def testGetEphemerides(self): # Test that getEphemerides works and is accurate. chebyValues = ChebyValues() #chebyValues.setCoefficients(self.chebyFits) chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile) time = self.tStart + self.interval / 2.0 # Test for all objects. ephemerides = chebyValues.getEphemerides(time) pyephemerides = self.pyephems.generateEphemerides(time, obscode=807, timeScale='TAI', byObject=False) # RA and Dec should agree to 2.5mas (skyTolerance above) pos_residuals = np.sqrt((ephemerides['ra'] - pyephemerides['ra'][0]) ** 2 + (ephemerides['dec'] - pyephemerides['dec'][0]) ** 2) pos_residuals *= 3600.0 * 1000.0 self.assertTrue(np.max(pos_residuals) <= 2.5) # Let's just look at the max residuals in all quantities. for k in ('ra', 'dec', 'dradt', 'ddecdt', 'delta'): resids = np.abs(ephemerides[k] - pyephemerides[k][0]) print 'max diff ', k, np.max(resids) resids = np.abs(ephemerides['elongation'] - pyephemerides['solarelon'][0]) print 'max diff elongation', np.max(resids) resids = np.abs(ephemerides['vmag'] - pyephemerides['magV'][0]) print 'max diff vmag', np.max(resids) # Test this for a subset of the objects. objIds = self.orbits.orbits.objId.head(3).as_matrix() ephemerides = chebyValues.getEphemerides(time, objIds) self.assertEqual(len(ephemerides['ra']), 3)
def setUp(self): # Read orbits. self.orbits = Orbits() self.jplDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_movingObjects'), 'tests/jpl_testdata') self.orbits.readOrbits(os.path.join(self.jplDir, 'S0_n747.des'), skiprows=1) # Read JPL ephems. self.jpl = pd.read_table(os.path.join(self.jplDir, '807_n747.txt'), delim_whitespace=True) # Add times in TAI and UTC, because. t = Time(self.jpl['epoch_mjd'], format='mjd', scale='utc') self.jpl['mjdTAI'] = t.tai.mjd self.jpl['mjdUTC'] = t.utc.mjd self.jpl = self.jpl.to_records(index=False) # Generate interpolation coefficients for the time period in the JPL catalog. self.scratch_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='TestJPLValues-') self.coeffFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_coeffs') self.residFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_resids') self.failedFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_failed') tStart = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() - 0.2 tEnd = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].max() + 0.2 - self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() self.chebyFits = ChebyFits(self.orbits, tStart, tEnd, ngran=64, skyTolerance=2.5, nDecimal=14, obscode=807) self.chebyFits.calcSegmentLength() self.chebyFits.calcSegments() self.chebyFits.write(self.coeffFile, self.residFile, self.failedFile, append=False) self.coeffKeys = ['objId', 'tStart', 'tEnd', 'ra', 'dec', 'geo_dist', 'vmag', 'elongation'] self.chebyValues = ChebyValues() self.chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile)
def testSetCoeff(self): # Test setting coefficients directly from chebyFits outputs. chebyValues = ChebyValues() chebyValues.setCoefficients(self.chebyFits) for k in self.coeffKeys: self.assertTrue(k in chebyValues.coeffs) self.assertTrue(isinstance(chebyValues.coeffs[k], np.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(chebyValues.coeffs['objId'])), len(self.orbits)) # This will only be true for carefully selected length/orbit type, where subdivision did not occur. # For the test MBAs, a len=1day will work. For the test NEOs, a len=0.25 day will work (with 2.5mas skyTol). #self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['tStart']), (self.interval / self.setLength) * len(self.orbits)) self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['ra'][0]), self.nCoeffs) self.assertTrue('meanRA' in chebyValues.coeffs) self.assertTrue('meanDec' in chebyValues.coeffs)
