Esempio n. 1
def main():
    ohio_withholding = TaxSchedule([(0, '0.5'), (5000, 1), (10000, 2),
                                    (15000, '2.5'), (20000, 3), (40000, '3.5'),
                                    (80000, 4), (100000, 5)],
                                   Decimal('650') / Decimal('12'))
    wage_schedule = ([D('2,500.00')] * 6)
    exemptions = 2

    pd = compute_payroll(wage_schedule, ohio_withholding.compute_tax_on,
Esempio n. 2
def tax_from_tax_table(taxable_income, filing_status):
    import csv
    import os
    here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    with open(os.path.join(here, 'f1040-tax-table.csv')) as f:
        for row in csv.DictReader(f):
            minimum = Decimal(row['At Least'])
            maximum = Decimal(row['But Less Than'])
            if minimum <= taxable_income < maximum:
                return Decimal(row[filing_status] + '.00')
            raise ValueError('not found in tax table')
Esempio n. 3
def compute(form):
    f = form
    f.line3 = (cents(f.line1) / cents(f.line2)).quantize(
        Decimal('0.0001'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
    f.line7 = f.line3

    f.line12a = sum(f['line', n, 'a'] for n in range(9, 12))
    f.line12b = sum(f['line', n, 'b'] for n in range(9, 12))
    f.line13 = cents(f.line12b * f.line7 / hundred)
    f.line14 = f.line12a + f.line13

    f.line15 = max(zero, f.line8 - f.line14)

    f.line22a = sum(f['line', n, 'a'] for n in range(16, 22))
    f.line22b = sum(f['line', n, 'b'] for n in range(16, 22))
    f.line23 = cents(f.line22b * f.line7)
    f.line25 = f.line22a + f.line23 + f.line24

    f.line38 = f.line36 - f.line37
    f.line39 = cents(f.line38 * f.line7)
    f.line41 = cents(f.line39 * f.line40)

    f.line26 = min(f.line15, f.line25)
    f.line27 = f.line15 - f.line26
    f.line29 = f.line41
    f.line31 = f.line28 + f.line29 + f.line30
    f.line32 = min(f.line27, f.line31)
    f.line33 = f.line14 + f.line26 + f.line32
    # TODO: f.line34 should really involve casualty loss plus another form!
    f.line34 = zero
    f.line35 = f.line33 - f.line34

    f.line42 = max(zero, f.line25 - f.line26)
    f.line43 = max(zero, f.line31 - f.line32)
Esempio n. 4
def compute(form):
    f = form

    cw = f.carryover_worksheet
    cw.line1 = cw.previous_f1040_line41
    cw.line2 = max(zero, cw.previous_f1040sd_line21)
    cw.line3 = max(zero, cw.line1 + cw.line2)
    cw.line4 = min(cw.line2, cw.line3)
    cw.line5 = max(zero, -cw.previous_f1040sd_line7)
    cw.line6 = max(zero, cw.previous_f1040sd_line15)
    cw.line7 = cw.line4 + cw.line6
    cw.line8 = max(zero, cw.line5 - cw.line7)
    cw.line9 = max(zero, -cw.previous_f1040sd_line15)
    cw.line10 = max(zero, cw.previous_f1040sd_line7)
    cw.line11 = max(zero, cw.line4 - cw.line5)
    cw.line12 = cw.line10 + cw.line11
    cw.line13 = max(zero, cw.line9 - cw.line12)

    # Part I: Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses
    # Part II: Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses

    letters = 'efg' if f.form_version < u'2012' else 'deg'

    for line in 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10:
            f, 'line{}h'.format(line),
            getattr(f, 'line{}{}'.format(line, letters[0])) -
            getattr(f, 'line{}{}'.format(line, letters[1])) +
            getattr(f, 'line{}{}'.format(line, letters[2])))

    if not hasattr(f, 'line6'):
        f.line6 = cw.line8
    f.line7 = f.line1h + f.line2h + f.line3h + f.line4 + f.line5 - f.line6
    if not hasattr(f, 'line14'):
        f.line14 = cw.line13
    f.line15 = (f.line8h + f.line9h + f.line10h + f.line11 + f.line12 +
                f.line13 - f.line14)

