Esempio n. 1
def main_list(params):
    lutil.log("tv5monde.main_list "+repr(params))

    # Loads the list of videos of the selected category based on the json object retrieved from the server.
    buffer_json = lutil.get_json(params.get("url"))
    pattern_videos = '<a title="([^"]+)" href="/video/([^/]+)/[^"]+"> <img src="([^"]+)" .*?<div class="bookmark" id="book_([0-9]+)">'
    videolist = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_json['content'], pattern_videos)

    for title, day, thumbnail, videoid in videolist:
        video_url = '' % videoid
        title = title.replace('&quot;', '"')
        lutil.log('videolist: URL: "%s" Descripcion: "%s" Date: "%s" Thumbnail: "%s"' % (video_url, title, day, thumbnail))

        plot = title
        lutil.addLink(action="play_video", title='%s (%s)' % (title, day), plot=plot, url=video_url, thumbnail=thumbnail)
    if buffer_json['pager'] is not None:
        pattern_page = 'pg=([0-9]+)'
        pattern_total = '<ul class="pager" total="([0-9]+)"'
        pattern_genre = 'sort=([0-9]+)'
        last_page = int(lutil.find_first(buffer_json['pager'], pattern_total)) - 1
        next_page = int(lutil.find_first(params.get("url"), pattern_page)) + 1
        if last_page != next_page:
            genre = lutil.find_first(params.get("url"), pattern_genre)
            next_page_url = '' %  (next_page, genre)
            lutil.log('next_page=%s last_page=%s next_page_url="%s"' % (next_page, last_page, next_page_url))
            lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title=">> %s" % translation(30010), url=next_page_url)

Esempio n. 2
def main_list(params):
    lutil.log("eso.main_list "+repr(params))

    # Loads the web page from ESO with the video list.
    page_url = params.get("url")
    reset_cache = params.get("reset_cache")
    genre = params.get("genre")
    array_index = 0 if eso_url in page_url else 1
    root_url = (eso_url, space_url)[array_index]

    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)

    # Extract video items from the html content
    pattern_nextpage    = '<a href="([^"]*?)">Next</a>'
    pattern_prevpage    = '<a href="([^"]*?)">Previous</a>'
    pattern_lastpage    = '<a href="[^"]*?">([0-9]+)</a>'
    pattern_pagenum     = '/([0-9]+)/'
    pattern_videos      = ('</span><img src="([^"]+)" class="[^"]+" alt="([^"]+)">.*?<a href="(/public/videos/[^"]*?)">',
                           '</span><img src="([^"]+)" class="[^"]+" alt="([^"]+)">.*?<a href="(/videos/[^"]*?)">')[array_index]

    lutil.set_content_list(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
    lutil.set_plugin_category(pluginhandle, genre)

    # We must setup the previous page entry from the second page onwards.
    prev_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_prevpage)
    if prev_page_url:
        prev_page = lutil.find_first(prev_page_url, pattern_pagenum)
        lutil.log('eso.main_list Value of prev_page: %s prev_page_url: "%s%s"' % (prev_page, root_url, prev_page_url))
        prev_page_url = "%s%s" % (root_url, prev_page_url.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&quot;', '"'))
        reset_cache = "yes"
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title="<< %s (%s)" % (translation(30106), prev_page), url=prev_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    # This is to force ".." option to go back to main index instead of previous page list.
    updateListing = reset_cache == "yes"

    for thumbnail, title, video_link in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_videos):
        video_info     = {}
        url            = '%s%s' % (root_url, video_link)
        if not thumbnail.startswith('http'):
            thumbnail  = '%s%s' % (root_url, thumbnail)
        title          = title.strip().replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#39;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        video_info['Genre']   = genre
        video_info['Plot']    = title
        # Appends a new item to the xbmc item list
        lutil.addLink(action="play_video", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, video_info=video_info)
    # Here we get the next page URL to add it at the end of the current video list page.
    next_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_nextpage)
    if next_page_url:
        last_page = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_lastpage)[-1]
        next_page = lutil.find_first(next_page_url, pattern_pagenum)
        lutil.log('eso.main_list Value of next_page: %s last_page: %s next_page_url: "%s%s"' % (next_page, last_page, root_url, next_page_url))
        next_page_url = "%s%s" % (root_url, next_page_url.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&quot;', '"'))
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title=">> %s (%s/%s)" % (translation(30010), next_page, last_page), url=next_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=updateListing)
Esempio n. 3
def main_list(params):
    lutil.log("eso.main_list "+repr(params))

