def test_get(self): """ Test Remote target get method downloading a file from ftp """ local_filepath = "/tmp/luigi-remotetarget-read-test" tmp_filepath = "/tmp/tmp-luigi-remotetarget-read-test" remote_file = "/test/example.get.file" # create local temp file with open(tmp_filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write("something to fill") # manualy upload to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.mkd("test") ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % remote_file, open(tmp_filepath, 'rb')) ftp.close() # execute command remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD) remotetarget.get(local_filepath) # file is successfuly created self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_filepath)) # clean os.remove(local_filepath) os.remove(tmp_filepath) ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.delete(remote_file) ftp.cwd("/") ftp.rmd("test") ftp.close()
def test_put(self): """ Test RemoteTarget put method with uploading to an FTP """ local_filepath = "/tmp/luigi-remotetarget-write-test" remote_file = "/test/example.put.file" # create local temp file with open(local_filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write("something to fill") remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD) remotetarget.put(local_filepath) # manually connect to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.cwd("/test") list_dir = ftp.nlst() # file is successfuly created self.assertTrue(remote_file.split("/")[-1] in list_dir) # clean os.remove(local_filepath) ftp.delete(remote_file) ftp.cwd("/") ftp.rmd("test") ftp.close()
def output(self): fname = replace_fext(self.input().path, self.gzext).name ftp_path = self.ftp_fs_sep.join([self.ftp_directory, fname]) return RemoteTarget(ftp_path, self.ftp_host, username=self.ftp_user, password=self.ftp_pass)
def output(self): """ Returns the target output for this task. In this case, a successful execution of this task will create a file that will be created in a FTP server. :return: the target output for this task. :rtype: object (:py:class:``) """ return RemoteTarget('/experiment/output1.txt', HOST, username=USER, password=PWD)
def output(self): # fix from 30.07.2020 # requested by Esmukhanov to avoid probability getting no data for DataFlow # here we just use tomorrow date to build output file name dt = + timedelta(days=1) ftp_prs_gzip_fpath = os.path.join(FTP_PATH, gziped_fname(self.input()[0].path, suff=date_for_fname(dt))) ftp_notax_gzip_fpath = os.path.join(FTP_PATH, gziped_fname(self.input()[1].path, suff=date_for_fname(dt))) ftp_data_gzip_fpath = os.path.join(FTP_PATH, gziped_fname(self.input()[2].path, suff=date_for_fname(dt))) return [ RemoteTarget(ftp_prs_gzip_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS), RemoteTarget(ftp_notax_gzip_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS), RemoteTarget(ftp_data_gzip_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS) ]
def output(self): r = [] for inp in self.input(): fname = gziped_fname(inp.path) r.append(os.path.join(self.ftp_directory, fname)) return [ RemoteTarget(ftp_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS) for ftp_fpath in r ]
def output(self): job_file = os.path.join(JOBS_CONFIG_DIR, str(self.jobfile)) job_conf = Utils.read_file(job_file) base = os.path.basename(self.input().path) day ="%Y%m%d") ftp_path = os.path.join( FTP_REMOTE_PATH, "{}_{}.{}".format( os.path.splitext(base)[0], day, Utils.ext(self.input().path))) if Box(json.loads(job_conf)).gzip: ftp_path += '.gzip' return RemoteTarget(ftp_path, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS)
def output(self): # convert luigi.Parameter to string directory = str(self.ftp_directory) sep = str(self.ftp_os_sep) # build full path to target directory if self.ftp_directory: path = sep.join([self.ftp_path, directory]) else: path = self.ftp_path dt = date_for_fname(, for_month=self.monthly) fname = gziped_fname(self.input().path, suff=dt) ftp_path = sep.join([path, fname]) return RemoteTarget(ftp_path, self.ftp_host, username=self.ftp_user, password=self.ftp_pass)
