Esempio n. 1
def summarizeVisit(butler, *, exp=None, extendedSummary=False, **kwargs):
    from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, AltAz

    def _airMassFromrRawMd(md):
        auxTelLocation = EarthLocation(lat=-30.244639 * u.deg,
                                       lon=-70.749417 * u.deg,
                                       height=2663 * u.m)
        time = Time(md['DATE-OBS'])
        skyLocation = SkyCoord(md['RASTART'], md['DECSTART'], unit=u.deg)
        altAz = AltAz(obstime=time, location=auxTelLocation)
        observationAltAz = skyLocation.transform_to(altAz)
        return observationAltAz.secz.value

    items = ["OBJECT", "expTime", "FILTER", "imageType"]
    obj, expTime, filterCompound, imageType = butler.queryMetadata(
        'raw', items, **kwargs)[0]
    filt, grating = filterCompound.split('~')
    rawMd = butler.get('raw_md', **kwargs)
    airmass = _airMassFromrRawMd(rawMd)

    print(f"Object name: {obj}")
    print(f"expTime:     {expTime}s")
    print(f"imageType:   {imageType}")
    print(f"Filter:      {filt}")
    print(f"Grating:     {grating}")
    print(f"Airmass:     {airmass:.3f}")

    if imageType not in ['BIAS', 'FLAT', 'DARK']:
        simbadObj = Simbad.query_object(obj)
        if simbadObj is None:
            print(f"Failed to find {obj} in Simbad.")
            assert (len(simbadObj.as_array()) == 1)
            raStr = simbadObj[0]['RA']
            decStr = simbadObj[0]['DEC']
            skyLocation = SkyCoord(raStr,
            raRad, decRad = skyLocation.ra.rad, skyLocation.dec.rad
            print(f"obj RA  (str):   {raStr}")
            print(f"obj DEC (str):   {decStr}")
            print(f"obj RA  (rad):   {raRad:5f}")
            print(f"obj DEC (rad):   {decRad:5f}")
            print(f"obj RA  (deg):   {raRad*180/math.pi:5f}")
            print(f"obj DEC (deg):   {decRad*180/math.pi:5f}")

            if exp is not None:  # calc source coords from exp wcs
                ra = geom.Angle(raRad)
                dec = geom.Angle(decRad)
                targetLocation = geom.SpherePoint(ra, dec)
                pixCoord = exp.getWcs().skyToPixel(targetLocation)
                print(f"Source location: {pixCoord} using exp provided")
            else:  # try to find one, but not too hard
                datasetTypes = ['calexp', 'quickLookExp', 'postISRCCD']
                for datasetType in datasetTypes:
                    wcs = None
                    typeUsed = None
                        wcs = butler.get(datasetType + '_wcs', **kwargs)
                        typeUsed = datasetType
                    except butlerExcept.NoResults:
                if wcs is not None:
                    ra = geom.Angle(raRad)
                    dec = geom.Angle(decRad)
                    targetLocation = geom.SpherePoint(ra, dec)
                    pixCoord = wcs.skyToPixel(targetLocation)
                    print(f"Source location: {pixCoord} using {typeUsed}")

    if extendedSummary:
        print('\n--- Extended Summary ---')
        ranIsr = False
        if exp is None:
            print("Running isr to compute image stats...")

            # catch all the ISR chat
            # logRedirection1 = LogRedirect(1, open(os.devnull, 'w'))
            # logRedirection2 = LogRedirect(2, open(os.devnull, 'w'))
            # import ipdb as pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            from lsst.ip.isr.isrTask import IsrTask
            isrConfig = IsrTask.ConfigClass()
            isrConfig.doLinearize = False
            isrConfig.doBias = False
            isrConfig.doFlat = False
            isrConfig.doDark = False
            isrConfig.doFringe = False
            isrConfig.doDefect = False
            isrConfig.doWrite = False
            isrTask = IsrTask(config=isrConfig)
            dataRef = butler.dataRef('raw', **kwargs)
            exp = isrTask.runDataRef(dataRef).exposure
            wcs = exp.getWcs()
            ranIsr = True
            # logRedirection1.finish()  # end re-direct
            # logRedirection2.finish()  # end re-direct

        if simbadObj and ranIsr:
            ra = geom.Angle(raRad)
            dec = geom.Angle(decRad)
            targetLocation = geom.SpherePoint(ra, dec)
            pixCoord = wcs.skyToPixel(targetLocation)
                f"Source location: {pixCoord} using postISR just-reconstructed wcs"

            f'\nImage stats from {"just-constructed" if ranIsr else "provided"} exp:\n'
        print(f'Image mean:   {np.mean(exp.image.array):.2f}')
        print(f'Image median: {np.median(exp.image.array):.2f}')
        print(f'Image min:    {np.min(exp.image.array):.2f}')
        print(f'Image max:    {np.max(exp.image.array):.2f}')
        # TODO: quartiles/percentiles here
        # number of masked pixels, saturated pixels

        print(f'BAD pixels:      {countPixels(exp.maskedImage, "BAD")}')
        print(f'SAT pixels:      {countPixels(exp.maskedImage, "SAT")}')
        print(f'CR pixels:       {countPixels(exp.maskedImage, "CR")}')
        print(f'INTRP pixels:    {countPixels(exp.maskedImage, "INTRP")}')
        print(f'DETECTED pixels: {countPixels(exp.maskedImage, "DETECTED")}')