    # Part III: Summary

    f.line16 = f.line7 + f.line15

    if f.line16 >= zero:
        f.line17 = f.line15 >= zero and f.line16 >= zero
        if f.line17:
            # TODO: need a pretty error message if line18 or line19 has not
            # been filled out.
            f.line20 = (not f.line18) and (not f.line19)
            f.line20 = None
        f.line21 = zero
    elif f.line16 < zero:
        f.line17 = None
        f.line20 = None
        f.line21 = min(-f.line16, Decimal('3000.00'))
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, brackets, one_allowance=zero):
        """Return a Pandas tax schedule DataFrame.

        Each element of `brackets` should be a two-element tuple
        ``(over, rate)`` like ``(8926, 15)`` giving the base of the tax
        bracket in dollars ("if the amount is *over*...") and its tax
        rate as a percent.  Each value in the tuple should either be a
        Decimal, or an integer or string that will be automatically
        converted to a Decimal.

        The value `one_allowance` should be the amount of any deduction
        that gets subtracted from income before the tax is computed.

        overs, rates = zip(*brackets)
        df = pd.DataFrame({'over': [cents(value) for value in overs]})
        df['rate'] = [Decimal(rate) * percent for rate in rates]
        df['but_not_over'] = df['over'].shift(-1).fillna(infinity)
        self.brackets = df
        self.one_allowance = cents(one_allowance)
Esempio n. 6
def compute(form):
    f = form
    f.line3 = f.line1a + f.line1b + f.line2
    if f.line3 >= zero:
        f.line4a = cents(Decimal('.9235') * f.line3)
        f.line4a = f.line3
    f.line4c = f.line4a + f.line4b

    if f.line4c < Decimal('400.00'):
        f.line5b = zero
        f.line6 = zero
        f.line8d = zero
        f.line9 = zero
        f.line10 = zero
        f.line11 = zero
        f.line12 = zero
        f.line13 = zero

    f.line5b = cents(Decimal('.9235') * f.line5a)
    if f.line5b < Decimal('100.00'):
        f.line5b = zero

    f.line6 = f.line4c + f.line5b

    line7 = cents('113700.00')

    if f.line8a >= line7:
        f.line8d = zero
        f.line9 = zero
        f.line10 = zero
        raise NotImplementedError()

    f.line11 = cents(f.line6 * Decimal('.029'))
    f.line12 = f.line10 + f.line11
    f.line13 = cents(f.line12 * Decimal('0.5'))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_cents_round_up(self):
     assert cents('1.235') == Decimal('1.24')
Esempio n. 8
 def test_cents_round_down(self):
     assert cents('1.234') == Decimal('1.23')
Esempio n. 9
"""Routines for computing a payroll.

This module is experimental and cannot yet be exercised though the Luca
command-line tool.

import pandas
from luca.kit import Decimal, cents, zero
from luca.taxes import TaxSchedule, federal_monthly_withholding

# "ss" - Social Security
# "mc" - Medicare

D = lambda s: Decimal(s.replace(',', ''))
ss_limit = D('113700.00')
ss_rate = D('0.062')
mc_rate = D('0.0145')
bluffton_school_rate = D('0.005')  # From SDIT_Instructions.pdf
monthly_school_exemption = D('54.17')  # From SDIT_Instructions.pdf

def compute_payroll(wage_schedule, state_withholding, exemptions):
    """Return a 2013 payroll schedule as a Pandas DataFrame."""