    # Loads the web page from ESO with the video list.
    page_url = params.get("url")
    reset_cache = params.get("reset_cache")
    genre = params.get("genre")
    array_index = 0 if eso_url in page_url else 1
    root_url = (eso_url, space_url)[array_index]

    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)
    # Extract video items from the html content
    pattern_nextpage    = '<a href="([^"]*?)">Next</a>'
    pattern_prevpage    = '<a href="([^"]*?)">Previous</a>'
    pattern_lastpage    = '<a href="[^"]*?">([0-9]+)</a>'
    pattern_pagenum     = '/([0-9]+)/'
    pattern_videos      = ('</span><img src="([^"]+)" class="[^"]+" alt="([^"]+)">.*?<a href="(/public/videos/[^"]*?)">',
                           '</span><img src="([^"]+)" class="[^"]+" alt="([^"]+)">.*?<a href="(/videos/[^"]*?)">')[array_index]

    lutil.set_content_list(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
    lutil.set_plugin_category(pluginhandle, genre)

    # We must setup the previous page entry from the second page onwards.
    prev_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_prevpage)
    if prev_page_url:
        prev_page = lutil.find_first(prev_page_url, pattern_pagenum)
        lutil.log('eso.main_list Value of prev_page: %s prev_page_url: "%s%s"' % (prev_page, root_url, prev_page_url))
        prev_page_url = "%s%s" % (root_url, prev_page_url.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&quot;', '"'))
        reset_cache = "yes"
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title="<< %s (%s)" % (translation(30106), prev_page), url=prev_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    # This is to force ".." option to go back to main index instead of previous page list.
    updateListing = reset_cache == "yes"

    for thumbnail, title, video_link in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_videos):
        video_info     = {}
        url            = '%s%s' % (root_url, video_link)
        if not 'http:' in thumbnail:
            thumbnail  = '%s%s' % (root_url, thumbnail)
        title          = title.strip().replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#39;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        video_info['Genre']   = genre
        video_info['Plot']    = title
        # Appends a new item to the xbmc item list
        lutil.addLink(action="play_video", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, video_info=video_info)
    # Here we get the next page URL to add it at the end of the current video list page.
    next_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_nextpage)
    if next_page_url:
        last_page = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_lastpage)[-1]
        next_page = lutil.find_first(next_page_url, pattern_pagenum)
        lutil.log('eso.main_list Value of next_page: %s last_page: %s next_page_url: "%s%s"' % (next_page, last_page, root_url, next_page_url))
        next_page_url = "%s%s" % (root_url, next_page_url.replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&quot;', '"'))
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title=">> %s (%s/%s)" % (translation(30010), next_page, last_page), url=next_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=updateListing)
Esempio n. 4
def index(params):
    lutil.log("tv5monde.index "+repr(params))

    url = ''
    buffer_html = lutil.carga_web(url)
    list_pattern = '<div id="tri-par-genre"(.+?)</ul>'
    lista_genre = lutil.find_first(buffer_html, list_pattern)
    genre_pattern = '<li><a id="([0-9]+)" [^>]+>([^<]+)<'

    for genre, label in lutil.find_multiple(lista_genre, genre_pattern):
        genre_url = '' %  genre
        lutil.log('tv5monde.index url=["%s"] genre=["%s"]' % (genre_url, label))
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title=label, url=genre_url)