        # detector = exp.getDetector()
        visitInfo = exp.getInfo().getVisitInfo()
        rotAngle = visitInfo.getBoresightRotAngle()
        boresight = visitInfo.getBoresightRaDec()
        md = butler.get('raw_md', **kwargs)

        print("\n From VisitInfo:")
        print(f"boresight: {boresight}")
        print(f"rotAngle:  {rotAngle}")
        print(f"  →        {rotAngle.asDegrees():.4f} deg")

        print("\n From raw_md:")
        print(f"ROTPA:     {md['ROTPA']} deg")
        print(f"  →        {(md['ROTPA']*math.pi/180):.6f} rad")
Esempio n. 2
    def setUp(self):
        """Constructs a CCD with two amplifiers and prepares for ISR"""
        baseValue = 100.0
        gain = 1.0
        readNoise = 123456789.0
        saturation = 987654321.0
        height = 234
        imageSize = Extent2I(123, height)
        overscanSize = Extent2I(16, height)
        self.sigma = 1.234

        # Set up the various regions
        overscan1 = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), overscanSize)
        image1 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0], 0), imageSize)
        image2 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0] + imageSize[0], 0), imageSize)
        overscan2 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0] + 2 * imageSize[0], 0),

        leftBox = Box2I(
            Extent2I(overscan1.getWidth() + image1.getWidth(), height))
        rightBox = Box2I(
            Extent2I(image2.getWidth() + overscan2.getWidth(), height))

        target1 = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), imageSize)
        target2 = Box2I(Point2I(image1.getWidth(), 0), imageSize)

        # Set the pixels
        exposure = ExposureF(
            Box2I(Point2I(0, 0),
                  Extent2I(imageSize[0] * 2 + overscanSize[0] * 2, height)))
        yy = np.arange(0, height, 1, dtype=np.float32)
        leftImage = ExposureF(exposure, leftBox)
        leftImage.image.array[:] = baseValue + yy[:, np.newaxis]
        rightImage = ExposureF(exposure, rightBox)
        rightImage.image.array[:] = baseValue - yy[:, np.newaxis]

        leftOverscan = ExposureF(exposure, overscan1)
        leftOverscan.image.array += np.random.normal(
            0.0, self.sigma, leftOverscan.image.array.shape)
        rightOverscan = ExposureF(exposure, overscan2)
        rightOverscan.image.array += np.random.normal(
            0.0, self.sigma, leftOverscan.image.array.shape)
        exposure.mask.array[:] = 0.0
        exposure.variance.array[:] = np.nan

        # Construct the detectors
        amp1 = makeAmplifier("left", target1, image1, overscan1, gain,
                             readNoise, saturation)
        amp2 = makeAmplifier("right", target2, image2, overscan2, gain,
                             readNoise, saturation)
        ccdBox = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0),
                       Extent2I(image1.getWidth() + image2.getWidth(), height))
        camBuilder = cameraGeom.Camera.Builder("fakeCam")
        detBuilder = camBuilder.add("detector", 1)
        detBuilder.setPixelSize(Extent2D(1.0, 1.0))
        cam = camBuilder.finish()

        header = PropertyList()
        header.add("EXPTIME", 0.0)

        self.exposure = exposure
        self.config = IsrTask.ConfigClass()

        # Disable everything we don't care about
        self.config.doBias = False
        self.config.doDark = False
        self.config.doFlat = False
        self.config.doFringe = False
        self.config.doDefect = False
        self.config.doWrite = False
        self.config.expectWcs = False
        self.config.doLinearize = False
        self.config.doCrosstalk = False
        self.config.doBrighterFatter = False
        self.config.doAttachTransmissionCurve = False
        self.config.doAssembleCcd = False
        self.config.doNanMasking = False
        self.config.doInterpolate = False

        self.config.maskNegativeVariance = False  # This runs on mocks.
        # Set the things that match our test setup
        self.config.overscan.fitType = "CHEB"
        self.config.overscan.order = 1
        self.config.doEmpiricalReadNoise = True

        self.task = IsrTask(config=self.config)