    month_integers = range(1, len(wage_schedule) + 1)

    pd = pandas.DataFrame(index=month_integers)
    pd['wages'] = wage_schedule

    compute = federal_monthly_withholding['MJ'].compute_tax_on
    pd['fedwh'] = [compute(amount, exemptions) for amount in wage_schedule]
Esempio n. 10
from luca.kit import Decimal, dsum, zero, zzstr
from luca.taxes import TaxSchedule

title = u'Form 1040: U.S. Individual Income Tax Return'
versions = u'2012', u'2013', u'2014'

filing_statuses = 'S MJ MS HoH QW'.split()
exemptions = {
    u'2012': Decimal('3800.00'),
    u'2013': Decimal('3900.00'),
    u'2014': Decimal('3950.00'),

def lines(seq):
    if isinstance(seq, str):
        seq = seq.split()
    return ['line{}'.format(suffix) for suffix in seq]

income_lines = lines('7 8a 8b 9a 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15a 15b '
                     '16a 16b 17 18 19 20a 20b 21')
income_tally = lines('7 8a 9a 10 11 12 13 14 15b 16b 17 18 19 20b 21')
adjustments = lines('23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31a 32 33 34 35')

class info2013:
    credits = lines(range(47, 54))
    other_taxes = lines('56 57 58 59a 59b 60')
    payments = lines(range(62, 64) + ['64a', '64b'] + range(65, 72))
Esempio n. 11
def compute_2012(form):
    f = form

    # Schedule A

    f.line34 = f.line31 + f.line32 + sum(f['line33', x] for x in 'abcdefg')
    f.line46 = sum(f['line', number] for number in deductions)
    f.line47 = f.line34 - f.line46

    # Schedule B

    f.line57 = sum(f['line', number] for number in nonbusiness_credits)

    # Start of main page

    f.line2 = f.line47
    f.line3 = f.line1 + f.line2
    f.line4 = f.exemptions * dollars('1700')
    f.line5 = max(zero, f.line3 - f.line4)
    f.line7 = f.line57
    f.line8 = max(zero, f.line6 - f.line7)
    f.line9 = f.exemptions * dollars('20')
    f.line10 = max(zero, f.line8 - f.line9)
    f.line10a = f.line10
    f.line11 = min(dollars('650'), dollars(f.line10a * f.line11_percent / 100))
    f.line12 = f.line10a - f.line11

    # Schedule C

    f.line59 = f.line3
    f.line60_factor = (f.line58 / f.line59).quantize(Decimal('0.0001'))
    f.line60 = dollars(f.line12 * f.line60_factor)
    f.line62 = min(f.line60, f.line61)

    # Schedule D

    f.line64 = f.line3
    f.line65_factor = (f.line63 / f.line64).quantize(Decimal('0.0001'))
    f.line65 = dollars(f.line12 * f.line65_factor)

    # Summary of credits

    f.line66 = zero
    f.line67 = f.line62
    f.line68 = f.line65
    f.line69 = f.line66 + f.line67 + f.line68

    # Main page continued

    f.line13 = f.line69
    f.line15 = max(zero, f.line12 - f.line13 - f.line14)
    f.line18 = f.line15 + f.line16 + f.line17
    f.line22 = (f.line19 + f.line20 + f.line21a + f.line21b + f.line21c +

    if f.line22 > f.line18:
        f.line23 = max(zero, f.line22 - f.line18)
        f.line26 = (f.line23 - f.line24 - f.line25a - f.line25b - f.line25c -
        f.line27 = zero
        f.line29 = zero
        f.line30 = f.line26 - f.line28
        f.line23 = zero
        f.line26 = zero
        f.line27 = f.line18 - f.line22
        f.line29 = f.line27 + f.line28
        f.line30 = zero
Esempio n. 12
from luca.kit import Decimal, dollars

title = u'Ohio Form IT-1040: Individual Income Tax Return'
versions = u'2012', u'2013'

zero = Decimal('0')
deductions = ('35a 35b 36 37a 37b 38a 38b 38c 39 '
              '40 41a 41b 42 43a 43b 43c 44 45').split()
nonbusiness_credits = range(48, 57)

