimg, bctrl)

        xpixels = [0, nx // 2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny // 2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(
                    xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval / rampimg.get(xpix, ypix), 1, 6)

        # Test pickle
        bg = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj)
        new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(bg))
        self.assertBackgroundEqual(bg, new)

        # Check creation of sub-image
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(123, 45),
                            afwGeom.Extent2I(45, 123))
        bgImage = bg.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")
        bgSubImage = afwImage.ImageF(bgImage, box)
        testImage = bg.getImageF(box, "AKIMA_SPLINE")
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getXY0(), bgSubImage.getXY0())
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getDimensions(), bgSubImage.getDimensions())
        self.assertTrue(np.all(testImage.getArray() == bgSubImage.getArray()))
Esempio n. 13
    def testRamp(self):
        # make a ramping image (spline should be exact for linear increasing image
        nx = 512
        ny = 512
        x0, y0 = 9876, 54321
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0), afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny))
        rampimg = afwImage.ImageF(box)
        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0

        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                rampimg.set(x, y, dzdx*x + dzdy*y + z0)
        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        bctrl.getStatisticsControl().setNumSigmaClip(20.0)  # something large enough to avoid clipping entirely
        backobj = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(afwMath.makeBackground(rampimg, bctrl))


        frame = 1
        for interp in ("CONSTANT", "LINEAR", "NATURAL_SPLINE", "AKIMA_SPLINE"):
            diff = backobj.getImageF(interp)
            if display:
                ds9.mtv(diff, frame=frame); frame += 1
            diff -= rampimg
            print(interp, diff.getArray().mean(), diff.getArray().std())
            if display:
                ds9.mtv(diff, frame=frame); frame += 1
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(rampimg, frame=frame); frame += 1
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage(), frame=frame); frame += 1

        xpixels = [0, nx//2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny//2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = backobj.getPixel(xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval/rampimg.get(xpix, ypix), 1, 6)

        # Test pickle
        new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(backobj))
        self.assertBackgroundEqual(backobj, new)

        # Check creation of sub-image
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(123, 45), afwGeom.Extent2I(45, 123))
        box.shift(afwGeom.Extent2I(x0, y0))
        bgImage = backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")
        bgSubImage = afwImage.ImageF(bgImage, box)
        testImage = backobj.getImageF(box, "AKIMA_SPLINE")
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getXY0(), bgSubImage.getXY0())
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getDimensions(), bgSubImage.getDimensions())
        self.assertTrue(np.all(testImage.getArray() == bgSubImage.getArray()))
Esempio n. 14
    def testRamp(self):

        # make a ramping image (spline should be exact for linear increasing image
        nx = 512
        ny = 512
        rampimg = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny))
        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0

        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                rampimg.set(x, y, dzdx*x + dzdy*y + z0)
        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        bctrl.getStatisticsControl().setNumSigmaClip(20.0)  # something large enough to avoid clipping entirely
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(rampimg, bctrl)

        xpixels = [0, nx/2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny/2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval/rampimg.get(xpix, ypix), 1, 6)

        # Test pickle
        bg = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj)
        new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(bg))
        self.assertBackgroundEqual(bg, new)

        # Check creation of sub-image
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(123, 45), afwGeom.Extent2I(45, 123))
        bgImage = bg.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")
        bgSubImage = afwImage.ImageF(bgImage, box)
        testImage = bg.getImageF(box, "AKIMA_SPLINE")
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getXY0(), bgSubImage.getXY0())
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getDimensions(), bgSubImage.getDimensions())
        self.assertTrue(np.all(testImage.getArray() == bgSubImage.getArray()))
Esempio n. 15
    def testgetPixel(self):
        """Test the getPixel() function
        xcen, ycen = 50, 100
        bgCtrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        back = afwMath.makeBackground(self.image, bgCtrl)

        self.assertEqual(afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(back).getPixel(xcen, ycen), self.val)
Esempio n. 16
def simpleBackground(image):
    binsize = 128
    nx = int(image.getWidth() / binsize) + 1
    ny = int(image.getHeight() / binsize) + 1
    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny)

    bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)

    statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()

    image -= bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE)

    return bkgd
def simpleBackground(image):
    binsize   = 128
    nx = int(image.getWidth()/binsize) + 1
    ny = int(image.getHeight()/binsize) + 1
    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny)

    bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)

    statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()
    image  -= bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE)

    return bkgd
Esempio n. 18
    def testBadPatch(self):
        """Test that a large bad patch of an image doesn't cause an absolute failure"""

        initialValue = 20
        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(500, 200)
        mi.set((initialValue, 0x0, 1.0))
        im = mi.getImage()
        im[0:200, :] = np.nan
        del im
        msk = mi.getMask()
        badBits = msk.getPlaneBitMask(
        msk[0:400, :] |= badBits
        del msk

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=0)

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        nx, ny = 17, 17
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(mi, bctrl)
        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(statsImage, frame=1)

        # the test is that this doesn't fail if the bug (#2297) is fixed
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE,
        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray()),
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=2)
        # Check that we can fix the NaNs in the statsImage
        sim = statsImage.getImage().getArray()
        sim[np.isnan(sim)] = initialValue  # replace NaN by initialValue
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE,

            np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray(), dtype=np.float64),
Esempio n. 19
    def testBadAreaFailsSpline(self):
        """Check that a NaN in the stats image doesn't cause spline interpolation to fail (#2734)"""

        image = afwImage.ImageF(15, 9)
        for y in range(image.getHeight()):
            for x in range(image.getWidth()):
                    x, y, 1 + 2 * y
                )  # n.b. linear, which is what the interpolation will fall back to

        # Set the right corner to NaN.  This will mean that we have too few points for a spline interpolator
        binSize = 3
        image[-binSize:, -binSize:] = np.nan

        nx = image.getWidth() // binSize
        ny = image.getHeight() // binSize

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage(), frame=1)
        # Should throw if we don't permit REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER
        # The interpolation should fall back to linear for the right part of the image
        # where the NaNs don't permit spline interpolation (n.b. this happens to be exact)
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE,

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=2)

        image -= bkgdImage
            afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.MEAN).getValue(), 0.0)
Esempio n. 20
    def testBackgroundTestImages(self):
        """Tests Laher's afwdata/Statistics/*.fits images (doubles)"""
        imginfolist = []
                            399.9912966583894])  # cooked to known value

        for imginfo in imginfolist:
            imgfile, centerValue = imginfo
            imgPath = os.path.join(AfwdataDir, "Statistics", imgfile)

            # get the image and header
            dimg = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(imgPath)
            img = dimg.getImage()
            fitsHdr = dimg.getMetadata()  # the FITS header

            # get the True values of the mean and stdev
            reqMean = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("MEANREQ")
            reqStdev = fitsHdr.getAsDouble("SIGREQ")
            naxis1 = img.getWidth()
            naxis2 = img.getHeight()

            # create a background control object
            bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE)

            # run the background constructor and call the getPixel() and getImage() functions.
            backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(img, bctrl)

            pixPerSubimage = img.getWidth() * img.getHeight() / (
                bctrl.getNxSample() * bctrl.getNySample())
            stdevInterp = reqStdev / math.sqrt(pixPerSubimage)

            # test getPixel()
            testval = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getPixel(
                naxis1 // 2, naxis2 // 2)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(testval / centerValue, 1, places=7)
            self.assertLess(abs(testval - reqMean), 2 * stdevInterp)