Esempio n. 5
def other_categories(params):
    lutil.log("esa.other_categories "+repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'
    page_url = ''
    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)

    category_pattern = '<a href="(/spaceinvideos/Directorates/[^"]*?)">([^<]*?)</a>'

    for category_link, title in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, category_pattern):
        url = '%s%s/(sortBy)/%s' % (root_url, category_link, sort_method)
        title = title.replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        lutil.log('esa.other_categories action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
        lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
def other_categories(params):
    lutil.log("esa.other_categories " + repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'
    page_url = ''
    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)

    category_pattern = '<a href="(/spaceinvideos/Directorates/[^"]*?)">([^<]*?)</a>'

    for category_link, title in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web,
        url = '%s%s/(sortBy)/%s' % (root_url, category_link, sort_method)
        title = title.replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace(
            '&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
            'esa.other_categories action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' %
            (action, title, url))
        lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
Esempio n. 7
def create_index(params):
    lutil.log("eso.create_index "+repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'

    # All Videos entry
    url =  params.get("url", '') + sort_url_param
    title = translation(30107)
    genre = 'All the Videos'
    lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["All the Videos"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    array_index = 0 if eso_url in url else 1
    root_url = (eso_url, space_url)[array_index]
    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(url)
    pattern_genre= ('<a href="(/public/videos/archive/category/[^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>', '<a href="(/videos/archive/category/[^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>')[array_index]

    # Category list
    # This is a hack to avoid repeat the category list at the same time it uses the old order list.
    category_list = []
    for genre_url, genre_title in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_genre):
        url = '%s%s%s' % (root_url, genre_url, '' if 'sort=' in genre_url else sort_url_param)
        title = genre_title.strip().replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        if title not in category_list:
            lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
            lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Spacetelescope web site
    if root_url == eso_url:
        action = 'create_index'
        url = ''
        title = 'Hubble Space Telescope'
        lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
        lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Search
    action = 'search'
    url   = ('', '')[array_index]
    title = translation(30104)
    genre = 'Search'
    lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Search"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
Esempio n. 8
def create_index(params):
    lutil.log("eso.create_index "+repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'

    # All Videos entry
    url =  params.get("url", '') + sort_url_param
    title = translation(30107)
    genre = 'All the Videos'
    lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["All the Videos"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    array_index = 0 if eso_url in url else 1
    root_url = (eso_url, space_url)[array_index]
    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(url)
    pattern_genre= ('<a href="(/public/videos/archive/category/[^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>', '<a href="(/videos/archive/category/[^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>')[array_index]

    # Category list
    # This is a hack to avoid repeat the category list at the same time it uses the old order list.
    category_list = []
    for genre_url, genre_title in lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_genre):
        url = '%s%s%s' % (root_url, genre_url, '' if 'sort=' in genre_url else sort_url_param)
        title = genre_title.strip().replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        if title not in category_list:
            lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
            lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Spacetelescope web site
    if root_url == eso_url:
        action = 'create_index'
        url = ''
        title = 'Hubble Space Telescope'
        lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
        lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Search
    action = 'search'
    url   = ('', '')[array_index]
    title = translation(30104)
    genre = 'Search'
    lutil.log('eso.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Search"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
def create_index(params):
    lutil.log("esa.create_index " + repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'

    # All Videos entry
    url = '' % sort_method
    title = translation(30107)
    genre = 'All the Videos'
        'esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["All the Videos"] url=["%s"]' %
        (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    # Euronews
    url = ''
    title = 'Euronews'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' %
              (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Earth from Space
    url = ''
    title = 'Earth from Space'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' %
              (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Science@ESA
    url = ''
    title = 'Science@ESA'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' %
              (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Other Categories
    action = 'other_categories'
    url = ''
    title = translation(30108)
    genre = 'Other Categories'
        'esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Other Categories"] url=["%s"]'
        % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    # Search
    action = 'search'
    url = ''
    title = translation(30104)
    genre = 'Search'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Search"] url=["%s"]' %
              (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
Esempio n. 10
def main_list(params):
    lutil.log("esa.main_list " + repr(params))