# TODO: someday also support Section B (Long Schedule SE)

def defaults(form):
    f = form

    f.ssn = ''
    f.spouse_ssn = ''
    f.first_name = ''
    f.middle_initial = ''
    f.last_name = ''
    f.spouse_first_name = ''
    f.spouse_middle_initial = ''
    f.spouse_last_name = ''
    f.address = '' = ''
    f.state = '' = ''
    f.county = ''
    # TODO: separate home address, and foreign address = ''
Esempio n. 13
from luca.kit import Decimal, cents, zero, zstr, zzstr, ROUND_HALF_UP

title = u'Form 8829: Expenses for Business Use of Your Home'
versions = u'2012', u'2013', u'2014'
hundred = Decimal('100')

def defaults(form):
    f = form = u''
    f.ssn = u''
    f.line1 = 100
    f.line2 = 1000
    # TODO: daycare computations in lines 4-6
    f.line8 = zero
    for n in range(9, 12) + range(16, 22):
        for letter in 'ab':
            f['line', n, letter] = zero
    f.line24 = zero
    f.line28 = zero
    f.line30 = zero
    f.line36 = zero
    f.line37 = zero
    f.line40 = 0

def compute(form):
    f = form
    f.line3 = (cents(f.line1) / cents(f.line2)).quantize(
        Decimal('0.0001'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
    f.line7 = f.line3
Esempio n. 14
def compute(form):
    f = form
    f.line3 = f.line1a + f.line1b + f.line2
    f.line4 = cents(Decimal('.9235') * f.line3)

    if f.line4 < Decimal('400.00'):
        f.line5 = zero
        f.line6 = zero

    if f.form_version == u'2014':
        ss_limit = Decimal('117000.00')
        combined_rate = Decimal('.153')
        maximum_ss = Decimal('14508.00')
        medicare_rate = Decimal('.029')
        ss_limit = Decimal('110100.00')
        combined_rate = Decimal('.133')
        maximum_ss = Decimal('11450.40')
        medicare_rate = Decimal('.029')

    if f.line4 <= ss_limit:
        f.line5 = combined_rate * f.line4
        f.line5 = maximum_ss + medicare_rate * f.line4
    f.line5 = cents(f.line5)

    if f.form_version >= u'2014':
        f.line6 = cents(f.line5 / 2)

    # TODO: re-check the following

    if f.line5 <= Decimal('14643.30'):
        f.line6 = Decimal('.5751') * f.line5
        f.line6 = Decimal('1100.00') + Decimal('.50') * f.line5
    f.line6 = cents(f.line6)
Esempio n. 15
"""General routines for working with taxes.

This module is experimental and cannot yet be exercised though the Luca
command-line tool.

>>> schedule = federal_monthly_withholding['MJ']
>>> schedule.build_instructions()
       over but_not_over       pay   plus of_excess_over
0    692.00      2179.00      0.00   0.10         692.00
1   2179.00      6733.00    148.70   0.15        2179.00
2   6733.00     12892.00    831.80   0.25        6733.00
3  12892.00     19279.00   2371.55   0.28       12892.00
4  19279.00     33888.00   4159.91   0.33       19279.00
5  33888.00     38192.00   8980.88   0.35       33888.00
6  38192.00     Infinity  10487.28  0.396       38192.00
>>> schedule.compute_tax_on(cents(25000))

import pandas as pd
from luca.kit import Decimal, cents, infinity, percent, zero

class TaxSchedule(object):

    def __init__(self, brackets, one_allowance=zero):
        """Return a Pandas tax schedule DataFrame.

        Each element of `brackets` should be a two-element tuple
        ``(over, rate)`` like ``(8926, 15)`` giving the base of the tax
        bracket in dollars ("if the amount is *over*...") and its tax