Esempio n. 1
    def testSumMagnitudes(self):
        Test that the method sum_magnitudes in PhotometryGalaxies handles
        NaNs correctly.  Test it both in the vectorized and non-vectorized form.
        mm_0 = 22.0

        bulge = 15.0 * np.ones(8)

        disk = 15.2 * np.ones(8)

        agn = 15.4 * np.ones(8)

        bulge[0] = np.NaN
        disk[1] = np.NaN
        agn[2] = np.NaN

        bulge[3] = np.NaN
        disk[3] = np.NaN

        bulge[4] = np.NaN
        agn[4] = np.NaN

        disk[5] = np.NaN
        agn[5] = np.NaN

        bulge[7] = np.NaN
        disk[7] = np.NaN
        agn[7] = np.NaN

        bulge_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4 * (bulge - mm_0))
        disk_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4 * (disk - mm_0))
        agn_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4 * (agn - mm_0))

        answer = np.zeros(8)
        answer[0] = -2.5 * np.log10(disk_flux[0] + agn_flux[0]) + mm_0
        answer[1] = -2.5 * np.log10(bulge_flux[1] + agn_flux[1]) + mm_0
        answer[2] = -2.5 * np.log10(bulge_flux[2] + disk_flux[2]) + mm_0
        answer[3] = -2.5 * np.log10(agn_flux[3]) + mm_0
        answer[4] = -2.5 * np.log10(disk_flux[4]) + mm_0
        answer[5] = -2.5 * np.log10(bulge_flux[5]) + mm_0
        answer[6] = -2.5 * np.log10(bulge_flux[6] + disk_flux[6] +
                                    agn_flux[6]) + mm_0
        answer[7] = np.NaN

        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()
        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=bulge, disk=disk, agn=agn)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, answer, decimal=10)

        for ix, (bb, dd, aa, truth) in enumerate(zip(bulge, disk, agn,
            test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=bb, disk=dd, agn=aa)
            if ix < 7:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(test, truth, 10)
                                 msg='test is NaN; should not be')
                np.testing.assert_equal(test, np.NaN)
                np.testing.assert_equal(truth, np.NaN)
Esempio n. 2
    def testSumMagnitudes(self):
        Test that the method sum_magnitudes in PhotometryGalaxies handles
        NaNs correctly.  Test it both in the vectorized and non-vectorized form.
        mm_0 = 22.0

        bulge = 15.0*np.ones(8)

        disk = 15.2*np.ones(8)

        agn = 15.4*np.ones(8)

        bulge[0] = np.NaN
        disk[1] = np.NaN
        agn[2] = np.NaN

        bulge[3] = np.NaN
        disk[3] = np.NaN

        bulge[4] = np.NaN
        agn[4] = np.NaN

        disk[5] = np.NaN
        agn[5] = np.NaN

        bulge[7] = np.NaN
        disk[7] = np.NaN
        agn[7] = np.NaN

        bulge_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4*(bulge-mm_0))
        disk_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4*(disk-mm_0))
        agn_flux = np.power(10.0, -0.4*(agn-mm_0))

        answer = np.zeros(8)
        answer[0] = -2.5*np.log10(disk_flux[0]+agn_flux[0]) + mm_0
        answer[1] = -2.5*np.log10(bulge_flux[1]+agn_flux[1]) + mm_0
        answer[2] = -2.5*np.log10(bulge_flux[2]+disk_flux[2]) + mm_0
        answer[3] = -2.5*np.log10(agn_flux[3]) + mm_0
        answer[4] = -2.5*np.log10(disk_flux[4]) + mm_0
        answer[5] = -2.5*np.log10(bulge_flux[5]) + mm_0
        answer[6] = -2.5*np.log10(bulge_flux[6]+disk_flux[6]+agn_flux[6]) + mm_0
        answer[7] = np.NaN

        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()
        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=bulge, disk=disk, agn=agn)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, answer, decimal=10)

        for ix, (bb, dd, aa, truth) in enumerate(zip(bulge, disk, agn, answer)):
            test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=bb, disk=dd, agn=aa)
            if ix < 7:
                self.assertAlmostEqual(test, truth, 10)
                self.assertFalse(np.isnan(test), msg='test is NaN; should not be')
                np.testing.assert_equal(test, np.NaN)
                np.testing.assert_equal(truth, np.NaN)
    def testGalaxyVariabilityInfrastructure(self):
        Test that the variability design was correctly implemented in
        the case of galaxies

        outputs = [
            'id', 'test_u', 'test_g', 'test_r', 'test_i', 'test_z', 'test_y',
            'test_bulge_u', 'test_bulge_g', 'test_bulge_r', 'test_bulge_i',
            'test_bulge_z', 'test_bulge_y', 'test_disk_u', 'test_disk_g',
            'test_disk_r', 'test_disk_i', 'test_disk_z', 'test_disk_y',
            'test_agn_u', 'test_agn_g', 'test_agn_r', 'test_agn_i',
            'test_agn_z', 'test_agn_y'

        baseline = GalaxyBaselineCatalogClass(self.galaxyDB,
        variable = GalaxyVariabilityCatalogClass(self.galaxyDB,