    # Loads the web page from ESA with the video list.
    page_url = params.get("url")
    reset_cache = params.get("reset_cache")
    genre = params.get("genre")

    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)

    # Extract video items from the html content
    pattern_currentpage = '<span class="current">([^<]*?)</span>'
    pattern_page_url = '^%s([^\?]+)'
    pattern_nextpage = '<span class="next"><a href="([^"]*?)">'
    pattern_prevpage = '<span class="previous"><a href="([^"]*?)">'
    pattern_last = '<span class="other"><a href="[^"]*?">([^<]+)</a></span>'
    pattern_videos = '<div class="psr_item_grid">(.*?)</div>'
    pattern_videolink = '<a href="([^"]*?)"'
    pattern_thumbnail = '<img src="([^"]*?)"'
    pattern_title = '<span class="line2hell">([^<]+)</span>'
    pattern_date = '<span class="date">([^<]*?)</span>'
    pattern_year = '([0-9]{4})'

    lutil.set_content_list(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
    lutil.set_plugin_category(pluginhandle, genre)

    page_current = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_currentpage) or '1'
    page_url_pref = lutil.find_first(page_url, pattern_page_url % root_url)

    # We must setup the previous page entry from the second page onwards.
    if page_current != '1':
        prev_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_prevpage)
        lutil.log('esa.main_list Value of current_page_url: "%s"' % page_url)
        prev_page_pref = lutil.find_first(prev_page_url, pattern_page_url % '')
        prev_page_url = page_url.replace(page_url_pref, prev_page_pref)
        reset_cache = "yes"
                     title="<< %s (%s)" % (translation(30106),
                                           (int(page_current) - 1)),

    # This is to force ".." option to go back to main index instead of previous page list.
    updateListing = reset_cache == "yes"

    videolist = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_videos)

    for video_entry in videolist:
        video_info = {}
        video_link = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_videolink)
        thumbnail_link = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_thumbnail)
        title = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_title)
        title = title.replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace(
            '&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        date = lutil.find_first(video_entry,
                                pattern_date).strip().replace('&nbsp;', '')
        if date:
            video_info['Year'] = lutil.find_first(date, pattern_year)
            title = '%s (%s)' % (title, date)
        url = '%s%s' % (root_url, video_link)
        thumbnail = '%s%s' % (root_url, thumbnail_link)
        video_info['Genre'] = genre
            'Plot'] = title  # The description only appears when we load the link.
            'esa.main_list Videolist: URL: "%s" Title: "%s" Thumbnail: "%s"' %
            (url, title, thumbnail))

        # Appends a new item to the xbmc item list

    # Here we get the next page URL to add it at the end of the current video list page.
    next_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_nextpage)
    if next_page_url:
        next_page_pref = lutil.find_first(next_page_url, pattern_page_url % '')
        last_page = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_last)[-1] or ''
        lutil.log("esa.main_list Value of last_page: %s" % last_page)
        lutil.log('esa.main_list Value of current_page_url: "%s"' % page_url)
        next_page_url = page_url.replace(page_url_pref, next_page_pref)
                     title=">> %s (%s/%s)" %
                     (translation(30010), int(page_current) + 1, last_page),

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=updateListing)
Esempio n. 11
def create_index(params):
    lutil.log("esa.create_index "+repr(params))

    action = 'main_list'

    # All Videos entry
    url = '' % sort_method
    title = translation(30107)
    genre = 'All the Videos'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["All the Videos"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    # Euronews
    url   = ''
    title = 'Euronews'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Earth from Space
    url   = ''
    title = 'Earth from Space'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Science@ESA
    url   = ''
    title = 'Science@ESA'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["%s"] url=["%s"]' % (action, title, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=title)

    # Other Categories
    action = 'other_categories'
    url = ''
    title = translation(30108)
    genre = 'Other Categories'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Other Categories"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    # Search
    action = 'search'
    url   = ''
    title = translation(30104)
    genre = 'Search'
    lutil.log('esa.create_index action=["%s"] title=["Search"] url=["%s"]' % (action, url))
    lutil.addDir(action=action, title=title, url=url, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=False)
Esempio n. 12
def main_list(params):
    lutil.log("esa.main_list "+repr(params))

