Esempio n. 1
def relight(img, hue_weight, lum_weight, sat_weight, step):
    ''' relights image in hsl space according to assigned weights and step-size
               img: PIL image
        hue_weight: 2D array storing hue weights
        lum_weight: 2D array storing illumination weights
        sat_weight: 2D array storing saturation weights
              step: [3x1] set of weights for [hue, lum, sat] relighting

    img_pixels  = np.array(img)
    hgt, wth, c = img_pixels.shape
    img_pix_new = np.zeros((hgt,wth, c), float)
    for y in range(hgt):
        for x in range(wth):

            hls = luminance.rgb_to_hls(img_pixels[y,x])
            hls = np.asarray(hls)
            hls[0] -= step[0] * hue_weight[y,x]
            hls[1] -= step[1] * lum_weight[y,x]
            hls[2] -= step[2] * sat_weight[y,x]

            hls[hls > 1] = 1
            hls[hls < 0] = 0

            img_pix_new[y,x] = luminance.hls_to_rgb(hls)

    img_new = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img_pix_new))

    return img_new
Esempio n. 2
def class_segment(img):
    ''' creates segmentation plot of global hue classes
             img: PIL image

    img_pixels = np.array(img)
    hgt, wth, c = img_pixels.shape
    img_hls = np.zeros((hgt, wth, c), float)
    img_seg = np.zeros((hgt, wth), float)

    for y in range(hgt):
        for x in range(wth):
            img_hls[y, x] = luminance.rgb_to_hls(img_pixels[y, x])

    img_temp = img_hls.transpose()
    img_hue_temp = img_temp[0]
    img_lum_temp = img_temp[1]
    img_sat_temp = img_temp[2]
    img_hues = img_hue_temp.transpose()
    img_lums = img_lum_temp.transpose()
    img_sats = img_sat_temp.transpose()

    for i in range(len(globalIllum_list)):

        glo = globalIllum_list[i]

        hl = glo.hl
        hu =
        ll = glo.ll
        lu =
        sl =
        su =

        global_hue = glo.h_avg
        global_lum = glo.l_avg
        global_sat = glo.s_avg

        glo_rgb = luminance.hls_to_rgb([global_hue, global_lum, global_sat])

        hues_thres = np.copy(img_hues)
        lums_thres = np.copy(img_lums)
        sats_thres = np.copy(img_sats)

        hues_thres[hues_thres < hl] = 0
        hues_thres[hues_thres > hu] = 0
        hues_thres[lums_thres < ll] = 0
        hues_thres[lums_thres > lu] = 0
        hues_thres[sats_thres < sl] = 0
        hues_thres[sats_thres > su] = 0

        hues_indices = (hues_thres != 0)
        img_seg[hues_indices] = i

    return img_seg
Esempio n. 3
def plot_chart_multi(img1, img2):
    ''' comparison chart of global hues between img1 and img2
             img1: PIL image
             img2: PIL image

    img1_pixels = np.array(img1)
    img2_pixels = np.array(img2)
    hgt, wth, c = img1_pixels.shape
    img1_hls = np.zeros((hgt, wth, c), float)
    img2_hls = np.zeros((hgt, wth, c), float)

    for y in range(hgt):
        for x in range(wth):
            img1_hls[y, x] = luminance.rgb_to_hls(img1_pixels[y, x])
            img2_hls[y, x] = luminance.rgb_to_hls(img2_pixels[y, x])

    img1_temp = img1_hls.transpose()
    img1_hue_temp = img1_temp[0]
    img1_lum_temp = img1_temp[1]
    img1_sat_temp = img1_temp[2]
    img1_hues = img1_hue_temp.transpose()
    img1_lums = img1_lum_temp.transpose()
    img1_sats = img1_sat_temp.transpose()

    img2_temp = img2_hls.transpose()
    img2_hue_temp = img2_temp[0]
    img2_lum_temp = img2_temp[1]
    img2_sat_temp = img2_temp[2]
    img2_hues = img2_hue_temp.transpose()
    img2_lums = img2_lum_temp.transpose()
    img2_sats = img2_sat_temp.transpose()

    offset = 15
    patchSize = 100
    patchHalfsize = patchSize / 2
    width = offset + (patchSize + offset) * 6
    height = offset + (patchSize + offset) * 5
    im ="RGB", (width, height), (255, 255, 255))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    for i in range(len(globalIllum_list)):

        glo = globalIllum_list[i]

        hl = glo.hl
        hu =
        ll = glo.ll
        lu =
        sl =
        su =

        global_hue = glo.h_avg
        global_lum = glo.l_avg
        global_sat = glo.s_avg