def setUp(self): # Read orbits. self.orbits = Orbits() self.orbits.readOrbits('jpl_testdata/S0_n747.des', skiprows=1) # Read JPL ephems. self.jpl = pd.read_table('jpl_testdata/807_n747.txt', delim_whitespace=True) # Add times in TAI and UTC, because. t = Time(self.jpl['epoch_mjd'], format='mjd', scale='utc') self.jpl['mjdTAI'] = t.tai.mjd self.jpl['mjdUTC'] = t.utc.mjd self.jpl = self.jpl.to_records(index=False) # Generate interpolation coefficients for the time period in the JPL catalog. self.coeffFile = 'test_coeffs' self.residFile = 'test_resids' self.failedFile = 'test_failed' tStart = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() - 0.2 tEnd = np.max([self.jpl['mjdTAI'].max() + 0.2, tStart + 1]) self.chebyFits = ChebyFits(self.orbits, tStart, tEnd, ngran=64, skyTolerance=2.5, nDecimal=14, nCoeff_position=14, obscode=807) self.chebyFits.calcSegmentLength() self.chebyFits.calcSegments() self.chebyFits.write(self.coeffFile, self.residFile, self.failedFile, append=False) self.coeffKeys = ['objId', 'tStart', 'tEnd', 'ra', 'dec', 'delta', 'vmag', 'elongation'] self.chebyValues = ChebyValues() self.chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile)
def testSetCoeff(self): # Test setting coefficients directly from chebyFits outputs. chebyValues = ChebyValues() chebyValues.setCoefficients(self.chebyFits) for k in self.coeffKeys: self.assertTrue(k in chebyValues.coeffs) self.assertTrue(isinstance(chebyValues.coeffs[k], np.ndarray)) self.assertEqual(len(np.unique(chebyValues.coeffs['objId'])), len(self.orbits)) # This will only be true for carefully selected length/orbit type, where subdivision did not occur. # For the test MBAs, a len=1day will work. # For the test NEOs, a len=0.25 day will work (with 2.5mas skyTol). # self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['tStart']), # (self.interval / self.setLength) * len(self.orbits)) self.assertEqual(len(chebyValues.coeffs['ra'][0]), self.nCoeffs) self.assertTrue('meanRA' in chebyValues.coeffs) self.assertTrue('meanDec' in chebyValues.coeffs)
def testGetEphemerides(self): # Test that getEphemerides works and is accurate. chebyValues = ChebyValues() chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile) # Multiple times, all objects, all within interval. tstep = self.interval/10.0 time = np.arange(self.tStart, self.tStart + self.interval, tstep) # Test for a single time, but all the objects. ephemerides = chebyValues.getEphemerides(time) pyephemerides = self.pyephems.generateEphemerides(time, obscode=807, timeScale='TAI', byObject=True) # RA and Dec should agree to 2.5mas (skyTolerance above) pos_residuals = np.sqrt((ephemerides['ra'] - pyephemerides['ra']) ** 2 + ((ephemerides['dec'] - pyephemerides['dec']) * np.cos(np.radians(ephemerides['dec']))) ** 2) pos_residuals *= 3600.0 * 1000.0 # Let's just look at the max residuals in all quantities. for k in ('ra', 'dec', 'dradt', 'ddecdt', 'geo_dist'): resids = np.abs(ephemerides[k] - pyephemerides[k]) if k != 'geo_dist': resids *= 3600.0 * 1000.0 print('max diff', k, np.max(resids)) resids = np.abs(ephemerides['elongation'] - pyephemerides['solarelon']) print('max diff elongation', np.max(resids)) resids = np.abs(ephemerides['vmag'] - pyephemerides['magV']) print('max diff vmag', np.max(resids)) self.assertLessEqual(np.max(pos_residuals), 2.5) # Test for single time, but for a subset of the objects. objIds = self.orbits.orbits.objId.head(3).as_matrix() ephemerides = chebyValues.getEphemerides(time, objIds) self.assertEqual(len(ephemerides['ra']), 3) # Test for time outside of segment range. ephemerides = chebyValues.getEphemerides(self.tStart + self.interval * 2, objIds, extrapolate=False) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(ephemerides['ra'][0]), msg='Expected Nan for out of range ephemeris, got %.2e' %(ephemerides['ra'][0]))