    # Loads the web page from ESA with the video list.
    page_url = params.get("url")
    reset_cache = params.get("reset_cache")
    genre = params.get("genre")

    buffer_web = lutil.carga_web(page_url)
    # Extract video items from the html content
    pattern_currentpage = '<span class="current">([^<]*?)</span>'
    pattern_page_url    = '^%s([^\?]+)'
    pattern_nextpage    = '<span class="next"><a href="([^"]*?)">'
    pattern_prevpage    = '<span class="previous"><a href="([^"]*?)">'
    pattern_last        = '<span class="other"><a href="[^"]*?">([^<]+)</a></span>'
    pattern_videos      = '<div class="psr_item_grid">(.*?)</div>'
    pattern_videolink   = '<a href="([^"]*?)"'
    pattern_thumbnail   = '<img src="([^"]*?)"'
    pattern_title       = '<span class="line2hell">([^<]+)</span>'
    pattern_date        = '<span class="date">([^<]*?)</span>'
    pattern_year        = '([0-9]{4})'

    lutil.set_content_list(pluginhandle, 'tvshows')
    lutil.set_plugin_category(pluginhandle, genre)

    page_current        = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_currentpage) or '1'
    page_url_pref       = lutil.find_first(page_url, pattern_page_url % root_url)

    # We must setup the previous page entry from the second page onwards.
    if page_current != '1':
        prev_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_prevpage)
        lutil.log('esa.main_list Value of current_page_url: "%s"' % page_url)
        prev_page_pref = lutil.find_first(prev_page_url, pattern_page_url % '')
        prev_page_url = page_url.replace(page_url_pref, prev_page_pref)
        reset_cache = "yes"
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title="<< %s (%s)" % (translation(30106), (int(page_current) - 1)), url=prev_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    # This is to force ".." option to go back to main index instead of previous page list.
    updateListing = reset_cache == "yes"

    videolist = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_videos)

    for video_entry in videolist:
        video_info             = {}
        video_link             = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_videolink)
        thumbnail_link         = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_thumbnail)
        title                  = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_title)
        title                  = title.replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&#039;', '´').replace('&amp;', '&')  # Cleanup the title.
        date                   = lutil.find_first(video_entry, pattern_date).strip().replace('&nbsp;', '')
        if date:
            video_info['Year'] = lutil.find_first(date, pattern_year)
            title              = '%s (%s)' % (title, date)
        url                    = '%s%s' % (root_url, video_link)
        thumbnail              = '%s%s' % (root_url, thumbnail_link)
        video_info['Genre']    = genre
        video_info['Plot']     = title # The description only appears when we load the link.
        lutil.log('esa.main_list Videolist: URL: "%s" Title: "%s" Thumbnail: "%s"' % (url, title, thumbnail))

        # Appends a new item to the xbmc item list
        lutil.addLink(action="play_video", title=title, url=url, thumbnail=thumbnail, video_info=video_info, show_fanart=show_fanart)
    # Here we get the next page URL to add it at the end of the current video list page.
    next_page_url = lutil.find_first(buffer_web, pattern_nextpage)
    if next_page_url:
        next_page_pref = lutil.find_first(next_page_url, pattern_page_url % '')
        last_page      = lutil.find_multiple(buffer_web, pattern_last)[-1] or ''
        lutil.log("esa.main_list Value of last_page: %s" % last_page)
        lutil.log('esa.main_list Value of current_page_url: "%s"' % page_url)
        next_page_url = page_url.replace(page_url_pref, next_page_pref)
        lutil.addDir(action="main_list", title=">> %s (%s/%s)" % (translation(30010), int(page_current) + 1, last_page), url=next_page_url, reset_cache=reset_cache, genre=genre)

    lutil.close_dir(pluginhandle, updateListing=updateListing)