            # test getImage() by checking the center pixel
            bimg = backobj.getImageF()
            testImgval = bimg.get(naxis1 // 2, naxis2 // 2)
            self.assertLess(abs(testImgval - reqMean), 2 * stdevInterp)
Esempio n. 21
    def testBackgroundFromStatsImage(self):
        """Check that we can rebuild a Background from a BackgroundMI.getStatsImage()
        bgCtrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
        bkgd = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(afwMath.makeBackground(self.image, bgCtrl))

        interpStyle = afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE
        undersampleStyle = afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(interpStyle, undersampleStyle)
        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage.getArray()), self.val)
        self.assertEqual(interpStyle, bkgd.getAsUsedInterpStyle())
        self.assertEqual(undersampleStyle, bkgd.getAsUsedUndersampleStyle())
        # OK, we have our background.  Make a copy
        bkgd2 = afwMath.BackgroundMI(self.image.getBBox(), bkgd.getStatsImage())
        del bkgd           # we should be handling the memory correctly, but let's check
        bkgdImage2 = bkgd2.getImageF(interpStyle)

        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage2.getArray()), self.val)
Esempio n. 22
    def testBadPatch(self):
        """Test that a large bad patch of an image doesn't cause an absolute failure"""

        initialValue = 20
        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(500, 200)
        mi.set((initialValue, 0x0, 1.0))
        im = mi.getImage()
        im[0:200, :] = np.nan
        del im
        msk = mi.getMask()
        badBits = msk.getPlaneBitMask(['EDGE', 'DETECTED', 'DETECTED_NEGATIVE'])
        msk[0:400, :] |= badBits
        del msk
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=0)

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        nx, ny = 17, 17
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(mi, bctrl)
        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(statsImage, frame=1)

        # the test is that this doesn't fail if the bug (#2297) is fixed
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER)
        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray()), initialValue)
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=2)
        # Check that we can fix the NaNs in the statsImage
        defaultValue = 10
        sim = statsImage.getImage().getArray()
        sim[np.isnan(sim)] = defaultValue # replace NaN by defaultValue
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER)

        self.assertEqual(np.mean(bkgdImage[0:100, 0:100].getArray()), defaultValue)
def main():
    image = getImage()

    if display:
        ds9.mtv(image, frame=0)

    bkgd = simpleBackground(image)
    image = getImage()
    bkgd = complexBackground(image)

    if display:
        ds9.mtv(image, frame=1)
        ds9.mtv(afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage(), frame=2)

    order = 2
    actrl = afwMath.ApproximateControl(afwMath.ApproximateControl.CHEBYSHEV, order, order)
    approx = bkgd.getApproximate(actrl)

    approx.getImage(order - 1)
Esempio n. 24
def main():
    image = getImage()

    if display:
        ds9.mtv(image, frame=0)

    bkgd = simpleBackground(image)
    image = getImage()
    bkgd = complexBackground(image)

    if display:
        ds9.mtv(image, frame=1)
        ds9.mtv(afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage(), frame=2)

    order = 2
    actrl = afwMath.ApproximateControl(afwMath.ApproximateControl.CHEBYSHEV,
                                       order, order)
    approx = bkgd.getApproximate(actrl)

    approx.getImage(order - 1)
Esempio n. 25
    def testBadAreaFailsSpline(self):
        """Check that a NaN in the stats image doesn't cause spline interpolation to fail (#2734)
        image = afwImage.ImageF(15, 9)
        for y in range(image.getHeight()):
            for x in range(image.getWidth()):
                image.set(x, y, 1 + 2*y) # n.b. linear, which is what the interpolation will fall back to

        # Set the right corner to NaN.  This will mean that we have too few points for a spline interpolator
        binSize = 3
        image[-binSize:, -binSize:] = np.nan

        nx = image.getWidth()//binSize
        ny = image.getHeight()//binSize

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, afwMath.MEANCLIP)

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage(), frame=1)
        # Should throw if we don't permit REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER
                                       bkgd.getImageF, afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE)
        # The interpolation should fall back to linear for the right part of the image
        # where the NaNs don't permit spline interpolation (n.b. this happens to be exact)
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.REDUCE_INTERP_ORDER)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=2)

        image -= bkgdImage
        self.assertEqual(afwMath.makeStatistics(image, afwMath.MEAN).getValue(), 0.0)
Esempio n. 26
    def testCFHT(self):
        """Test background subtraction on some real CFHT data"""
        mi = self.getCfhtImage()

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(mi.getWidth()//128, mi.getHeight()//128)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 0)

        im = mi.getImage()
        im -= backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 1)