def testReadCoeffs(self): # Test reading the coefficients from disk. chebyValues = ChebyValues() chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile) chebyValues2 = ChebyValues() chebyValues2.setCoefficients(self.chebyFits) for k in chebyValues.coeffs: if k == 'objId': # Can't test strings with np.test.assert_almost_equal. np.testing.assert_equal(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k]) else: # All of these will only be accurate to 2 less decimal places than they are # print out with in chebyFits. Since vmag, delta and elongation only use 7 # decimal places, this means we can test to 5 decimal places for those. np.testing.assert_allclose(chebyValues.coeffs[k], chebyValues2.coeffs[k], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
class TestJPLValues(unittest.TestCase): # Test the interpolation-generated RA/Dec values against JPL generated RA/Dec values. # The resulting errors should be similar to the errors reported from testEphemerides when testing against JPL values. def setUp(self): # Read orbits. self.orbits = Orbits() self.orbits.readOrbits('jpl_testdata/S0_n747.des', skiprows=1) # Read JPL ephems. self.jpl = pd.read_table('jpl_testdata/807_n747.txt', delim_whitespace=True) # Add times in TAI and UTC, because. t = Time(self.jpl['epoch_mjd'], format='mjd', scale='utc') self.jpl['mjdTAI'] = t.tai.mjd self.jpl['mjdUTC'] = t.utc.mjd self.jpl = self.jpl.to_records(index=False) # Generate interpolation coefficients for the time period in the JPL catalog. self.coeffFile = 'test_coeffs' self.residFile = 'test_resids' self.failedFile = 'test_failed' tStart = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() - 0.2 tEnd = np.max([self.jpl['mjdTAI'].max() + 0.2, tStart + 1]) self.chebyFits = ChebyFits(self.orbits, tStart, tEnd, ngran=64, skyTolerance=2.5, nDecimal=14, nCoeff_position=14, obscode=807) self.chebyFits.calcSegmentLength() self.chebyFits.calcSegments() self.chebyFits.write(self.coeffFile, self.residFile, self.failedFile, append=False) self.coeffKeys = ['objId', 'tStart', 'tEnd', 'ra', 'dec', 'delta', 'vmag', 'elongation'] self.chebyValues = ChebyValues() self.chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile) def tearDown(self): del self.orbits del self.jpl os.remove(self.coeffFile) os.remove(self.residFile) if os.path.isfile(self.failedFile): os.remove(self.failedFile) def testRADec(self): # We won't compare Vmag, because this also needs information on trailing losses. times = np.unique(self.jpl['mjdTAI']) deltaObjId = np.zeros(len(times), bool) deltaRA = np.zeros(len(times), float) deltaDec = np.zeros(len(times), float) for i, t in enumerate(times): # Find the JPL objIds visible at this time. j = self.jpl[np.where(self.jpl['mjdTAI'] == t)] ephs = self.chebyValues.getEphemerides(t, j['objId']) ephorder = np.argsort(ephs['objId']) dRA = np.abs(ephs['ra'][ephorder] - j['ra_deg']) * 3600.0 * 1000.0 dDec = np.abs(ephs['dec'][ephorder] - j['dec_deg']) * 3600.0 * 1000.0 deltaRA[i] = dRA.max() deltaDec[i] = dDec.max() # Should be (given OOrb direct prediction): # Much of the time we're closer than 1mas, but there are a few which hit higher values. # This is consistent with the errors/values reported by oorb directly in testEphemerides. self.assertTrue(np.max(deltaRA) < 18) self.assertTrue(np.max(deltaDec) < 6) self.assertTrue(np.std(deltaRA) < 2) self.assertTrue(np.std(deltaDec) < 1) print 'max JPL errors', deltaRA.max(), deltaDec.max() print 'std of JPL errors', np.std(deltaRA), np.std(deltaDec)
