def testWavelenMatch(self):
        Test that when you load bandpasses sampled over different
        wavelength grids, they all get sampled to the same wavelength
        dwavList = numpy.arange(5.0,25.0,5.0)
        bpList = []
        bpNameList = []
        for ix, dwav in enumerate(dwavList):
            name = 'bp_%d' % ix
            wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0, 1500.0, dwav)
            sb = numpy.exp(-0.5*(numpy.power((wavelen-100.0*ix)/100.0,2)))
            bp = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)

        # First make sure that we have created distinct wavelength grids
        for ix in range(len(bpList)):
            for iy in range(ix+1,len(bpList)):

        testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, bpNameList)

        # Now make sure that the wavelength grids in the dict were resampled, but that
        # the original wavelength grids were not changed
        for ix in range(len(bpList)):
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(testDict.values()[ix].wavelen, testDict.wavelenMatch, 19)
            if ix!=0:
Esempio n. 2
    def testWavelenMatch(self):
        Test that when you load bandpasses sampled over different
        wavelength grids, they all get sampled to the same wavelength
        dwavList = numpy.arange(5.0,25.0,5.0)
        bpList = []
        bpNameList = []
        for ix, dwav in enumerate(dwavList):
            name = 'bp_%d' % ix
            wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0, 1500.0, dwav)
            sb = numpy.exp(-0.5*(numpy.power((wavelen-100.0*ix)/100.0,2)))
            bp = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)

        # First make sure that we have created distinct wavelength grids
        for ix in range(len(bpList)):
            for iy in range(ix+1,len(bpList)):

        testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, bpNameList)

        # Now make sure that the wavelength grids in the dict were resampled, but that
        # the original wavelength grids were not changed
        for ix in range(len(bpList)):
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(testDict.values()[ix].wavelen, testDict.wavelenMatch, 19)
            if ix!=0:
    def testInitialization(self):
        Test that all of the member variables of BandpassDict are set
        to the correct value upon construction.

        for nBp in range(3,10,1):
            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            self.assertEqual(len(testDict), nBp)

            for controlName, testName in zip(nameList, testDict):
                self.assertEqual(controlName, testName)

            for controlName, testName in zip(nameList, testDict.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(controlName, testName)

            for name, bp in zip(nameList, bpList):
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bp.wavelen, testDict[name].wavelen, 10)
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, testDict[name].sb, 10)

            for bpControl, bpTest in zip(bpList, testDict.values()):
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bpControl.wavelen, bpTest.wavelen, 10)
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(,, 10)
Esempio n. 4
    def testInitialization(self):
        Test that all of the member variables of BandpassDict are set
        to the correct value upon construction.

        for nBp in range(3,10,1):
            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            self.assertEqual(len(testDict), nBp)

            for controlName, testName in zip(nameList, testDict):
                self.assertEqual(controlName, testName)

            for controlName, testName in zip(nameList, testDict.keys()):
                self.assertEqual(controlName, testName)

            for name, bp in zip(nameList, bpList):
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bp.wavelen, testDict[name].wavelen, 19)
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, testDict[name].sb, 19)

            for bpControl, bpTest in zip(bpList, testDict.values()):
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(bpControl.wavelen, bpTest.wavelen, 19)
                numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(,, 19)
    def testFluxDictForSed(self):
        Test that fluxDictForSed calculates the correct fluxes

        wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0,2000.0,1.0)
        flux = (wavelen*2.0-5.0)*1.0e-6
        spectrum = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, flambda=flux)

        for nBp in range(3, 10, 1):

            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            fluxDict = testDict.fluxDictForSed(spectrum)
            for ix, (name, bp) in enumerate(zip(nameList, bpList)):
                fluxControl = spectrum.calcFlux(bp)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fluxDict[name]/fluxControl, 1.0, 2)
    def testMagListForSed(self):
        Test that magListForSed calculates the correct magnitude

        wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0,2000.0,1.0)
        flux = (wavelen*2.0-5.0)*1.0e-6
        spectrum = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, flambda=flux)

        for nBp in range(3, 10, 1):

            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            magList = testDict.magListForSed(spectrum)
            for ix, (name, bp, magTest) in enumerate(zip(nameList, bpList, magList)):
                magControl = spectrum.calcMag(bp)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(magTest, magControl, 5)
Esempio n. 7
    def testFluxDictForSed(self):
        Test that fluxDictForSed calculates the correct fluxes

        wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0,2000.0,1.0)
        flux = (wavelen*2.0-5.0)*1.0e-6
        spectrum = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, flambda=flux)

        for nBp in range(3, 10, 1):

            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            fluxDict = testDict.fluxDictForSed(spectrum)
            for ix, (name, bp) in enumerate(zip(nameList, bpList)):
                fluxControl = spectrum.calcFlux(bp)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(fluxDict[name]/fluxControl, 1.0, 2)
Esempio n. 8
    def testMagListForSed(self):
        Test that magListForSed calculates the correct magnitude

        wavelen = numpy.arange(10.0,2000.0,1.0)
        flux = (wavelen*2.0-5.0)*1.0e-6
        spectrum = Sed(wavelen=wavelen, flambda=flux)

        for nBp in range(3, 10, 1):

            nameList, bpList = self.getListOfBandpasses(nBp)
            testDict = BandpassDict(bpList, nameList)

            magList = testDict.magListForSed(spectrum)
            for ix, (name, bp, magTest) in enumerate(zip(nameList, bpList, magList)):
                magControl = spectrum.calcMag(bp)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(magTest, magControl, 5)