def get_document(document_id): if get_connection() is None: try_reconnecting() if request.method == 'GET': try: result = load_document(document_id, current_user.get_id()) return respond_with(result) except Exception, e: print e reset_connection() return 'Error while loading the document.', 500
def login(): if get_connection() is None: try_reconnecting() req = request.get_json() if req and 'username' in req and 'password' in req: try: user = load_user(req['username']) if user and req['password'] == user.token: login_user(user, remember=True) user.token = None return respond_with(user.__dict__) except Exception, e: reset_connection() return str(e) + " Please try again later.", 500
result = load_document(document_id, current_user.get_id()) return respond_with(result) except Exception, e: print e reset_connection() return 'Error while loading the document.', 500 if request.method == 'POST': successful = False try: user_doc_id = load_user_doc_id(document_id, current_user.get_id()) successful = save_document(request.get_json(), user_doc_id, document_id, current_user.get_id(), request.get_json()['task_id']) except Exception, e: print e reset_connection() if successful: return "" else: return "An error occurred while saving the document.", 500 if request.method == 'DELETE': successful = False try: successful = delete_document(document_id) except Exception, e: print e reset_connection() if not successful: return 'Deletion unsuccessful.', 500 else: return 'Deleted.', 200