        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()

        variable_indices = [19, 20, 21, 7, 16]

        for bb, vv in zip(baseline.iter_catalog(), variable.iter_catalog()):
            self.assertEqual(bb[0], vv[0])

            # test that the variable components are altered
            # the way they ought to be
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[19] + 1.0, vv[19], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[20] + 2.0, vv[20], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[21] + 3.0, vv[21], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[7] + 4.0, vv[7], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[16] + 5.0, vv[16], 10)

            # test that the components which do not vary are equal
            for ix in range(7, 25):
                if ix not in variable_indices:
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[ix], vv[ix], 10)

            # test that the total magnitudes are correctly calculated
            for ix in range(6):

                    bb[ix + 1],
                    phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=bb[7 + ix],
                                        disk=bb[13 + ix],
                                        agn=bb[19 + ix]), 10)

                    vv[ix + 1],
                    phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=vv[7 + ix],
                                        disk=vv[13 + ix],
                                        agn=vv[19 + ix]), 10)
    def testGalaxyVariabilityInfrastructure(self):
        Test that the variability design was correctly implemented in
        the case of galaxies

        outputs = ['id',
                   'test_u', 'test_g', 'test_r', 'test_i', 'test_z', 'test_y',
                   'test_bulge_u', 'test_bulge_g', 'test_bulge_r', 'test_bulge_i',
                   'test_bulge_z', 'test_bulge_y',
                   'test_disk_u', 'test_disk_g', 'test_disk_r', 'test_disk_i',
                   'test_disk_z', 'test_disk_y',
                   'test_agn_u', 'test_agn_g', 'test_agn_r',
                   'test_agn_i', 'test_agn_z', 'test_agn_y']

        baseline = GalaxyBaselineCatalogClass(self.galaxyDB, column_outputs=outputs)
        variable = GalaxyVariabilityCatalogClass(self.galaxyDB, column_outputs=outputs)

        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()

        variable_indices = [19, 20, 21, 7, 16]

        for bb, vv in zip(baseline.iter_catalog(), variable.iter_catalog()):
            self.assertEqual(bb[0], vv[0])

            # test that the variable components are altered
            # the way they ought to be
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[19]+1.0, vv[19], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[20]+2.0, vv[20], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[21]+3.0, vv[21], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[7]+4.0, vv[7], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[16]+5.0, vv[16], 10)

            # test that the components which do not vary are equal
            for ix in range(7, 25):
                if ix not in variable_indices:
                    self.assertAlmostEqual(bb[ix], vv[ix], 10)

            # test that the total magnitudes are correctly calculated
            for ix in range(6):


Esempio n. 5
    def testSumMagnitudesCatalog(self):
        test that sum_magnitudes handles NaNs correctly in the context
        of a catalog by outputting a catalog of galaxies with NaNs in
        different component magnitudes, reading that catalog back in,
        and then calculating the summed magnitude by hand and comparing

        obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData(mjd=50000.0,
                                           pointingRA=0.0, pointingDec=0.0,

        test_cat = galaxiesWithHoles(self.galaxy, obs_metadata=obs_metadata)
        dtype = np.dtype([('raJ2000', np.float),
                          ('decJ2000', np.float),
                          ('u', np.float), ('g', np.float), ('r', np.float),
                          ('i', np.float), ('z', np.float), ('y', np.float),
                          ('ub', np.float), ('gb', np.float), ('rb', np.float),
                          ('ib', np.float), ('zb', np.float), ('yb', np.float),
                          ('ud', np.float), ('gd', np.float), ('rd', np.float),
                          ('id', np.float), ('zd', np.float), ('yd', np.float),
                          ('ua', np.float), ('ga', np.float), ('ra', np.float),
                          ('ia', np.float), ('za', np.float), ('ya', np.float)])

        with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName:
            data = np.genfromtxt(catName, dtype=dtype, delimiter=', ')
        self.assertGreater(len(data), 16)
        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ub'], disk=data['ud'], agn=data['ua'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['u'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['gb'], disk=data['gd'], agn=data['ga'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['g'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['rb'], disk=data['rd'], agn=data['ra'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['r'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ib'], disk=data['id'], agn=data['ia'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['i'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['zb'], disk=data['zd'], agn=data['za'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['z'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['yb'], disk=data['yd'], agn=data['ya'])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['y'], decimal=10)