        hues1_thres = np.copy(img1_hues)
        lums1_thres = np.copy(img1_lums)
        sats1_thres = np.copy(img1_sats)

        hues2_thres = np.copy(img2_hues)
        lums2_thres = np.copy(img2_lums)
        sats2_thres = np.copy(img2_sats)

        avg1_hue = 0
        avg1_lum = 0
        avg1_sat = 0
        num1_pixels = 0
        avg2_hue = 0
        avg2_lum = 0
        avg2_sat = 0
        num2_pixels = 0

        hues1_thres[hues1_thres < hl] = 0
        hues1_thres[hues1_thres > hu] = 0
        hues1_thres[lums1_thres < ll] = 0
        hues1_thres[lums1_thres > lu] = 0
        hues1_thres[sats1_thres < sl] = 0
        hues1_thres[sats1_thres > su] = 0

        lums1_thres[hues1_thres < hl] = 0
        lums1_thres[hues1_thres > hu] = 0
        lums1_thres[lums1_thres < ll] = 0
        lums1_thres[lums1_thres > lu] = 0
        lums1_thres[sats1_thres < sl] = 0
        lums1_thres[sats1_thres > su] = 0

        sats1_thres[hues1_thres < hl] = 0
        sats1_thres[hues1_thres > hu] = 0
        sats1_thres[lums1_thres < ll] = 0
        sats1_thres[lums1_thres > lu] = 0
        sats1_thres[sats1_thres < sl] = 0
        sats1_thres[sats1_thres > su] = 0

        hues2_thres[hues2_thres < hl] = 0
        hues2_thres[hues2_thres > hu] = 0
        hues2_thres[lums2_thres < ll] = 0
        hues2_thres[lums2_thres > lu] = 0
        hues2_thres[sats2_thres < sl] = 0
        hues2_thres[sats2_thres > su] = 0

        lums2_thres[hues2_thres < hl] = 0
        lums2_thres[hues2_thres > hu] = 0
        lums2_thres[lums2_thres < ll] = 0
        lums2_thres[lums2_thres > lu] = 0
        lums2_thres[sats2_thres < sl] = 0
        lums2_thres[sats2_thres > su] = 0

        sats2_thres[hues2_thres < hl] = 0
        sats2_thres[hues2_thres > hu] = 0
        sats2_thres[lums2_thres < ll] = 0
        sats2_thres[lums2_thres > lu] = 0
        sats2_thres[sats2_thres < sl] = 0
        sats2_thres[sats2_thres > su] = 0

        num1_pixels = np.count_nonzero(hues1_thres.flatten())
        avg1_hue = np.sum(hues1_thres.flatten())
        avg1_lum = np.sum(lums1_thres.flatten())
        avg1_sat = np.sum(sats1_thres.flatten())

        num2_pixels = np.count_nonzero(hues2_thres.flatten())
        avg2_hue = np.sum(hues2_thres.flatten())
        avg2_lum = np.sum(lums2_thres.flatten())
        avg2_sat = np.sum(sats2_thres.flatten())

        if (num1_pixels != 0):
            avg1_hue /= num1_pixels
            avg1_lum /= num1_pixels
            avg1_sat /= num1_pixels

        if (num2_pixels != 0):
            avg2_hue /= num2_pixels
            avg2_lum /= num2_pixels
            avg2_sat /= num2_pixels

        avg1_rgb = luminance.hls_to_rgb([avg1_hue, avg1_lum, avg1_sat])
        avg2_rgb = luminance.hls_to_rgb([avg2_hue, avg2_lum, avg2_sat])
        glo_rgb = luminance.hls_to_rgb([global_hue, global_lum, global_sat])

        ix = i % 6
        iy = int(i / 6)
        rx = offset + (patchSize + offset) * ix
        ry = offset + (patchHalfsize + patchSize + offset) * iy

            (rx, ry, rx + patchSize, ry + patchHalfsize),
            fill=(int(avg1_rgb[0]), int(avg1_rgb[1]), int(avg1_rgb[2])))

            (rx, ry + patchHalfsize, rx + patchSize, ry + patchSize),
            fill=(int(avg2_rgb[0]), int(avg2_rgb[1]), int(avg2_rgb[2])))

            (rx, ry + patchSize, rx + patchSize,
             ry + patchSize + patchHalfsize),
            fill=(int(glo_rgb[0]), int(glo_rgb[1]), int(glo_rgb[2])))

            (rx + patchHalfsize - 20, ry + 2 + patchSize + patchHalfsize),
            '[{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]'.format(hl, hu),
            fill=(0, 0, 0))
    return im