Esempio n. 1
def test_find_atomics():
    parser = PLParser()
    sa, sb, sab, sa0 = "A", "B", "AB", "A0"
    a, b, ab, a0 = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb), PLAtomic(sab), PLAtomic(sa0)

    # complete formula
    f = "!A | B <-> !(A & !B) <-> A->B"
    formula = parser(f)
    assert formula.find_atomics() == {a, b}

    # more than one character
    f = "!A & (!AB & !A0)"
    formula = parser(f)
    assert formula.find_atomics() == {c for c in {a, ab, a0}}
Esempio n. 2
def test_negate():
    sa, sb, sc = "A", "B", "c"
    a, b, c = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb), PLAtomic(sc)

    a_and_b = PLAnd([a, b])
    not_a_or_not_b = PLOr([PLNot(a), PLNot(b)])
    assert a_and_b.negate() == not_a_or_not_b

    a_and_b_and_c = PLAnd([a, b, c])
    not_a_or_not_b_or_not_c = PLOr([PLNot(a), PLNot(b), PLNot(c)])
    assert a_and_b_and_c.negate() == not_a_or_not_b_or_not_c

    a_or_b = PLOr([a, b])
    not_a_and_not_b = PLAnd([PLNot(a), PLNot(b)])
    assert a_or_b.negate() == not_a_and_not_b
Esempio n. 3
def test_nnf():
    parser = PLParser()
    sa, sb = "A", "B"
    a, b = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb)

    not_a_and_b = parser("!(A&B)")
    nnf_not_a_and_b = parser("!A | !B")
    assert not_a_and_b.to_nnf() == nnf_not_a_and_b
    assert nnf_not_a_and_b == nnf_not_a_and_b.to_nnf()

    dup = parser("!(A | A)")
    nnf_dup = dup.to_nnf()
    assert nnf_dup == PLAnd([PLNot(a), PLNot(a)])

    material_implication = parser("!A | B <-> !(A & !B) <-> A->B")
    nnf_material_implication = parser(
        "((!A | B) & (!A | B) & (!A | B)) | ((A & !B) & (A & !B) & (A & !B))")
    nnf_m = material_implication.to_nnf()
    assert nnf_m == nnf_material_implication.to_nnf()
Esempio n. 4
def test_names():

    good = [
        '"This is also allowed!"',
        PLParser()("A -> B"),
    bad = ["!", "&", "Invalid:", "", '"', "="]

    for name in good:
    for name in bad:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Esempio n. 5
def test_mona():
    # parser = PLParser()
    a, b, c = [PLAtomic(c) for c in "abc"]
    true = PLTrue()
    false = PLFalse()

    assert a.to_mona(v="0") == "(0 in A)"
    assert b.to_mona(v="0") == "(0 in B)"
    assert c.to_mona(v="0") == "(0 in C)"
    assert true.to_mona(v="0") == "true"
    assert false.to_mona(v="0") == "false"
Esempio n. 6
def test_parser():
    parser = PLParser()
    sa, sb = "A", "B"
    a, b = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb)

    a_and_b = parser("A & B")
    true_a_and_b = PLAnd([a, b])
    assert a_and_b == true_a_and_b

    material_implication = parser("!A | B <-> !(A & !B) <-> A->B")
    true_material_implication = PLEquivalence(
        [PLOr([PLNot(a), b]), PLNot(PLAnd([a, PLNot(b)])), PLImplies([a, b])]

    assert material_implication == true_material_implication

    true_a_and_false_and_true = PLAnd([a, PLFalse(), PLTrue()])
    a_and_false_and_true = parser("A & false & true")

    assert a_and_false_and_true == true_a_and_false_and_true
Esempio n. 7
def test_parser():
    parser = PLParser()
    sa, sb, sc = "A", "B", "C"
    a, b, c = PLAtomic(sa), PLAtomic(sb), PLAtomic(sc)
    parsed_a = parser("A")
    assert parsed_a == a

    parsed_b = parser("B")
    assert parsed_b == b

    parsed_not_a = parser("~A")
    assert parsed_not_a == PLNot(a)

    a_and_b = parser("A & B")
    true_a_and_b = PLAnd([a, b])
    assert a_and_b == true_a_and_b

    a_or_b = parser("A | B")
    true_a_or_b = PLOr([a, b])
    assert a_or_b == true_a_or_b

    material_implication = parser("!A | B <-> !(A & !B) <-> A->B")
    true_material_implication = PLEquivalence(
        [PLOr([PLNot(a), b]),
         PLNot(PLAnd([a, PLNot(b)])),
         PLImplies([a, b])])
    assert material_implication == true_material_implication

    a_imply_b = parser("A -> B")
    true_a_imply_b = PLImplies([a, b])
    assert a_imply_b == true_a_imply_b

    a_imply_b_imply_c = parser("A -> B -> C")
    true_a_imply_b_imply_c = PLImplies([a, b, c])
    assert a_imply_b_imply_c == true_a_imply_b_imply_c

    true_a_and_false_and_true = PLAnd([a, PLFalse(), PLTrue()])
    a_and_false_and_true = parser("A & false & true")
    assert a_and_false_and_true == true_a_and_false_and_true
Esempio n. 8
 def atom(self, args):
     """Parse Atom."""
     assert len(args) == 1
     return PLAtomic(str(args[0]))
Esempio n. 9
 def to_mona(self, v="0") -> str:
     """Return the MONA encoding of an LTLf atomic formula."""
     if v != "0":
         return "({} in {})".format(v, self.s.upper())
         return PLAtomic(self.s).to_mona()
Esempio n. 10
 def find_labels(self) -> List[AtomSymbol]:
     """Find the labels."""
     return PLAtomic(self.s).find_labels()
Esempio n. 11
 def new_var2(f, exv):
     """Compute next variable."""
     v2 = PLAtomic("v" + str(len(exv)))
     exv[f] = v2
     return v2