        # make sure that there were some NaNs for our catalog to deal with (but that they were not
        # all NaNs
        for line in [data['u'], data['g'], data['r'], data['i'], data['z'], data['y'],
                     data['ub'], data['gb'], data['rb'], data['ib'], data['zb'], data['yb'],
                     data['ud'], data['gd'], data['rd'], data['id'], data['zd'], data['yd'],
                     data['ua'], data['ga'], data['ra'], data['ia'], data['za'], data['ya']]:

            ctNans = len(np.where(np.isnan(line))[0])
            self.assertGreater(ctNans, 0)
            self.assertLess(ctNans, len(line))
Esempio n. 6
    def testSumMagnitudesCatalog(self):
        test that sum_magnitudes handles NaNs correctly in the context
        of a catalog by outputting a catalog of galaxies with NaNs in
        different component magnitudes, reading that catalog back in,
        and then calculating the summed magnitude by hand and comparing

        obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData(mjd=50000.0,

        test_cat = galaxiesWithHoles(self.galaxy, obs_metadata=obs_metadata)
        dtype = np.dtype([('raJ2000', np.float), ('decJ2000', np.float),
                          ('u', np.float), ('g', np.float), ('r', np.float),
                          ('i', np.float), ('z', np.float), ('y', np.float),
                          ('ub', np.float), ('gb', np.float), ('rb', np.float),
                          ('ib', np.float), ('zb', np.float), ('yb', np.float),
                          ('ud', np.float), ('gd', np.float), ('rd', np.float),
                          ('id', np.float), ('zd', np.float), ('yd', np.float),
                          ('ua', np.float), ('ga', np.float), ('ra', np.float),
                          ('ia', np.float), ('za', np.float),
                          ('ya', np.float)])

        with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName:
            data = np.genfromtxt(catName, dtype=dtype, delimiter=', ')
        self.assertGreater(len(data), 16)
        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ub'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['u'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['gb'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['g'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['rb'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['r'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ib'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['i'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['zb'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['z'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['yb'],
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['y'], decimal=10)

        # make sure that there were some NaNs for our catalog to deal with (but that they were not
        # all NaNs
        for line in [
                data['u'], data['g'], data['r'], data['i'], data['z'],
                data['y'], data['ub'], data['gb'], data['rb'], data['ib'],
                data['zb'], data['yb'], data['ud'], data['gd'], data['rd'],
                data['id'], data['zd'], data['yd'], data['ua'], data['ga'],
                data['ra'], data['ia'], data['za'], data['ya']

            ctNans = len(np.where(np.isnan(line))[0])
            self.assertGreater(ctNans, 0)
            self.assertLess(ctNans, len(line))
    def testSumMagnitudesCatalog(self):
        test that sum_magnitudes handles NaNs correctly in the context
        of a catalog by outputting a catalog of galaxies with NaNs in
        different component magnitudes, reading that catalog back in,
        and then calculating the summed magnitude by hand and comparing

        catName = 'galaxiesWithHoles.txt'

        dtype = numpy.dtype([
                            ('raJ2000', numpy.float),
                            ('decJ2000', numpy.float),
                            ('u', numpy.float), ('g', numpy.float), ('r', numpy.float),
                            ('i', numpy.float), ('z', numpy.float), ('y', numpy.float),
                            ('ub', numpy.float), ('gb', numpy.float), ('rb', numpy.float),
                            ('ib', numpy.float), ('zb', numpy.float), ('yb', numpy.float),
                            ('ud', numpy.float), ('gd', numpy.float), ('rd', numpy.float),
                            ('id', numpy.float), ('zd', numpy.float), ('yd', numpy.float),
                            ('ua', numpy.float), ('ga', numpy.float), ('ra', numpy.float),
                            ('ia', numpy.float), ('za', numpy.float), ('ya', numpy.float)

        data = numpy.genfromtxt(catName, dtype=dtype, delimiter=', ')
        phot = PhotometryGalaxies()

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ub'], disk=data['ud'], agn=data['ua'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['u'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['gb'], disk=data['gd'], agn=data['ga'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['g'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['rb'], disk=data['rd'], agn=data['ra'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['r'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['ib'], disk=data['id'], agn=data['ia'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['i'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['zb'], disk=data['zd'], agn=data['za'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['z'], decimal=10)

        test = phot.sum_magnitudes(bulge=data['yb'], disk=data['yd'], agn=data['ya'])
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test, data['y'], decimal=10)

        # make sure that there were some NaNs for our catalog to deal with (but that they were not
        # all NaNs
        for line in [data['u'], data['g'], data['r'], data['i'], data['z'], data['y'],
                     data['ub'], data['gb'], data['rb'], data['ib'], data['zb'], data['yb'],
                     data['ud'], data['gd'], data['rd'], data['id'], data['zd'], data['yd'],
                     data['ua'], data['ga'], data['ra'], data['ia'], data['za'], data['ya']]:

            ctNans = len(numpy.where(numpy.isnan(line))[0])

        if os.path.exists(catName):