        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getStatsImage()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(statsImage, frame=2)
            ds9.mtv(statsImage.getVariance(), frame=3)
def result(fits):

    cat =, params=['X_IMAGE', 'Y_IMAGE', 'FLUX_APER'], 
    print cat['FLUX_APER']  
    image = afwImage.MaskedImageF(fits)
    binsize   = 128
    nx = int(image.getWidth()/binsize) + 1
    ny = int(image.getHeight()/binsize) + 1
    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny)

    bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)

    statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(bkgd).getStatsImage()
    image  -= bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE)

    return bkgd

Esempio n. 28
    def testCFHT(self):
        """Test background subtraction on some real CFHT data"""

        afwdataDir = eups.productDir("afwdata")
        if not afwdataDir:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping testCFHT as afwdata is not setup"

        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(
            os.path.join(afwdataDir, "CFHT", "D4",
        mi = mi.Factory(
            afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(32, 2), afwGeom.Point2I(2079, 4609)),

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(mi.getWidth() // 128,
                                          mi.getHeight() // 128)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=0)

        im = mi.getImage()
        im -= backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=1)

        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getStatsImage()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage(), frame=2)
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage().getVariance(), frame=3)
Esempio n. 29
    def testCFHT(self):
        """Test background subtraction on some real CFHT data
        mi = self.getCfhtImage()

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(mi.getWidth()//128, mi.getHeight()//128)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 0)

        im = mi.getImage()
        im -= backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 1)

        statsImage = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(backobj).getStatsImage()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(statsImage, frame=2)
            ds9.mtv(statsImage.getVariance(), frame=3)
Esempio n. 30
    def testRamp(self):
        """tests Laher's afwdata/Statistics/*.fits images (doubles)"""
        # make a ramping image (spline should be exact for linear increasing image
        nx = 512
        ny = 512
        x0, y0 = 9876, 54321
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0), afwGeom.Extent2I(nx, ny))
        rampimg = afwImage.ImageF(box)
        dzdx, dzdy, z0 = 0.1, 0.2, 10000.0
        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                rampimg.set(x, y, dzdx * x + dzdy * y + z0)

        # check corner, edge, and center pixels
        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(10, 10)
            20.0)  # large enough to entirely avoid clipping
        backobj = afwMath.cast_BackgroundMI(
            afwMath.makeBackground(rampimg, bctrl))

        if debugMode:

        frame = 1
        for interp in ("CONSTANT", "LINEAR", "NATURAL_SPLINE", "AKIMA_SPLINE"):
            diff = backobj.getImageF(interp)
            if debugMode:
                ds9.mtv(diff, frame=frame)
                frame += 1
            diff -= rampimg
            if debugMode:
                print(interp, diff.getArray().mean(), diff.getArray().std())
            if debugMode:
                ds9.mtv(diff, frame=frame)
                frame += 1
        if debugMode:
            ds9.mtv(rampimg, frame=frame)
            frame += 1
            ds9.mtv(backobj.getStatsImage(), frame=frame)
            frame += 1

        xpixels = [0, nx // 2, nx - 1]
        ypixels = [0, ny // 2, ny - 1]
        for xpix in xpixels:
            for ypix in ypixels:
                testval = backobj.getPixel(xpix, ypix)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(testval / rampimg.get(xpix, ypix), 1, 6)

        # Test pickle
        new = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(backobj))
        self.assertBackgroundEqual(backobj, new)

        # Check creation of sub-image
        box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(123, 45),
                            afwGeom.Extent2I(45, 123))
        box.shift(afwGeom.Extent2I(x0, y0))
        bgImage = backobj.getImageF("AKIMA_SPLINE")
        bgSubImage = afwImage.ImageF(bgImage, box)
        testImage = backobj.getImageF(box, "AKIMA_SPLINE")
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getXY0(), bgSubImage.getXY0())
        self.assertEqual(testImage.getDimensions(), bgSubImage.getDimensions())
        self.assertImagesEqual(testImage, bgSubImage)