class TestJPLValues(unittest.TestCase): # Test the interpolation-generated RA/Dec values against JPL generated RA/Dec values. # The resulting errors should be similar to the errors reported # from testEphemerides when testing against JPL values. def setUp(self): # Read orbits. self.orbits = Orbits() self.jplDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_movingObjects'), 'tests/jpl_testdata') self.orbits.readOrbits(os.path.join(self.jplDir, 'S0_n747.des'), skiprows=1) # Read JPL ephems. self.jpl = pd.read_table(os.path.join(self.jplDir, '807_n747.txt'), delim_whitespace=True) # Add times in TAI and UTC, because. t = Time(self.jpl['epoch_mjd'], format='mjd', scale='utc') self.jpl['mjdTAI'] = t.tai.mjd self.jpl['mjdUTC'] = t.utc.mjd self.jpl = self.jpl.to_records(index=False) # Generate interpolation coefficients for the time period in the JPL catalog. self.scratch_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='TestJPLValues-') self.coeffFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_coeffs') self.residFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_resids') self.failedFile = os.path.join(self.scratch_dir, 'test_failed') tStart = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() - 0.2 tEnd = self.jpl['mjdTAI'].max() + 0.2 - self.jpl['mjdTAI'].min() self.chebyFits = ChebyFits(self.orbits, tStart, tEnd, ngran=64, skyTolerance=2.5, nDecimal=14, obscode=807) self.chebyFits.calcSegmentLength() self.chebyFits.calcSegments() self.chebyFits.write(self.coeffFile, self.residFile, self.failedFile, append=False) self.coeffKeys = ['objId', 'tStart', 'tEnd', 'ra', 'dec', 'geo_dist', 'vmag', 'elongation'] self.chebyValues = ChebyValues() self.chebyValues.readCoefficients(self.coeffFile) def tearDown(self): del self.orbits del self.jpl if os.path.exists(self.scratch_dir): shutil.rmtree(self.scratch_dir) def testRADec(self): # We won't compare Vmag, because this also needs information on trailing losses. times = np.unique(self.jpl['mjdTAI']) deltaRA = np.zeros(len(times), float) deltaDec = np.zeros(len(times), float) for i, t in enumerate(times): # Find the JPL objIds visible at this time. j = self.jpl[np.where(self.jpl['mjdTAI'] == t)] ephs = self.chebyValues.getEphemerides(t, j['objId']) ephorder = np.argsort(ephs['objId']) # Sometimes I've had to reorder both, sometimes just the ephs. ?? jorder = np.argsort(j['objId']) jorder = np.arange(0, len(jorder)) dRA = np.abs(ephs['ra'][ephorder][:,0] - j['ra_deg'][jorder]) * 3600.0 * 1000.0 dDec = np.abs(ephs['dec'][ephorder][:,0] - j['dec_deg'][jorder]) * 3600.0 * 1000.0 deltaRA[i] = dRA.max() deltaDec[i] = dDec.max() if deltaRA[i] > 18: print(j['objId'], ephs['objId']) print(j['ra_deg']) print(ephs['ra']) print(j['dec_deg']) print(ephs['dec']) # Should be (given OOrb direct prediction): # Much of the time we're closer than 1mas, but there are a few which hit higher values. # This is consistent with the errors/values reported by oorb directly in testEphemerides. print('max JPL errors', deltaRA.max(), deltaDec.max()) print('std of JPL errors', np.std(deltaRA), np.std(deltaDec)) self.assertLess(np.max(deltaRA), 25) self.assertLess(np.max(deltaDec), 10) self.assertLess(np.std(deltaRA), 3) self.assertLess(np.std(deltaDec), 2)