def test_get(self): """ Test Remote target get method downloading a file from ftp """ local_filepath = "/tmp/luigi-remotetarget-read-test" tmp_filepath = "/tmp/tmp-luigi-remotetarget-read-test" remote_file = "/test/example.get.file" # create local temp file with open(tmp_filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write("something to fill") # manualy upload to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.mkd("test") ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % remote_file, open(tmp_filepath, 'rb')) ftp.close() # execute command remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD) remotetarget.get(local_filepath) # make sure that it can open file with'r') as fin: self.assertEqual(, "something to fill") # file is successfuly created self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_filepath)) # test RemoteTarget with mtime ts = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=2) delayed_remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD, mtime=ts) self.assertTrue(delayed_remotetarget.exists()) ts = + datetime.timedelta(days=2) # who knows what timezone it is in delayed_remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD, mtime=ts) self.assertFalse(delayed_remotetarget.exists()) # clean os.remove(local_filepath) os.remove(tmp_filepath) ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.delete(remote_file) ftp.cwd("/") ftp.rmd("test") ftp.close()
def output(self): rmfs = RemoteFileSystem(FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS) files = None if rmfs.exists(FTP_IN_PATH): lst = rmfs.listdir(FTP_IN_PATH) files = fnmatch.filter([basename(l) for l in lst], self.bins_fname_tmp) else: NoBinsToParseTaxPayments('Could not find directory with bins') if not files: raise NoBinsToParseTaxPayments('Could not find any file with bins') # bins_fpath = join(FTP_IN_PATH, last_file_with_bins(files)) bins_fpath = FTP_IN_PATH + '/' + last_file_with_bins(files) return RemoteTarget(bins_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS)
def output(self): rmfs = RemoteFileSystem(FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS) files = None if rmfs.exists(FTP_IN_PATH): lst = rmfs.listdir(FTP_IN_PATH) files = fnmatch.filter([basename(l) for l in lst], self.fname_pattern) else: NoDataflowExportFile('Could not find directory with bins') if not files: raise NoDataflowExportFile('Could not find any file with bins') bins_fpath = FTP_IN_PATH + '/' + current_file_to_process(files) return RemoteTarget(bins_fpath, FTP_HOST, username=FTP_USER, password=FTP_PASS)
def output(self): return RemoteTarget('/experiment/output1.txt', HOST, username=USER, password=PWD)
def output(self): return RemoteTarget('us-stocks.%Y%m%d.gz'), csi_ftp_server, username=csi_ftp_username, password=csi_ftp_password, port=csi_ftp_port)
def output(self): return RemoteTarget('Econ%Y%m%d.txt'), csi_ftp_server, username=csi_ftp_username, password=csi_ftp_password, port=csi_ftp_port)
def test_get(self): """ Test Remote target get method downloading a file from ftp """ local_filepath = "/tmp/luigi-remotetarget-read-test" tmp_filepath = "/tmp/tmp-luigi-remotetarget-read-test" remote_file = "/test/example.get.file" # create local temp file with open(tmp_filepath, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write("something to fill") # manualy upload to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.mkd("test") ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % remote_file, open(tmp_filepath, 'rb')) ftp.close() # execute command remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD) remotetarget.get(local_filepath) # make sure that it can open file with'r') as fin: self.assertEqual(, "something to fill") # file is successfuly created self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_filepath)) # test RemoteTarget with mtime ts = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=2) delayed_remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD, mtime=ts) self.assertTrue(delayed_remotetarget.exists()) ts = + datetime.timedelta( days=2) # who knows what timezone it is in delayed_remotetarget = RemoteTarget(remote_file, HOST, username=USER, password=PWD, mtime=ts) self.assertFalse(delayed_remotetarget.exists()) # clean os.remove(local_filepath) os.remove(tmp_filepath) ftp = ftplib.FTP(HOST, USER, PWD) ftp.delete(remote_file) ftp.cwd("/") ftp.rmd("test") ftp.close()